Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Feb 1920, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE DAI LY BRITISH WHIG NI THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1920. L ? 0000 ~ SHAH" SL ESTABLISHED 60 YEARS TRADING ie : RAW FURS We pay the highest cash prices. We select the finest skins only for our manufacturing| Fur Department. JOHN Mekav 149-151-1157 Brock. ST KINGSTON ONTARIO REAR = = = = E -- = E 2 Ii = = £5 EE E E E 1 VICTROLAS # AND His Master's Voice Records Just Out On Miami Shore--Waltz--Beck's Orch. Peggy--One Step--~Coleman's Orch. That Naughty Walts--Coleman's Orch. While Others Are Building Castles--Coleman's Orch. .. Patches--Tenor--Charles Harrison Bye-Lo--Contralto--Vera McLean "ee Love Will Find a Way (Intro at Siesta Time), Hénry's Orchestra; Nobody Knows (and Nobdy Seems to Care), Henri's Orchestra ................ 216079--90c. Hawaiian Medley March-- (Hawalian)--Ben Hokea-Al Nani; Bllis March -- (Hawaifaw) -- Ben Hokea-Al Nani 216076--90¢, 64842--81.25 moos .04841--81.25 MAHOOD BROS. THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA VICTROLA X., $185 hardwood floors; modern open ~ plumbing; . place; .9 rooms; garage; cent ral location; HANDSOME RESIDEN SALE Brick; modern; almost new; A Treat Your Eyes Equally Well Any man or woman who knows anything about machin- ery wouldn't think of continu- ing to. use an expensive ma- chine that was out of order, but would have it repaired at once. But some of those same men and women would work thelr eyes day after day when the pain of eye strain shows they need immediate attention, How about your eyes? Why not consult J.S. Asselstine, D.0S." Eyesight ' Specialist 842 King Street. Phone 1019w. The Busy Optical House eloctricity; fire William Street. --$0500-- | "Triumph Blend" Black Tea (sold in bulk)- - SPECIAL PURCHASE, Why pay 70 to 80c. per Ib. for pa e Wore tee you Ta at 50c. 2ekage : leave you to be the judge; if it is not as good 'as you ate paying 70 to 80c. per Ib for, re- turn it and get your money back. This T. is put up ir a 10 Ibs. packages. Teas ha 10 to 15c. : on. d € we ald ad- "smn a Sess s senna ¥ ee Te = es -- = ---- See Ses Sa Ce a == SE Se ---- _---- Sa a Ge a -- iL Sr Sm _-- --_-- ---- ms -- -- Sms = ---- -- = -- 1 -- Same Le E | -- i] -- | dent of Queen's Men Dr. J. M. Clark, | Har- | B W. Halliday, | lord. =| CHOSEN TO QUEEN'S GRADUATES NET | | The Esprit de Corps Was Manifestly Felt and Shown For the Old Insti tution in Ontario's Strand. | Toronto Globe, i One of the Queen's anniversary Songs, which runs, "Queen's College {18 our happy home, we'll love her | still where e'er we. roam," contains | more truth than poetry perhaps, for the love that her graduates bear her and the esprit de corps they feel is shown forth abundantly at every gathering at which the gradu- | ates meet. The reception and dance given by the graduates in Toronto at the Metropolitan Assembly rooms | Tuesday night was, of course, filled | with the "Queen's spirit," and was i Yory jolly in consequence. The pat- | ronesses were: Lady Willison, Mrs. Bruce Taylor, Mrs. John MacNaugh- ton, Mrs. Hamilton Cassells. Mrs. W. A. Logie, Mrs. R, W. Leonard, be- sides the patronesses who were in | the receiving line--Mrs. Thomas | MacMillan, who was gowned in black | charmeuse, with overdress of black- | embroidered net, a scarf of blue tul- {le and diamonds; Mrs. R. F. Segs- worth, in a French gown of white silk netr--embroidered in silk, the | bodice 'of rose point lace, through which was seen a hint of the mauve silk, brocaded in silver white, which formed the train, large white ostrich feather fan and diamonds; Mrs, W. { S. Morden, fn a trained gown of black velvet with Jet; Mrs. Alexan- | ander Longwell, in deep rose tulle with opalescent sequins, with Mrs. | George 8. Young, who, as President lof the Women's Association of { Queen's, was first in the line, and | wore a charming frock of rose Geor- Bette, with silver embroideries and pearls. Cards, as well as dancing, filled up the evening, and Ruthven Macdonald sang several times. Among those present were notle- ed Mr, and Mrs. and Mrs. W. P. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bur- | roughs, Dr. ana Mrs. J. Murray Clark, the Rev. Crawford Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cameron. Mrs. O'Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Ston, Dr. and Mrs. De Mr. and Mrs, T. Mrs. Macneill, Mr. and Mrs. Macfar- | land, Mr. and Mrs. Millyard, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hunnisett, Mr. and Mrs, | H. M. Mowat, W. 8. . Cummings, Dr. J. M. Gardiner, Dr. H. M. rison, Dr. and Mrs. A. Capt. Kirkconnell, Miss Ruth Buch- anan, home from India; Miss Flora Stewart, Miss Olga Somerville, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyrrell, Miss Char- lotte, Mr. and Mrs. T. GQ, Wallace, Mr. and Mrs, Keith, Mr. and Mrs: G. | W. 'Raynor, Dr. K. E. Hollis, Dr. {and Mrs. W. R. Patterson, Miss H. | Robertson, Miss Allen, Miss Grier | Miss Rose, Miss Wright, Miss Mec- Gill, P. F. Monro, Ross Parrott, W. R. Rogers, R. 8. Rayson, G. New- man, J. F. Pirie and G. C. Bateman, MAJOR ANDREW W. GRAY COMMAND THE 47TH FRONTENAC REGIMENT Meeting of Officers Held on Thurs- day Morning -- Major Gray Was the Unanimous Choice, ' Major Andrew Ww. Gray, 7 bresided at a meeting of the officers of the 47th Frontenac Regiment at the Prince George hotel on Thurs- day morning when the matter of re- organization under the recent mili- tia general orders, was taken up, The officers present were Lt.-Col. Knight, of Elginburg; Major And- rew Gray for the County of Leeds; Major F, W. Partridge, Kingston; Captains George Campbell, Cole Lake, S. Jamieson, Battersea, E. Freeman, Hartington; Capt. the Rev, J. W. Jones, chaplain, Lieuts. H. 8, Partridge, W. J. Barrett, William Pillar, paymaster, and Lieut. Wagar. Major A. W. Gray was unanimous- ly chosen as. the new officer com- manding the regiment and ® resolu-- tion was passed submitting his name to the general officer commanding the district for approval. Capt. the Rev. J. W. Jones acted as secretary, When Major Gray's appointment is confirmed he will submit a slate of officers for the new establishment. In the meantime, Major F. W. Part- ridge is acting as adjutant. Belleville's "Smallness" The sporting writer of the Belle- ville Intelligencer when writing about the Belleville-Kingston e in n on day. evening, took occasion to thank the Kingston press and the t of the rink for the courtesy shown &im while in the city. That is more than the. sport- ing writers of the Ki ITHE 21ST BA | TO Cyril Knight, Dr, | J. B. Brown, Mr. and | . Mrs. Fred. Connell, Mr and Mrs, W, | charge of being under the influence a Mrs. | P. A. uy Vm. | along with him a bottle of liquor-and | ave her a drink and as a result she | Ji Urquhart! Was 'captured' by Constdble Mullin- Fairlie, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Living- | 8°T. nnis Jordan, | W. Kidd, Mr. and | Morden, (Presi- | a ! 's io | On Monday, tie ume he was afeused | BATTALION LB HOLD A SOCIAL EVENT DUR- ING THE MONTH' | Outside Clubs Will, Be Asked To | Send Representatives--The Club | Enters Team In Indoor Baseball | League, The 21st Battalion Club .of King- | ston will hold a social event during | the present month. It is likely that | it will take the form of a supper, and application will be made to the G. | W.V.A. for the use of the assembly | hall, The newly-elected executive | of the club met on Wednesday even- | ing and appointed a committee to oh the necessary afrangements. An entertaining programme will be | arranged, and preparations made for an enjoyable time. The 21st Battal- lon Clubs of Ottawa, Toronto and Peterboro will be invited to send re- | presentatives, : Comrade J. G. Murray, manager of the baseball team, reported that | at a meeting of the Military Indoor | Baseball League, held on Tuesday | evening, a "21st" team was entered | for the schedule of games to be | played in March and April. i The "Whig" trophy, which was | won by the football team, will be ex- | hibited in one of the Whig" win- | dows. . | Another meeting of the club ex- | ecutive will'be held in the G.W.V.A. | on Monday next. | | i SAID MAN GAVE HER LIQUOR | MRS. LE VEOK MADE CHARGE AGAINST JOSEPH LA ROSH Tho Latter Denied the Charge--A Wolfe Islander Fined For Driving | Without Sleigh Bells, | In Police Court on Thursday morn- | ing Mrs. Hattip Le Veck, who was gathered in by the police on the of liquor, stated that Joseph La Rose gave her the liquor. She said that | Rose came to her home and brought { La Rose when called, denied the charge of giving her liquor. He stat- ed that on Saturday night last he met Mrs. Le Veck on Queen street and she was lying in the snow and he saw that she was taken to her hon of giving ner the liquor, ke went to ker house and faund her *'full as a | Mrs. Le Veck claimed that La! Rose was telling a lie and that she | could prove that he offered a drink | to andther man who' was at her | house at the time, so the case was enlarged for a day to have this man | give evidence. ] During her evidence, Mrs. Le Veck | told tha magistrate that if he would allow her to go free ike would neve, take a Arirk again snd would also | change her way of living, Citizens and farmers, who persist in driving their horses without sleigh bells had better bewars or else they will be'"pulled". On Thurs- day morning & Wolfe Islander plead- ed guilty and was called upon to put up $5 and costs. ------------ Machine Gun Corps Griws. The machine gun corps, permanent force, is growing. Already tents recruits have been secured, and the Barriefield barracks is rapidly. re- suming something of its former life. Everything is in working order, and the place is very comfortable, and the recruits speak well of the accommo- dation. Lieut. J. Francis is adjut- ant, ------------------ To Speak in Montreal. Prof. O. D. Skelton, of University, is to speak before the | Canadian Club of Montreal on Fri- day on "The Economic Situation in Canada." ------------------ For Colds, Grip or Influenza -- Queen's | "THE WORLD'S GREATEST MAGAZINE" Cosmopolitan For January Now on sale. Stories by Robt. W. Chambers, verneur Morris, Meredith Nicholson, Rupert Will Payne, others, Peter B. Kyne, Gou- Hughes, Dana Gatlin, Arthur Somers Roche, Royal Brown, Frazier Hunt and VALENTINES As usual, the largest and best selected stock in the city." SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR VALENTINE GIFTS Subscribe for Cosmopolitan, Good Housekeeping, Hearst's, at the special rates. Increased rates go into effect on F ebruary 10th. The College Book Store Telephone 919 Open Evenings J - A NEN ENENNSNNRNNNERNRRNARAEAREARNEEENEEEE That you prize so much because of its association, can be made even more comfortable and attractive if covered with one of the very many pretty Tapestry Coverings that we are now showing at present wholesale prices Trrrrasrsrasse reas arated ce «32.50 up Suppose you call and see the range? You'll be delighted. Shot Silks Elegant range of Taffeta Silks in exquisite shot effects; many combi- nations in the 36 inch goods. Ouroprice .......: . $3.00 per yard. PICTORIAL QUARTERLY for Spring -- lots of bright ideas for Spring wearables. Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" and 'as a preventative, take LAXA- TIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets. | Look for BE. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. 30e, ---------------- We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if vou feel lke purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal- ance, CW. lindsay. TO PRESENT STARS TO INFANTRY MEN 14th Members Entitled to De- coration Are Being Asked to Register. PINE STREET--Detached frame; electric lights; B. and O., in / good condition; side and front entrance. $2150. ALBERT STREET--Detached frame; 7 rooms; improvements; hardwood floors; in good state of repair. $2200. ' BROCK STREET--Rough caste; improvements: 6 rooms; good : "The Hat Store" yard; gateway; ir a good location, $2100. BONDS--Surrogate, Insolvency, Judicial, Contract, Fidelity and Licenite Bonds. Guarantee Bonds of every description. INSURANCE--~Fire, Life, Accident, Plate Glass, Burglar, Live Stock, Automobile Insurance. E. W. MULLIN & SON BUYERS AND SELLERS OF REAL ESTATE : "INSURANCE BROKERS, Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 530w and 580). For the purpose of arranging a public presentation: by Major-General - A. 8. Williams, C.M.G., general officer commanding, Military Dis- trict Mo. - 3, all . members and ex- members of the 14th Regiment, (P, W.0.R.), the-2nd Battalian, C. . 4A the 21st Battalion, C. E. F., and oth- er units of the C. E. F. demoblized in M. D. No. 3, who gre entitled to the 1914-1915 Star are being re. quested to register their names at the 14th regimental 'orderly: room, the armouries. * Officers, N.C.0.s, and above units, who have not yst fe. ceived their stars are being further requested to register their names with the 14th (P.W.O.R.), Orderly Room, when immediate action will WTC ANADA ii §PAGE & SHAW] i CHOCOLATES § $1.25 Per Pound i f 'Mahood's Drug Store men of the| hs SAA rez R ZS Oy aay POE oy pray id « A RITE DRUG STOR |

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