THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1990. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIGC RY. C. CARTWRIGHT DEAD INCIDENTS OF THE. DAY | LOCAL. NOTES, AND ITEMS OF | | GENERAL INTEREST. ee LACE WO ( A ETAL » --_---- FORMER | KINGSTONIAN PASSED AWAY AT VANCOUVER. Happenings in the City and Vicinity What Merchants Offer (0 the of the Whig. Hotel Dieu )euchre and dance, City Hall, Feb. 3rd. $1.50 a couple. 3 There was no. session of the police court on Thursday morning. W. Swaine, plane tuner. orders a' McAuley's, or 'phos G64w. : | If you drive a car, go to the meet- {ing of the Motor Club to-night ®t Board of Trade rooms, Judge and Mrs. Macdonald, Broeck- ville, are in the city. The judge is attending the syhod meeting. Kingston Motor Club stands for safe and sane driving, and favors none, but rights mast be protected, An aged woman was found wan. dering around the street. The police investigated and took her back to -her home. Motorists need protection, which can only be obtained by co-operation. Attend the meeting at Board of Trade rooms to-night. x Unexcelled in Canada -- DALY'S GOOD TEA and COFFEE always the same.. For sale at MAHOOD'S DRUG BTORE, Kingston. The work of getting in the ice crop is progressing nicely. The ice men have no complaints to make about the Weather Man this season. Quite a number of delegates ar- rived in the eity én Thursday morn ing, for the sessions bf the Ontario {couver, B.C. Synod, which opened at 11 a.m. The College Book Store Telzphone 919 i {of Ballymacash, County Antrim, Ire: | tish-American Oil Company, and Mts. » 7 Open Evenings land, granddaughter of the Rev, |FYfee, have left for Ottawa, where , { Philip Johnson, most dearly loved |they will take up residence, -- vicar of Deeriaghy, County Antrim. Last week there were réported to | Rev. Mr. Conway Cartwright had | the medical health officer five cases Ee ---------- -- hre i of diphtheria, foyr cases of measles As -- dnughter. Josephine, dies a a chou, | 4nd Gu ase of chrlet fover. ENE AR ENE EEE ENR ENENAERE ANE RNAEN EEE daughter, Josephine, died child. P op Now 18 the ume . .0 nave your | [R His youngest son, C. T. Cartwright, of the Geological Survey, died in |Plano tuned. We carry two exper tuners and will assure entire satis Soaring in price wholesale, but while our stock lasts, you can buy at old prices--Read! For More Than Forty Years He Was Protestant Chaplain at Portsmouth Penitentiary--Did Much to Help Men to Get New Start in Life, Rev. Camway Cartwright passed away on January 26th at the resi- dence of his son, C. Edward Cart- wright, Shaughnessy Heights, Van- couver, B.C. He was in his 83rd year, and had been very ill as a re- sult of heart trouble since July. The Rey. Conway Cartwright, younger brother of the late Sir Richard Cart- wright, was a son of the late Rev. Robert Cartwright--at one time chaplain to His Majesty's garrisons-- and grandson of the late Hon. Rich- ard Cartwright. On his mother's side, he belonged to an old North of Ire- land family, and was a descendant of many notable people. The Rev. Mr. Cartwright was a man of saintly character and bril- Hant intellect, who spent his life in doing good. He was the author of many works, but chiefly wrote under a "nom de plume." Deceased was a graduate and B.A. of Trin College, Dublin, and was ordaine in Irsland -by Primate Gregg. His first parish was in Bel- fast. Later he came to Canada, and was for some years curate of St. James' Cathedral, Tofonto, and & friend of Bishop Strachan. Later he came to Kingston, but on rétiring ow- resided in Van- Six And A Half Dollars For Four Dollars ESTABLISHED 60 YEARS . MOTOR MAGAZINE---REGULAR SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $6.00 TRADING a | RAW FURS We pay the highest cash prices. We select the finest skins only for our manufacturing Fur Department. JOHN Wekhy LIMITED 149-15110157- Bro cx. ST KINGSTON ONTARIO BARE ; ¥ PE ~~ ing to {ll-health sessessivesss SPECTAY, $4.00 5 THE ONE DOLLAR JANUARY NUMBER and the 11 succeeding numbers at 50c. each, may be secured for $4.00, for the twelve months. The only magasime published that will keep you in touch with the latest in automobiles and accessories. * Save Monéy By Subscribing Now For COSMO POLITAN--price after Feb. 10th .,..$3.00 GOOD HOUSEKEEPING==price after Feb. 1033.00 HARPERS' BAZAAR--price after Feb. 10th. $6.00 HEARST'S MAGAZINE---price after Fob. 10, $3.00 \ Te PRESENT PRICE PRESENT PRICE PRESENT PRICE PRESENT PRICE srravsasarnaannsn $2.50 terranes ennieedan $2.50 sevsses 34.50 2.50 Tease aanny A Subscriptions for Cosmopolitan may be started with the January issue, on' sale Saturday, the 31st. - =] VICTRO AND His Master's Voice Records TRIE October, 1914. His surviving sons aré: C. Fdward Cartwright, of 'action. ©. W. Lindsay. Limited. Shaughnessy Heights, Vancouver, | Simply because you drive a car is B.C, and Brig.-Gen. G. 8, CartwMght, | 20 reasoi why you should be perse- 0.B., C.M.G., of the Royal Engineers, | cuted. Attend the meeting at Board Aldershot, England. of Trade rooms to-night. Help good | Bi His daughters arg Mrs. J, J. Tel- |Foads and good motor laws. (E ford, of Glenaren, Kentuncky; Mrs. | The majority of the roads Into BM F. Boucher Emery, of New West- | Kingston, which have been blocked | | minster, B.C.; Mrs. Arthur Mathe- | With Snow, have been opened. A {gon, of Ottawa, lately of Vancouver, goodly number of farmers came into B.G.; and Mrs. R. H. H. Alexander, | Ui® city on Thursday morning. of Vancouver, B.C. The store news is important to you For more than forty years, Mr. --right now, For the stores are ex- | Cartwright was Protestant chaplain | tending themselves to serve . you | at' the Portsmouth, 'penitentiary, | With .the best merchandise at the where he was known for his kindly | Yery smallest possible margin of pro- | and sympathetic interest in the many | fit {| inmates confined in the institution. He was always endeavoring to help : z the unfortunates, and was most 2nd annual meeting on Fyiday at 6.30 generous in his donations to men |P.M. The presénce of Hon. Mr. about to make a new start in life. He | Mélghen galls for the presence of a was known to give 'his clothing to | great company, discharged prisoners in cold weather, | We will rent you 'a plano, and at | thus literally earrying out the injunec- | end of six months if you teel like tions of Scripture. purchasing instrument we will allow the six months' rental on purchase price, and arrange easy terms on bal: LAS VICTROLA X., $185 There are always "HIS MASTER'S VOICE" Records of the Jatest dance numbers----Jazz Music and Popular Son ~and, of course, there are the reproductions of the GREATEST VOICES of the world that offer fresh inspirations at each hearing and all the old FAVORITES of which one never tires. Tell Me--Fox Trot--Smith's Orchestra The Vamp--Fox Trot-----Smith's Orchestra ..... Ruspana----One Step-- Pietro Have a 8mile--Fox Trot---Pletro Taxt--One Step---Henri's Orchestra Tumbled---Walte---Henri"s Orchestra ...... Fidgety Feet--One Step--Dixieland Jazz - 18584 Lazy Daddy---Fox Trot--Dixleland Jazz vase usm 00 For You a Rose----De Gogorza .848168--<81.25 Brifg Back My Bonnie te Me--Gluck 64793--81.25 36 inch Pailette; all colors: beautiful quality, and extra value BE cis ime rater i rata es aa ber vena 92.25 36 inch Duchesse pure Silk; in all the new colors. $2.25 and up 18554 goo: 18562 0c, 216053 90c, Every member of the Canadian Club is expected to attend the suppe 36 inch Flora de Chene; a much heavier Silk, in all the popu- larshades ......... Le $3.80 yd. WASSER le risen Sh i i---- Hear your fayorite at--- - MAHOOD BROS. THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA Now is the Time To | Secure a Home for : Spring Occupancy HERE ARE A FEW OPPORTUNITIES $1200-Victoris 8t.,, Brick, 7 Booms, furnace. $8200--Stuart Street, frame, 8 roonas, "$4500----Queen St, frame, eight rooms, furnace. 85600-rincess Street, brick, 10 rooms, furnace. , $2700---Darrie Street, frame, 7 rooms, $4000-~King St. South, brick, 8 rooms each. $4200--Frontenac St, brick, ¢ rooms, furnace. L $1650-<Elm 8 frame, 5 rooms $2600-Division street, brick, 8 rooms, Money to Loan Victory Bonds Bought and Sold McCANN Real Estate and Insurance 86 BROOK STREET PHONE 328 OR a21. - { : GLASSES _GROTND ON THE PROMISES HOW ABOUT YOUR FRIEND? Our store is so conveniently located that the busy man loses no time when repairs or remd-, justments are needed. It is our business fo see that every detail of optical service is car- ried out in a way that will prompt you to recommend your friends to us when they need Glasses. J. S. Asselstine, D.0.S. BEyesight Specialist 842 King Streei. Phone 1019w, £ The Busy Optical House . mend | mote THREE BURGLARS {GEORG iE HAYCOOK OF MONTREAL 1 SECURED THEIR ARREST. {| Followed Them in a Taxi After They Had Broken Into His Apartment and Enocked Him Down. The prompt action of George Haf- | cock, of Montreal, son of Joseph Hay- | coek, ex-M.P.P., formerly of Kings- { ton, resulted in three burglars being i rounded up in Montreal recently. i According to information received, { Mr. Haycock, who lives in an apart- {ment in Montreal, wis aroused by a {rap at the door at four o'clock in the morning. When he went down wv | the door he found three men who { wanted to get in. When he asked | then what they wanted, they replied that they were going in the house, but when Mr. Hayecock told { them. that they could not jenter,: he got a crack in the | face and was tlirown down. He call- | od for help, but was told that if he {made a noise they would strike him {over the head with a bottle. The | burglars entered the house, and car- | Pied away two suits of clothes, a {lamp and $75 in bills, Mr. Haycock, { who was attired in his bath robe and | slippers, went out of his house amd {up a pair of stairs into the next | house, and then went out on the I street and watched for the burglars i to come ont. He had only been walt- | ing'for & few minutes when the burg- | lars appeared, and went to the corner jand got a taxi and drove off. As soon as Mr, Hdycock saw them get in the | car he hired another taxi and follow- And Select al Smelts . "8s ses as 3 Lake Fish SALT LABRADOR HERRING Full assortment, selling at close prices. . 1,000 lbs. fresh Sea Herrings . . . . . . Fresh Cod > SAV RR OL aE | Small Whitefish ............... Whitefish ...... ........18¢ Ib. eC. srdevennananines 1660, out... iiiniiy.. 200 Ib. # ¥ SR ERLE Esse es aa : Mcletle Department 1767 Ib. 15e. Ib. 25¢. 1b. 20¢: 1b. 438. Grocery Dept. 1 [a them. When the car with the burglars stopped'in front of a house, | Mr, Haycock saw three policemen on "duty, and he immediately eafled them, with the result that they en- tored the house and found the burg- , lars with their booty. He secured a i pair of trousers which they had {stolen and put them on and went | men took the burglars to the cells. Books and Magazines Neoded.. Ao doubt many readers of the Whig have books and magazines that, they have read and found Interest ing. At the military hospitals there is constant need for such books and magazines for the use of the patients. , At this moment Sydenham tal needs them badly. If those of our fenders who tan spare books and magazines of real interest will kind. iy leave them at the Whig office, whence they can be seat out to the hospital, they will be doing the pa tients a .great kindness, . i back to his apariment, while police ance, C .W. Lindsay | Spectators who attended the R. M C.-Queen's game on Wednesday were astonished at the remarks made by some of the fans who occupied seats in the gallery. The things said were very unbecoming. to men who call themselves gentlemen. W. W, Chowh was the speaker at the evangelistic service in Princess Street Methodist church on Wednes- day evening. His subject was, 'The Bible as a great treasure house from which we can draw to mest every condition of life." There wads a good attendagce. At a meeting of the legislative committee of the Trades and Labor Council, held on Wednesday night, several municipal toples were dis- cussed. that the members are very much op- poged to the"women's poll tax, as n=a- posed by a notice of motion before the city council. >" 5 Oanadian Club. Supper Tickets may be obtalned at Uglow's. "The Hat Store" Great Clearance It was decided to announce | J Charmeuse Satin--40 inches wide: 10 of the best shades Georgette Crepe--38 inches wide; all the leading shades tee rabae aerial Laiaasnnent nares nana ovens, 32.800 yd, _ + 36 inch Black Silks, in unbeatable values at $2.00 up, price at present asked by the wholesale houses, "en Crepe de Chene--38 and 40 inches wide: 20 shades t from; worth $3.00 per yard. Our price ...i 0k $2.25 and ae or just the Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" | Bath Road Ladles Organize. Bath Road, Jan. 20.--Ths ladies of this vicinity and Front road met on Friday afternoon and organized a U. LF. W. 0. Club. The officers aay fed wera: President, Mrs. Wartman; vice-president, Mrs. H. Day; seécre- { tary-treasnrer, Mrs. Graham; direct- lors, Mrs. Crozier, Mrs. Campbell, { Mrs. Day, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Bridg- {land and Miss Hull, i" Mrs. J. Orser is convaleseing, but is still mpable to return home. Miss Mildred Redmond, accompanied by Miss Gray, of Queen's University, | spent the 'week-end with friends In Sydenham. A number of Miss Anna Mouldle's young friends surprised her last evening, i being the anniversary of her birthday. . Day is confirmed to ihis bed with a severe attack of grippe. | Miss Edna Tradell is {Il Mies Beaste } Hull, Westbrook, spent Suniday at her home here. Curling Games. 4 The local curlers spent Wednes- day afternoon and evening playing doubles and singles at the L "In the doubles T, M. Assolstine and D. W. H. and T. R. Carnovsky won f gion and L. on. MAKE YOUR SELECTION $2150---Alhert Street-----frame. $2200---Albert Street -- frame. $3000--Alfred Street--Frame Cottage. $3000--Quebec¢ Street-=Brick Buggalow. $4000--Montreal Street; Bric k Dwelling. $6600--Frontenac Btreet---Brieck Dwelling. MONEY TO LOAN. E. W. MULLIN & SON BUYBRS AND SELLS OF REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BROKERS, Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. . Phones 589w and 539), APAGE & SHAW p «5 Vo NE XL, Store Hat NADAS FAN WITTE Dic 1 SYO f F CHOCOLATES {i} $1.25 Per Pound 8 - Mahood's Druz Store' Th = N V hn.