Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 9 Feb 1920, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN THE RE cn ee A Livingston's Guaranteed Blue or Black Serge Cheviots Made-to-Measure Special $49.56 Regular $65.00 value Scotch Tweed Suitings and Homespuns Made-to-Measuyre for $49.50 $60.00 and $65.00 values WHITE DRESS VESTS All sizes--34 to 44, and all prices Livingstons ; gL €S I Beautiful Dresses of Silk, Serge, Tricolette and Crepe. Dresses for every occasion--street, afternoon or evening wear--the very new- est styles, at very moderate prices. From $18.75 to $75.00. IEEE GEA ARO A HARRY INTERGOLLEGITE HOCKEY The Kingston Intermediates Are to Play the Winner of the Oshawa- Peterboro Series Next Friday Night, | Three games in the Intercollegiate hockey series will be played at the | covered rink this week. This even- | ing Queen's and R.M.C. will meet in | the junior series; Wednesday night Queen's and R.M.C. in the interme- diate series and Friday evening Mo- Gill and Queen's in the senior. The McGill senior team is coming to Kingston quite confident that they will be able to pull out on top as they have defeated both Queen's and Varsity on Montreal ice. A win for McGill will practically give them the | championship as the best Varsity can { do is to tie the series and that would only be providing that Varsity wins from Queen's on Kingston ice, which they are not likely to do, Kingston vs. Peterboro. The first game of the O.H.A. inter- mediate semi-finals, between the win- 4 ners of the Oshawa-Peterboro games and Kingston will be played Friday | evening, Feb. 13th. The Kingston { management was fortunate in gett- | ing the first ame on the opponent's e, as there is a better chance of winning out on home ice if they should happen to lose by a few goals. | It is expected that the winner will be Peterboro as that team tied with Oshawa in Oshawa on Friday night last, and play in Peterboro this ev- ening. The return game with King- ston will be played on Monday ev- ening February 16th. With Brown back in the game the Kingston team is quite confident that they will be able to trim either western team. Tie in Senior C.0.0.L. Napanee, Brockville and Kingston are tied for thé champlonship of the senior series of the Central Ontario Curling League' ~All three clube have won two games and lost two, As yet it is not know what will be done to break the tie, but {t is understood that if the rule of the Ontario Curl- ing Association is lived up to, the winner will be decided on points ob- tained by each club. Although offi- cial figures are not available for the present, it is understood that if the rule is followed Kingston is the winner, The winner declared 2et the winner of the western group, COmpos- ed of Cobourg, Belleville and Picton. District Series Postponed. The two rinks representing the Kingston Curling Club, scheduled to be played in the District Cup finals in Toronto this evening, were ad- vised that on account of the mild weather the games would be post- poned for one week. § X The Whig Trophy Series. On Saturday, at the curling rink, the rink skipped by W._ J! Drysdale won from R. N. F, Macfarlane by a score of 12 to 10. The rinks: H. McCartney ~~ George Lawes J. Macfarlane S. ®t, Bailey . Nd R. N. F. Macfarlane Skip: 12 Skip 10 In the doubles D. B. Murray and J. B. Cooke lost to E. Mooers and Dr. Cartwright. W. R. Lyons and J. Baker won from M. Manahan and A, Turcotte," Ladies' Curling Games. Two games were played by the la- dies at the curling rink on Monday morning. Mrs. G. B. McKay won from Mrs. Waldron by 11 to 7, and Mrs. Dawson won from Mrs. Davis' rink, skipped by Miss Cartwright, by 10 to 9, The rinks were: Mrs. Gibson Mrs. Eaton Mrs. Asselstine Miss Cunningham Mrs. Bibby Mrs. Macfarlane Mr8. McKay Mrs. Waldron i TBERip. oso. 11 Mrs. Gill Miss Lewis Mrs. Richardson Mrs. Waugh Mrs. Mooers iss Birch Mrs. Dawson iss Cartwright Skip......10 Skip....... 9 Another Queen's Defeat, Queen's senior basketball team lost to Varsity in Toronto on Satur- day by & score of 26 to 18. At half time the score was15 to 7 for the winners. Queen's will play MoGill here on Saturday Theatrical { At the Grand, The feature programme the man- agement of the Grand hps arranged for the first three days of this week is an exceptional one. The four acts of vaudeville from the B. F. Keith Vaudeville Exchange are as follows: Williams and Taylor, in a good act of comedy and da Howard and Ross, in a distinct novelty offering; =3| Cleo and Thomas, in a delightful act of comedy and piano, and the Adroit Brothers, offering a splendid bar novelty. The f-ature picture is "The Gray Wolf's Ghost," starring H. B, Warner, and is a screen adaption of Bret o's famous novel, "Maruja." The concerns an old Indian curse, and its working out at the time DAILY BR , {shown in the first of hid\three mil-' { ion »dollar comedies. Boarder," which is su admirers of 'the dit films of Griffin exceNence complete | the programme.--Advt, At the Strand. In "The Market of Souls," a new Uaramount-Artcraft picture which comes to the Strand Thedtre Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dorothy Delton, the popular star, is sald to have a dramatic vehicle of the first rank. It reletes the adventures of | Helen Armes, a country trained nurse, who comes 'to New York to follow her profession. There in the fast set in which her friends, the Howells, are leading lights, she meets men of both the vicious and manly type. Two brothers, Lyle and. Tem- ple Bane, fall in love with her. Lyle is a rounder and attempts to take liberties with Helen. He is folled by Temple, who is blinded In a tus- sle with his brother. Helen helps to nurse back his sight again, and a romance is buddifig, when Lyle re- venges himself by telling his brother about the girl. Only after the evil brother has died a soldier's death in France does the truth come out and Helen and Temple are made hap- py.--Advt, MH MUTUAL IIFE ASSURANCE CO. The Annual Report For the Golden v Jubilee Year, The annual report of the Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada for 1919, which, incidentally was the Golden Jubilee year of the imstitu- tion, is a very satisfactory ome. In every department there have been great increases in the business done. In spite of heavy death losses, due to the influenza epidemic, the surplus earnings of the company were $1,- 302,801, an increase over 1918 of over sixty per cent. The report states that never in the history of Canad- ian life insurance has there been such a remarkable opportunity for the investment of life insurance funds, and the effect of last year's investments will be to enhance the surplus earnings over a long period of years, and at the same time hold up the rate of interest earned on the invested funds. For the year 1919 the company earned the very satisfactory rate of 6.39 per cgnt. During .the fifty years for which the compaliy has been in existence the growth has been marvellous. In 1870 the total assurance in force was $500,000. At the end of 1919 it was $170,706,306, a truly wonderful record. The biggest increase was dur- ing the past ten years, the total in 1910 being $64,855,279. Mrs. Bramard Rice, Cape Vincent, N.Y., is dead after a brief illness. For several years she had been living with hier daughter in Watertown, N.Y. A o-------- HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR PRINTERS Market Square, Kingston Semen npn, DAILY MEMOPANDUM, Band at Palace Rink to-night : FAmbourg Concest, Convocation Hall See top of Three, right hand corner for probe hilities. nts' and = Teachers' Association Annual Meeting, Collegiate, 8 pm President's address, election of officers. All interested welcome. . BORN. EGOLESTONE--In Kingston, on_ Feb. Sth, at Hotel Dieu, to Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Egglestone, a son. HICKS--In Kingston General Hospital, on Sunday, February 8th, 1920, to Capt. and Mrs. W. H. Hicks, 632 Princess street, a son. DIED. FRY---In Kingston, on Feb'y 7th, 1920, Jennie Katherine Reid, beloved wife of Corporal W. G. Fry, aged twenty-nine years. Funeral from James Reid's undertaking parlors, 2.30 Tuesday, to Cataraqui Cemetery. "Minwa and London papers please copy). : GRANT--On Wolfe Island, on Feb" Sth, 1920, EMzabeth Grant, aged 6 s years, Funeral will leave het late residence on Tuesday mormMng at 9.30 to the Church of the Sacred Heart, where a solemn requiem mass-wil be sung for the repose of her soul 'rlends and acquaintances respectfully invited to attend. McCALL--~On Jan. Teh, 1920, at Call- hohme, Alberta, Pearl, beloved wife of Merdttith A. McCall, and young- est daughter of Mrs. Elisabeth Murray, Rideau Street, aged 31 years, MURRAY---At his late residence, ' 22 Frontenac street. ¢n Saturday, Feb, 3th, 1920, David Murray, in hls 67th year. Funeral Tuesday morning at 10.30 o'- clock. Kindly omit flowers. MAUND--On Monday morning, Feb'y _ 9th, 1920, fronf pneumonis, at his late residence, 23 Algon Ave. Tominto, Charles Prederi Maund. in «ls seventy-fifth year. Funeral private, Tuesday; interment at Kingston. » A AMER RE I RR ! tal this taraquf IN MEMORIAM. In sad, but loving nemory of my dear husband, Pte. James H. Bell, of influenza, eb, an Phi 1918, buried at St. Cemetery, Le Havre, France. ' he sleeps not in his native But neath a sky, ' Far from A TER ew his side, : ISH w HIG im TI IHR m 4 ET oy MONDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 108 Sy A ~~ For every Springtime |. ~ Demand. Spring is always a Silk season, 23 this year more than ever, Irresistible in their gorgéous colorings and exquisite weaves, the Silks in this display fairly coax one to se- lect them for fashioning into countless chic Spring modes. : in Taffetas, Paillettes, Messelines, Duchess, Charmeuse Satins, Pussy Foot Crepes, Crepe Meteors and Crepe de Chenes. Georgette Crepes in.every wanted shade. In the following Range of Fashionable Shades Marine Blue, Tan, Midnight Blue, Beige, Burgundy, Delph Blue, Apple Green, Taupe, Old Rose, Turquoise, Smoke, PekinySteel Grey, Dark Navy, Light Navy, Black and Ivory. New Foulard _ Silks just received and very moderately priced \ John Laidliw & Son, Ltd. we Ee EERE EOE - * . EY 4 Beaded and Metal Buckles will adorn x Plain Pumps 2 «NAA A; ' > : s : 1 desi | he oa Fr 7a ustve designs | ed at $3.50 to $6.00, and cut steel at $5.00 Evening or Afternoon Gown pie. | y buckles, Giggs ne. HTH ARATE

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