THE DAILY RITISH WHI eee Se ¢ TONIGHT 8 Rough cast house on Raglan Road; 6 rooms; large lot. | i 9 J : Possession May 1st. Price $2,100, Cash required, $1000, | | } . . . { lp { a pk o es Ca oe y Apply-- ! rwrvery hbo h bd hd - &" : » | ' THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY + ¥Cheating Herself? rm 8 in Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street . §| Montague Love | comuviny sovenmmvaares | wawrms covena | : wf Ns I aon 4 h con- { : | y " > 1 utive insertion thereaft: RAI | mrp at sn | A SPEED CUTTER. APPLY 18 &" ni' cent a word. Minimum chen SEW WORK BY Ld ard.) i c PLAIN SEWING OR HOUSEW BY | i Fiontense street. A Broadway Saint i pe insertion, 25¢; three ase for We day. Apply at Box G-2, Whig cents, x ce, Comediey and Other Reels The above rates are for ead only; eer reser ent esti ee | containing a small car start easy. Judson's Auto Tops, - - when charged they are double WOMAN TO TAKE FULL CARE OF t vwaner may Brockville. Su rior Vaud 11 |e hs Hotle girl, 2 years and 6 months] have same by daliing dt 130 2 pe evilie i a old. Apply Box P-5, Whig Office. | Clergy street. SOLID BRIUK HOUSES, NOS, 250 AND i { 262, K SL ast. Apply ¥, H. USE MAXOTIRES Mod Sey Eve at 7.30) Wr WAND. || ve ame vin wah] rounn anmoums apt || BOREL Rs Se Wat } . Sm ---- AIHICLES A | : at. 2.30 | 15¢. & 25¢, | "18 WANTED. AR TIED 1 POOL TABLE, ¢ip £8 APPLY TO 4, A CIGARETTE CASE, ON BROCK [manson COVERS. MAKE YOUR 1 PLY IMPRIAL work a place on shares. Apply Box | a : : > ny ni th and on : 4 x BE IN STYLE--ARE YOU USIN@ MAXOTIRES? IF NOT, laundry. M-4, Whig Office. i ishing be reas Snyining may Yoodrul, Sydenham ont. YHY NOT? START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT. | MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY WORK «| A DESIRABLE TENANT WITH NO do so by reporting the facts to FURS--LARGE QUANTITY OF FURS; WHY | GRAND MATINEE AND NIGHT ply. Kingston Genjral Hospita AP f- wishes to rent a house as The British Whig. The adver- - natural Sand UA wolfe; cheap. | eee ee soon as possible. Apply O-3, Whig | tisement will be printed in this Bedford, the Auctioneer, 124 Queen { OPERA A | column free of charge. street. Phone 1331. > 3 | HOUSE 9 . jgskwood HospRal. ADDI) 10| MAN ACCUSTOMED TO BUSH WORK, | "Found articles" does mot In- | | FImeT CLASS LOT FOR SALE; 33 x > i . Matron. ¢ to cut wood in sleigh lengths, in| clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, Led38: Earl Street fosasion. wide NG 'a tr ---------- Of- | i 1 ity; wy § a IRVING BERLIN'S EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER ND Bush. Apply to Box N-5, WRIg OF- 11 cic. These. if lost, may be ad: | 7 lunag city; will asi) cheap Sor | Syneopated Musical Revue Stencgrapher. Aly at 486 Jam- : {| vertised for in the "Lost" column. fa i or iat era on efelences require ND-HAN UPRIGHT PIANO c ! D AND : . r CT SOP SECOND AND part payment of inn a------ | ia large or, small quantitiea, irr AN EXPERIENCED GIRL WANTID. pHnos and grafonolas, C. W. Li . = = = ; = | E BE Wathen, 143 Nelson street. Distributors for > d C our te Sood wages; evetings: tree. Apply say Limited, 121 Princess street. | ' Fnone 13ulJ. or 618. WOMAN TO Po PART work f SHEPARD'S FAMOUS ANCONA COCs | i : } - A OE a a ; gE WITH i WOMAN TO DO FANILY WASHING | [ FOX TERRIER PUP, WHITE WITH erels, laying strain. Apply te 3 w WANTED----MEN AND BOYS TO PAT. | black SDOLS Finder please return x dg an G. E. MAZDA LAMPS . | A Riot ot Color Syncopation = fist aly stating pra ronize J. W. Curzon. barber. Men's | To 3h Set ham Street, or phone Ralph ey Bath Toad, = A CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER ron Office, and Rag-Time Dancing eee eats eee ete and boys' hair cut, 20c. Shave 10¢. | 1388wW. or 359. | Ponts ith, R. i | 5 AT ONCE, A GOOD, EXPERIENCED Razors Lioned 5c. 238 Ontario St. es at a ih | THREE HORSES; ONE FOUR YEARS Large stock on hand. f DANCING GIRLS 30 man to do Thores on a farm, near near Brock Street. FON PRINCE REET, OR IN GRAND | old new nuion cow; Hock of guod ! } TAREE 7 ms ( i stir silver | ee BS. Pir ra SINGERS, COMEDIANS city" Apply at Whig Office. 4 : th SAY pl or hens. Apply 30 Plum street. Phone . | . I WANT C TANT 1v | FIRST CLASS WOMAN COOK AND! it Finder please retu » this of- 345 King Street - - - | ~=PRICES---- WANTED, AT ONCE ASSISTANT IN husband want company boarding | = a' muss please return | i Real Estate and [nsurance Office; > : [GENUINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN 0 : ~ 3 hous ; first class witt | ) | Night,'25-50-75¢., $1.00. A few $1.50 ie W Wha Gn preferred. Ap- machinery, | Ho DB, **Irimbeison, ON PRINCESS STREET, OR IN GRAND | Select Jour own choice. $30.50 3 ce. * edges soe] lv erms, $5 casi, per we . Matinee, 25¢., 50c. and 75c. i ___ Pithborne, pera | 3 turing silver Lindsay, Limited. 43) Pringeas St A MAID FOR GENERIL HOUSEWORK Fountain wad oan : AID ! PRK | WANTED BY CAREFUL TENANT, BY | Finder please return io this mp ; = oh ats now on sale. one who can d plain cooking; 1st May ; s 7 ad | it. der please I x | SKIFKS, CANOES, SKIFFS FOR OUT. highest wages. Apjly Box R5, Wh a" Js Of Sooner, § or 7 roomed | office and receive reward, | board motors; Tents, Awnings F. J SALSBURY A rec tt reat r Office, Fo » 8 house, #n good locality, furni bourd SE lent aang or unfurnished. Reply, stating | WRIST WATCH, WITH LEATHER Cooke, 213 Bagot street. Phone ---- ----r t a a 3 . is prepared to do turning of all de- " AT ONCE, A GOOD FENERAL SER. terms to Box 8-5, Whig Office. strap and Juminous figures, Ma | 436. scription and small machine jobbing. vant for family of two adults. Ap- tween Victoria schoo nd Ma. Shop in rear of 21 Sixth Sous - i OT Ply 18 Sydenham street, Mrs, Stew- | YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN hoods store, on Alfred, Brock, Unl- | (yi sm pupn "Rosi COMB, RHODE ! art Robertson, bstween 7 and § telegraphy; positions\secured; fees Yersity - Eoin der Please Jolund, Reds 1 re ug Office. uw 3 Ang. - y " _ WHERE EVERYBODY GOF 7 in evening. moderate; day and night classes, - Phone 1058W, and J s Apply ALI On va Bt, 1 Tele-| == EE IY <3 ston. Frank piddulph, 300 Collinge / TO-DAY AN BIRERIENCED, SINGLE OR MAR- graph Office, Clarence street. wood Street. 2 . ried man to wor ) kK @ farm; must be . ead ie ite, pione, or apply WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF 3 ¢ PUBLIC NOTICE personaltey, is R M. Van Luven, | AT ONOE, Two 8 THREE ao BeootaL | SMALL FURNISHED ROOM. APPLY good second hand furniture and . wh Portamouth, On ed roams for Mght house-keeping, 28 1een Street. | sioves. ny perso a mpale's 2 building up - Ita tewart WANTED PUPIL by young married couple; no oniid- | 38 Suess Street i and furniture io dispose of, We will tonic. : pal tas ® 0 . ge , NURSES, TWO ren; centrally located if possible; | FARM TO LET ON SHARES. APPLY | pay hignest prices. J. ompson, -At's both ntable and es Avplication ri ho Foceived 2 0s > years' course; tniform, * board, with modern improvements. Apply | to J. 8. Yeomans, Collins Bay, ! 338 Princess Street. Phone 1600w, ess; it has na equal; large bottles | BE Ce sialon 1920, reilim ed; FHEn ehonns extras provid: to Box W-28, Whig Office. | . Phone 1107--1-2, 1 ed; 4 Soh education not | se pn See hmeith Str ei i ---- | 1 Bato saans seinionvn aversn 51.00 aloner and Secretary of the Board of | "Th Pp . d W Id" compujsory. Woman's Hospital| YOUNG MAN, ABOUT 22 YEARS OLD, | FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND HOARD; | GOOD, GENERAL PURPOSE MARE; e Famted 'Wor : Applications must be made in 460 E. 32nd St, (hica 1 . - ¢ ; s sll. is < a entrally at sound and Kind in every way; run= Fe i bh & - go, IN. to travel with manager and solic all.improvements; centrally locat- soun & ' Ww lose at 8 p.m. dally except Own hand writing, giving full partiecu- ---- i Ne c p y lars, age, experience, and salary ex- Saturday. pected. A AAR tnt tn orders, Experience unnecessary, ed. Apply 243 Brock s et | about Lbugky, set of single harness; LIVE MAN WANTED-SPARE TIME Reference required. CAI1 DetWeRn | see sm een emo i cutter, desvery waggon, aiso a 260 - or steadily--selling our guaranteed | 10 am. and 3 p.m. Hostel Hotel, T. | STORAGE FOR FURNITL RE; CLEAN Egg Chatham incuba or, and Ww. w. SANDS, SUNSHINE COMEDY trees and plants. 'Outfit free. Lib- C. Foley. and dry. Apply E. E. "Wathen, | brooder; cheap to quick Byer, Ap+ City Clark. 2 NE MEDY eral commission. Brown Brothers i 143 Nelson street. Phone 1391), ! PY 401 Divisiun street, city, H Kingston, Feb. 4th, 1920. : Company, Nursetymen. Limon | : / GAUMONT NEWS Brown Nurseries, P.0., Ontarfo, WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO BRING STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN | MATCH UP THAT COAT WITH A JAUMONT NEWS eee eerie their bicycles to be cleaned .and and dry. McCann's Real Estate | pair of those good. Trousers, which > Book of Nature WANTED, CAPABLE | BLANK BOOK stored for winter, Skates sharpen- Agency, 86 Brock street. Phone! We are seling during 'his great Opp. Y.M.C.A,, Kingston. N ki T F rd Own ate msi ' sewer for Torentp Bindery: state ed and hollow ground; also ry \ 35% or 631. 3 la sale. We will pewmitively save vou / ouce 10 ro ers COMING! Sxpotience; fiftean dollars Tor for-]\: carriae 'tires. put on While oo ----ovor fst. oe | from $1.00 to $1.50 on & pair, The i | | | near Princess. -el b J 1 5 . : INGLE Vos WAH Abas Oe tov SENT "| (MONDAY, Tomsav, wenwkspay| iE ng STL AR \ HE Betula Mh WE On pore xv one sever ere So Gennine Kool putin. The Great Mystery Picture | Sight hours. Box K-4, W hig Of- ER fyaacnable terms, Apply Box A-20, | ~ ee ee ee, : 3 i | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, A NEW ; ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON ¢ 3 $Y es + PEEP P ES EPI PPE POSITIONS WANTED. | THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, | Bros Sungaiew A ns Alfred Bo ; ; biaghed , : | iicable for light housekeepis urnace, eiectrio ' ® 378 BROCK STREET e i alr * A first class Cook, for Calder. +] A WIDOW WANTS 'A POSITION as| ~SuLable for got Rousekeoping; three bed rowlusy,. parior, dung . pe + " - | ractica rse housekeepe xy , Offic 1 POU i rout ' Le: . N 1 1 i a Hospital. Heturiind man i Ha preferred. Apply ALSO i Apply Box 1-4, Whig Office. Price $3a00 00s tor ci ey { ce preferred. Apply to Dietitian, Whig Office. | » #n estate O ® : a Calderwood Hospital, 3 Bye | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, Be hl Up an estate. ADP 48 g ' . . YOUNG, MARRILD MAN, HOLDING | I¥, alry rooms; yousown lock and | : - seowon, mum avorovesn | Fruit Trees, Shrubs, Flowers SRRERSIITORIE0044Y | god retereiices, Swiunes "work. key. Kronte" Gt Biotame 8 | San roSTIVELT SAVE Ya0 ---------------------------- er wit orses » automo 3. B treet. 0 82 es., ? pr 3 INUY y Rew bosking farm and stock sales In | Of ll descriptions. Order mow for WANTED--MAN CAPABLE OF OR- Apply 387 Bagot street. | m-- -- as ion Sioliding. Blue, Sorgen tonne County, List nales early mad | Spring planting -- from first-class ganizing and managing crew of | LARGE, BRIGHT FURNISHED Roo¥ wire this great swie is on. Ree secure choice of dates. Nurseries, through Fre salesmen for Canadian Home # . Bain vy Drivate. family han locat- | medaiber: this pae ends the end. of . or A. HOWLEY " Journal, Permanent position; good | RETURNED SOLDIER DESIRES SIT- pd: SHIADIE. tor tive Tet or} th nronuh. Be wiil have' © 124 QUEEN 87, KINGSTON Seba Best Pictures and First salary and expenses to well-recom- uation immediately, has had cone | Stable for Arsene a oF henry Tas mvsin dotikhg to Yom, Phone 1731. ephen Street < mended and properly qualified siderable clerical experience, and is | Joao. Souple... Apply one The Li ning $47 Bing Kingston, Ont.| THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY man; Address R. 8. Hamilton, Cana- familiar with journalistic = work. | 1065, Brot L sduialng House, 341 Ring Yr dian Home Journal, Toronto, C Apply Box J-4, Whig Office Btrect, near Lrincess. Tr ---- 4 , Can- 4 C » LARGE, BRIGHT FURNISHED, FRONT ENEENNENENANNE, i ~ TT REE ISLES A cerareesstaremrbrrerrires 1 EE lee tilg; near Queen's University, RE : azZl mova MALE HELP WANTED v PERSONAL, sultabie for two persons. Qecupant STEAMER FOR SALE x ; ) : A caving city. Apply 44 Upper ; ° GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK, v s r junetion. A Passenger and freight; 100 ft. 0 0 d S Greatest of All Stars in Her Latest ued you to make HAIR, JIoLES, WARTS, BIRTH. | == ERT { long. Frice and particulars on and G t a marks, skin cancers, scars, ete., re- NR | ® &ppiicaiion, woom 101, Booth - DENTIST Pevaugtion x periance Inaved permanently. Satisfactory CARPENTERING | % bulaing, Ottawa, Ont. * s Blasses fitted and furnished after { . Vassing, Particu. gthers have failed. Goitre removed.| WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPEN ER ; 188 Princess Street. : Phong 735 Photographs of the Children never 185s se" ) Dept. 24C, Auto 36 years' experiance. Dr, Elmer J. | see James Selby, Contractors poy We specialize in gas administra-| grow up--make the appointment Xaltter: Co. 7 Jorante, Tare eta Throat, Skin, Srlty Avenue. Phone 18$fw.| KVEKY OVERCOAT IN THIS STORE J es . a SmI is being suid at Waolewals priges. tion, Pyorrhea treatment, Crown and to-day. _ Ee : We ¢ upiicat p - Bridgework. Graduate assistants é 9 AGENTS WANTED. eT UPHOLSTERING CUats WItRSR $1200 of Ths Overs Al 'wre selling them at, will mor than § Office Hours, 9-6. THE S . pay You to buy one ges in $10 A DAY IS BRING EARNED BY CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W. J. "UL INedns & LIZ SAVING 10 You dur a DR. J. E. KANE WISHES TO AN- Gavine, upholster, 216 Bagot St. ing nis great sale, by Lion + selling our ig 5 Sash Pe r i nounce that he has opened offices . : = Clothing House, a King® Street, wa 3 ERRERNERENEDNERR r at 130 Arlington Street, Opposite F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP near 'Princess. ' $ 5 ull *imw '08 ce. ce hours 2-4 p.m; . v Al a - E h i Report Pa er cent. No ents or experince 7-8.30 p.m. Telephone: office, 1§ holstering and general repairing. P ySiCS per In Soren B Att. tite Modern 'Art. Coo Toronte residence, 1631. Leave orders at or drop & card to BATEMANS REAL ESTATE . n uperb C tt A a Pr ii +t C Y Street. ---- Co egiate Note Paper Atari Rere erre » ET = | §1600---FRAME; ¢ ROOMS; STONE 1 N P Surpassing her Previous Successes | ONLY SATISFACTORY AN A A Tw J 10 JOAN i enllar. Ye . Science Note aper Cl 0 . ¢ war book, written by Canadians, | --- introduotion by General Currie TO LOAN y~ $1,200.00. ON FIRST $1600---DOUBLE RR, ©. HOUSE; & Special Music will accompany this "Canada's Sons and Great Britain YOU LIKE BUTTER----YOU mortgage at 1%. Apply to Box No, rooms each; improvements. Square uled per i " in World War," offers returned men WILL LIKE 0-13; Whig Ofrice. - " R Pa POTATOES picture, played by the and others, nien or women, wonder Emr sm $2100----FRAME; 9 Rooms, IMPROVE. 0 20¢. per 100 ful Spportulity to make $50 to $75 a ments; large lot, C weekly. Charles Marshall made FINANCIAL er : We have a choice lot of oncert Urchestra $120 Grit JS hours; Mr. Pos) aver. PE rovemn AME) 8 ROOMS, Me y v : n ents; electric lights. BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. White Potatoes, by the bag or makes $60 or more every week. "The Well Made N LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE : a . smaller quantities. Join our sales force at once: work © We e Nut | Fire Insurance Company. Available | $4400--~DOUBLE BRICK VENEER; 8 MYSTERY OF 13 Spare time or full time. Outfiyf trae. Margarine" assots $81,187,215. In addition to| romus each; all jmprovements, FRIEND inston Co. Dept. D., To N which the policy holders have for, -- y BETTER Security 'the unlimited labilit of | §3.200, FRA HOU MS, With Francis Ford . city property, insured at ny oH La np JI0UsE, 7 Roo £16 DIVISION STRE®T ARONITROY Sold on a money-back guaran- Por Een ne pou tne wing] = " J n vs 4 ; ! § "il 82,200, PRICK BUNGALOW PHONE B45 PISEANY RELATIVES POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI. tee, by all grocers rates from StFange and Strange, improvements estan fit, ROOMS, ggs Comedy. tects, Merchants' Bank €hambers. ; Agents. Phone 315. fy % corner of Brock and Wellington streets. : --- sD : ~ FRONTENAC LOAN AN NVEST.| VICTORY BONDS FOR SA A THE HIGH COST OF LIVING . POLLARD COMEDY, - ment Soler Ancarpartes " BT 1 aa LE, MONRY IS GOING HIGHER $ "~~~ | WOULD CO-ORDINATE MAKE QOOD LOSSES President, "A BON GA vice ol VACCINATION SHIFLDS--WE Money lasted on Pope Cunningham. | FARM FOR SALE than ever, the purchasing pow- pI ; ALL RED CROSS WORK ON WAR CONTRACTS | pio, noid on, olor and tar | seooa--ton ACHES, ALL GOLD LAND Jreating Xmas. dards in spafe o rge lot and stable. properties, municipal and county ~ and debentures; 'mortgages purchased; {acing the kat orm house : 2 NL FB ; ent boy wok A. Ba ik . ,oF of your income is getting A. G. Williams xX The Duke of Devonshire Mas | Construction Industries Gone received and interast "Shwicporits| 1 on. Stree 3PM 160 Wek lower and yop are compelled s rem ay : Plan of Uniting Kindred vention Passes ResdSlution to C. Cartwright, manager, 71 WELLINGTON STREET ESP IE Societies. Reimburse Contractors, |---tfct treet Kineston ~~ LEGAL. to forego many former luxuries. "PHONE © . a cr-- : Toronto, Feb. '5.--Co-ordination { Ottawa, Feb. §.--~The unanimous CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BA TS Ta test asse x [ras ; ) . ers and Solicit 7 The greatest asset to your in ; of the various engaged in | passing of a resolution to have the |: FE: KNAPP, mA, LDS, 0.03, Street, Kingston "A. B. Caamnce come is YOUR EYES. They are Soristymilar to that of the Red Cross | Dominion Government consider the | Gaio® 1° Princess Sireel "Phons| mame common A . Soclety was suggested at the quar- reimbursing of contractors and bufld. | Tom ---------- AMBRO SHEA, B, STER a t NECESSITY. Do not terly meeting of the execu ers who lost money on government PRS, Ip ARK AND SPARKS, DEN. ena Sollee Yaw oifice, a grea Canadian Red Cross Society here yes- | war work, together with the recep- ore By Phone fioest, over oe n& and Brock. over Toyal neglect thom. See us.and see jerday hy His Bxeellency the Duke of | tion of the reports of the labor aed : - ee aionsy ta loss. Phone Tay B J " . (Princess of Wales' Own Rifles) | Devonshire, Governor-General of Can- nomination committees and the an- we ro y ated) ada, who with the Duchess of Devon- { nual election of officers, were the : > Incorpora Ww . and shire, 'Is in. Toronto in connection feature of yesterday's session of 3 Club y 67 Princess St. nse T Training--Tuesday with the annual mesting of the Cana- the Canadian Construction Industries " a Rooms, . AY Thursday. dian Red Cross Society, which Will he | Convention, held in the Chateau u 0 leneral meeting FRID : : pm. » held vn Thursday. Laurier. Bugle Band--Friday In 'the 'anual report of Col, The new officers of the assoc Blaylock, overseas chief tion are: President,' J. be as. "Subject for- discussion; -- 8, ARMOURIES = hospi of Kingston), re. ~ Carloads of fresh Coal best Coal mined. fon convention, selec- ; - rst Jicopresident, eh Domin' -- Carswell, Toronto vice-presi. aaa HI]: von or cciosnten re: ffi. THOMAS COPLEY [mn who visited the graves of their imnipes % - i hn a ------ : ' Sir Richard Jats of Regina, Lieu- 44 f evra Hees k enant-Governor _ Saskatchewan; n in Lady Drummond, of TEs an endeavor will be service and expert advice to those in- otra time An opportunity to figure on your réquirements would be '