Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jan 1920, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TT TT ESTABLISHED 60 YBARS TRADING RAW FURS pay the highest cash prices. We select finest akins only for our manufacturing Far Department, We the TO i AND { His Master's Voice VICTROLA X., $185 Records There are always "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Records of the ' latest dance numbers--Jazz Music and Popular Songs--and, of course, there are the reproductions of the GREATEST VOICES of the world that offer fresh inspirations at each hearing and all the old FAVORITES of whi Tell Me--Fox Trot---Smith The Vamp---Fox Trot--S8mith's Orchestra .. Ruspana----One Step--Pletro Have a Smile---Fox Trot---Pietro ... Taxl---One Step--Henri's Orchestra Tumbled---Waltz--Henri's Fidgety Feet--One Step--Dixieland Jazz Lazy Daddy---Fox Trot--Dixieland Jazz For You a Rose--De Gogorza Bring Back My Bonnie to Me--Gluck .,... ch one never tires. 's Orchestra 18594 0c. 18662 wes omeome ms 90c, 216093 900¢. 18664 90¢c. .64816--81.25 «»..04793--81.25 Orchestra "enum Hear your favorite at-- MAHOOD BROS. THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA Ee ih LTT HEIR TTT mone | Owing to wild rumors appearing in A 5 how is te Toe To Secure - ring HERE ARE A FEW OPPORTUNITIES 200--Victoria St., Rooms, "turnace, 16 rooms, furnace. $2750---Barrie Street, frame, 7 rooms, $4000--King St. South, brick, 5 h. {- $1650--EIm St. frame, 5 $2000-- Division street, rooms. Money to Loan Victory Bonds Bought and Sold Brick, 7 $8200---Stuart Street, frame, 8 rooms. brick, 6 Home for fii HOW ABOUT YOUR FRIEND? Our store is so conveniently located that the busy man loses no time when repairs or read- Justments are needed. It is our business to see that every detail of optical service is car- ried out in a way that wil prompt you to recommend your friends to us when they need Glasses, J.S. Asselstine, D.0.S. iyo aun I SATURDAY, our counters will display good values in Meats, Provisions and "VEAL Ferrets «alaisisin sini 'eieieTe] Loins. ;..... Legs Stews .... .e sein mua Groceries. \ «+ .20¢. Ib. sisrnisbemans. . 25¢. 1b. sssnssecnaa...18e Ib. 1,000 LBS. CHOICE BEEF -- Stewing Cuts ..............17. Ib Hamburg Steak BEEF Serres 20 Ih. fen soning nes 200, 1b, poses Ce eee see (eine vn .25¢, 1b. i 3 Cl a: : : Lettuce--P: ID NOT ASK CANCELLATION |OF MOTOR LICENSE APPOINT. MENT OF MR. BOURDEAU., { The Kingston Motor Club Sets This Matter Right--J. M. Hughes is Elected President of the Club. The annual meeting of the Kings i ton Automobile Club was held Thurs- day night at the Board of Trade rooms. President George E. Smith | was in the chair. T. M. Asselstine { was appointed secretary pro tem . A letter was read from the chief of police of the city asking for an op- portunity of meeting with the exe tive of the club with a view of get- ting their co-operation in regard to enforcing the traffic by-laws. The executive was instructed to give the police authorities every assistance in enforcing the bylaw. The financial report showed a | membership of 100, with a cash bal- | ance on hand of $181.74. On the question of the recent items appearing in the local press coming up for discussion, H. D. Wightman, | superintendent of the Provincial Em- {ployment Bureau, read the letters { passing between the Motor Vehicles | Department and Mr. Bourdeau con- | cerning the latter's appointment as 'issuer of licenses. - This resolution was passed: "The Kingston Automobile Club, | the papers to the effect that they had been instrumental in seeking the can- cellation of the appointment of Mr. Bourdeau as issuer of motor lcenses for this district, wish it stated that no such action was ever taken. On the contrary, his appointment has our full sanction and endorsation, and he can command our assistance at any time. That a copy of this re- solution be sent to both papers." T. M. Asselstine, chairman of the signs committee, presented the report of that committee, showing that some 500 signs had been erected through- out the county and city at an expense of over $300. The report recam- mended that the city authorities be asked to erect the parking and other signs as required by the traffic by- law, President Smith gave a verbal re- port of the meeting of the Ontario Motor League held at Toroiito. The executive was asked to ar- range for an outing for orphanage children during the ¢toming summer and also to arrange a series of drives for the members and their families. It was decided to direct the: at- tention of the Ontario Motor League to the fact that many members when 'disposing of their cars, permit the league badge to go with the car, consequently there are many cars being operated carrying the badge of the league, when as a matter of fact the present owner has never been a member of the league. I would sug- gest that some easily removable emb- lem be issued to each member and that same be issued yearly and bear the annual figures, | series, and makes Ve The election of officers resulted: Presidefit, J. M:. Hughes, vice-pres., T. M. Asselstine; sec-treas., J. K Carroll; chairman of membership committee, F. H. Hughes, directors, Dr. D. A. Black, B. Abernethy, E. 0. Sliter, H. W, Davis, J. A. Minnes, A. Z. Vanluven, auditors, Dr. Black and E. 0. Sliter, A vote of thanks was tendered to President, George E. Smith for his services during the past year. Mr. Smith was elected an ex-officio mem- ber of the directorate. ALLENS WILL HAVE THEATRE IN KINGSTON They Have Secured Property on Princess Street For New Play House. The Allen Bros., of Toronto, who OWn a string of theatres across the perty on Princess street, above the old Windsor Hotel, and have secured the property through to Queen street, as well as a large portion of the yard associated with the Windsor Hotel. They will erect a theatre to cost in the neighborhood of $250,000. The plans have been shown to Kingston contractors to work over. Friday.to attend the boys' work econ- city on Friday, Saturday and Sunday: Locklin McKinnon, Russell Ettinger, Everett Rees, Irwin Graham, James Donaldsen, Mac Ovens, Gordon Sweetman, Thomas Fowler, Jack Wood, Arthur Armstrong, © Ross | Waller, Frederick Sears, Jack Fin- i lay, Collis Williams, Leslie Kennedy, Sherwood Upton, William Noble, Ralph Forsythe, Stanley Wilson, C. W. Simmons, Charles Thompson, George Baxter, Dr. C. C. Nash, James Powell, John Donnelly, 'Kenneth Gimblett, A. W. Dean, 8. T. Lilley. OFFERS TO PAY FINE. Levied For a Violation on of Ontario ot. A lawyer representing Sidney Lee, formerly of Harrowsmith, who was convicted of a violatitn of the On- Dominion, have purchased the Pro-| fed The following left for Beeville on ference which 4s being held in that | AR INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENER@L INTEREST. Happenings in the City and Vicinity | ~~What the Merchants Offer to | the Readers of the Whig. Guaranteed oysters, Carnovsky's, There was.no session of police court on Friday. W. Swaine, plano tuner, orders at McAuley's, or 'phooe Sew Before prices advance, order sup- ply of Daly's Good Tea and Coffee. At Mahood's Drug Store. | An organ recital will be held in| St. George's Cathedral, Saturday Jan. 31st, at 4 p.m. Mrs. Anson, 38 Ordnance street, was taken to hospital on Thursday in 8. 8. Corbett's ambulance. Miss Edna Parkin, Division street, who has been in the hospital for the past four weeks, has returned home, DP. W, G. Jordan will be the next president of the Canadian Club. The vices are J, M. Hughes, J. M. Far- rell and T. J, Rigney. Now 1s the ume . bave your olano tuned. We carry two exper: 'ugers and assure entire satis action. C. W. Lindsay, Limited. Don't forget the dance in the City Hall on Tuesday in aid of the Hotol Dieu. Cards in Ontario Hall. $1.50 | a couple. Extra lady, 50c. A chimney fire at the home of THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC FRIDAY, JANUARY 80, 1620, ---- Six And A Half Dollars For Four Dollars MOTOR MAGAZINE--REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $6.00 THE ONE DOLLAR JANUARY NUMBER and the 11 succeeding numbers at 50¢c. each, may be Secured for $4.00, for the twelve months. The only magazine published that win keep you In touch with the latest in automobiles and accessories. . Save Money By Subscribing Now For COSMOPOLITAN---price after Feb. 10th ....$3.00 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING --price after Feb. 1083.00 HARPERS' BAZAAR---price after Feb. 10th.$6.00 HEARST'S MAGAZINE--price after Feb, 10, $3.00 PRESENT PRICE PRESENT PRICE PRESENT PRICE PRESENT PRICE Subscriptions for Cosmopolitan may be started with the January issue, on sale Saturday, the James McCabe, No. 11 St. Catherines street, gave the firemen a run at 4.37 p.m. on Thursday, but there was no damage, | We will rent you a plano, and at end of six months if you feel like purchasing instrument we will allow | the six months' rental on purchase | price, and arrange easy terms on bai- i ance, C .W. Lindsay. | Our stores wers never more at- tractive. A visit to any of them is! a delightful experience. You see the newest things in merchandise as | well as the famjliar things--and you get ideas! -------- Verona Won Hockey Game, The second game of the series for | the Dr. Edwards' hockey cup in group A was played on Thursday between Harrowsmith and Verona at Harrow- smith, resulting in a victory for Ver- cna, the score being 8 to 1. This eliminates Harrowsmith from the na eligible to play the winners of group B in. the final game for the cup. ------------ For the Sick. Place one level teaspoonful GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE in a hot saucer in the sick room. The | antiseptic vapor rising from the heat- | ed salve circulates in the air and | makes breathing easy for the patient. | It induces sleep' and is a great com- fort to anyone suffering with Spas- modic Croup, Asthma, ' Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Whoop- ing Cough, Diphtheria or Pneumonia. | The healing effect of the vapor re- lieves the patient and is very com- | forting. Price 86¢. per box. If your | druggist hasn't any, send 35e¢. in| postage stamps to Paris Medicine Co., | of 193 Spadina Ave., Toronto, and a full-size box will be mailed to you promptly. ------------ Should Use Hotel Dien. Canadian Freeman: Some of those who advocated the moving of Queen's Medical College : to Ottawa, com- plained of the lack of clinics in King- ston. Yet little use is made of the clinical opportunities offered by the Hotel Dieu. We ------------ Cauliflower and Brussels Sprouts. Leaf lettuce, head lettuce, cucum- bers, leeks, radishes, rhubarb, celery, parsley, green onions, peppers, sweet potatoes, etc, at Carnovsky's. You may find an office boy---per- haps destined to become a factor in your business--through the: classi- y N The College Book Store Telephone 919 Open Evenings A $14.95 Sale That Will Bring Joy to the Heart and Pocketbook of the Thrifty Buyer. Read! LADIES' AND MISSES' SERGE DRESSES In Brown or Navy--beautiful styles, in sizes 16, 18 38. Our clearing price on Saturday, each . er oe "a : ae i LADIES' AND MISSES' Really nobb 16, 18, up to 38. 3 ' SILK P OPLIN,DRESSES-- BR y creations, in Brown, Grey or Navy shades. Sizes 0] Our clearing price on Saturday ........ .$14.95 om pe LADIES WINTER COATS avy or Lrray; in sizes 16, 18, to 40; el t styles; but few left. If your size is in the lot, you'll ot Pi ore 2 Ho - 3 ing price on Saturday v.e.............. crrees 2e..4.31495 i a ™ mw SALE OPENS AT 9 AM. PICTORIAL QUARTERLY for Spring, brimful of bright ideas from Fashiondom. Get a copy. \ Newman & Shaw oo' January Sale { | | } | } i Genuine Snaps in §| Odd Furs Here are a few of the odds and ends we of- fer at big reductions in price: -- | "The Always Busy Store" Fe ADDRESS AND CHEQUE TO -JONES CANON BED! From Members and ex-Mem= bers of Leeds and Gren~- ville Deanery. There was an interesting event following the Thursday afternoon session of the Ontario Synod, when the members and ex-members of the Leeds and Grenvifle Deanery, pre sented Canon Bedford-Jones, Brock< ville, who hag been appointed prin- cipal of Bishop's College, Lennox- ville, Que, with an address and a ehieque, the latter to cover the cost of his robe and hood on the oceas- ion of bis receiving the degree of D, D., (Honoris Causa) at Trinity Col- lege, Toronto, of which he is a gra- duate. The address was read by Kev, R. J, Drumbrille, of Kemptvyille. Bis- op Bidwell presided, and spoke of @ sincere regret of the members of the Synod over the leaving of Canon Bedford-Jones, who has for over a quarter of a century, been & promin- ent worker in this diocese. MAKE YOUR $2150 Albert Street--frame. SELECTION '$2200--Albert Street -- frame. $3000--Alfred Street---Frame Cottage. $3000---Quebee Street---Brick Bungalow. $4000--Montreal Street; Bric k Dwelling. $5600--Frontenac Street---Britk Dwelling. MONEY YO LOAN. E. W. MULLIN & SON BUYERS AND SELLEGS OF REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BROKERS. Cor. Johnson and Division Sts, Phones 589w and 5894, § CHOCOLATES | # $1.25 Per Pound

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