THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | | | revRSDAY, sANUARY 29, 1020; * | TR ES RT ---- . " | ana the advahcement of His kin pe diocese. The central diocesan|our own missionaries. The mini-| cate several war memorials in our i dom. | committee of the Forward Movement ! mum stipend of a self-supporting | churches. Every congregation AD COL ER. | has informed each parish of the | parish has been rals to $1,200 and | which was represented by men ats LEFT HIM WITH ! ' Missionary Obligations. }amotnit it 18 asked to raise, but Ia house, and Iam glad to beable to | the front should have a permanent BRONCHIT With regard to the departments! gree very strongly that all should [say that most parishes which were | memorial of them, the living as el { of the church's work that this Move- | make a strong effort to surpass th gy already paying this amount have {as the dead. It is natural and right | ment seeks to place upon a frm | amount if possible. teridily increased the stipends of | that those who made the supreme { footing, I need say little in this| he right view for us to take of | their clergy. This result is largely | sacrifice should be particularly hon-| Hbwever slight a cold you ha | place about the missionary obliga- | nig appeal is to look upon it as a | due to the untiring efforts of John |ored and remembered, but those |You should never neglect it: if yo { tions which lie upon all members of | unique opportunity of making a fit- | Elliott, chairman of the committee, | who risked ail and returned safely | 40 it" can bave but one result. I should by 'no means be forgotten. |l®aves the throat or lungs, ar both, 4 the church. The Divine command | ing thankoffering to Almighty God | who has given most unselfishly of | Speaks Chiefly About the Great Forward Move- | must be obeyed, it We are to de-| gor the great mercies He has be-| his already over-occupled time to|It is the duty and privilege of the | affected. . . . . | serve the Divine blessing. But ao far growed upon us by granting to us the work. He has been well sup- | church to help to preserve for.ever| Bronchitis is one of the most co ment--Bishop Bidwell Finds Signs of an In- {as the work in Canada is concerned, {the victory in the tremendous strug- | ported by others of our laity | the memory of noble self-sacrifice, | Mon affections of a neglected cold » 7 . . {I would impress upon you with all| oye in which we have been engag { throughout the diocese, by the ener- | and faithfulness even unto death to and neglected bromchitis the m creasing Vigor m Church Life Through- | the force at my command the vital | Guring the past few years. When |getic action of the Bi by | the highest ideals. I want all as-|8eneral cause of consumption. out the Diocese. | necessity of occipying the gro | we consider what defeat would have | the eloquence and persuasive power | sociations of returned soldiers to| Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup | Wherever we have the opporfQmity|meant to the world, including our of Canon FitzGerald, as well as by | feel that On all the anniversaries of | Just the remedy you require to cure The synod service held 'in St. |] proved worth while. Group selfish- | without delay, and seeing to that | country, we cannot be too thankful {the unselfish service «of several of | historic days that they desire to com- | the bronchitis, It does this by 1 George's Cathedral, on Wednesday | ness marking itself under so-called | Bowhere through any remissness on |¢par God has ruled events as He | the clergy {n carrying out the neces- | memorate, the church will always be | ening the phlegm and mucous, ani night, was well attended by members | democratic forms of government is| our part shall setlers or others De (pag done. We have heavy losses to sary canvass in various parishes. I|7eady to welcome them within her | Stimulates the weakened bronchi . | True | Without the necessary means oOf|g4epiore; we have many problems to! hope that before long the laity of | Walls, and give of her bast services | Organs, allays Nrritation and subdu : | little better than despotism. y g | 1 of the congregation and clergymen de racy, does not one that the | maintaining their spiritual life. The | eet. But at least we have seen |the diocese will bring about a fur-|% them as part of such commem- ' inflammation, soothes and heals th gathered to attend the sessions of the | pa jority shall relentlessly impose | deadliest: menace to our country is | Right triumph over Might. It is|ther advance, making $1,500 the Oration, and that they will see irom | irritated parts and thus prevents synod of the Diocese of Ontario. | its will upon the minority. It is the|the danger that any of gur_Pedple | God's work which we are being ask-|mi imum. When the case is properly | the menigrials there that what they | becoming chronic. { bop Bidwell delivered his annual | government of the people by their | should remain or grow up In SUr-|.q oo gorevard: it is His cause which | presented, it has invariably been |2n ¢ir comrades who are gone : A Bish » Biéwe in an interesting duly accredited representatives in | roundings untouched by spiritual i+] we are being called upon to main-|found that the people make a willing | Rave done is not forgotten. We can an Rr Sundbiad, prancisy ge, g 4 the interests of the whole people, | flugnce. A Godless materialism would | gue It 1s both a duty and a privilege (response. 'The scale of stipends of go so little in retura for what was | Sash Reh at ia eh Dre oo manner with the Forward Movement, |, 'Gp op tne rights of minorities and | wreck Canada more surely than Sats | to respond to that call tg the utmost | missionaries fixed by the canon of | 900 for us by them, and what I 1 tried 'several coast onaaas oo and other matters of vital importance | of individuals are duly protected and | revolution. The responsibility rests | op oo "ovine "ry O50 00 han done | stipends has also, since last Syned, | U88est may seem, and perhaps 18. | atts of all kinds, but they ail failed] In the support of gov-|upon us to see that this calamity |. o¢ things for us, whereof we re- | been raised by $100 per annum, b But I hope that | nds, but they all failed, to the diocese were dealt with, | observed. ut a small thing. : 1s, b they 3 : ernment of this kind the Christian |does not occur, and, therefore, eVery | foie. now it gs for us to show our and. their interests are Being more | 2VeLY church throughout the dio-|At ast I got Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Bishop Bidwell spake as follows: spirit is of thé utmost value. For | effort must be made to cope with the [L010 lit de to Him by, such a |ecarefully looked after by the inde-| '36 Nill eventually contain a wor- Syrup and after using two bottles I Brethren of the Clergy and Laity: Christianity is at once social (not|Work to which ye are called. { thankofferfng as will increase and |fatigable diocesan secretary. It is thy memorial of our men, and will Jave Rover had a sign of bronchitis Though less than eight months have | socialistic), and individualistic. So-| At the present critical time, we multiply the work done in His name | our aim to see to it that every clergy-| 90 all that can be dome to keep |®uCe. ore ean, honestly re= need as leaders in every department | poh out the world. { man is placed in such a position : v green the memory of their loyalty | SO™mMmend it for coughs and colds." eeting, 1 have | cial, in that it teaches that we are all | 2 } t yalty | elapsed since our last m g of life men of power and vision. | This appeal, too, comes to us as| that he can devote himself to his | and courage. Don't accept a substitute for Dr called the Synod together at this | members one of another in a great | Wood's. The genuine is put up in x DE ean earlier date, first, that we might] Po ot which Curist is Head, chil BEspeciafly is tis true i He spiritual a test 'of the reality of our religion | spiritual Nok without being. Lon The Ksts Capon Loucks yellow wrapper: 3 pine trech hs : . | dren of God and brothers in Christ, | B: ' and our love for the church, and stant t y = inadequate : Can . pper; 3 Rave an opportunity of strengthening { with duties towards one another|a high standard of clergy, men who | 10° interest in the work that God | means of livelihood, an aim which Pind iy last Synod death hag trade mari; Tie pind §0c. nd inspiring our efforts as a diocese | which we may not overlook, individ. | will be fully qualified in every way | given her to do for Him. If we |the active co-operation of the laity imoned one of the most striking Tot Ted . urn Co., > " ful 1 this | ualistic, because Christ Himself|to be the spiritual leaders of the oan what we say when we pray | With the Bishop can certainly ac-| Personalities among our clergy. ldmited, Toronto, Ont. 'e oarry lo a sdccesstul vo | taught 'us the infinite value of each | community in which their sphere of | py kingdom CT if we are con-| complish, Canon Lodeks had reached an age great Forward, Movement. to which |. gle human life in the sight of | work lies. This is a matter of press- | vinoed that the only Hope of the| I desire to tender to the clergy my lous Bast the usually allotted span, the church is now called by united | oq «o that no Christian dare des- | ing Importance. The problem 1s | orld rests {n the true spirit of |hearty appreciation of thelr zealous - eo par, the ead his phe | 9 Prayer and mutual deltberation, and | pise even "the least of these His|largely, as every Bishop knows, 8b| oy io pein spread abroad amongst | Work, which has resulted in the. die. mag Te, vaderful for a | b it it be decided | brethren." We need to approach | economic one. If the laity desire | © and influencing all life: if we Cesan appointment being paid in| 80 advanced an age, and his | 1 secondly, because, whatever problems we have to face | such men, then they must see to it] jesire beyond all things that true | full, and to all our 18¥ members who | ental abilities remained unimpaired | fat 1 attend the Lambeth Ole | resolutely in this spirit, to get rid | that the clergyman is placed in such | ce should reign upon earth in-|bave contributed thereto. The ro. 0,100 Jam. He Ya Tientially a | ence to be held this year, which has ot selfishness, which only looks toa position that he i able to give bis | stead of strife, good will instead of | sult is most encouraging, and I earn-| gpape or form as, wit hal every | to deal with questions of the great- | the welfars of the section of the eom- | full attention to t 8 wor & which | hostility and suspicion between man | Satly ore that it may Lore the | outspoken denunciation from rm | i hich a man happens to| Re is called. te 1 be si | . - | prelude to still greater efforts in the | r * i git importance, nh i Aan { Po nly " supstitute abe it, as too plainly there is nothing which | aud man; thei} we shall throw our: | future, | Be WR auuch and Sacompromis. If you are : bled with or JING 10 he the Most apo I e { our great working principle in all [kills a man's spiritual power so | fort, to bring this Movement to a| The question of materially increas- | of his oral ud Dade Bo oer aches; feel tired; have headache, of all these historic gatherings, { the "activities of life, the rule to| quickly and surely as constant ADX-| Successful issue. I call upon you, IDE. thel grants to the widows and calling was intense. His life - ne indigestion, insomnia; painful pass~ would not be possible to call the | whieh all ouf conduct, private and |iety about the me of support for our spiritual leader, to stand by | OTPRans of the clergy will come be- consisted in the fulfilling his duties ®8@ Of urine, you will find relief in : 5 2 ] - | himself and his family, and the con-| i fore the Synod, and will, I Synod together at the usual date. | public, shall conform, the founda } 0 : Ie 4 +411 | me &s one man In this undertaking. 3 ' Ul, 1 am sure, | 35 a priest of the church. Of that he Therefore we meet now to dispatch | tion of all our relationships with stant dread of the time when he will | I have had the good fortune so far, | Meet with sympathetic treatment, as | allowed nothing to stand in the wor. COLD MEDAL . . our fellow-men in the many and | no longer be able to work, as it is Yi me b electing | Will the superannuation grant to | Neither di ce ro | our business, go that Whatever M37 | varied interests of life--the teach- | not possible go him, except in rare EE at: evar Bian an Totired clergy, which will also be | wes rigose En Bi ion ater tus ih oy happen, that will have heen duly car- | 5p op Christ that we must never act | cases, to aks any Drovis.on or ~| appeal to the diocese which has not He Consideration. to the call for the rites of the church | : LEM ried out, fn such a way as to forget that all age out of his scanty resources. For| ~ Go ot So Ci 7 oo ready re-| arcon me if I seem so far to have | from any of his flock. 7 | PRE y of us are children of God, all of us | these reasons a considerable portion | sponse. I'beg of you to let this rather laid stress upon material ad-| very thoughtful preacher, who took ! EGET The Forward Movement. are brothers in Christ. To accom®| of the Money raised will bg seed 10 { most urgent of all the appeals that yaness, M1 have yon 20, it is sim- | immense pains with his sermons, and The world's a ty & I shall 'Speak at once of the For. |plish this, we need earnest hele the e are Se oil very meagre | | have made be received in the same the a of ri ney ale, good Judges often expressed high ap- Hiver, bladder ond we cid " srl i ward Movement. It is by far the |tians backed by a strong church. 5. existent. If we value and be.| oval and generous fashion. If you | gress and a deepened {nimeutl DIO Preciation of his preaching. = When National Remedy of Holland since lana greatest effort to which our church Foy iff the services of the clergy | 30 50, I am convinced that under | 0 ts hens } Interest in the | the war broke out, he could not bear All droggis Re Ea i088 1630. in this country bas as yet been What It Is Not (and, believe me, it would be an evil | blessing of God this diocese will bel, know from personal -- 3 T ng " be Jdle. ahd so,.old as he wan Je Look for tho name Cold Medal very ealled, It is the beginning of an at- That, in a general way is Shad the { day for the country and a terrible | 1nepired to do its share in a nota- |, am very thankful to a o I aed Loon himself the duty of viait. bos and accent ne - tempt to arouse te Baila ot Sus Forvard Moment stands for. Now | loss to it in every way if they were | be Biece of Work for Ja Slory and {able to say that almost everywhere tals COMBE hin otk br a ~- - 3 | ¥ : rr) 3 € i | So 1 I i : flesple to Neulise. what thelr mem. {let us see what it is Jot, 1k is vot to be withdrawn), and Jr we ek he coun oi god But coarts of an | throughout the Siocese I find signs | the end. Stern and rugged in de. fill its more important positions will what are the far-reaching duties and | an attempt on the Dart ptih Shureh the best men to enter t he yep g of | that God has blessed us with in the | OF We sasing ¥gor in church | méanour, yet he really possessed an one more be justified by his success responsibilities of that membership. | to seize, so to Shea ' ro E0! am the ministry, we must see 0 $ the { way of possessions, and for our use | fo 1 2 ue , at there are still | affectionate nature, and never forgot In Bis Rew sphere. ; Hitherto we have perhaps thought | ment of the world. th evens] they are placed in such a position | »t them we must assuredly give ac- | a¥ any hy 0 are indifferent | a kindness. He was rigorously punc- Brethren of the clergy and laity, too much of its privileges only, and | @nd should not be e oh od that they can devote themselves | to Him. Determine, there-| bd unresponsive, careless of their | tilious in meeting pecuniary and this is'the seventh occasion on which have hardly understood that the very | work It is her duty to supply the | whole-heartedly to their spiritual tore, to give freely and generously, |°>. Sations as communicants, infre-|other obligations, and thought no I have had tha privilege of delivering inspiration and motive, to keep the | work. More than that, they do not not "grudgingly or of necefsity, to|JUeBt In their attendance at God's | self-denial too severe to enable him & solemn charge to you as bishop. As enjoyment of those provileges entails h idst of the : : } Such . s . sph ALE ak ion to look upon'| spiritual alive in the midst © \- | ask; less than that is fatal to their | : | house, ue unfaithful members| to do so. To him may well bs ap- each year passes, I feel, and 1 pray ira gobo a material, to care for and tend men's | gficiency as spiritual leaders and | te furtherance of Mie work, And |;ajure the cause of religion and dis-| plied in his degree the final claim that 1 am right in my impression, ortunity for the service of God, |souls, to foster the spirit of 1ove,| guides of the people entrusted to | oo ool the supreme sacrifice of- | Dearten the clergy, as well as im-| made by St. Paul for his own life, that we grow nearer to one another opp y duty and service. But men are | (heir care. fered on our behalf by so many of | Peril their immortal souls. But,|"I have fought a good fight; I have In knowledge and affection. . The ur conduct in ever : aad 1s haps out such a way as afraid, as they often put it, of the I have already alluded to the the Vary flower Of ont Jot and | Speaking generally, 1 belfeve that | finished my course; I have kept the Strain of visitations, with the con- help to bring about. such a state of | church growing too strong, because | spgejal importance at the present manhood. For their sakes alone, we | © 2c We consider the faithful work | faith."* May he rest in peace, and Stant absence from my own home affairs in this world as God would de- | they mistake for the voice of the juncture of the careful systematic must not shirk from any effort of | (1at is beifig done fn' many places by | may light eternal ever shine upon thatthey entail, is made light'by the sire, and His Son our Lord Jesus |church as a whole the shrill cries| and emcient training of the Yising | oo vice or sacrifice to make this! Poth clergy and laity for the great | him. kindly welcome that I receive wher- Christ approve. It 18 an attempt to | of certain 'extremists who aim at| generation in the teaching of the country of ours which they loved so | -°USe: We may well "thank God and emt | Yor I go from both Clergy and laity. bring about that "peace on earth" | eliminating and making illegal every-| church, both for the benefit of their dearly, and Which we love too, a land | 12K® courage. & ad | This kindness I deeply appreciate, es- of which we were recently reminded | thing in the Aatuge of sjoyment OF own souls, and as the only real bar- in which righteousness and peace We ave on fara Tonan: dio Jesialls as ; feel a he Yeats tmas seaso ent which does not mee e y 3 - " cleome en a the Ohrist 'of hanes bb? of their cramped and dis- Hot fo She Snes T. lawless bes and true loyalty to the ideals of our Observance of Sunday. cese, though happily not through de- as well as to the official head of the the pH Pa. based on the universal | dorted view of life. On the con-|met with on all sides. A properly | 0rd 2fid Master Jesus Christ, Who | I wish to say a few words about | Cease, another of our leading clergy diocese. For this I thank you all. It . thorhood of God, the actual foun- | trary, the stronger the true spirit of | equipped Board of Religious Educa. | 0ved us and gave. dimselt for us,| the proper observance of Surday. | In the person of Canon Bedford- means very much fo me, For though gRatho of all our mutual relationships | Christ in the world, the weaker will | tion, such as we hope to possess flourish and "are strong. le is a Ray of rest from secular la- Jones ha hag been Julled ie ihe mn we none of us fast look only to man S stead mere pious pla- w. It is just because . : ors for the primary and chief pur- nt position of prine of [for approval, but must at all costs : dy ig Bn ote ia oe. etd wisely "pa es apd ovement, will The, Jambeth iterence, A Jose of giving all the opportunity of A Soe ogo. Lennexville, ae do oat Ye believe to be right i the - ash ' hum spirit of : Y . e shops © our church | fu ng one of our chief duties and n 8 first {sight of God, yet even a his op Willa the : ye, as. a Doorty qFUring Mus result hau ia etgmp | throughout the world have been sum- | obligations, which is to worship | Canadian scholar to occupy that post, |sufficlently human to value the sup- I over a year, the | represented in the church, that nar-| we simply cannat afford as a chareh | moned by the Arshbisnap of Canter. | God. We must never allow its sec- 2a Xo yeliave that the college De port and resale ok 1s people; as) ' bl take . ury to a conferesce to be held at | ondary object, which is to give us a : aie in their [value yours, whic ave recelv Lworld samo by &uy suns Jo said jow Janatjeism hil buen Bile 30 ake 2 arte our educational work, On Lambeth this year. It should have | much-needed rest from toll, to ob-| choice. But their gain is our loss |in full measure. And now that we x A ET arr the propagan- oh as pray God it will, the true work, of which the i ortance yd taken place in 1918, but was of ne- | scure the first. Attendance at di- - il De Strange after so many yours | are about te enter npen the weighty ja of anarchy and revolutionarebeing | spisit' of Christ fn its dealings with | ney that we cannok spon 3 oe in imrereing ying tose war. | vine service on Sunday is a matter of | diet!nguished service trom father and and important business of synod, I fis of a Ap {de even in our own | in 1d one need be afraid of | | i Spend 100 MUCH I 1¢ is "interesting to remember hat | obligation to &ll Chuistians It is, | 300 to miss the familiar name from | would ask once mora for that calm spread far and w A If Syn the wor 50 OE = ay upon it. ,| these conferences, which normally |of supreme value as a constant re.| the roll of Ontario clergy. Canon [and peaceful spirit to reign which country to an extent making it strong. Ei : oceur every ten years, were the out- | minder, in the midst of a very ma. Bedford-Jones has given us of his {has so markedly characterized our 11 ¢ dinery law-abiding citizen is totally |; gee that the whole world would come of a petition put forward many | terial world, 'of our spiritual nature | J°5t: Whether as rector of a most im- | deliberations of late, It is possible unaware. For these sinister forces | penefit from such strength as that. Social Service. < h t NB ortant parish, which he has kept [to deliberate upon the most contro~ years ago by the late Archbishop |and our spiritual needs. I have the ell to the front in loyal discharge |versial questions without heat, te ork largely underground and in 8e-| Again, the Forward Movement is| Then there'is the Department of . : 4 eret, so What when they consider the | noi a mere attempt to raise money. | (he Church ror Soctal Service." This) Lewis, of this giotese. The meet. Bory tor apathy With those whose loa and mors than oll the ae | asin, Susstions witheu bitterness, opportune tim® has come they MAY [1 think I have shown you that al- is still in its infancy, but the work a 8. year is Sxpaste as, Surpase heavy al 5 long our of work | ade upon it, or in diocesan activi- [if we determine never to forget that strike unawares against an UNPre- ready, It aims far higher than that.| is growing every day. It has plans a Ror nes po pes aR Ro Fit : > ow gives ie em little | 410g as chairman of the divinity stu- | we are gathered together for ope pur- pared and unsuspecting people. | nui "jt does need money to carry| for useful service which it needs hy ave ao su fests or e fame in or Tocieat on Save On| gents' fund and examining chaplain pose only, namely to forward the Again, there fs in political life a dan- out through its various organizations| only means to develop. It is now Sra tion 0 e deepest in pes 81 ¢ RY a Syan they would find/|¢g gpe bishop, chairman of the Sun- |cause of Christ and His chureh. That gerous tendeficy towards the forma- | yhe work God has given it to do in | devising a thorough system of keep- | the church at large, and prob ama hat % ened: more by the real|gay school committee, and other ac- | oan only be done by working together tion of groups representing certain |p, wo4 But it wants that money, | ing in fouch with and helping all thon the Hight selutigs Sf which the 3es ren a, ment 9- aitendance {ivities. When 1 had to choose a |in a spirit of concord and mutual yee lasses of the community, whick how- | 100 0" bo oviorted painfully from | emigrants coming to this country |luture welfare of the c pe w Trin B ye t 2 simply | diocesan organizer for the Forward straint. Clergy and laity alike, we ever lofty their profession of govern- unwilling givers, but as the free-will, | who are members of our church by depend. One of the mgst Import: gD, ° ay io asks and | Movement, I selected Canon Bedford- are members of, and called to serve, ing in the interests of all alike may |. 00 0 & offerings of men who-un-| friendly advice and asistanee, and |®0t aud pressing is the question of | ee 1 de : oe twenty | Jones without hesitation. ° He ac-|a chureh well worthy of the best be, are almost certain, human Da-|;,..iang their duties, responsibilities | ensuring them a welcome ia their | the proper steps to be taken with a Years wor slmaster, and took toii| cepted the appointuent, though It [that we can give, well worthy of our ture belag what a modity Stee and privileges as disciples of Christ,| new home. It is a matter of supreme View 30 Samer reintions and Faanien = a os jing Bono pr Trg Beant a tors Reavy addition to 2 deepest devotion, by whose facans of obelon . : y already arduous duties, no com- ce we are privile to live, a Interests of the particular section of ho resis deiigve.1n the Missin of Be he cure Shaul EE a eas | Tot Ho cas? sunday, 40 true, | pensation except the knowledge that [fn faithful communion with which the community which they represent. | , .» 11 "tne tremendous power for | state in helping these new arrivals (frst on the list for discussion. In |as our Lord said, that "the Sabbath |he would be serving the church, and please God, we shall dle. For that ! -- good that a strong and well-equipped | to become happy and valuable citi. | {RIS matter every Christian is deeply | was made for man, not man for the | has more than justified my choice. church and for her Lord we will give" interested, for if there ever was a Sabbath," but that is just the point] deeply regret that we are losing {our life-long service. May God's church will bo in human life but|ens of our country, We have the Defeats Anarchy. also that the one and only hope of | supreme duty of caring for their|'/M® in which all the forces of of my argument, namely, that no man him, but he will take with him the | blessing rest upon you all. Amen. There is no more powerful protec- attaining true peace on earth and|souls as well as for their bodies, | Christianity needed to stand shoulder | reaps the true benefit that God In-| best wishes of all who know him, and . tion against the prevalence of an- goodwill amongst men is by the| Without proper organization, many |'© Shoulder, it is the present age of | tended the weekly day of rest to|we are confident that the habit of | The average man thinks he sees archist teaching than to spread far principles of life and conduct, inspir-| are lost sight of and left uncared unrest and doubt, when human so-| be to him, unless first and foremost | the church at large of coming to the {the image 0f perfection every time and Sige the principles of Chaigtian- ed by the life and teaching of Christ. | for. We hope that for the future | 16ty has to be recomstructed on a he Jntates portion of that day | little diocese of Ontario for men to ihe bumps up against a mirror, . For teaching upon | eh # 1 ,. | Dew foundation. If Christianity is|to the worship of God in company! ~ == ht the twin foundations of a man's duty for which the church stands, com by means of the organization now be- 10 bs, a8 we and pray, the with his fellow-members of the manding the attention of the world | ing developed by our Social Service hope towards God and his duty towards at large. No amount of money giv- Counc every member of our STY COrner-stone of the new bulld- | great body of which Christ fs the his neighbor. Anarchy, or Bolshe- * : . Ing, then it must speak with one | head. This recognition of the para- vism en in a different spirit, or without | church coming to this country will be + Which Is simply an inverted that conviction behind it, would real-| known, welcomed, and placed in |Unhited voice. The course of action | mount claim of God and our own > 2 Y that our caurch as a whole decides | soul, by regular attendance at the tyranny, aims at destroying all law and order, in the name of a false ly help the church to accomplish eT Jos With, eur siersy au upon can be loyally and cheerfully | House of God on Sunday, does not its great work. But we ask you to aeedom. Which speedily becomes try to see and valve the overwhelm- | be out of reach of 'that spiritual sup- | followed, Whereas unauiliorized | Hoan 2 teturs te the itfa-Puiian ' t A - Sespatiam of the worst kind. Chris- ing importance of that work, and port needed by all, the absence of | *2d sporadic empls towards » ana ath, Whids made it ¥ . : . tainity teaches men to believe in a 1 h : your essential duty as a Christian to| which is so harmful. Thus the | however . God 2 Jan, Qrder an 4 love, and support M, so that you will readily | church is, through its Social Service | P0Und to fail. Questions of the Sunday 5 meant to be a day of hap- is the om to serve God and | 8ive of your substance to enable the | Council, doing a patriotic plece of | Ciristian faith in relation to the pin a rest, no innocent t their fellow men under laws which | Church to attempt to carry it out. | work, worthy of the support of all | Yorious cults which are attracting i nd ueln 8 10 that end can be | 8ro wise, just, and beneficixl to. the Nor must we suppose that the ap- | our members. © = day tom he old. paths, day give MEY 1 pe from Whole community. It, therefore, be- | Peal of tiis Forward Movement is| There are also being issued by Missiondry Problems, Social, Indus- Aeon pay E9ly {0 amussiment, Just a spasmodic effort to unusual | the council a series of Bulletins on | 12l and International questions,and Tod uy ht of. our duty to ness activity, and that when we have car-| matters of social interest, which have the Highly imparisat matte Re ths oi io a a mal, the : wy ried it out, we shall be excused |attracted wide and favorable com. and Mintstrations of the Church, will | (ndividual and the spiritual level of sleep ess, from further efforts at least for a | ment, and which contain most valu- : also come up for consideration. | the whole community is impaired. mer ° ; r tea cotlee . cE . very long time, On the contrary, it is| able information. It is a matter of There are others, but I have n an attempt to make up for the ar-| considerable regret to me that 'Prof. 5 oy ot the to in. the] Midhell, the. ab . | sufiiclent to show how exceptionally Family Pray drinkers rears past, regain a e. able editor of the Bul { tant thi ge 1s bonnd 0 ground lost through apathy and lack | letins, has left the diocese to take a | MPO ¢ { exper ence ' 4 th to be. The earnest prayers of all er very excellent . ren In Totoute, Buc am glad members of the church are asked | Form : a change from tea or cof tor. : that in its deliberations it may be fee to decisions, promoting ™ God and the good of | Financial Objective. - . The financial objective - sof the an Fr ote, asa i ne prac or tani N I arch ,600,000. = ! ; : : : this sum, which is a very : sgan affairs, Fallen ints, diowee, op + genio fred 8 RRR DRS Galt a | POSTUM is asked eas accomplish- noeds'St all : ---! i mn : . me self-supporting, Rawdon, : a" = = iy Sad fio thus not : ain : ' : ; Theres a Reason" he Canadian Postum Cereal Co. Ltd. 'Windsor. Ontario. i HH gis i i iT