Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Jan 1920, p. 13

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PRIDAY, JANUARY m0. too. © THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TT e------G RAN D f= orem =o || waeon | 0 | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM wonderful location; fairly modern; one of three door row; lot . 105 te. deep. Price $2,000; $1,000 cash, Balance can siand Big Double Programme bh d SW vw vw wv veveYwew Yevvew yeveYTwew verve for five years. { 15-- Reels Best Pictures--15 am =e -- a r =r a FOR SALE. i : | LEWIS 1HE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY MITCHELL LEW CONDENSED ADV ERTISING RATES TED NERAL. First insertion, 1c. a word, Each con WAN UENE | secutive insertio th . ma A 2 AW is a hy ntertion am charge tos | BECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO | . FOUND 4 SPESD CUTTER. oY Phone 68 and 874w. . 56 Brock Street "Nine-Tenths of Law"' i i i « | | one Insertion, 26c; three | ions, for cash or in part payment of now | GOLD MONOGRAM OUFF f iE PP 'and Another Big Feature, te hu 23c; tires insertions planos and grafonolas, C. W. Lind. A RAY Te ONE HAY MARE, SIX YEARS OLD. aan a - | 60 cents. Comedies and Other Reels he above rates are for cash only; Say Limited, 121 Princess street. } nesday anternoon. Owaer ADpiy 18 Stephen Street. &....:..s When charged they ars double. can have same by applying Ea ees er aa Office. uperior villa |= Xhes c | . . | the Wil HALIATOR COVES MAKE YOUR pe. Vaude J | THE QUILTING ON SEVERAL QU LTS | PRRELeP iod i ren RING ON Car Sturt ewsy. JUQaun's Auto Tops | | - Te f i = Sree ; . . HELP WANTED. mes backs and filing suppiied. | > 5 ee a | SALSBURY | Mat. 2.30 , Lye at 7.30 RTE AFELE A Eew.| ADU duuag price pet quit to | | proatense se' Owner mar [| SRSNLE . . i l Box A.B.C, Whig Office. SEASONED PINE AND BASSWOOD - A BOY TO DRIVE. APPLY AT BOW- i k St Oc. & 15¢. AJC. & 2 en's, King street. { A sari Nh ot. IN ST. GEORGE'S lumber, Apply Ww A. Foster, Mow a Is prepared to do turning of all de- b { > . nave Lean, Ont. WOULD scription 4nd small machine Jobbing. | A'GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. WANTED BY OFFICER AND WIFE, | ed o, Sexton 5 ' Bhop in| rear of 21 Sixth Street. Apply to 172 Johnsom Bt small, furnished apartment, suit-| ON THURSDAY AFTERNOON SOLID BRICK HOUSES, NOS, 200 AND : ) bie tor Nang house Keeping. Reply | # on Ontario street, a sum of 352, King >tievi sasl. Apply ¥, money. Owner will find Macnee, i143 Ring Sireet westk Phone 1058W. and J. ! GRAND OPERA HOUSE | EXPERIENCED MILLINER PREPAR- Box Y-30, Whig Office. era. Apply at onde, &t Box X-2%, same at J. Geo, Forrest, 1038 g ' | V | Whig Ontice, WANTED--MEN AND BOYS TO PAT.! Kast, Monte UNE AEW RAYMOND DROM-HEAD AD ISE | - ronize J. W. Curzon. barber. Men's | Racal rest h Sewing Macaine, and one Mauogany | AN EXPERIENCED LADY STENO- and boys' hair cut, 20c. Shave 10c. | BAMKIE STREET, JAN. 30, Antique Sofu. Apply 0 143 100K \ | Etdpber, Aprly A. Spelaman, 89 Razorg honed 25c. 236 Ontario St, | 1920, 8 suring of Prayer Street. { ueen Stree < near Broek Street. i y v heats. | SUner may have SUsUKA, "IMPERIAL? STYLES the use Wampole's preparation of y 30 Cod iver Ol ns good building up By unDAY Ay ad 73 pan | TE {A Gini 10 Do HOUSEWORK AND | WANTED TO RENT BY MAY 1st. 8 TO ix Ehsan Gllberty Ulvoery, bewutiiul One; used ule YOAT. Age , | - ; % tonic. It's both palatable and taste rr scare DeESS Sireut | care for a oouple of children. ~Ap- § roomed house, with modern cone | IN A. O. 3, HALL ON 3A, Xith Ply ssi University Avenue. Phone less; it has no equal; large bottles |" piy 85 Beveriy St. toniences; central locacion:| by | i al I ier 133m. ; vo BL fo eee eful tenants; no ch . Ape y dencrssvnvarvsasva wanesisB Geo. M. Cohan's Mystery Farce | | Manion MAN TO WORK ON DAIRY or Bux Core Ottice. p Grocery, Market Square. CASH MaGAYTEd, $000; ALSO 8 Ty | BLY y & | ! | i! | i A. Binnington, Cataraqui. ea fo YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN | TISED FREE. Priucess Street. = A SMART, NEAT GIRL 10 CLARK 18 | teiegiupay; positivis secured; fees | Anyone finding anything and -- . Store. Apply »sakell's los Crean MoGeidie; Gey ana Night classes. | wishing to reaca ine owner may PLOadS--LARGE QUANTITY O8 Funsy « Parlor, next to Ope House, Apply. instrueivi, uver LP.R. Teie-| do so Ly reporting the facts to Béouial and Lack © wollte; chap. TR rie Fav ie Hirsi Brupi Vics, Linrence street. | The British Whig. The adver Bedioid, fhe Auduionedr, 34 Queen { i We close at 8 p.m. dally except No farm, Apply, stating wages to M. | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- CIOLILE TUES, Bo.0u Gach; § Jar - Saturday. FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 lavas, giUv aca. The Club, 1 Auspices LO.D.E. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opp. Y.M.C.A., Kingston. { { | | <r AT ONCE, WOMAN OR Gill, FOR A by young married couple; ny coil | etc. These, If lost, may be ad- iV-vpe, vou, Lille ssvevsl. 324. Ade their blcycies to be cleaned .and|'ONE TRUCK TIRE CHAIN. FINDER ed reoins for ligai nuuse-Keepin 3 clude lost dogs, cattle, horses, Suiuidon; vue suurcgR, $49; one few hours' house-work daily. Ap Ten; centraliy -iveaida 11 pussivie; | vertised ror in the "Lost" column. Gress Lux «-3v, WIG Ualice. t. INCHES WALES' OWN RIFLES) ; oo = (PRINCESS OF rs Jown M. Sueesiey 2 housework. Apply to Dr. & C.| WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO BRING | aovne suid. or 618. yr ! nan B Connell, 26 est Sireet, ing- CHOICE WHITE Winter Training --- Tuesday and | v -- » Star ston. » stored for winter, ' Skates sharpens | leave at Whig Office. GHSLINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN €d and hollow ground; aiso baby | selections; your own choice, Lh { ! 3 FFG | MIDULE AGLD WOMAN AS HOUSE tiseinent will be printed in this Slivel. uune 493i. strstr i Keeper, goud howe; sniall family. Guiumn (ree of charge. GRAND MATILEE AND NIGHT | Appiy Box U-38, Whig Oifice, AT ONCE, TWO OR THREE FURNISH. | "Found articles" does not ine CRfRLaS INCUBATORS IN GOOD 14th REGIMENT wus SAT. JAN. 31 IITA TA Th paaeat asd, a, Portis ~A b y Phone 838J. to Box W-i8, Whig Office. x i mri CIEE | MAL ANY SUE Baio Pus 8 ~N a - LOST. ig large of alnaii Quantities, App. MAID TO ASSIST IN GENERAL | E Ek Wathen, 143 Avelson str Thursday J SINGLE MAN, EXPERIENCED IN cArrisge tires put on while (you | A JET BEAD TASSLE OFF BEADED Aoliau po Casi, $i Por week. o. W, : ; Musical Review With » Blof farm work, with some knowledge wait, George Muller, 371 und 373 bag. Kindly return to Whig Office. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess St Brass Band---Monday . of gardening preferred; no milk King st. Poone 1038w. { " " - No Pe lug. Apply fe D. Morris, Les mmm | WRIST WATCH, GOLD FACR AND SKAFKS, CANOES, SKIFFS FOR OUT . ' nes nt arm, ortamouth. 5 v4 ns We have a choice lot of Bugle Band--Friday : ; ered Phone 1105, ring 14 AGENTS WANTED. morning. Finder kindly return to Casnp Suppiles, ete, Frank W White Potatoes, by the bag or J OLY Easy - rs tenets Whig Office. Couke, 3b. Bagot street. Phone 8 p.m., ARMOURIES " SRImAAL Die TapnoL -- AN EATERIENCED, SINGLE OR MAR. Biv A DAY IS BRING KARNED 8B) 438. YeLAU ried man to work on farm; must 0 p he © EE i steady. Write, phone, or apply Png per hal tarvun. toe Fail Robe, between Sydenham and Oates. | wir PAVE 15 DOZEN MEN'S ALL } X personality, to H, M., Van Luven, Gresilay AMes. CWras if Spare uf Finder kindly notify L. J. Burns, Wool Mitts to -g0 uboer Pulls HITHER" oe OU Bor sont Nor vating. or Saver iy | mmr te AAR $507 pair urine Laie Brent aait a 3 Ld . ~ y N JK What the critics say: LIVE MAN WANTEU-8CAME Tide 3 7 'aL DIVISION TRE x ¥ or steadily---sélling our guaranteed Write Mudern Art Co. Teiviiw. wallet, containing $159.00, Thurs- ne Lion ClOtaing House, $47 545 PHILA. PRESS: "Best musical show | trees and piafts. Outfit free. Lib- day moraing. Liberal reward if otieel, singsion, 1 eral commigsion. Brown Brothers SATISFACTORY . CANADIAN! returned to Whig Office. ar bouk, written by Canaaians. NTE A ; DOUBLE HEADER . 0 ZT R----"Mi } P ' 4 lnkroduction Oy Geasrai ure, | BETWEEN SMITH BROS. AND 238 Boud second hand furniture and : (PHILA. LEDGER Miss Hutchison |e --0"" - rey RRO Sons and Great Britain Johnson, via Princess and Clergy, a BioVes. Aly Person NAVARE Stoves © palr of rimless eye glasses." Finder and turniture to dispose of, we will | Sasising and managin ot, and oles, MeN OF Wulllen, wonders Please leave at Whig Office. Pay Digoest prices. J. Thompson, é len 0 eo 5 b ¢ 5 ) : Ot1Ce. Nic cy matic BARGAIN PRICES: ins ind expense Weld | wees. Charles Marvadl 'made | BLACK PURSE ON CLERGY, Wm. | 4 ¥rincess iret Phone eeu Night ; 25.50-75-81.00 salary and expenses to well-recom- $idv Lrst 19 hours; Mr. Peel avers tween rock and Barrie streets, GOOD, GENERAL PURFOSE MARE Fret sent ane cai o T and Rag ont ckets. " pt pt isa mar. Ac and properly = qualified "ges Jou weekiy; Miss Kobinson | Finder pve ohey ind tickets. A GENERAL PAT Re ARE) LCI. vs. Ri bs | --Seats now o ian Home Journal, Toronto, Can , o + Wh ke | i | n sale. h hy Juin bur sales turce a vuce; work cutier, deuv Wa, Th In nam nooking 1erm and stock salen KINGSTON INTERMEDIATES = | omen 220 ada. Spare time oF full time. UAE tree. | __ CeIVe reward. Eau Onatham Snoubaas » Jae Frontenac County, L Winston Co, bLept. D toronto. brovder; cheup to quick Duyer. Ap- Phone 1531. WANTED UPHOLSTERING > FRIDAY JANUARY 30th SVR HE Ero . A FARMER, AGED 40, REQUIRES A| WE HAVE 10 DOZEN MEN's MULE ' RP Ale seh General Clerk. One who has CALL OR DROP A CARD TO W, J. respectable housekeeper. Good skin Pullover Milts to go over hod 4 also a good knowledge of photo- Gavine, upholsier, 2i8 Bagot St home, easy place, Ticket advance Woollen Mill, walca we are seibng ~Junior game starts 7.p.m. sharp. TO-DAY x - | 'I VACCINATION SHIELDS-.WE --=Senior game starts 8.15 p.m. * : x ADDI. G. Chvin, Sree. work, ik aMOLD pen SIR TELL Swood ¥. Ov Reddick, unt. ht aT Dejore Tand rr HAVE THEM. General Admissio 50c. | ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! &ineer, Canadian Locomotive Co, Leave orders at or drop a card to| HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTH- gone. 'Ane Lion Clothing House, Bh avawnrranes . moved permanently. Satisfaetory -- Rs yew 111111 an Eset exgorisass re tamered PHOAE 40 FEMALE HELP' WANTED. CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST. lake liye, Kar, Nose, Throat, Skin, | STEAMER FOR SALE 3 79 Clarence 258 Bagot street. * We need you to make sooks the ham. Cyr M. Smith. Toadies: long. Price and particulars on oe INL | N es; hundreds of wealthy mem- ica | IN fast, easily learned Auto Knitter. bers, Wealthy farmers' daughters, aa, frac, 1, Booth 3 * > Waltham works, on Tuesday board 'motors; Tents, Awnings, smaller quantities. DEC, 30th, BLACK CURL CLOTH i an, ViLiay or Saper.iive. RETURNED SOLDIER, POCKET TheSe wre Worl} wre Whvidsale. hang to play the Walnut this sea Figd : ONLY play ut this season Nursery Men, W. Whi save FUM SAL ALL Kips OF has a voice of rare quality." | WANTED--MAN CAPABLE OF OR- In Worid war," otiers returned men 3 A n Junior Inter-Collegiate g a dre \ o ai BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEE! 1 Matinee ..... «++ «28-50-75 Hiafl. Address R. 5. Hamilton, Cana Miskes $60 or more every week. | dence, 207 Willlam Street AR re. Bbvut Buggy, set of single harness; . seture cholce of dates. ip v8. R SP Pb bbb ay x 154 QUEEN ¥Tu KINGSTON QUEEN'S SENIORS G RIFLE] NY RA PERSONAL. SI Brn aires sity. : | 1 , | Braphy and capavie oi ndndiing { ed, If required. P. 0. Box 45, Ishé at 46c. a pair auring this great 1 . od City. 104 Clergy street. marks, skin cancers, scars, etc, re- edi King sirvel, near Princess, : Reserv Loot. JB0C, extra SEI ' A. G Williams Seats C glagses ftted and furnished after ® re a --" LEGAL. others have failed. Goitre removed. NT crt a A i DORIS MAY = ers and Solicitors, ie - ' GE - - En a em---- | : GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK. Prsen ingston. A, B. Cunning-{ rss PRIVATE CLUB, FREE TO | & jon Sci@er and freight; 100 ft. Jixperisice unnecessary. Pisange AMUBHOSE SHEA, B.A, BARRISTER many of them wealthy orphans: 3 immaterial. Positive no ca ana _osoleitor. Law office, corner a v Band at Covered Rink to- 1 vassing, Yarn su plied. Partion: of King and Brock, over Royal a bo marry; rol ing TEPPER PCA PEPSI PIII PI Pe 2 0 S eave lars 3c. stamp. 240, Auto Bank. Money to loan. Phone 1999, n Ero ely 386 8 7 to A Knitter Co., Toronto. A ne Htampe Sdcressed an - . : By Wood, Isherwood P. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE. morrow afternoon 3 to 5. ow t Two Hours of Hilarious Joy. MEDICAL 0.,. O \ iy S1090---~F RANE) e ; ROOMS; STONE Admission, 25¢. 3 ' ARCHITECT : : NOT A WAR STORY DR. J. B. KANE WISHES TO AN. cel nounce that he has opened offices FOR SALE. Exceeding the Speed Limit. POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCHI- at 136 Wellington Street, vpposite $1600-DOUBLE R. oO, HOUSE; 5 Be A a AAS tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers, : . Post Oftice. Uilice hours 3-4 p.m.:| IMMEDIAD 08 ; roopis each: improvements. corner of Brock end Wellington mi. Teiepnone: office, 1835; RL aESSION, A nw : OYRIL MAUDE and VIOLET : 7-85.30 p. brick bungalow at § - HEMING Fireats residence, 1641. are aL Alfred 5. $2100--I'RAME; ¢ ROOMS; IMPROVE. z °® a A Soe three bed rooms, parlor, dining ments; large lot, ao NY : ri : ) -- ; D CARPENTERING TO LET. rice. $1800,00° orn 42nd Kitchen.| pan niu FRAME; 5 ROOMS; IN Price $3800.00, for a quick buyer, é¢ 95 5 - . to 'wind pp an estat provements; electric lights. WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTE ; Pp state. Apply te - si , see James Selby, Contractor, $17 A FURNISHED BEUROOM. APPLY 159 Nelson Street. $4400--DOURLE BRICK VENEER, 1 188 Princess Street. : Phone 735 | University Avenue. Phone 1§9§w, at 92 Gore Straet. \ NUMBER or EXTRA GOOD, DARK Toms eachy all improvements, Ww he i FOR FURNITURE; CLEA.. Grey Buits, hese ar in i rE ny. im iujetta ! STORAGE Apply E, EB. Wathen at $35.00 to-day. We 8re seiling|$3.300, FRAME HoUS ¥ Holt Jarihea treatment, Crown and COMING! FINANCIAL 148 Netson Treat. Phone 13815. a the few we have at $27.50 during large lof anda Stanle, Rooms, work. - Graduate assistants. IFFER "CHASE ME CHARLIE" 3 BE this Sale only. Get one before Bridge THATS D ENT LN AND LOBE tts ROOMS AND BOARD, y assets $61,187,215, cess. only one girl in the world for you. security the unlimited Hability of STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAY| USED CARS FoR SALE--FORD AND aay Not at all. | meant you every old or giving new business get ; Also expert overhauling and re. . | Colle ate Note Paper | \ : ; : work dome. All wor £1 . . HE'S HERE AT LAST! FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. bedroom; very centrally located; Thos, Totes Som oluaranteed. lake. Parm For information reply te J. Bves, ork Graduate. da ND one are so 1K The Lion Cloth. $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS, : SI ne. oity property, insured at owes BG Bre MeCInn Ry GLEAN Chevrolet. If you are considering VIOTORY Boxns Fon sam, MONEY rates from Strange and Strange, 326. or 831. Palring done. Get our prices on FARM FOR SALE ment Society; Incorported 1861, reasonable terms. Apply Box A-20, barns. @&i A. Bateman, 20c. per 100 - 7 A aa investment banda Tor sale; depouis 318 King Street, second flat. n he . y _ BRITISH wWHIG JOB DEPT. "The Lotte M » ER unt pts Ty nd Tr ge CHG N ut Coal = ou She: | hear you have told six Fire Insurance Compa 8 olge, 1 : * 1 ddition to all improvements; centrally locat- ng Street, near improvements, glecirie } ---- girls this evening that there was VRioR the' policy Molgers Dorn cod ¢d. Apply 248 Brook street Prin 8 e light, possible rates. Before sellin a a Agency, 86 Brock street. Phone 8 your used car list it with us, Physic Report Paper |, Agents. Phone 325. ONE DOUBLE AND ONE SINGLE repairing before having Jour 0100 ACRES, ALL GOOD | sed. facing the dread . Science Note Paper President, W. F. Nickle, Kou; vice:| Whig Office. Jorne and Bartle sts, Phone 1317." lington Strat. ¥ Weis v \ : resident, A. B. Cunningham, > --- t d farm (4 ROOMED HOUSE, 61 LIVINGSTON "---- Jquare Ruled Paper ued pe Pr county| . Avenue. Possession February 1st. Queen street. Phone 526; res., 489. DENTAL Got tired of ta about A Paramount Artcraft Picture FURNISHED BEDROOM TO LET; = a. 4 ing He A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS. .DDS fou able for one or two young Ind Carloads of fresh Coal arriving--the best weather, probably." Why worry about the high cost of | A+ 268 Princess 5P3,i.0.D8,, lex; every convenience; home oom @ best Coal mined. Livi hen you can buy a husband office 268 Princess Street. Phone forts and use of pian. Apply at ving when y. y 652. Box J-26, Whig office. y > ay for a dollar? \ -_ DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- " i bh Wouldn't give a dollar for a hus- Usts, 160 Wellington street, over | LARGE, BRIGHT FuRNISHED, FRONT . * ° ° | } band? Well, that wasn't the seati- Carnovsky's. Phone 346, bedroom; siectric lights; hot water NE heating, near Queen's University, das ' Ww i - oe 9 Ae W ment of 300,000 women--aH. shapes, tab (Incorporated) NN ages, sizes and colors---who took a MONEY TU LOAN Poarion er Rory ® , Sccupant Club Rooms, 67 Princess St. A chance on the Lottery Man. Union street, street ca¥ Junction. Gohosal "sisting. PAIDAY | a" kid | hereby hangs tho tale. Seo tt | 70 meriengs at 14° X50 to tok Ho: siaNs 0 #t 8 pan. million that you'll lose. ------------ | SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, SIGNS OF Quanity and distinction. Signs that Subject for discussion:-- N\ 4, ? business. Address P. O. B avast covvgnion: H]. N Francis Ford Fir She Rove _[{ GEO. A. WRIGHT NOTICE Resolutions; selection of dele © Nan. MV Highest prices paid for Louses Raton, te." IN MYSTERY OF "18. SENBERRERENEEREE | 1 vind SUE pr ane §|] 5 crits snd wt porns \ ii L : Ai : or parts : = POLLARD GoimDY Insurance || oy | | a ta Eo 1. Losses F Photographs 40 PRINCESS STREET : 045w. BRIGGS COMEDY : , -- We ou J Sepreciats a line ? Strand Concert Orchestra |] Homa Camasairaats® | nocographs of the Caittren node fes. Na. xa / All the Latest Music Only £ grow up--make the appointment ELLIOTT & 5 100 perions Have EA x WILLIAMSON perfect eyes, perhaps you ; LX - ; R.C. Dobbs & Co. , Ha : AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING is in demand, will - consider yours are ah IL J : : : Ferd ears 2 Sensing nial te seh Job, : y 3 > 3 3 . ¢ & i 41 3 ¢ 8 y ; 1 poriect Josausn Jou oi ES | ER; 4. 810 Clarence Bt : ; Phoud Tom On, STREET srs. J. Turk, Phone 705 without trouble and can dg op =a : Se see well in the distance-- Wl rv BEE : : _--_-- but you may be getting : : ) k . . - . ; : ; : Ys this good vision at the ex- s makin i : uA. Yeu Li NO TROUBLE AT ALL To SAMMY, EH? SAw My pense of the nervous sys : oyant 4 - a - po COA WES LOCATE A Bov4 PLAC lao CAME RIGHT over! tem, and later on will ; y ' : ni VOLE Ad { sov-vuTcome] | b ty il Pp ¢ WELL=-THATS QUIOC ACTION sult us. We use & mod- | a 2 as \ VOTICEMEIMERE WIL] | ETH THESE DAYS-/ | THATS w Bovsilodk. TO TELL You WHAT To pe examination, » Dey WORKI< 'A sy : : Phone 1 5 307 Princess St. Cor. Chatham St. >

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