3 QUEEN'S STURENTS We have just réceived a special 'order of Swiss Silk Neckwear, - woven ix the Unkersity colors Collier's Toggery The [4 3 * YEAR 87; No, 45. 10 ESTABLISH - BRIGADE HERE Defi Setted WI Regard to the : Mace Gus al ANAT A HIGH STANDARD 1 rox OF RECRUTES |: Uy Hrs) Why =| = " : >" x Collier's Toggery - : KINGSTON, ONTARIO, Si FEBRUARY 11, 1926. MORE LIKE THE CONGO HO AX MONSTER THAN WAS BRONTOSAURUS, THE HORNED : ; DINOSAUR- ? LANT EDYTION 37.30 OF OBJECTIVE - HAS BEEN RAISED s------arn A pit The call of Catisda's Protest: ant churches for @ spiritual re- vival and its matéfial expression in the raising of a $12,000,000 expansion fund is meeting with & splendid response. At the end of the second day in the five-day canvass thie Baptists reported having raised 73.09 per cent. of their objective, the Congrega- tionalists '41.81, the Methodists 61.53, the Presbytcrians 28.70, 'making the totals for Ontario. alotie. $1,076,674 for the day, 'and $2,427,961 for the Lwo days, with a percentage of 37.30 of tiie total provincial objective, In Kingston Presbytery the receipts are $15,600 from seven churches, "Picton gummed its ob- jective of $1,800 in the first day; Madoe, aiming at an equal amount, obtained $2,600, and Napanee had exceeded its ob- DANISH VICTORY iN A PLEBISCITE "Sere ILLES DEMAND = As --AnR overwhelming victory for, The Rectionaries, Junkers Stand Determined 3 the Danes in this zone of the N province of Schleswig the future 5 - . NN T status of which fis to pe deter mined by a plebiscite, is indicat- THAT LLOYD GEORGE MUST NOT SHOW WEAKNESS. ed by incomplete returns re- coived here. Country districts showed large majorities for Den- mark, while the vote in the towns showed larger figures . than Danish estimate. Donder, Apenrade and Senderverg," however, have been carried by the Germans, " ---- 3 A Heavy Responsibility Rests Upom the British Premier--The Peace Treaty Must be Enforced. : Paris, 'Feb, 11.--The Temps says that a heavy responsibility rests up= on Premier Lloyd George for having taken an attitude that may make it more difficult to crush Prussian mil. tarism; This journal says -thet ------ - | THE WORLD'S TIDINGS Germany is now rallying. around the old Junkers, and that instead of pro- IN GUNDENSEL FORM Tidings From All Over Told moting the success of the democratis regime in Germany, the premier's In a Pointed and Pithy course tends to weaken it in lending Way. Montreal council has endorsed day hope to the reactionaries actually on | the Mst of accused or else their | friends and supparters. , 'The Alles ought avoid any- thing that could be terpreted as weakening," says the Temps. "They ought to guard against anything that encourages the return to power of Prussian militariam. We hope My... IN THE SELECTION OF FOR CORPS... The Unit is Quartered at Barrietield-r~ Barracks--Machine Gun Work is - Very Interesting, > It is learned from district head- | quarters that militia headquarters ! have decided to prgatize a perman-| ent machine gun unit to be known as | the Canadian Permanent Machine | Gun Brigade. Authority has been{ jective of $1,400 by $1,800. granted for recruiting to proceed, and it has been decided that headquarters | WAR CRIMINALS' TRIALS i of the brigade shall be at Kingston. | | The importance of machine guns | SOLVED BY NEUTRALS | was demonstrated during : the iate| yO | This restored model in pla ster of the skeltoh or a three- horned" dinosaur, Triceratops, 'e was that | Scandinavi rl ] pat 0 3 \ So We DE a 0 eitectiva as that a Auras and {was made from bones found in the Laramie ioPmation of th e Cretaceous strata in Wyom- time in organising them asa branch | Invitation of Holland ting, U.S.A. The original is in the National Museum at Wash ington. The total length is 19 . t. 8.n.; length of skull, 6 f., and height at loins, 8 ft. 2 in.--By courtesy of the Ameri- of their own, On the outbreak of | fi can Museum of Natural History , New York. Goi \ light saving, Esthonia is expected to ratify the Peace Treaty Sov se ¥ with Soviet Russia this Sir Thomas Wh up for a week wi now improving. he AREY has added 50c a ton to rice of coal now bein, from the United States, § ported The Council of Ambassadors has refused the request of Germany and ! Austria to use air planes. Hon. C. C. Ballantyne, minister of marine, fisheries and naval service Was taken seriously ill on Sunday. : Ontario will*have a plebiscite over the present liquor situation it Pre- mier Drury and his p ite has been laid th influenza. He is war the establishment was two ma- | Parts, Feb. 11.--The three Sean- | chine guns to a battalion of infantry, | dinavian nations have accepted the | a each battalion organizing and trait- | invitation of Holland to a conference | ing its own machine gun section. at The Hague on Feb. 16th, to discuss | 'When the part to be played by ma- | participation in the permanent court | + © chine guns was fully realized the | of international justice provided for | numbers were incroased by leaps and Ja- by Article 14 of the League of N | ' bounds until the Canadian Corps had & two motor machine gun brigades of | forty guns each and four battalions mn WILLIE OFFERS HIMSELF. In Place of the Hundreds of Germans Remanded. (Canadian Press Despatch) Amsterdam, eb. 10.-- Former 3 v "and that it will be worthy of main- ~ _ extensive éxperience with machine | "rasilian * modation and the latest conveniences. A with ninety-six guns~ each, in addi- tion to the guns which were in possession of every infantry battalion. This fact alone is sufficient to im- | machine | press the importance of guns. ; The Canadian Permfnent Machine Gun Brigade offers exceptional op- ing enlistment into the force. permanent able, and such. as would appeal gtrongly to young men who take a genuine interest in their work, and are anxious to learn dnd progress in fnew spheres. tion of small faults There will then be with 1de interest. raction tw connection siting In this direction ' will pleasant and interesting. The riportion of the unit's sala 8. be carried on out: RW hn i+ good health, - The Officers Chosen. * A vety happy. selection has been wade of officers, --Lieut.-Colonel E.| W. Sanson has heen appointed oftiger | commanding the brigade, and Major | f. C. Britton, D.S.O, is 0.C. No, 1} gompany. Both these officers fad guns during the late war, aud both eminently qualified to ad ter and frain this new unit. In thie selection of recruits p: ence will be given to those men «. have seen service with a machine gun unit during the war. It is learned | from district headquarters that great care will be taken to ensure that the . personnel of the unit is of a high standard both physically and moral-| ly, and it is the wish of every officer connected in any way with its organi- gation that the unit will be a credit to itself and to the City of Kingston, taining the traditions of the machine gun units that did such magnificent work in France, The unit is quartered in Barrie: field barracks, and is comfortable in the enjoyment of up-to-date accom- EXPORT ONLY HOPE OF .- IMPROVING EXCHANGE futlon, Passed by: Confers ence of British Manufac- .furers and Producers. A ess Despatoh) London, Feb. 1 A conference of manufacturers and producers, sum- moned by the-Federation of British _ Industries to-day, passed a resolution declaring that an improvement in the pound sterling abroad could only be assisted by the expansion of trade. The resolution sald that manufactur- ers should set aside some proportion of their outp or export purposes, 3 ABSENCE OF THE vs. 'Mars the Symmetry of League of Nations. {Canadian Press Despatch) . Paris, February 11. ~~ The Couns 'eil of the League of Nations formally opened its meeting here at noon today. Arthur J. Bal- four, reprosenting Great Britain, as- sumed the chair and in ® speech of wekome said there was one bldt in hat there were only eight nations re- 'presented instead of nine. He said it +wis not desirable to touch .om the' -absente of the United States, but eferred to It as marring the sym- metry of the original plan of the les~ gue. a 2 1 Canadian Presy Despaten) York, Feb. A ana WAS no change in the = exchange --situstion here to-day. Sterijug demard' was steady at $3.34 to $2.36%. The dis- Johut vote ad Canadian ongy was { anmounced The work is most interesting | and the instruction received Jnvalu- | For the mechanically | niciined there will be instruction in| iia mechanism of the gun; the cor-| always met | i, and a hundred little tacks that | the | 2 ition of the gun in action ~and | 3 be | N, A. Pulp ... . in Norwegian officiel circles. Switzerland, under present ference. 'The Temps says that the proposed ourt apparently is Intended to try offenders against the law of war and | believes it would furnish a basis for : | solution of the problem arising from portunities to young men contemplat- the allied demand for the extradition of Germans accused of war guilt. STOCK MARKETS. Quotations Furnishd' by Bongard, Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot Street, New York Stocks. Opening, Closing. Atchison .. 78 763% B&O ........ 29% 2814 BRR. ... av. .. 118 116% Erie ... 18% a Marine ... ... -29 28% 'Marine, pd. ... 79 XC Lissa aes 858% Sling, TIT Southern Pac. ... , 90% Unfon Pacific ... ,. 113% ~ Am. : Loc. 87 Anaconda ... 65% Bethlehem, Steel 87% Int. Nickel 20% ilep. Steel . .. 102 U.S. Steel ... 87 Canadian 'Stocks, 41 68 8144 96 298. 70% 79 6% "oe "* san oma "an n, Coment ... n. Steamship an, Loeo. ... 'ons. Smeltérs Dom. Steel ... Steel of Canada . ha . ---- WATERWAYS COMMISSION W---- Meeting in New York Regarding the St. Lawrence, (Canadian Press Despatch) New York, Feb. 11.--The interna- tional joint commission on water- ways meet here to-day to take up the proposed plan of making the lower St. Lawrence between Montreal and Lake Ontario, navigable to - draught ocean steamers as its more important business. Various other matters wil be considered before the major project is discussel. Rou- tine consumed most of this morning's meeting, .it was announced. C. A: Magrath, Ottawa, and Sir William Hearst were among the Canadian re- presentatives, ~ DONATIONS PILING IN. The Methodists Lond With the Pres- ta Torinus Second. dian Press 1D toh Toronto, Feb, 11 Reports: Reports from Anglican headquarters in connection | with the Forward Movement to-day indicate that $561,000 had been sub- scribed in fourteen out of twenty- five dominion dioceses. . Fifty thou- and was subscribed in Toronto dio- cese, headquarters show a total of over two million dollars, while Presby- terian congregations have subscrib- ed $916,328, out of this. Ontario gnd Juctes being responsible tor $540,- mn Se 's Delegation ru ACsnadiaz Press Despateh), . Pdrls, Feb. 11---Hungary's _peace delegation, headed by Count Ap- ponyi, arrived here this morning, A large volume: containing the delega~ tion's observations on the Hungar- ian peade treaty will be presented to the secretarist of the peace confer ence Dy Count. Appessi tomorrow morning. Ely Sn . ward Can 2 Evens Usipaisng Tendon, ™ CHIR ts of the army neral ne, former antl-Bolshovik "leader in Southern. Russia, are retreating southward, ac- cording to a wireless despatch from Moscow to-day. ~Denikine has pro- footed to Yalta in Crimea, the de Doubt wiicther Sir Robert Borden : 'raised by ches from Lomdoa, which indi- That his health is yet far from Reports until ndon to Methodist tions covenant, the Christiana cor- | | respondent of the Temps says it is | 1 4 5 | plans, also will take part in the con- i n Reply: to the Speech From the Throne | in British Commons. NO PROPOSAL IN SPEECH REGARDING THE NATIONALIZA- TION OF COAL MINES. Ex-Premier Asquith Makes Reference to the Conditions {n Russia--Gives Lloyd. George Crédit for his Ef. forts. (Canadian Press Despatch.) London, Feb. 11.--William Brace, organization federation, speaking in the House of Commons on behalf of labor. today, moved an amendment in reply to the speech from the Throne expressing regret for the ab- sence of any proposal to nationalize the coal mines of .the country-along the lines recommended by the ma- jority of the members'of the Royal Commission on tha coal industry, which was appoint.d-to advise the government as to methods of re-or- ganizing the industry. ; Calls - Speech Colorless, (Canadian Press Despatch) London, Feb, 11. --Ex-Premier As- quith last night declared tHe King's speech a colorless document, but se- lected one topic for remark that nor- mal conditions should be restored to Russia. © He admitted the premier had always been opposed to inter- vention and disposed to welcome ef- forts for a settlement, bu overborne by some 'adventurous and reactionary colleagues. The govern- ment's Russian policy, he said, had only strengthened tho power of the Soviets, and if continued would lead to the establishment in Russia of a military regime, as after the French | fevolution. . -------------- Auto Rides to Chubch, London, Feb. 11.-----Alarmed at the Steady shrinking qf the congregation, the pastor of the church at Claver. ton has announcéd that hereafier mombers of the parish will be given church. 3 \ "More than half a million people will starve or freeze to death in the Near East this winter," is the word brought from that stricken land by' Leslie H. Robinson, who as a soldier in France saw many horrible sights, but nothing, he says, to compare with those on view all over Armenia. from the stricken land, a land where tens of thousands are barely hanging on to the last spark of life, withcut homes, clinging to the Near Bast Re- lief as their last desperate hope of survival. Whatever has been told of aggerated. 'On 'the has been understated rather than ex- high plains, where ars | Harpodt, Sivas and Trebizond," says Mr. Robinson, "there is nothing but A bit of gunny sacking, maybe rein- forced with a few rags, for the body, no shoes, no stockings, no gloves-- no wonder they die! Their emaciat- ed bodies haev no power to resist the stead yawful cold . el | "Houses? "No. . Ruins? Plenty of them, but roofless, window- president of the South Wales miners' |. t had been] £100,000,000. free auto rides to and from the" AID TO THE ARMENIANS Mr. Robinson has "just returned |. food, without clothing, - without| terrible conditions there, he declares, ,. almost Arctic bleakness. It is bitter| Yeu. | Yes less fragments of walls cannot keep | Crown Prince Frederick William, of Germany has offered to give himself up to tne Allies in place of the hun- dreds of Germans demanded for ex- tradition on the list recently sub- mitted to Berlin, actording to a tele- gram purporting to have come from him, published in the Handelsblad of this city. : SENATOR &£. L GIRROIR OF ANTIGONISH, N.B. Who has just been admitted as a bar- rister 'of Ontario. Millionaires Living in Mud Huts. London, Feb. 11.--Egypt is "burst- ing with wealth" accumulated from cotton, says a correspondent of the Daily Expreds in 'Cairo. Illiterate natives living in mud hnts have made £20,000 sterling out of cotton deals," he continues; 'some have mad¥ £100,000, They are buying land at inflated prices, and pa¥ing off mort- gages which were regarded as family heirlooms. One British official says that the country. has made at least Nafirally there is an influx of new millionaires in Cairo, with a huge deménd for aptomobiles, jewelry, mew houses snd all kinds of luxuries, but in the provinces many of the newly rich have mot changed their standard of living at all. Preparations are now being made for the General Assembly of the Presbyteridn ° church of Canada, which meets in Ottawa June 2nd to 14th. The meetings will be held in Chalmers' Presbyterian church. A Brooklyn undertaker and four other men have been arrpsted for mixing and selling wood alcohol for whiskey. : floors are not conducive to warmth. except in the rare cases where a ruin? ed house may still furnish a few scraps." : Previously acknowl - edged vo. 4... +...31428.78 Queen Street Methoaist Sunday School .., ... Sydenham Street Meth- - odist Church (addi- tional) «su vein . George Rattray .. .. .. A. B. Cogswell, Norfolk Ya. Ai 150.00" 39.50 S 10.00 ond Friends ... ... . G.'A. Bateman ... . dut the deadly oold, and the dirt} 18 4 Toregone conclusion. | settsas 5 rede To the Gal For Subseipions fo the Forward Movement. FOUR OVER THE OBJECTIVE BT. GEORGE'S HAS ALREADY RAISED OVER $10,000. St. James, St. Paul's, First Baptist Over Subscribe Their Portion--St. Mark's, Barriefield, Also "Over the Top." Kingston churches are responding { well to the call for subscriptions te the Forward Movement. The city's objective 'is about $80,000, and in iwo days more than one-half of this has been 'subseribed. That the churches will all "go over the top' a Three of the Anglican ohurches 'have over-subscribed their objective, and are still. going stmng. St. George's Cathedral's objective was "$9,000, and its people have A.rcaudy given oyer $10,000. St. James' was as. ed for $5,000,.and on Tuesday night it had raised\§$6,400. St. Panl's objective was $2,000, and R. PF. Elliott reports that the sum of $2.- 600 had been written by Canon Fits: Gerald's congregation, and -all had not been called upon. St. Luke's has raised one-half of its 'objective, and the remainder is in sight. The Preshyterian churches have not all reported. They are calied up- on for $30,000, the highest objective of any local denomination. - Cooke's has raised one-third ol its objective. The First Baptist church has also gone "over the top." Its objective was $3,000, and $3,450 is reporied to date. St. Mark's Anglican church, Barrie- field, raised its objective of $1,000 on 'Tuesday! Doan Starr states that only one- third of St. George's Cathedral people had yet been called upon. On Tuesd night J. M. Hughes, finaneial organizer for the Kingston Methodist "district, reported that so far $11,000 had been reported in the Kingston distriet. The objective is $41,000. Of that . sum Sydenham street Methodist his reported $5,185; Princess street Methodist, $762.25; Gananoque reports a little over $5,- 000. «i LCanvassers report that the people of 'moderuts means are the ones who are giving best. There is no fuel, no coal, no wood, Ottawa, Feb. 11.---There is a re- vival of the report that Dr. Martin J. Griffin and Dr. A. D. Decellps joint Hbrarians of parliament, will retire ". | on superannuation 'at the end of the fiscal . Hon. Albert ex-miniSter of inland rev- There was ago to the et- 'Burrell would and 2 RESPOND WELL ® party will grant Copious rains have relieved the serious drought which has been pre- valent over .wide districts of South " Africa. The German Crown Prince, is of- fering to surrender himself in place of the other war criminals demanded by the Allies. Owing to lack of rooms in Berlin the Railway Administration has put =a the disposal of visitors sleeping- cars. containing. 320 beds. Flu is increasing very rapidly all over the 'state' of New York. The number of deaths from pneumonia on Tuesday was almost ddubled: sentatives of the Union Railroad Employees failed to come to an ag- reement at Washington on Tuesday. Newsy Lalonde, captain of the Ua- nadiens, has been engaged to coach the Laval Club in its endeavor to win the Montreal Hockey League championship, : Cambridge street Methodist church, Lindsay, has siready raised $12,000 with an objective of $7,900. It is expected that their objective Will bo dogbled. Gi A 'man named Dumonceat was condemned death by court-mar- tial in Brussels for having delivered to the Germans a member of the British Intelligence Service. The Finnish state council decided to create a 500-metre 'no man's land" between Russia and Finland in order to suppress smuggling and minimize the risk of pestilential con- taglon, k in consequence of the exceptional ice conditions in the Gulf of Fin- . land an air post has been éstablished between Reval on the south shores of the Gulf and Helsingfors on the northern shores. Sadi Lecointe, the famous French racing airman, has made yet anoth- er world's speed record. Flying at Villacoublay he attained a speed of 170% miles an hour. He hopes in the near future to attain a speed of 185 miles an hour: Turkish papers in Cgnstantinople, say the Government, appear to have decided upon steps to prevent those Deputies from taking their seats in the Chamber who are in any way re- sponsible for massacres, deportations or profiteering. 5 ' The price of potatdes in Montreal is. higher than it has ever been be- fore. ' The farmer are receiving about $2 per bushel and the -whole- sale price is from $3.50 to $3.76 per $0-1b bag, with a generally prevail- ing retall price of $5. : ial ioRe are to be opened be- tween the North Russia Archangel Government' and Karella, The ares under the provisional Karelian Gov- ronment continues to expand, spread- ing to the nerthern parts of Ololets, which adjoins the Murman region. 7 WANTS PROOF - - OF GUILTY INTENT Tells Winnipeg Strike Leaders "Need Worry," If No Intent In Minds. Winnipeg, Feb. 11.---"Ir if cari be proved thet you did ribt have guilty intent, I don't think -any of you will JUDGE go to The question of the Hability of a 'person to be convicted of seditious because of a mere tachni- cal mistake having 'ropped up at the of the seven st-ike leaders Jus- Metcalfe mad® the above state-. "Wb don't send men to jail unless there is gullt in their minds, if we know it," decia kis lordship. "The jury has to find gibity intent. If it can be proved that your intent 'was do mischief, then you won't go telling the accused that if fity infent they need o one of the jurors pom- ied at a lt re, : : tude of Director General Hines and repre- | 'tot lordship followed up this state. | Lloyd George has a full conception of the responsibility which rests upon him as president of the supreme couneil, which is about to meet in . London. It he follows a policy from which the German reactionaries can draw the conclusion that they have divided the Allies, he will certainly not be working for the consolidation of the democratic regime in Nor for international good-will. The breseut hour is decisivh. We will de- mand an acco unting later of those | Who permit the Germans to gather | impudently around Ludendoree," La Liberte publishes an mpassion. ied editorial on "The Museum ' of | Horrors of Kultur." It says : "Millions of men have died that a little' more Justice reign on earth. We swore in' their name that we would make of 'the Garman war erim- nals such an example that never again would the leader of a people renew the gesture of William Hohen- zollern. Yes, we swore it. We owed it to the victims. When they fell under the blows of the torturers who laughed because they thought they . Ia France!" 'Vive I"Augleterre!' And these cries meant: 'France, a me! I court upon you'* They meant: 'England, I am a citizen of a mighty nation and they torture me! Avenge me!' When they died they dreamed of justice. The guilty must be pun: forevor." La Liberte expresses regret that the United States did not Join in the demand for the apostles of kultur and proposes means to get from neu~ tral countries the accused men who have fled from Germany-----Luden- orf? for example, who has gone to Switzoriand, ; "In view of all the difficulties eon- fronting us," says La Liberte, "$t is very regrettable that the Allies do not appear to be united on this ques- tion. The treaty must .be enforced. Article 228 is part of the treaty. It must be enforced, or penalties must be inflicted." : th SE -------------------------------- BATTLE IN MOUNTAINS. Feudists, All Relatives, Fought Gory Morganton, N.O,, . 11,--In a 'mountain feudist battle, in which axes, knives and guns, one MAD Was killed, another 'wounded, and three others so badly injured they could not be taken to jail. Reports of the fight reaching here 'to-day sald that the men clashed in a pitched battle Sunday night on the south montains of Burke county, s a result of a disagreement over di: sion of lands. Lenoir Mull was of wit "ad Ta. exported %o an axe 1 die, and Alfred Mull, hoe i pid and Frank Brittain were beaten with butts of guns and cut with knives and axes, 'Balfour to Act Provisionally, London, Feb. 11.--At the request Lloyd George, Arthur J. Bal- four, lord president of the council and formerly secretary for foreign affairs, has consented to act pro- visionally as British representative on the executive council of the League of Nations, . Si news IN BULLETIN. 1 Premier Lloyd George announces that the British bave evacuated Ha- tum, Turkey, a 0 Parl will be 'msked to. vole $20,000,086 for the completion of ships now in course of comsiruction A new mote has besn sent to Hel land' with reference to the exiradls 3 tion of the ex-Kaiser. At Bangor, Maine, a United States marshall seized 1,32% quarts of Can -- + {shed, alse' the idea of justice dies seven participants, all relatives, used <