PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG_ E EE HL I... ESTABLISHED 60 YEARS TRADING RAW FURS We pay the highest cash prices. We select the finest is nl) ou for aur tacturing Merny 14915110I57- Bro c «.ST KINGSTON ONTARIO ane ang, wef Pe JOHN A = 10 HAVE. SPECIAL CLINIC pment snl HANDS OF LOCALS. | The Provincial Boar Board Will Afford Valuable Assistance to Each of the Clinics Established ~~ Kingston's Y1oeation Is the General Hospital. It is the intention of the Provincial | Board of Health to assist local Boards | of Health to establish spacial clinics {for the treatment of Vemereal dis- | ease. The board feels that the choice of a site for the special clinics in the | various municipalities should be left [to a certain extent in the hands of | the local authorities who understand local conditions. The board would | suggest, however, that where exist- {ing facilities already exist, as in 'the case of hospitals, ete, other things being equal, these facilities should be used. The board will afford the fol- {lowing assistance to each clinic eg | tablished: (1) For the purchase of furnish- ings and apparatus for a special clinic, $1,000. (t is thought that the cost of the apparatus, étc,, will | not exceed this amount.) (2) For each out patient treat- OCCA en so Br tee wen ae | VICTROLA X,, $185 lis Master's Voice Records Golden Gate OPEN FOR ME TWO WONDERFUL RECORDS 18612--310: inch Vocal selection. 216071--10 inch Instrumental. Duet, Hart and Shaw. Hawaiian Guitars. Come in and 'hear them. MAHOOD BROS. 4 THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA daily.) -For each out patient treat- ment for syphilis in addition, frees | salvarsan for all free patients in the clinic--as soon as the Provincial Board of Health has the authority to make it, (This has been promised. by the Dominion Government, and no doubt the authority will arrive within the next month.) (8) In the case of patients treated in hospitzls the sum of 25 per cent. fn addition to the above will be paid to the hospital for each day of in- door treatment up to thrée months, at the end of which time the indoor grant will cease, (4) Standard dard record forms for the use of these special clinics will be printed and supplied by the board. In return for this the board will require that the clinics will be kept up to a certain standard. (1) This special clinic shall be for the treatment of venereal diseases and chancroid. (2) The apparatus and furnish- ings for the clini¢ shall be as fol lows: (See schedule (a.) (3) The personnel of the clinics shall consist of: (a) One specialist in venereal dis- eases who shall be appointed. by the local Board of Health in consulta- tion with the hospital if the clinic is in connection with a hospital, or by the local Board of Health in other cases, (b) Medical assistants as found necessary appointed on the same basis (e) One full time special worker who shall be a graduate nurse. (d) One clerk if the clinic is treat- ing more than forty cases per week. 1@) une male orderly. (f) It possible, one under-gradu- ate nurse to assist in the clinic, (4) Al treatment in the clinic shall be t Real Estate $3500: Rideau Strest; brick; 7 rooms; hot water heating; hardwood floors; electricity. $3750---CGarrett 'Street; brick; 7 rooms; electricity, $4500 -- Collihgwood Street; . brick; 7 rooms; modern. $4800-- Johnson St.; brick: § rooms; hot water heating. $2600--Barrie 8t.; frome; 6 rooms, W, C. ' $4000--King St. B.; brick; 6 rooms each; B. and $3600-~-Albert St. brick, new, 7 rooms; furnace; electricity Bee complete list at office. Money to loan. MCCANN Real Estate and. 86 BROCK ET PHONE 326 OR 621. double The Heathen Chinese "You know boys," remark- ed Professor Wiseman Good- sight, recently to his class, "In China eye glasses are a badge ofl the, student and' the learn- "In Canada," continued the Professor, "they should also show that you boys have brains enough to make sure that your eyes are fit." Take a hint from the heath- " en Chinese afid have your eyes examined by: 1.5. Asselstine, D.0S. Hyesigis Specialist 842. King Street. 1 Phone 1019w; » The Busy Optical H: (5) At Teast: one night and two day its shall be held per week. (8) Separate hours shall be set ia aside for men and women In. the elinie; also, if possible, separate fours for the treatment of genorr- hoea and syphilis. {7) Special reports will be requir- ed by the provincial board, and will be rendered through the local Board of Health on forms supplied by the provincial board. It is thought that these reports should be rendered weekly. 8) The linde, _melnding its re- cords, apparatus, etc., shall be at all times. open to Inspection by ax in- spector of the Provincial Board: ot Health, whose duty it shall be. to see that the clinic is at all times behix kept up to the standard. (3) A system of treatment for both Genorrhoea and syphilis satis- factory to this inspector shall be on at the clinle. (10) The municipality will be ex- pected to advance an amount for up- keep of the clinic or clinics which shall be approximately equal to the amount advanced by the Provincial Board of Health. (11) The . social service nurse shall follow up outside the clinfe to ses that no treatments are being missed, and also to see that any dont possible contacts are examined. at Oe end of each month, and Ww 1 | be paid on the board's rn Temi (13) The board reserves the right to modify these rules if such should in. the Saterest of the clinic be deem- Roy MecClenah accom McCullough, will likely be in charge here. A quiet but pretty wedding - was solemnized on Monday, Feb. 16th, which include syphilis, genorrhoea |. Accounts should be ren d [py Married on Monday. : (NGIDENTS OF THE DAY Auley's, or "phone 664w. he body of the late Robert Con- boy was sent to Qpo Station by James Reid, undertaker, today. Daly's good Tea and Daly's dell cious Coffee, superior to "best" of other brands. At Mahood's. Mrs. Walter Waldron, whose heme is in Thurlow township, passed away Monday at Kingston Hospital, where she had been for some time. Now is the time . bave piano tuned, We carry two tuners and will assure . taction, C: W. Lindsay. Limited. The Veterans' Clothing Co's. stores at Brockville and Belleville are to be closed. The Kingston store will be continued under the manage- ment of the Charles Hicks, A number of Princess street mer- chants feared serious results from the heavy fall of snow on the roofs of their gtores, and had the snow re- moved on Wednesday morning. We will rent yod a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase , and arrange easy' terms on bal- ee C .W. Lindsay. Prevost, Brock street, has received all his spring and summer goods for his order clothing department; also in ready-made clothing and gents' furnishings department there is s big y to choose from, Kenneth Vincent O'Connor, aged one year and two months, youngest son of Mr, and Mrs. T. J. O'Connor, passed away at the family residence, 372 Alfred street Tuesday after an {Hness 8f ohe week from pneumonia and the home greatly saddened thereby. The funeral will take place on Thursday morning. The G.T.R. train, passing King- ston at 10 a.m. on Tuesday jumped the ralls~in the afternoon near Col- borne. The entire train left the rails and with the exception of the loco- motive remained upright. The leco- motive rests partially in a ditch. None of the passengers or crew were injured. LIGHTED CIGARETTE. . STARTED A FIRE Jug of Water Extinguished Blaze and Saved t City Hall: While in the corridor, leading to the city hall, on Tuesday night, some person carelessly dropped a lighted cigarette. It lodged in the flooring, end a small blaze started, which was extinguished by a jug of water, but the case is ome which goes to show how careful people should be with lighted cigarettes. In order to pre- vent a serious fire, action should be taken to prohibit smoking in public places. A dance was being held in the city hall, and had the fire gained headway It might have been very serious. DOCKET FOR SPRING ASSIZES A Number of Cases to Come Before Hon. Mr, Justice Logie, A number of cases /will come be- fore Justice Logie, who will preside '| at the sittings of the Supreme Court. of Ontario hers on February 24th, "The criminal 'calendar contains the case of a young man named Gal- jagher, charged with indecent as- ult. -- jury docket includes the fol- lowing: James G: Forrester vs. Vicey Egan damages for slander. , Truman Potter, vs, Thomas- Ang- lin, claim for $10,000 damages, for the death of John Potter, in defend- ant's cheese factory. Hannah E. Foden and James Fo- den, vs. Sarah Emma Thompson, claim for $5,000 damages for injury to plaintiff. argaret ' Grinham, vs. Thomas O'Connor for $2,000 damages for in- Juries to plaintift by negligent driv- ing of defendant. Reh Elliott, vs. the Grand Trunk Railway Company for damages for | injuries to plaintiff at Concession Beat mailway crossing. J, Place, vs. The City of Kingston for injuries g Tocorved while employed at the incinerator. Nettie Reynolds vs. Fred Rey nolds a claim for alimeny. For Doin, Grip or Influenza and as. & preven take LAXA- TIVE 5 BROMO QUININE . Tablets. Stns Local Notes and Items of General | Interest. 5 W. Swaine, piano tuner, orders at | To or of Good Music Hear the following big hits as play ed by the Strand and Grand Then tre Orch estras:-- E atches, Bye-lo, Hawaiian Moonlight, Dreamy Amazon, Pp .Y. wy Bella of St. Mary'. Cisse "TONIGHT and WEDNESDAY Latest Magazines received Designer, Good Housekeeping, Family Journal, Woman's Home Companion, Motor, Hearst's, Macleans, Physical Culture, Harper's Bazaar, Everybodys, Fashionable Dress, Popular Science, World's Work, Peoples, The College Book Store Telephone 919 Open Evenings hn EEE RRNA RANA RNA R ARRAS RAR 35 YEARS experience in the handling of Linoleums, Oilcloths, Rugs, Carpets and Dr: series, gives us a big advantage over the ordinary dealer. We have the largest range and lowest prices in Eastern Ontario, Newman & Shaw | "The Always Busy Store" FIVE PRISONERS GO TO "PEN" ON STREET OAR Foreigners "Were Brought Down From Cochrane to "Two officers arrived Owing King street west wag badly with snow, and the officers 'that the hest way to get to ¢ thntiuey would be eee ere . NELSON STREET--Doubls frame, § rooms; improvesen good yards and gateway--$8750, ro EARL STREET---Double frame, § rooms; improvements; good ! yards; gateway; barns; centrsl--8$3500. . ' > frame, § rooms; improvements; good state Central, "$1500. in FOR REND --dtarch 1s, lat, Hack Bev E. W. MULLIN & SON BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BROKERS. Serve Short Terms. in the city 'to the heavy snow upon: blocked Phones 530w and 530}. Protect You Health ATOMIZER Spray hood ind iret daily. Our strck is . complete, at best prices possible. Mahood's Drug Store