THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG : PAGE THIRTEEN ca mm GRAND I FOR SALE | Tonight and Friday. | [= 1 : ta tre ots cn py {| Matic Only > M1] THE PEOPLE'S FORU wonderful location; fairly mod eru; one of three door row; lot : . i 105 ft. deep, Price $2,000; § 1,000 cash. Balance can stand i Big Double Programme 8 E | il we weveww veswYvwewew w eww vv for five years. 8 15--Reels Best Pictures--13 iE a » 4 1HE J. K. CARKOLL AGENCY =~ {| MITCHELL LEWIS ome ba CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES WANTED GENERAL. 3 | Phone 68 and 874w. - 56 Brock Street i "Nine-Tenths of Law" Bi insertion, ic. a word, a. FOUND fe ecutive 10 en , ¥ gl TWO BEDROOMS AND SITTING ROOM | F and Another Big Feature | one inse; shargs lor with board, or housekeeping privi- IN A. ©. H. HALL ON JAX, 37a. | | Frontenac street. Comed Reel 80 cents. [lo Joen Hox N17, Whig Office. & pearl guid cross. Owner | |GNE BAY MARE, SIX YBARS OLD. vmediey und Other Recls 'he above rates are for eash only: : ll { on when charged they are double. y SMALL HOUSE, TWO OR THREE aetry, MArROL Batre ] one insertion; 6c; three insertions, Alaa) y - - YOUR eam M - r possible. Box M-27, Whig Office. | on Tuesday morning in King- car start easy. Judson's Auto Tops r de at. 2.30 , Evg at 7.30 a for cash of in part paxment of new | SMALL AMOUNT OF FURNITUR i | Apply to 172 Jehuson St. «tops, backs and filling supplied. wishing to reath the owner may location; low pr for cash, Ap. + og SS -------------- ston. Owper will find same | Brockville. te IO i -- : is prepared to do turning of all de. 10¢c. & 15¢. 15¢. & 25¢, [2 BOX TO DRIVE. APPLY AT BOW- Dianne and Srafonoine, C W: Lind. | FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- Apply at once Capt. Gemmans, scription and small machine jobbing, 205 Ihe us oi un - FISED FRER. MC Phone 1058W. and J. Apply, stating price per quilt to do so by reporting the facts to 827. W 4 F-- . 0 RA HOUSE | BUTCHER WANTED, FIRST CLASS. Box A.B.C, Whig Office. The British Whig. The Md Yura BY DOR Bai uw ffles Lsement Will be dritted in his JI ks nti MOUSES, NOS. 230 A } | will oal at Hopkinson s Apply 18 Stephon Street. ..... i. . i C Superior Vaudeville | x mre ma; Bosssssion Aw soon 88] , py OF RIMMAD GLASSES | | RADtTTOR TOVERS- MAKE HELP WANTED, : Pm es: | WANTED SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO sy bad | i Shop in rear of 21 Sixth Street. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. | THE QUILTING ON SKVERAL QUILTS Anyone nding anything and LOT FUR SALE, Hx1as) FIRST CLASS © Wm. Davies Company, Timited, 202, King sireel wast. apply F. { VACCINATIO 8--WE TEnTom Suse Nias 7 i Cireon, Deer Sars | | | lutn tres Of ohbrge CL JINATION ronize J, W, Curzon. barber. en's | "Foun ric - d d y , of N ELD: SEVEN KEYS 10 | EXPERIENCED MULLINER PREPAR. arid boys' hair cut, 20c. Shave l6c.| | clude lost dogs, oattle, horses, Macnee, 443 King Street West i the use of Wampole"s preparation HAVE THEM. ers. Apply at uhee, at Box X-28, Razors honed 26e. 288 Ontario St, ste. These, it lost, may be 8d- || UNE NEW RAYMOND DROP-HEAD Cod Liver Oil as a good building up | Whig Ortice. : near Brock Street. vertised tor in the "Lost" column. Sewing Machine, and one MANOARY Anugue Spfa. Apply te 148 Xobk : | -- tonic. .It's both palatable sud taste- A. CG. WwW 11 B ALDP ATE X Libv Ww ' J = Sa-- ne: . am ADY STENO- ANTED TO RENT BY MAY Ist, 6 TO ot. less; it has no equal; large bottles i 1 $ grapher. Apply A. Spelsman, 9 § roomed house. with modern con- Buse .0 0. $1.00 173 WELLINGTON STREET Queen Street. Veniences; 'central location; by 2 LOST. A SUNUKA, "IMPERIAL STYLE; PHONE 40 Geo, M. Cohan's Mystery Farce careful tenants; no children. Ap- Dewutiiul tone; used one Year. Age A GIRL TO DO HOUSEW 1 Piy Box U-14) Whig Office. or ; 331 U PF nn AN 2 g ONE TRUCK TIRE CHAIN. FINDER PY 321 University Avenue. Phoiie f po] ¥ t i We close at 8 pan. daily excep ee i " care for a couple of caildren. Ap-| : rin | FRIDAY, JANUARY 30 | j= Ep i 4 | - YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN . 8 CASH HeGIsTHER, 550.00; ALSO 3 T™ C < CANDY telegrapny; positions secured; fees | & JET BREAD TASSLE OFF HEADED Croluing re€ks, $ eadh; § sarge EA | n » " EY ' HEAR Auspices LO.D.E. | counter. Ap perior Ice Cream moderate; aay and night classes. bag. Kindly return to Whig Office. tabivs, §1.0U each, The Club, 212 2 | 2 3p ss Street. ' Apply instructor, over U.P.R. Tele- oy ¢ Princess Street, Hon. J Stitt Wilson i { graph Office, Clarence street. WRIT WATCH, Loup FACE. AND » . XY. E {ingston. h i --------oen | A SMART, NEAT GIRL TO OLERK IN ~ . y Waltham works, on - SaesdlY | PURN--LARGE QUANTITY OF FURS Opp. YMCA, Kings . GRAND NAT! EE ] store. Apply Sakell's lee Cream Wo OR THIER FURNISH mogiing. Finder kindly return to nelural and lack wolfe; cheap a GRANT HALL OPERA N AND NIGHT 31 | Parlor, 1 t to Opera House. AT ONCE, T 1 NISH- Whig~Offioer Bedtord, tae Aucsioheer, 1 Queen Thursda i ren; centrally iveated if posible; wallet; containing $139.00, Thurs- 2 ot * Wednesday & y | HOUSE SAT. JAN. with modern Improvements. Apply | day morning. Libsral Toward 'If HAL alu Juri aia yun SALE, : # i os ---- - to Box W-18, Whig Office. returned to Whig Office. EE. Wathen, 14d Nelson street. 3 4 an 18 : At 8 pm. 9.5 Hy Phone 8184 stored for winter. Skates sharpen Please ledve at Whig Offi ™ nd " " viease ledve 5 Ca. Water. Possession Ist May. Thomas 3 POTAT ee be Snuvumend - Review MAT SSIST 1X EINER Carriage tires punt: white you BLACK 'PURSE, ON OLERGY, BE Milia. 79 Clarence St. \ : s ! si MAID D ASSIS Le % 3 eel ' - Rr ith 2 Plot h A pT any H. AL wait. George uller, 371 and 373 tween Brock and Barrie streets, GENLINE GRAPHONOLA AND TEN Connell, 25 West Street, King. Kiug st. Phone 1032w. y containing money and tickets. selections; your own choses, $36.60, F .0 ed rooms for lignt houserkeeping, sireel. Paone 1781. ~ ; doe . er i i an 8th 29th i ip { AT ONUE, WOMAN OR G 3 : Fhone idvid. 818. CHOICE WHITE J 2 & Ta - | few hours' Ee at ah OR, A % BETWEEN SMITH BROS, AND 238 ye 2 sr i a a WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO BRING Johnson, via Princess and Clergy, & NO. 2% QUEEN STREET; SON: RE, Tom Finder léave at Avonmore resi- Weriim, yo chal, §i per week. LU. W, MIDDLE AG AN AS HOUSE- k ri home; small family, App ix UsZ8, Whig Office. by young married couple; no ehild-| BY RETURNED SOLDIER, POCKET «ply Mrs, Wallace, § ' iY. Mra Angin 303 Albert. Bu their bieyclés to be eleansd and pair of rimless eye glasses. Finder newly shingled; improvements; hos We have a choice lot of "Construction tian SIX MONTHS ~ N.Y. AGENTS WANTED. ceive reward. SINGLE MAN, EXPERIENCED IN BMAFES, (ANUKS, SIFFS FOR QUT ~~ ORIGINAL METROPOLITAN casy Gusting OODLES OF HAPS v-LAUGHINGS) farm work, with some Xiiowledge B10 A DAY IS HERING EARNED BY board motors, Tents Awnings, y 3 . PERSONAL, Camp Bupplies, ote. Frank o wo iS SSA 1 of gardening. preferred: no mil our ageuils rigni through the Fail, oN Ci 4 ing. J. D.. M®rris Les selling our hin = cles bersonsi Covke, 210 Bagut street. Phone Point Farm, Postsmduth. shiresting Amas. cards in spare vi | A paRM AGED 40, REQUIRES A 136. Phope 1108, ring 14. full ume. Save oWr customers 26 respectable housekeeper. Good per cent. No outlhy of exper.znve. home, easy place. Ticket advanc-| WE HAVE, 15 DOZEN MEN'S ALL What the eritic re - ates t the critics say | AN EXPERIENCED, SINGLE OR MAR- Write Modern Art Co. Tusubto. ed, If requited, P. O. Box 15, Ish- Wool Pullover Mitts te go under : Puliover, which we are selling at RE | PHILA. PRESS: "Best musical show | ried man to work on farm; must be wood P. 0. Roddick, Omt to play the Walont tb : Sods ing i | Steady. Write, phone, or "apply v . OW OO O., Roddie mt | 5c. & pair during this, grout sale, an. \ R SATISFACTORY CANADIAN | Tnese sre worth more wouviesale, { i smaller quantities. Admiesion to students only : by ticket (free) up to 7.50 p.m. a when doors are thrown open to the general public. Ziv DIVISION STREET - PHONE 545 7 At ra i ate | | per ity. to M. Van Luven | ONLY 'W . | Portsmouth, Ont, ar Book, written by Capsdiang, | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTH- The Lion Clothing House, $41 King PA ne, 4 ® ABR : oul | N t 1 Band at the Covered PHILA. LEDGER-- Miss Hutchison | { incroduotion by Geatrai Soin. | harks, skin cancers, scars, etc. re. Street, Kingston. ~~ 3 : 3 al | voice ity." | > pa ra (Lanaua's sons and ureat Britain | moved permanéntly, Satisfactory 1 O C e ® | Rink to-night. Admission has a voice of rare quality. [LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARR TIME in Worid War," offers returned men Flasses fitten and Furniohor or] wa save FON ALG ALL KINDS OF | 25 BARGAIN PRICES 4 Or steadily nis Bourn arantesd And oLners, men or women, Yrofger. others have fafled. Goitre removed. goud, second hand furariure and bo " + J. ALL 0S: a, and p 8. rée. Lib-{ ful upportunity to make $50 to $75 | 3% ars' experience. Dr, E or J s.oves, Any Ison having stoves BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER cents. | . Brow Brothers 4 Aliit) Sil 5 years' exp nce r, Eimer A ! an xn. mx 3 5 weagly. Charles Marshail made Lake Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat, Skin, and turfilture Wispuse of, we will is now booking farm and stock sales tn | 23.30.75 $1.00, PO, O aliiiited, $110 nrst 1y Sure; Mr. Pea] &var- 258 Bagot street. buy hignest prregs. J. Thompson, Frontenac County. List sales early and + + 25-50-75 | 2:0. Ontaria, ages $50 weekly; Miss lLobinson 333 princess street. Phone soiuw, choice of dates. PE eo Sp di-- ~-S3eats now on sale | ar a Rae makes 360 or oor every week. 7 secure © AUCTION SALE sale. | WANTED---FIRST CLASS STENOGHRA- Join our sales forceMat once; work | STRICTLY PRIVATE CLUB, FREE T0 | GU0OU, GLNARAL PURPOSE MARE; . 24 QUEEN ST, KINGSTON PA et t i nene other = will Spare time or full time. Outnt tree. ladies; hundreds of wealthy mem- sound-and kind In every way; run- . Phone 1721. TO-NIGHT AT 7.30 P.M. . ne | : ara, ER Sia tirday Winston Torunto, bers, waihy farmers' daughters, Aout busy, wet of wingle dreads bo a --------------r .g » AMY ad i VEIT : NU 1 | == a = = ------ many o em wealth or phans; Cutter, CAVEry Waggon, aiso a § 4 NA ety 42--a4 JPRINC ESS STREET acati Apply, stating expurience | . wish to, marry; working ro Figg Chatham incubator, ahd Iron Beds, Springs, Clothing, Rubbers, | HL dhe Shey, &nd salary to Bex 0-27, Whig office - UPHOLSTERING preferred.' Their age is from 17 to bruoder; cheap to quick buyer, Ap © Furniture, ete. o i -- 5 46, Enclose stamped addressed en | Piy 401 Division streer, city. s Li OR DROP A CARD TO W. J. velope B. Isherwood, Isherwood P.| == pi - 0 t 4 WE HAVE 10 DOZEN MEN'S MULES AA eit ) Focal a lca AUCTION SALE Ene AN Anpueine oro Oi _. Gavine, upnolster. 416 lusw SU| 5. Ont Kin Pullover Mkts 1 v } zihg an Ana ri of | es cian - : ind sK1 *dllovet a BO Cover On Saturday Afternoon, Jan. 81st, 1020, TO-DAY i Shigstien r er Lanadisnt Home | F. W. HAROLD FOR YOUR UP. Woo Hen Mach, raion wa are seinng at 1 p.m. 1 S . Sy T >e 1 Journal ermanent posd tion; good | | ® al paling. EN at doc, a pair urin thig reat a ene ineey Hore: Jxdeaham ENGAGEMENT EXTRAORDINARY! | salary and expenses to wellsrecoms | BE Foneial a TE DENTAL sale," Tii8'Is Bh abCiaty a A) hended and properly qualified | 104 Clergy street, BE. KNAPP, B.A L.D.S. .D.D.S. Get a ir before toey are all SS es 2 WA, LDS, .D.D.S, niture and other useful artiel ri take place. Dining table, Shire Tonk 1 Mah. Address R. 8. Handilton, Utna- | ; office 268 Princess Street. Phone gone, ane Lion Clothing House, ing chairs. corning wn mower, hove | al giah Home Journal, Toronto, Can- LEGAL, . 652. = i $4( King street, near Princess. ; and other articles "too numerpus to Sard) TRETRRIR t > SPARK, Te : 8 8 ter, rticied Moo Ladi and trent pea DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. UATENAN'S REAL ESTATE, vd must be disposed of, as 'Mrs. Lucey (g ' MALE HELP WANTED "| CUNNINGHAM & SMITH, BARRIST- tists, 160 Wellingt t ver : 14h REGIMENT leaving Eydenham, y DORIS MAY em wm 4p WANTED. - > ers and Solicitors, 79 Clarence Carno A Bi se Syer $1000 FRAME) ¢ ROOMS; STONE i . GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK, .- Street, Kingston. A. B. Cuifhing- me SES en i" cellar. mri ids INL we fioed you to make socks on tne ham. Cyril M. Smith. ' $1600--DOUBLE R. ©. HOUSE; & Ast. easily learned Auto Koitter. Foe ach: Experience uhaedesstry. Distances | AMBROSE SHEA, Bie BARRISTER ER0M4 SAT: MnproYements, ; ; $2100 RAME; 6 ROOMS; IMPROVE. - White Potatoes, by the bag or Democracy" | 1) ston. dence, JOT Willi Shar nd oh Kuru saan 4) Ky Yash LW, | | | {PRINCESS OF WALES' OWN RIFLES) immateriai. Positivel no cane ana oolicitor, La office, corner | IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, A Attestation and issue of Uniform 1 . 3 » NEW ELLIOTT & WILLIAMSON ours ave vassing. Yin suppli a fous of King and B over Royal brick bungalow at 434 Alfred St. ments; lurge lot THURSDAY, JANUARY 20(k 2 lars de. ramp. opt. 24 Auto Bank. + Maney to Josn. Phone Furnace electric lights and gas: ? -- AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING Laitter Co. Toronto. EEE, Sms three bed rooms, parior, dining | g2200--<NEW FRAME; 5 ROOMS; IM. 8 pau, Armouries, Ford ear . Two Hours of Hilarious Joy. room, bath room and kitchen Anta: alecirl } - ® a apeclaity. Genuine y ! MEDICAL Price $3800.00, for a hoick heii provements; electric lights, 4 v Fi A - y x » i Re-erganlsmtion Bugle Band 318 1 LOCK STREET NOT A WAR STORY FEMALE HELP WANTED. = 199 end Up an estate. Apply to $2830--DOUBLE FRAME HOUSE; " : ---------------------- , EB. KANE WisH \ Ne 5 elson Street. Ape FRIDAY, JANUARY 30th hone 108, t Res, 1537J. Exceeding the Speed Limit, DR: J. BE. K TO A A hold Bie Ee IR rooms wach; improvements. L v nounce gat he has Opened offices hak | WANTED----PUPIL NURSES at 186 Weilington Street, apposite ic | M00 DOUBLE BRICK VENEER . 8 pm, Armouties. . pi . a | TWO YEARS! COURSE. MAINTEN. Post Office. Oifige hours 3-4;| A NUMBER OR EXTRA GOOD, DARI . A i CYRIL MAUDE and VIOLET ance and extras. High School edu. 7:8,30 p.m. rorae Xo office, 1336: grey Suits. These are a bargain Fooms Gaon; all' improvements, 1631, - at §35.00 to-day. We gre selling DR. NASH | mmm Hew | HAE, Vom flit cae | IVETE, 0 SE sass, pawn ovum. 3 mown | | . NA ys you are too late The Lion. Cloth- on » "WINNING HIS WIFE POSITION. WANTED, he House, 347 King Street, near | $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, 5 ROOMS, s Shi = - PL, cess, mprovements, electric light. DENTIST AA nn A MARRIED MAN WOULD LIKE A » A RNSHER BEORuGM, APPL) -- DOUBLE HEADER ghiuation on farm. full experience. wn. ML TI30L __. SED CARS FOR SALE--FORD AND] o a a S88 Princess Streot. : Phone 785 . COMING! Apply Box 0«10, "Whig Om - STORAGE FOR, FURNITURE; OLEAN Chevrolet. LA you are considering vicrony BONDS FOR BALE, MONRY : ' y. 4 » vd 1 e £ Your used car list with us. TA ir BT ming" 0C e atc "CHASE ME Ch ARLIE" ARCHITECT 144 Nelson Sunset Dlvne 13%), alniig het, overhauling and re: ARM Foi De Sewn and A £ 5 9 - pe pairing done. Get our pric on F M FOR SALE tion, Pyorrhea treatment, C a ae FIRST CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD; repairing before Raving ieee ou ACRES, ALL GOOD LAND, a : $6000--100 Bridgework. Graduate assistants. A POWER, SON AND DREVER, ARCH. all improvements; centrally locat- work done. All work guaranteed facing the lake r Junior InteColleginte tects, Merchants' Bank Chambers ed. Apply 243 Brock sireel. Thos. James & Son, Corner Col- barns. a A, Pareman. 9 Wels Office Hours, 9-0. Ol. ! a TELE OTR oir 0 \ Ferra --vs : ly K.CIL vs. REGIOPOLIS § oh y corher of Brock and Wellington STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN |. PoTne an e sts. lington Sire i KINGSTON INTERMEDIATES Btiseia a Es Rc and dry. J SAnn's Real Estate : i og : x . § Agency, § rock' sireet. Phone MONEY Tu LOAN . ¥ + " ) RING 828 or 621. sia 5 hysic Report Paper QUEEN'S SENIORS SUSE a std oY. rn ] CARPENTERING : - SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, P y : ONE DOUBLE AND ONE SiNGLi| TO LOAN -- 8120000 ON FIRST quality and ta. ont or z 2 . WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER bedroom; very centrally located: mortgage at 7%. Apply to Box No. help busin > y Collegiate Note Paper FRIDAY, JANUARY 30th HE'S HERE AT LAST! James Selby, Contractor, 011 reasonable terms. Apply Box A: 20, 0-13, 'Whig Office. ~~ : 196, Kingston, os PO. Box versity Avenue. Phone 1308w. Whig Office. " | Science Note Paper ~-Junior game starts 7.p.m. sharp. Ea Ce ze . : . oy : 3 \ Square Ruled Paper |r same star 8.15 pam. W ALLACE REI FINANCIAL a in Fabruary ror Ty y Ye : : Ge ral Admission ....,......50e - LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE For Jlormalion reply fa Eves « : = 20c. per 100 od Seats .........50¢, extra ni ii Fire Insurdnce Company. Available | "0 08 77 -- : = athe pf EERO TAGS ow note, pres | u oa | whi e y : w electric Lght throughout; a ~ . . BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT, iim "The Lotte Man Satu) Se unimiteg tabiity ef pad cellar. Apply Mr. H. Buber, : . ORI I CR aT 1 possibile rates, Before ; renewing NN tn i, ; Nd or give new. b et : EVERYBODY INVITED] A reemom ree mica | SH fiihutss, SVs opm son sommes cs Carloads of fresh Cou arriving tho best Coat mined, k » » . i DW Why worry about the high cost of Agents. "Phone 325 ary. aley Your own lock and i i y. vst's Clty Storage. 29% -- PO living when you can buy a husband FRONTENAC JOAN AND. INVEST. QUAN sireet. Phone 524: res. JAY L ment olety te ei tte ass inecrport 1881. N > for a dollar? President, W. F. Nickie, Ko vice A . * * Wouldn't give a dollar for a hus- president, A.B. Cunningham. | FURNISHED DEDROOM 70 ' LET; S band? Well, that wasn't the sentl-| Money issued on ity sna them suitable for one or iwe young lad: . - Lie (Incorporated) e ment 04200,000 women--all shapes, i es bo J properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchased; foris an use of piano, Apply at ages, sites and colors--who took a Investment bonda for sale; Nepasits Box J-26, Whig office. 84, - Club Rooms, 67 Princess St. CITY HALL, FRIDAY, JAN. 30th. . ay Hos : : = ee mins Lottery Man. Gocuterleng, indaeet. 3 Clr | mois, mia punAISHED, FETE EO a cnr rr ot General. meeting FRIDAY Bix Piece Orchestra. Whereby hangs the tale. See it ence street, Kingston, a bedroom; electric lights: hot water - on the screen. Not one chance in a heating: fear Queen's University, ] ats at 8 pan. Price ...j..0.......75c. a couple milliop that you'll lose. . suitable for two persons Oveupait } Subject for discussion: Extra ladles .... ........ '$8c -- Imang city. Apply 144 Upper tor diem 4 IRlon Street, Street car JARGtion '3.1 NOTICE *Provindlal convention; . : re : - : GEO A WRIGHT ° : Restintions; selstion of aio ran Francis Ford Fi ERRBRREEEERRERRE| | 1 in 00000 pons ug ||] BoM) elite snd ll pions . 5 = IN MYSTERY OF 13" Insurance all or part. | \ Axles for Automobiles turned out Employ ers ant POLLARD COMEDY . | 5% mickle ateel. Phone 1204, lL. 1 : BRIGGS COMED We would appreciate a line LCS. Stude is =z x from you. We have first-class | English atid Canadign compan- Photographs of the Children never | . 1 in 100 persohs have Tot spértect eyes, perhaps you man who wi { | ' will consider yours are 2nd. Such. trainfog is practi n : perteet bucause you as $5. 409 Quaiines Zor responsibni- COMING--"THE BRAT" ti] TMP. 41 Creme J J SHAP PIRO 2 or an' or it : : 2 _withogt rouble and can arg Smbtica pro) ue and tor 'sep well fh the distance-- 1} Hable. ; "but you may be g this good vision at the ex- pense of the nervous sys ~ tem, and later on will' to suffer for # Con- Suit us. We use a mod- ern and drugless method 3 ot a) hs Hen BraNcEss STREET Phohe 1045w, 507 Princess St. Cor, Chatham St. Because they know hate ' Strand Concert Orchestra les. "grow uP-uky the appointment age OT SALE a to-day. : 1 in All the Latest Music Only LA, ERSH J. R. C, Dobbs & Co. | HORSE BLANEY tnyining io The 1. C. 8 oan train any I try wi J