- t MONDAY, fmt _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ---- PAGE THIRTEEN ; OSA, -- : : Rough cast house on Raglan Road; 6 rooms; large lot. ¥ . x | ; 9 : Possession May 1st. Price $2.1 00. Cash required, $1000. I | ®B i | Ay : Exclusive Vaudeville THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY | 4--Big Keith Acts--4 Bright--Clean--Clever S02 'SE : » Phone 68 and 874w. = 56 Brock Street In Conran With Feature Films Phroy Ton, Ay Ny harms v pin o . - - is SPERD CUTTER. APPLY 161 . Cont & Worn Mint areatier. half. YOUNG LADY PESIREs BED SITTING] A Smalr sUM OF MONEY ON A Frontenac stréet. Ww 350: roo n =8, | 18 Fridad. Own- H. B. arner in $0.5 dnsertion, 18c; three insertions, Wiis Chios Bar] Street on Fi a ORGAN IN GOO CONDITION, APPLY t. 14 Patric eet, UHY, ; as --.-. The above rates are for chsh only; at 425 Brock Street. ren . ¢ ? » ; A DESIRABLE TENANT WITH - NO | on ME v's i : The Grey Wolf's Ghost' | xe : Aro SuubIe, EE eayhan to reilt & house a8 | A ah. aa the anit Haat 1 raps DOUBLE SEATED SLEIGH, IN . p 7 Soon &s possible. Apply 0-5, Whig | "OW ' hav b condition. Apply 8¢ Victoria : Shea-McCoy Comedy------Other Reels | HELP WANTED. ] Office. on Quast wr hig oon" ky good « U AUGMENTHD ORCHESTRA, je orie et cir aan. | ESTEE HSE Sa Fas eT . WARD MAIDS FOR KINGSTON GEN- rooms, slightly furnished for young | at this oftice calf. Apply William Bret, Coiling A OU UBING MAXOTIRES? 1F Mat 2 30 Evening at 7.80 eral Hospital. Apply to Matron. couple . withoit children. Apply | h y, Ont. BE IN STYLE--ARE Y » dae Balcony 23c. mer Te Box G-5, Whig Office, ! FOUND ARTICLES AD . Bay . WHY NOT? START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. 25¢., Any Seat ||Ground Floor 50¢. | TWO EXPERIKNCED SALESLADIES, VER. RADIATOR COVERS. MARR YOUR Apply Gedye Millinery, WANTED TO RENT FARM, Yann TISED FREE. CAT BTart easy. Judson's Auto TOPS stock and implements, or would | Anyone finding anything and rockviile. HEAD NURSE, PRACTICAL REQUIR- york a place on shares. Apply Box | wishing to reach the owner may |» ed at once for Infants' Home. Ap- M-4, ig Office. do so , reporting the facts to A SQUARE PIANO, IN FIRST CLASS Piy 115 Lower Union. i The British Whig. The adver- condition. Apply 454 Barre St, oF tisement will be printed in this phone 749. ) THURSDAY, JA BMaaL, MARAT GIKL TO OLERI IN | WANTED TO COMMUNICATE WITH | |. o5lumn free of charge. . ! : RI vf pare APPLY to Bakell's Ice Cream party owning steam boiler and | "Found articles" does not In- | | ABOUT TWENTY TONS OF GOOD HAY ' FRIDAY, SATURDAY, Parior, next to Upera House. Sul RE Shik Apply Box || c1yde lost dogs. cattle, horses, i ve Bold casap to quick buyer, ; ch r - - | hese, if lost, ma ad- Al 18 Alma St. * FEBRUARY 12-18-14 |Grul on WOMAN 70 DO GBNRAL : aaa . ¥ aorurnn, PPIY vertised for {n the "Lost" housework ; one Who can sievp at | ; oe "RO 3 = a } JUDSON'S AUTO TOPS, BROCKVILLE, Distributors for > 'home, Apply 208 He. au Street. TWO YOUNG MEN (FRYENDS) TO! We have tie Flite truss Liga for me er nea share room; comfortabie home and | back Curtains, ail kinds FAIRBANKS WANTED, A HOUSEMAIN APPLY reasonable terms. Apply Box E-9, | ete ere rte eee v i to Mrs. W. Kk. Leadoeater, at ihe Whig Office. | LOST. SOLID BRICK HOUSES, NUS. 250 AND E. MAZDA LAMPS In His Latest Production Avonmore, 207 William 'Street. ---- | 2362, King dtreei sast, Apply F. HE ---- tm re i Macnee, 143 Ring Street west ¢ 0 . 5 ORE ees | : TWO SPIRRELLA CORS TLERE, AP-| SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT RIANO | oy - La t k hand N HE CL 4 UDS ply travelang organiser, Hoom 9, for oash or in AA ay ment, of new | x Dols.ans AN LL, SATURDAY; WILTON RUG. 10 FT, uN x 9 Fhe : Prince rge Hotel, trom 7-10 p.m. Planos and graf molas, C, W. Lind- | A dps : 8 Boud pattern; praciicaliy new, - Irge stoc on . R L BY ey ap Say Limited, 121 Princess street. | mt der kindly yeturn to gain $66. At 45% Johnson Street. : JUNE ELVIDGE in EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND | g o --------- -345 King Street - =~ « y "LOVE AND THE WOMAN" BOB Seren etobbix at 406 John. De PR anuk QUANTITY or Erna: 3s Y MAL 80n street. References required. WANTE MEN AND BOY AT~ | wr , . " ura 14 side vile, ® GRAND AUGMENTED ORCHESTRA | ---- 0 Slee. Referen e---- ronize J. W. Clirzon. berber' fods| WRIST WATCH, WITH LEATHER iBedford, the Auciionder, 13¢ Queen at ' ' FAKE FULL ' | st and luminous figures, 9 Mien Latest Music, WOMAN TO TAKE FULL CARE OF and boys hair cut, 20c. Bhave 100, | 'Twain Vintciminous f Br re aireet. Phone 178). little girl, 2 years and § months Razors honed 26e. 236 Ontario 8t., | aod' 0 y 3 Ini. 2 ICES: old. Apply Box P-b, Whig Office near Brock Street. wo Nac a ators, on Alfred, naer Please | FIRST GLASS LOT FOR SALE 5) x -- pie. . : | S iy 4th Brigade [mr s:ommi rion mas. | oo ee, : |e i Wh udender lets | FEA et at ARE PE 1g Balcony ....... +20 and 80c, rs. Apply Dominion Pattern| FIRST CLASS WOMAN COOK "AND | cash. Apply Box E-2, Waig Uffice. : Bonny ou Tuesday, 256 Forks uti and Chidon Bat, husband pa Areeepany.. buarding | STERLING SmyeR FBTR © JIS | MAND AND SOFT BRICK FOR SAL CANADIAN MACHINE GUN CORPS | enn von machinery, H. D. pin, s 8, . ia large or small guantities. ly IN-- BRAKE day night, between City Hall and Ww N FIRBMEN-- BRAK EMEN 3150-3200 borne. Division Street, by way of. ' Prin- So dr is, Saen » A monthly; experience . . bh | | Pd i 1 ) Railway Association (name position Offive el chimse Toave a" Wai -- ; A \ wanted), care Whig Offion WANTED BY CAREFUL TENANT, , . GENUINE GRAPHONOLA aND TEN FY ---- v. sooner, A L oficeo ee pF RRL Ao WANTED, MAN WHO OAN INVEST or mer. 3 selections; your own chotce, $38.58. house, in good locality, furnished 3 MAb dda dA $600.00 and eke charge of quarry or unfurnished. Re 1 stating Jers, $6 cus, $1 per week. . 1 . TO DAY Ing proposition. poood salary, Ap- termg to Box 8-5, Whig Office. Lindsay, Limited, i21 Princess St § tion of ha ply ox V6, Whig Office. 'the use of Wampole's prepara : 3 4 | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; re CA ROR ©od Liver Oil as a good building up| All members and others terested D GOOD, GENERAL SERVANT, ONE| YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN | all improvements; centrally locat. SKIFYS, CANOES, SKIFFS pi oy hn tonle. .It's both palatable and taste-| apg requested to attend a meeting in The World's Greatest who can do plain cooking; family telegraphy; positions secured; fees | ed. Apply 243 Brock street. poard moMurs; 'Lents, .Awnings i $ pr Supl . Frank W, ; . ttl of three; no laundry; wages $30.00 moderate; day and Night CIRANSES. | wes mre oe ere Laaip Buppiles, ete * loss; it hal no equal; large bat perymonth. Apply Box 4-8, Whig Apply instructor, over C.P.R. Tele- | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE; OLEAN | Cooke, ivy bagot street. Phone : 3.9 The i ty : Office ; | ; y 5. BE F | 438. ' RIE : ) ve, Erapn Office, Clarence street. and dry. Apply E. E. Wathen, | genes Room 24, Armouries Mystery Play . ~ -- | 143 Nelson street. Phone 13914, | We close at 8 p.m. daily except : ' A, MARRIED MAN TO WORK IN : | tar . MEN AND BOYS TR J garden and drive a team; good | AT ONCE, TWO OR THREE FURNISH. | | MEN'S SUITS, MENS A} Saturday, On ° Wages to the right man A bn | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN | Doots, furniture, stoves, néaters, & i ba t he Pply ed rooms for light house-kee ing. i » . é on ? togdames Grant, Cataraqul. Phone by young married couple; no oping. and dry. McCann's Real KEsuwate| Buoa set smagle harness, single a all 1%. ren;. centrally located if possible; | Agency. 30 Brock street. Phone YeEgon. Also many other articies. YT 9 F bh. 1 8 . with, modern improvements, Appl 826 or Musi be sold this week. 385 rigs HOAG' u Y, e at p.m. EXPERIENCRD, SINGLE OR MAR- to Box W-28, Whig Office, Poy \ Oess direet. ; ---------- Tied t k rm; C Fr ---- | 3 cndy Wer umes Ta sone Tonrn| ONB DOUBLE avn om sivaLs Opp. Y.M.C.A., Kingston, to discuss the Social Programme and 3 { bedroom; very centrally located:| Wi AVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF , oR : y : 1 t Trainin Joragnality, A x, a Luven, bide: << Th de ene RIES) reasonable terms. Appiy Box A-20, good second hand turnfture and arrange a Syllaigs o raining. €E10Nn ei meee bse sti stored for winter. Skates sharpen- | Whig Ofice. loves. Any person having stoves : : : Young MAN, ABOUT 22 YEARS OLD, ed ang hollow gfound; also baby | and furniture to dispose ors will = : : 0 travel with manager and solicit Carriage tires put on while fou | 3 y 3 " y i ', " . E K \ we] Names orders. Experience unnecessary, Walt. George Muller, 371 ang 71 | FROM MARCH lst, FURNISHED 353 Princess Dtrest, Phone Juviw, SE Reference required. Cail between King st..-Phone 1032w. vouse; all conveniences, for six A 10 am. and 3 pan. Hostel Hotel, T, months. Apply tw Capt. Smith, an . C. Foley. Golden Lion Block. GOOD, GENERAL PURPOSE MARE; JUNIOR INTERCOLLEGIATE The Star Boarder POSITION : sound and Kind ir every way, ron! y ITIONS WANTED, Buout buggy, set of ingle bdrness; ; ® - ¢ SA r---------- » CEPPPPIEP EPP PIRP POF FEES ws | FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Cutler, denvery wWhggon; also a 260 : N O t1 C e a a } a + WANTED, BY A REFINED, MIDDLE- | rooms, suitable for hignt house- Egg Caatham -iGcubator, and » 0C ey a WANTED i & Ys Sion as housekeeper | keeping; centrally located, west Breeder; cacap to quick buysr, Ap= . Outing Chester : 3 or companion. in small family. Ret. side. Apply Box A-6, Whig. piy dvi Division street, citf. BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEEN Junior Clerk (boy) r Chart- erences. Apply Box U.§, Whig O1f- T Ce £ th D ered Bank. Apply in gp hand- fice. ' . v I v Box No. - Bow booking farm and stock sales in .C. vs. QUEEN'S ODpICS O e a . wiking, to 3 STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, cLidy, | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, NEW tense County. List gles early nad RM.C. vs. Q P y Ofties, EXPERIENCED CAR AND THAC. dry, airy rooms; your own lock and Brn ungaiow at 434 Alfred St, -7, Whig 'Meture choice of dates. 1 i key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Furnace, electric lights and gas; 126 QUEEN: Bi KINGSTON MONDAY, FEBRUARY "% FERRIED IIE E IIOP EOIY Er Arar or will pdr private Queen street. Phone 526; res., 489, Hires hed rooms, panier, (Sling eesti steep, v Tage. a; | ---- eH reo, ba 00 chen, Phone 1721, Game called 8.15 p.m. co M 1 N G 1 LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME TR aisioun,s Apply Box F-9, Whig | : Price §is00.00, for a quick buyer, a A . 3 * or-steadily---seiling our guaranteed . LARGE, BRIGHT FURNISHED, FRONT to wind up wn estate. Apply to General Admission .........%.88¢c : bec. ¢ q . eral commission. Brown Brothers heatiiLg; near Queen's University, xt Thurs., Fri, Saturday Company, Nurserymen, Limited, rn SABLE, YOUNG WOMAN, suitable for two persons. Oveupant trees and plants, Outfit free. Lib- edroom; electric lights; hot water 158 Nelson Street. tte, N-------- . : Reserved Seats ........ NASH Zi ry | BEER mane ee SRE Ie DR. : Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Flowers A Real Sensation BLE NK Voie Sforences. Apply Box 7-5, ; $1000--FRAME;. ¢ ROOMS; STONE "" 99. X ; fifteen dollars for for- , ¥ . -- DENTIST al Of all descriptions. Order mow for CHECKER S ty-elght hours to stant. Also cap FEMALE HELP WANTED. CARPENTERING | $1600--DOUBLE RK. C. HOUSE; & . cap dollars for forty- rooms each: improvements, x K-4, Whig Of- WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER Spring planting -- from fset-ciass able ruler, ihirty Nurseries, through . eight hours. 0. Phone 785 fice. see James Selby, Contractor, 219 | $3100--FRAME; ¢ ROOMS; IMPROVE. 188 Princess Street. : A. HOWLEY . GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK. nly ' ments; large lot. We specialize in gas administra- 63 Stephen Street | WANTED--MAN CAPABLE OF ON. We need you to make socks on the |. CL YerSIY Avenue. Phone 1898w. ge lol § $3200--NEW FRAME; 5 ROOMS; IM. salesmen for Canadian Xperience unnecessary. Distance © tion, Pyorrhea treatment, Crown and Kingston, Ont. gefilaing and managing crew of fast, easily learnel Auto Knitter, Hn Bw x sR . Apt i . ~ mh rovements; electric hts. Bridgework. Graduate assistants Journal. Permanent position: good Immaterial. Positively no oan. up OLAJERING » Le his Office Hours, 0--0. N ] - wil salary and expenses to well-recom- cVassing. Yarn supplied. Particu- ; $4400--DOUBLE BRICK VENEER; @ 'mended and . proper! unlified ders de. Stamp. Dept. "24C, Auto + rooms each; all improvements, man, Address R. 8, Raiiton, lied Knitter Co. Toronto. CALL OR DROP A CARD TO Ww. J. Pp ents " "Best Pletures and First dia Home Journal, Toronto, Can- 92,200, FRAME HOUSE, T Rooms, large lot -and stable. - -- . PERSONAL, F. W. HAROLD FOR. YOUR' UP. --- . » . LERERRPP PEFR P PIL PrP PPR eave cig and general repairing. | g3,200, ICK BUNGALOW, § ROOMS, 1C8 eport aper DORO DALTON Leave orders at or drop a card { { Phys . N P Applications for the positibn of THY 3 HELP WANTED HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, nmmTH- 104 Clergy Street. P.asard 10 improvements, electric light. marks, skin cancers, scars, eto., re. : ; Co egiate Note Paper Town Engineer for the Town of Pem- | In Her Lmtest Paramount Arteraft Cook, genefsl Apply In the moved permanently." Batis(actar: mmm = | VICTORY BONDS © 1 N t P r fvenings between 7 and 9, to glasses fitted and furnished afte 1 A FOR SALE, MONEY ence Note rape brokey will be received up to moon Picture : Ries ok ow a5, 8 fuer Syd- Siners have falfled. Goltre removed FINANCIAL to Loan. =n t Streets. 36 years' experience, Dr, Elmer J -- Square Ruled Paper os! a & "| 15 Bager street, oo -ThIGAL, Skin, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE| g ) . . o ; LIVE: . LONDO) 6000-100 ACRES, 20c. per 100 | |Feb. 20th, 1920 "The Market of Souls PERE (REIS | MERTOOL KaNROX, AND, ae) eepeten SOME Ae S00 Laney - pe .. COVERED wich he' poiicy Holders hve foe| bain OA. "Bateman, 16% Wels So ---- . : i Your heart will go out to Dorothy RINK security the unlimited liability of satus Bt - BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. 8, L. BIGGS, Dalton in; the tense and trying mo- YOU o v diy property, insured at lowest Clerk-Treasurer. = a | JUNIOR O.H.A. MEE B UTTER--YOU Old or GIVING new. bastnen Tine! this plo rates from Strange and Strange, CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. : Agents. Phone 3285. . : gra and Solicitors, 79 Clarence tins KIN( iN I | ' fireet. Kingston A. B. Cunnipge : A Sure Oure for the Blues FRONTENAC LOAN AND JIxvest. am. . Corll i. Smith. verhaul : . " ment Society; , incorporte 1 1861, AMBROSE SHEA, B.A BARRY REE rush. "The Well Made Nut President, W. F. Nickle, K.C.; yvice- 8 * STER Genuins Kore "Salome Margarine' RaW eo mire | SPO Gopclar SAT, olen "combat sre ELLIOTT &W N : BETTER priverl¥s, municipal 'and county | PROX. SOP to loan Phone 198%: | THE HIGH COST OF LIVING 379 BROCK STREET : a" bis - 3 : in\entment bonds for 33 2orphaned: or : : Sold on a money-back guaran- ived and iwed, I8 GOING HIGHER ------_-- mn | Shenandoah' COBOURG vs. RM.C. tee, by all grocers. 3 GO. © Giwrighy manager, 31 Clare . - . 5 . ence eet, ngston. POWE 2 > / than ever, the purchasing pow- VACCINATION SHIRLDS----WE TUESDAY, FEBRUARY . 5 teas. aD REYR pHa . er of your income is getting : HAVE THEM. A two reel Paramount Mack Sennett , ¥ 10m iy > -- streets, | Dock 420 Wellington ; Comedy, featuring Ben Turpih and DENTAL Someta lower and you are compelled : 3 : M Game called 8.15 p.m. : : % Tea . fy % «. Charles Murray ' : : MEDICAL to forego many former luxuries, 171. WELLINGTON STREET SX m---- demernit | KNOW THYSELF 12 Eo SIAFE. BA. Los ad ) I admission .........,.85 Cooke.' 3 one el The greatest asset to your in- PHONE 40 a ! ' ~(By Edmund Vance Cooke.) 2. DR. J. EB: KANE wWismes : Everybody's Favorite Reserved seats .......,.280. extra| Rubber a bit at yoursol, cid man : at 130 Wolo has opened offices | tome is YOUR EYES. They are = : == : PEARL WHITE i Pia . Look yourself over and find who's | is, SRARKS AND SPARKS, Pout Office. Gitice nouns 14 oie - : ~~Plan-o uesday mo , & s vilington stree 0 . mn n ; a great NECHSSITY. Do not 'in ne y morning who, Jean over| LLL bmi Telephone: omice, [8 . Ee aes For naver since Adam and Eve began Carnoysky's. Phone residence, 1831. In a Serial of a Thousand Sensations SRERSMCLIUEEEN ER Has it been more up 0 YOu--- . S To winnow the and blow afta wy well. "The Black Secret" . ar : Club Rooms, 67 Princess St. Photographs f 7 D Ki . WwW. d a Sar npetine my Photographs of the Children never| as one Lrabh: faithful fow, . ry indling 00 ©, 182 Princess St. Sublest for discussionic ari oy WpSmaks the Svolntmunt Make o omsover yourself oid . $3.00 per load, delivered. Wher bape oun'ibs | Dominion aontvention, selec- {| To conly Rulerous requests : : With ut § and fathoming ste- S - - Hao v6 Juieantes, wi. -- the - THE MARRISON STUDI( ; Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot St. ANe - meglect them, Bee us and see -- | Rn : CONCERT 0 x A -- a STRAND RCHESZRA | Announcement L MI. GEORGE BAWDEN wishes to announce that he has I} wo PUIAL : 'to ; a An opportunity to figure on your requirements would be appreciated.