TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1920. LS - Valentine Greeting Cards SEE OUR "SPECIALS" for LEAP YEAR "Mothers," Wives and' Children--a charming variety of designs and clever sentiments for one and all, at-- Uglow's 141 PRINCESS STREET; "Sweétheart," ' A 9 UR promise is that your eyes must be satisfled with the glass- 'e8 we prescribe and manufac- ture for you. We will relieve your eye strain' We will prescribe lenses that will correct your defective vis- fon. They will be so mounted that you get the full benefit of the remed- ial lenses. Ours is a perfect eyeglass service. "-. J.J. "The House of Better Glasses" Opposite the Post Office Phone 699. ! KINGSTON. D'S PHOSPHODINE. The Great English Preparation. Tones and in. igorates the whole nervous system, makes new Blood in old Veins, Used for Nervous N : W Debility, Mental and Brain Nols Despondency, loss of Energy . Palpitation 0, the Heart, Pith Memory. Price $) per box, six for $5. Seld by all druggists, or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New pamphlet mailed Jree. THE WOOD CO. TORONTO,ONT, Fa TT ---------- ET rm - HHI NOX A COLD TABLETS Sold at Best's Drug Store, THIN ~ MODEL WATCHES We have ome particular style of thin model man's watches, which is strong, dur- able and an excellent time- keeper, The: movement is fifteen jewel, with brequet hairspring and compensating balance, fit- ted in splendid quality gold filled, dust proof case. Price $20.00. ~ Fully guaranteed. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELFRS 100 PLLIICKNS ST. ; OL YOUR OLD TIRES Give Double Mileage if They Are REBUILT ~ By Our Latest Process 10 p.c. DISCOUNT FOR 10 DAYS ONLY ON ALL REBUILT TIRES TIRE AND TUBE REPAIRS. DON'T WAIT TILL SPRING. ~~. DOITNOW Tomorrow May Be Too Late You Can SAVE MONEY Today --~------ > » LAND FOR SALE, Olden Township, 204 acres, min- eran] rights reserved. Pimber lot, chiefly hardwood, valuable. C. Si KIRKPATRICK, 36 Clarence St, Kingston. A . 0 The House of Good Tire Repairs £ 7 Allan M, Reid, SPECIAL _ Chil's/Brown Celt Button Boots © Nimes 8 t0 10%. ' _ Misses' Highcut, Gua Metal Cilf and Viel Kid © sizes 11 to 2. KONE a asa sisnds sane wasesrunsimmanon denen extension soles; Bala; AA ERATE _, | free of charge. Tr GAS OIL PRICES RAISED! | JUST AS UTILITIES COMMISSION REDUCED GAS RATE. | Must Oarefully Nurse the Depart. | "ment--A Minimum Gas Rate Like. | ly to be Fixed. | | General Manager Folger informed i { the Public Utilities Commission on | Monday afternoon that the gas d { partment would require careful | nursing this year on its reduced rate | | of $1.35 a thousand cubic feet. Since { the commission made a ten per cent. reduction at the close of last year, gas oll 'has risen over twenty per cent. in price,'in fact it is imposible fo get a company to take a contract for the supply of ofl at a stated figure. The Imperial Oil Company | {offered to supply the commission {with ofl for a year at market prices dnd this offer was accepted. : In order to out out unnécessary gas | expenditures, Manager Folger is i fifty cents a month and fifty cents j for installing or removing a. meter | be charged. The commission will deal | with this matter at its next meeting. { The City Council will be informed | that furthey water hydrants "will | henceforth (July be installed upon its guaranteeinf; to pay the cost of the hydrant 'and installation. "~The ¢om- | missicn has decided once and for all that * will install né more hydrants | ! It takes the ground {that it kas no more right to install | |a free hydrant for oné customer any | more than for another, and the city | | corporation it regards as merely a | '| customer. | W. J. Crothers addressed fhe com- {mission and | factory had risen from $30 to $75 {& quarter, and he stated that no busi- | ness extension had taken place, The 'commission decided to have a gov- | ernment test 'of the meter made, and {if it was found incorrect to make a | settlement. | On the recommendation -of City | Solicitor Whiting, the comission de- cided to take no adflon on the claim of Mrs. McCluskey, for damages sus- | { talned by her son who, while at play, {fell into an open drain, at the noon { hour, The commission was asked to pay tife doctor's bill of $25. In atendance were R. F. Elliott CONSTIPATION or COSTIVENESS \ ; Constipation, although genérally | described as a disease, can never ex- | {ist unless some of the organs are| i deranged, which is generally found | | to Me the liver. |. There is nothing more productive | {of general ill health than constipa- | tion of the bowels, and a regular ac- tion is absolutely essential to general health. One of the most common, painful and troublesome caused by constipation is piles. and unless the bowels-are kept open by {the use of a good laxative such as | Miiburn's Laxa-Liver Pills the whole system will be poisoned and many different complications of diseases arise, so if you would be well, kee your bowels regular. . Mr. A. Roder, Hastings St. ®.. Van- couver; B.C., writes:--'I desire to ex- press my thanks for what Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pilld have done for me. I had been suffering from constipa- tion for two years, and also had a bad cough and headaches. I tried all sorts of cures and remedies, but got no relief until I was advised to try your pills. I got great relief after 'he first few doses." : * Get Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills when you ask for them or send 2he. and they will be sent by return of mail by The T. Milburn Co., Linit- ed, Toronto, Ont. Just Apply This Paste and the Hairs Vanish (Helps to Beauty) , A safe, reliable home-treatment for the quick removal of superfluous hairs from your face or neck is as follows: Mix a stiff paste with some water and powdered delatone, apply to objectionable hairs and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and the hairs are gone. This simple treat- ment is unfailing and no pain or in- convenience attends its use, but to avoid disappointment be certain you get genuine delatone. ° 3 | ority for women 10 preach or teach in, | public. reader thinks they | | recomending that a minimum rate of | id | honors the preaching and teaching of complained that the | quarterly water rate for his biscuit | troubles (chairman), T. J. Rigney, Thomas Hewitt and Mayor Nickle. ETAST THE EDO Should thé Women Preach ? Cole Lake, Ont., Feb. 5.-- (To the Editor) : You asked the views held by readers as to the scriptural auth- Your should' not. 1 used to think the, same. True, in I, Corinthians, chap- ter XIV., verse 34, it sounds that way, takihg the 'one verse alone. Dut that was their law, and even our Saviour taught us to obey the law, but 1 think St. Paul himself held a different view, for notice his three' questions in verse 3% ; 1.--'"What? 2. Came the word of God out from you ? 3.--Or came it unto you only?" Also in verse 39: "Forbid not to speak with: tongues" Also read St. Luke, capter II, verses 86, 47 and 38 : "The Prophetess Anna departed pot out from the temple, but served God with fastings and prayers, night day, and gave thanks and spoke of Him to all that came in." Also Acts, chapter XVIIL, verse 20: "Aquilla and Priscilla expounded to him the. way of God." Romana, rhap- | ter XVI., verses 1, 2 and 3.: "Phebe, deaconess, and Priscilla who is St. aul's helper." 1st Samuel, first and second chapters; abomt Hannah's prayers in the house of Ged, and many othér passages. But my main reason for my bellef is that God women, as shown by the harvest of souls saved. Where would our Sun- day schools be if the lady teachers were left out ? Agaif, look at the souls won by the Salvation Army ladies and by other churches that al- low women to preach. In I; Tiniothy, chapter two, vou will find the rules | in verse nine broken a million times to once in verse twelve, aud few peo- | ple seem to notice it or try to keep | those rules. I am'a Metholist 'in | religion, perhaps a little oid- |.fashioned, but I would be-yer~ inter- ested in hearing the views of readers, | with a view to studying God's wiil, | and not for argument. -+~MRS. C. E. LEE. 1 | BATTALION FUNDS HELD BY TRUSTEES { Perth Correspondent Says These Trustees Have Full Power Over the Money. The Perth corresponent of the Almonte Gazette writes as follows re- | garding the question recently as to | the canteen funds of the 130th Bat- | talion : % "It appears that this canteen fund | is not a canteem fund at all but is money received from private and municipal sources. BO (sth: Xo 1 = Ladies' Patent Button Boots Odds and ends of lines; odd sizes, etc., Women's Patent Button Boots; mostly size 3 and 4, but have a few of nearly-all sizes; for a quick, clear out, we "The 130th Battalion has to its credit something over $3,000 in this fund, and when the. battalion. weat ; overseas the Imperial Government took a hand in it and all'the money from all such sources, was returned to Canada, and placed in banks on trust, three trustees having been ap- pointed. in eath case, "The trustees for the 130th fund | are Messrs. J. A. Stewart, M.P., | Judge J. H. tt, County Judge of Lanark Co. and Mr. P. J. C. Mac- Donnell, manager of the "Bank of | Montreal, | "We understand that this money is to be used in assisting the widows 'and orphans of members of the bat- | talion,. but at present the money is on deposit in a chartered bank draw- ing interest. "The . band instruments, which were purchased from thé funds, are securely stored away. This, we un. derstand, is the situation at the pre- sent time, but what action will be taken later is in the hands of the trustees and no doubt a report will be made in due time." : Sp ------_ SECOND OLASSICAL CONCERT Hall Monday Evening. The second of Queen's University classical concerts was held in convo- cation hall on' Monday evéping., It consisted of a lecture on the violin- cello, its history and' literature by Boris Hambourg, 'cellist, Toronto. Mr. Hambourg gave [femonstrations on his instrument, which he stated wag 180 years old, Deing made at Cramona, Italy, the home of Lhe violin. He described the making of the instrument, and explained why certain kinds of wood were required. His interpretation - included - the classical, romantic and modern" schools of music, and he delighted musical lovers. His techniques was faultless and his interpretation mar- vellous. The hall was packed. Mr. Hambouzg- was accompanied by Al-. berto Garcia Guerrero, pianist, The next. lecture will inslude the plano, 'cello and'violin, . General Williams Visits Hospitals, On Tuesday morfilng the patients at the Mowat and pitals were cheered Major-General V. : C.M.G., and his staff. The general, who is keenly interested in the wel- fare of the sick and wounded re- turned 'men, expressed great pleasure with the splendid condition of both these institutions. He was shown through the entire buildings at | rheumatic twinges. § } 1] have marked them down to $1.85. Some of the goods are worth 32:00, and most of them are worth $3.50 and $4.00. sss \ ll Abernethy's Shoe Store Neck Pieces and Mulffs We have the new models n the fashionable Furs and now is the time to buy as next year's prices will be higher. Come in and look. CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Oldest Fur Store MEAT CAUSE OF KIDNEY TROUBLE Take Salts to Fiush Kidney 9 if Back _ ; Hurts or Bladder Bothers, ' a Sunt it you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys authority who tells us that = meat forms uric acid which almost par- aiyzes the kidneys in their efforts to ot | expel it from the blood. They be- |= come sluggish and weaken, then a dull misery in the nn i 2 § cloudy, full of sediment; {éls often get irritated i: ASTOUNDING FACTS THAT COUNT Household Furnishings are "pouring" out of this im- mense stock dally to our it- most capacity. It is a fact that it the buying public knew the conditions of the market to-day, the advanced prices that are coming, and. the great sacrifices we are making, they would grasp the chance while it is on. : James Reid Phone 147 Yor Service. --------------------------------------------. with salts occasionally, says a noted | 5 ~ SAKELLS Our Ice Cream is of the purest quality, made only from the best of farm cream, and our Fruit is of the finest, but what is the use of telling you all this--what we want is for you to try our Cream and we are as- sured you ill nvr use any other. - * Hi with