THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1920 om i IT COSTS | LITTLE to leave your cold at BEST'S. 25 cents buys a preparation (Dr. Hickey's Speedy Cure) that will cure the Cough in a few doses. SHORT STOP at 15 cents js still in the run too and also all the popular Cough and Cold remedies stocked. At Best's | [=~ The Popular Drug Store Open Til! Ten Each Night Phone 59. Keeley 3r., LOD. OPTICAL SUPPLIES { We carry a well-fill- 4 ed stock of anything b you might need the optical line. --L enses f --Frames, new styl --Lorgnettes --Reading Glasses --Opera Glasses | __Field Glasses --Eye Glass Chains, and Buttons, ets. Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist of today to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that knowledge in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCF CAN GIVE. JEWELE Limited Established 1840 ting Street : It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience and equipment that makes Keeley's service unique in Kingston, J IN ANN. AANA ld dN be Many delegates at the One Big! Union convention at Winnipeg urged Carenis the solidifying of the western organi- gation before atempting an organiza- tion in the eastern provinces. lh WOOD & ICE SPELLS MONEY But no matter what work you have, you can't afford to waste time and material on poor Tools. This store is headquarters for the best in every line and our Saws go to prove it. We can show proof why our Saws are better value than any other. Come in--sce for yourself. Loma ed. Cor Havareiges Ra. X W TRADE MARKED WORD XiEaais ! SOUT, STANT AFTULED TO vIn OUR HAND SAWS are big value at $1.50 to $3.75 OUR CROSS-CUT SAWS Unequalled At 4 ft, $4.30; 4% ft, $5.00; 5 ft., $5.50. ---------------- lee Saws, Big Value, $7.75 Complete OUR BUCK SAWS Take the tired feeling out of the wood-pile $1.15, $1.85, $1.50 MCKELVEY & BIRCH, LTD. \N THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE PHONE 237. BROCK STREET OUR ONE-MAN SAW 'Big value at .......$4.00 Oculists' prescrip- tions carefully filled | SMITH BROS. Kingston mn 3 4 4 4 edd es | d Adin shah PRICE IN ENGLAND 88 mame Sobre d Our stock of Bedroom Furniture has never been more complete H selected designs in Walnut, Mahogany =wartistic and carefully and the different shades of ivo ry. Comfortable, Springs and Mattresses in all si zes, ¥ | CHINTZS and RUGS to harm onise that meet the demands ir of good taste. 1 ol Dh Nhe ! | i THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG BOT LAKE BRIDGE { The Standing Committees Appointed | For the Year--The Suburban Road Area Commission Wants $48,000 This Year. When the county council met again. on Wednesday afternoon, the strikidg committee submitted its re- {are as follows: Finance ---- Councillors Truscott, {| (chairman), Hamilton, Sproule, Spankie, Kane, Halliday, McUwregor. Good Roads---Councillors Clarke, | (chairman), Truscott, Maitland, Pat- terson, McFadden, Dennison. Property--Councillors Maitland, (chairman), Hamilton, Halliday. {| TO PAY $3,000 TOWARDS SHAR- | port recommending that the standing : committees for the year and the re- | port was adopted. The committees | Clarke, Mc- | Fadden, Dennison, Patterson and | American industries here. i! | BROCKVILLE AMBITIOUS. {OFFER OF COUNTY COUNCIL S-- Citizens Decide to Start Campaign i for Progress. Brockville, Jan. 29.--Local sup- port of local industries was the chi topic of disc fon at a citizens' meeting caled by Mayor Lewis, with an attendance of some 350 rate- payers. The institution of a campaign to raise the sum of $5,000 annually for ~three years, with an equal' sum which the town council.and public utilities commission will be asked to provide for the maintenance of in- dustrial propaganda work, was de. cided upon by the meeting. There is now a surplus of 8.000 horse-powér in the St. Lawrence hydro electric - system with which Brockvilld is now hooked up, and if this were made use of, the chairman of the public utilities commission stated that the rates would drop from $25 to $18 per horse-power, This fact will be utilized to attract In connection with Roads and Bridges--Councillors was decided to organife an invest- | Gray, (chairman), Gemmil, | Patterson, McFadden, | McGregor. Drew, | pent company to sell bonds to local Armstrong, | subscribers for the purpose of in-| vesting the proceeds in industries Printing and Bducation--~Counecil- | which decide to locate in Brockville, lors' Halliday, Spankie, Hamilton, | strong, Sproule. { the amount being apportioned as fol- lows: Machinery $18,000; construc { tion, $15.000; maintenance, $15,000 The county auditor submitted his | annual report which showed that for | penditure by $657,95. This shows | how carefully the council and the of- { ficlals administered the affairs of the | county, The auditor drew attention to the fact that according to the sta- tutes, truste of a school could not act as secretiry or treasurer, where- as in the case of the Sydenham High School two of the trustees had acted i in that capacity, e as secretary and surer, 3 On motion of Councillors Gemmil { and Drew, the council decided to pay | $3,200 towards the construction of the Sharbot Lake bridge as propos- | ed by the Public Works Department of the Ontario Legislature through WD. Black, M.P.P., The proposal submitted by Mr. Black from the de- partment engineer was that there should be a fill of 200 feet and a tres- tle bridge of 320 feet, the cost being estimated at $8,000. Mr. Black will try and have the bridge proposition put through at Toronto as soon as started. The council adjourned till 2 p.m. | Thursday in order to allow the com- | mitteées to meet and transact business TO ASSIST MARRIED MEN. Western Union Co., Will Give $250,- 000 to Build Them i North Sydney, N.8., J: announced by the ste Telegraph Company that n $250,000 | {| has been set aside for the purpose of | assisting married employees to erect | | homes, | | | | ! | -------- te aiomin | Rich White Mica Mine Discovered. . Quebec, Que., Jan. 29.--A rich | White mica mine has been discovered {and will be operated shortly in the | Tache township, Saguenay district. A | prospector named Magten, of Sher- | brooke, has discovered the mine and j experts who analyzed it state that it {is of the richest and clearest kind available. i 3 FLOUR BAG COMES BACK FROM MONS. Owen Sound, Jan. 29.--An Interesting war souvenir was re- ceived yesterday by the county council from the Georgian Bay Milling Company. It was a bag which had contained flour from the company's mill, sent as part of Canada's first contribu- tion to the relief of starving Belgium. Found in Mons by a Meaford man, a member of the tirst Grey County Sa it bs + of - was brought home by/ him, re- turned to the company, and by it presented to the copinty. PORE IR PETRI IERIE b (chairman), Kane, | Truscott, Arm- | cations had been made to Toronto | | 1919 the revenue exceeded the ex- | possible so that the work may be Mayor Lewis announced that appli- for provincial funds to erect fifteen | The subourban Road Area Commis | houses under the housing commission | #lon asked that the sum of $48,000 | plan. | be provided for the work this year, | | J | TT TTT WILL HOLLAND GIVE HIM TO Tie JAES?T 2 The photograph shows the {former Crown Prince of Germany as he looks | in Dutch wooden shoes, taking a walk. LABOR TO HAVE AGENT 3 At Ontario Legislature, Says P. M. Draper, Ottawa, Jan, 29.-~"Labor ' will have an agent at the Ontario legisla- ture this session, but we have no one in view yet," said P. M. Draper, sec- retary of the Trades and Labor Con- gress to-day, "The session, I under- stand, won't open until March. In the meantime we will look up a suitable man. I am inclined, however, to wait till Tom Moore comes back next month from Paris." BORDEN'S BUFTERFLY TRIP Canada's Carefree Premier Flits From Flower to Flower in South' Ottawa, Jan. 29 ---8ir Robert Bor- den is enjoying his holiday to the full, and has cut himself completely | free from official correspondence; no mail {is being forwarded to him. What his intentions and his destina- tion are, he has not disclosed. health department reports for the last 'twenty-four hours a total of 104 deaths from pneumonia and flu and 1,512 new cases of flu. The Chicago gy VETS BUILD BIYVVY BEFO RE TORONTO CITY HALL. A front view of the sand bag bivvy partially erected by | Toronto veterans Saturdey afte rnoon in front of the City Hall. { The bags were filled with saw dust by the veterans mand then carried to the scene and built out. Poe. u in the centre of the picture is Mike 'Sullivan, the U.V.L. as Toronto organizer for the building of the dug= by forty volunteers, Shown appointed by | WE CAN REPAIR YOUR SHOES PROPERLY BY THE GOOD- YEAR SHOE REPAIR SYSTEM, AND AT A REASONABLE | COST. TRY US AND BE CONVINCED. JACK JOHNSTON'S ETRE THT HAE OEE ARE SOE PAGE THREE PROBS: Friday, fair; moderating. pry et] ET | Steacy's Economy Sales In Full Swing !! i meeting 'it | == prices we are offering. bint al et dint pt eb ts i Friday Bargain Just a few days now of these sensational economy sale prices-- to-morrow will mark the beginning of the end of the greatest January Sales ever held in this city. If you have failed to share in the won- derful values offered--start to-morrow and see the genuine bargain Sale HTH i Save 10% on all NR 1 cash purchases HARE Hi BOYS' HOCKEY CAPS . 30 only, Boys' Wool Hockey Caps; a variety of colors; regular 50c. and 75c. values. Friday . ...2eu..i.iiui. 236, WOOL SCARFS 40 Brushed Wool Scarfs in many colors; good lengths and very wide. Reg. $1.75 each. Friday .......:3..; 85c. each § i All Dresses sizes and colors. ING ONLY Double Discount Stamp LRN Sale and The most varied stock largest + LISLE HOSE 90 pair of Ladies' heavy Lisle Hose; full fashioned and sold.. reg. at 75¢. Friday ................49¢ MONARCH YARN. : 1,000 balls of Monarch Floss and Down; nearly all colors. Friday .........23¢c. and 48c. Less 25 p.c. The lot includes Georgette Crepe, Crepe de Chene, Wool Jersey, Charmeuse, Trico- lette, etc., etc., all marked in plain figures, all x CHILDREN'S SWEATERS All sizes and colors, to be cleared before stock-taking --a great variety to choose from and a bargain at this re- duction. LESS 20% PR a -- WOOL SPENCERS 60 only, all wool Spencers --in big variety of colors --= ideal coat Friday disuse: S19 for wearing under a or suit. Reg. each $3. - MEN'S, LADIES® and CHILDREN Underwear ~ Anticipate your requirements for the future at the special = | prices we are offering our Underwear. The prices for next sea- son will be higher--all the wanted makes, including Watson's, Hygiene, Zenith, Harvey, etc., etc., in all the wanted styles and most attractively priced. 's = Limit nm EO UBT I OR 0