Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jan 1920, p. 5

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TUBSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1920, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | FOR SALE ~=PIPES, all sizes, ~~RADIATORS. ~MILITARY TENTS. Large pieces of CANVASS, ew, ete. L Cohen & Co. 275 Ontario Street. Phone 584 A Kidney Remedy Kidney troubles are frequently caused by badly digested food which overtakes these organs to eliminate the irritant acids formed. Help your stomach to properly digest the food by taking 15]to 30 drops of Extract of Roots, sold as Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup, and your kidney disorder will promptly dis. appear, Getthe genuine. | GLASSCO'S PURE os Strawberry Jom Raspberry Jam Black Currant Jam --Plum Jam : ~Peach Jam Gooseberry Jam --~Orange Marmalad Red Currant Jelly Crabapple Jelly --G Jelly ZBrambieherry Jelly D. COUPER 341-3 hone 76. WOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO, . Foot West Street Phone 133 Street Prompt delivery. We have a supply of cut hard wood and AAA Sv PHONE 1670 0. Aykroyd & Son Carpenters and Builders 21 MAIN STREET i i | { ! i i Fresh Cut Flower Ferns, palms, funeral designs, floral | wprays, wedding bouquets made to order F. J. JOHNSON, Florist. 115 Brock St. Phone 228, PN tp - Anny H. ROWLEY House Painting and Paper Hang- ing. Estimates on work freely given, °° WALL PAPER FOR SALE 340 BARRIE STREET, PHONE 1266J. --h WE SELL ON EASY TERMS Suits, Dresses, Ladies' Skirts, Men's Suits, Overalls, Underwear, | Towelory. Suitcases. ete N. Morris, 374 King St. -%. Morris, 374 King St. | | F It Pays to Buy Your | Groceries And Meat R. J. Shales & Son 71 PINE i Phone 1583 and' Get Prompt % Sowards Coal Co. WeHave In Stock Just Arrived Campbell's Tomato Sopp Campbell's Vegetable Soup Clark's Tomato Soup Clark's Vegetable Boup Distributors for Red Ruse Toasmthe on W. R. McRae & Co. GOLDEN LION License No. 6-543 So Delivery Fn ma pm, i Repairing, Watchmaker and Jeweler G. W. LYONS 349 Princess St. Phone 1806. / Repairs done accurately. ~~ promptly, and guaranteed for one year, BARGAINS In all kinds of new Mattresses. Why npt try us? We also renovate and recov- er all kinds of old Mattresses. An et | | Kingston an it daughters, and one sox: Ferguson, Mrs. A. G. Foster and Lieut. W. G. Ferguson, at home, and Mrs. Gordon Angus, Toronto. Got To the Post-Office First. Almonte is to have an Old Poys' reunion on July 20th to 31st, .and a campaign is to be pushed with vigor. The first envelope printed bearing the date of the Reunion in promin- ent letters was put into the post office by Wisemand James, Raised Over $1,000. A campaign inaugurated at Belle- ville during the past week to raise $14,000 for the local Y.M.C.A. has rogressed very favorably, consider- ng the inclement weather which has Jsrevailed Upwards of $11,000 of the «mount has been subscribed. -------- Bear Vanished When Gun Secured. George Welk, Eganville, while measuring a large hollow log, discov- ered a large black bear hibernating :n it. Welk and his assistant made a guick get away, but when they re- turned with a shotgun the bear had also done a marathon. A Veteran Worker, Robert Pollock, formerly of Al- monte, celebrated his eighty-second birthday at Winnipeg a few days ago. He is in excéllent health. The office help where he is employed present- ed him with a gold watch and chain, and a huge bouquet of magnificent roses, Two Separate Boards. The Bodard of Education of Tren- | ton has, dissolved, and in future there | will be 4wo separate boards--opublic and high sdhool. Prevost, Brock street, has in stock | fifty boys suits, all wool tweed, also | blue and black serge, at low prices. | See the value before buying x J | where. . Died At Chaumont; N.Y. | Mrs, L. K. Irvine, Chaumont, N.Y., | died on Thursday, aged' forty-three | years. Deceased was born at Clayton, { the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. | Garnsey. | | ot | . Reduced Price tn Boys Clothing 3 Jumped His Board. i He is a mean man who will not | pay his keep. Information has 'been | lodged against a young man for not | paying hds board bill and he will be | halled before Magistrate Farrell. i -------------------------- i Slightly Injured on Monday. | Joseph Alken, employed at the | locomotive works, was slightly hurt {on Monday. He Was taken to the | Hotel Dieu Hospital in 8. 8. Cor- | bett's ambulance. | r------ | Pulp Mill Near Cornwall. | The Toronto Paper Company has { let the contract for the cqnstruction ot & new pulp mill at its plant near | Cornwall, with a capacity of sixty tons a day. The mill is expected to | cost nearly $500,000 and to give em- pléyment to seventy-five hands ge . - Need Higher Assessments, ry to Open April 1st. W. C. Pollock, for over twenty 'Bie shareholders of the Rallton | years assessor of Almonte, has noti- | adm Cheese factory held their an- | fied the council that his services will {nual meeting Jan. 10th and were | not be available this year. More re- | pleased with the work of the fac-| venue will have to be got as it takes | tory for 1819. They purpose re- | twice the money to run the town that | opening heir factory April 1st. it did ten years ago. Higher assess- ments, must be struck said the coun- cilmen. | Railton 'Factor So ------------------ Calls For Extensions. The Rosamond Memorial Hospital, Almonte, has reached the point vhere immediate extension is neces- sary, and the directors propese to uild an extension for the accommo- The death occurred on Wednesday of Mrs, W. B. Ferguson, at the home | of her daughter, Mrs. A. G. Foster, | Smith's Falls. The late Mrs. Fergu- { son was in her eighty-third year. At eighteen years of age she moved to Smith's Falls as a bride and lived i | Mrs. W. B. Ferguson Dies Suddenly. | | wv v we Hospital treated the largest number of patients that it has ever done. -------------------- To Hold Old Boys' Reunion. ummer, this At a meeting of elected the coming first since 1910. citizens officers were selected. The Funds Are in Bank, The Smith's Falls Record-News says the canteen funds of the 130th Battalion of Lanark and Renfrew are reposing safely branch of the Bank of Montreal. The information was obtained from an authentic source. Parole System Wdbks Well. Out of 11,000 prisoners who have been allowed their freedom from Canadian penitentiaries, under the present parole system, only two and & half per cent. have violated the leased. . Such was the statement of FJudge W. P. Archibald, Dominion parole officer, and' an expert of prison reform. Back to the Old Home. Forty five years ago, S. Battams left Gananoque and was given a send-off. He is back again to live. His three sons returned to the place of their nativity a good many years ago. Although Mr: Battams has rea- ched three score years and ten he feels almost as young as when he left there, and is anxious to find employ- The Prescott Journal, of which the proposal to change the name o the Ottawa-Prescott Highway to "the Prince of Wales Highway." "While this may be the height of patriot- ism," says the Journal, "it will not meet with the approval of Prescott fans generally, and any attempt to change the name wil be met with resentment by all the good people of this district. If we are going to show democracy let us put a little dation of the nurses. Last year the r i ber of Colebrooke Methodist church | for many years and deeply interest- | ed in its welfare, although home-ties | jand illness prevented her regular | { attendance; a member, and for sev- | Coleebrooke, Jan. 24.--On Christ- | eral years president of the Ladies' mas day, Janey Garrison, widow of | Ald, and * tegen Tr of the Cana- | the late Coleman Warner, of Cole. | Ctl Req Cross Sociéty,, in which she | brooke, died at the residence of her | h . son-in-law, G. H. Anderson, Nap-! that was good and pure, and the same | anee, and in her passing her family | Strngth Character that Pematned | | undaunte rough years of care, a lose the kindly ministrations of 2 | enabled her still to look cheerfully | loving mother and daughter; her on life and give the welcome smile friends, a faithful companion; and fo others, helped her through long the vill of Cqlobrooke a od days of illness to bear her sufferings i £9 | wtih great fortitude, for after learn- Sitizen, \ ling ' that Mrs. Warner had been ailing for | short, she some. months and in August last, left | resigned, "Warnerheim," Colebrooke, and | sori Sunday, Dee. 28th, after a short x service conducted by Rev. Dr. Shorey, made her home with her daughter, | 4 the residence of her son-in-law, Mrs, G. H. Anderson, Napanee, with | the remains were conveyed to Cole- whom she was living at the time of | brooke Methodist church, where the | her death. Here she was lovingly, funeral was held at two p.m. the | | Rev. Everson of Yarker being as- | cared for and had the presence of her | sisted by Rev. Dr. Shorey, Napanee, | three daughters during her last three Interment took place in the cemetery i days. Confined to her room but two ' north of Colebrooke. days, she grew worse rapidly, until! there ever since. Surviving are three Idan. | i ------------------ ee, "WARNERHEIM"" DOORS CLOSED. Now That Mrs. A. O. Warner Has Passed Away, She seemed the embodiment of all | her life was to be cut | was still more patient and The bearers were her four sons-in- | death came as a welcome release | y.3. 2 Marti, De 31. An from suffering at 5.30 Christmas af- | ton, and W. S. Holmes, Ottawa. | 'ernoon. The sad news came as a) Those who loved . her covered the | practise hereand there," Found the Remedy Women Lock For DODD'S KIDNEYS PILLS BANISH- ED HER' BACKACHE. Mrs. Alice Roberts Felt Like a Differ- ent Woman "She Had Used the Great nadian Kidney Rem- ody, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Hathersage, Alta., Jan. 26.--(Spe- cial) .--That Dodd's Kidney Pills are the remedy that tired women with | aching backs are looking for is the | lesson taught by the experience of Mrs. Alice Roberts, a well-known and highly respected resident of this place. ; Mrs. Roberts felt terrible all the time. Her backache was terrible. She used Dodd's Kidney Pills. That is why she says: "Dodd's Kidney Pills did ders for ma" "My back ached so that I could hardly do my work." Mrs. Roberts continues: 'And I felt so tired all the time. My heart also bothered me. "Six boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills made me feel lika a different person." Ask your neighbors if Dodd's Kid- and | chairmen of the various committees | provisions under which they were re- | won- | SHINGLES Nothing superior to Cedar Shingles to shed rain and keep one dry. Plans ure being arranged for an | old boys' reunion in Belleville during | being the | S. ANGLIN & CO L Woodwa 8 Futtory and Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington » KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory | Phone 1415, in the Perth! | -- | Real Values In Winter Overcoats And Suits | | ment to work off his surplus energy. | Opposes Change of Highway Name. | Mayor Mason is the editor, opposes] i | ! Reliable Ready-to-wear Clothing and | ¢ 131 PRINCESS 8 rfect Fitting Tailoring ET ! {MnEREEENRNEERNNRURNRIERERERRERY 1 Robertson's Limited Headquarters for CROCKERY 2 Ba m Pa mi - w We have added two new patterns to our already big variety of open stock lines. This giving us the finest and most extensive " range yet shown. | |:2 BIG BARGAINS | 25¢. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. eat shock to f casket with a beautiful blanket com- | Ney Pills won't cure sick kidneys. Rot knowing. the ond LO ner | posed of orchids, white earnations, | Cured kidneys strain all the impuri- til a few hours previous to her de.| Mies and roses, for in Mfe she was | tles out of the blood. Pure blood mise. extremely fond of flowers, devoting | means new health all over the body. | Deceased was born in 1855 and | much time to the care and cultiva- | Thousands of Canadian women re- | Also some new patterns in Dinners Sata Frontenac Mattress Ca. just opened. These are very moderately - 17 \BALACLAVA STREET commend Dodd's Kidney Pills. Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King and Earl Streets. License No. 8-3T140 ' Phone 1844 Excelsior LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY | iis Consult G. 281 King Street, about taking out a Policy NOW. : Life Insurance is the one essential, "the cost of which has not Increased. Ask for particulars about the "Monthly Income Bond. G. HUNYER OGILVIE. HUNTER OGILVIE, | Phone 2106w was the daughter of the late George th hh nn EY DO | YOU KNOW That the quality of our ICE CREAM is unexcelled ? Prove it yourself. A High Grade Chocolates in bulk and fancy boxes. We stock only those in de- mand. HOT DRINKS, LBAR' 288 PRINCESS STREET, PHONE 1128, Garrison of Harty Lake, near Mos- cow, and of Mary Garrison, now of Napanee, In 1876 she was married to A. C. Warner, son of the late Charles Warner and Hannah Wartman of Colebrooke. Seven children were born to them, three of whom predeceased 'her, Hattie in 1895, Estella in 1910, and Belva, wife of 8: O. Martin, Ot- tawa, in 1917. Her husband also predeceased her in 1916. The sur- viving children are Arthur of Sask. Georgie, wife of W. 8. Holmes, Ot- tawa, Florence, wifé of G. H. Anderson, Napanee, and Mary, wife of L. B. Shorey, Acton. She is also survived by her aged mother, Mrs. Mary Garrison, Napanee, one sister, Mrs. F. 8. Wartman, Napanee, one brother, C. N. Garrison and two grand-children, viz, Master Warner Martin, Yarker, and Miss Doris An- derson, Napanee. Perhaps not many are called upon to sacrifice so much time and plea- sure to the care of others, as was the late Mrs. Warner. Aside from the cares of raising a large family, it was her task as well as privilege, to devote her life for the past nine years to the care of an aged mother: to open her home during the winter months for several years past to an aged aunt, for whom she cared dur- ing her last illness two years ago, and to care for her husband's invalid mother during Ner last long illness several years ago. The blessed heri- tage of the memory of these deeds, coupled with many other acts of kindness, will inspire those who mourn, to the best in Mfe. Con- sidering these things, a more appro- priate text couid not have been found for her funeral sermon than that chosen by her pastor: "In as much as ve have done it unto the least of these ye have done it unto me." : The late Mrs. Warner was a mem- tion of them. ] The hospitable doors of "Warner- | helm" are closed, and the death of | Mrs. Warner means 'to Colebrooke | the passing of the . Warner family | from the life of the village. This is keenly felt as this highly esteemed and respected family, descendants of 1 U. BE, Loyalists from all branches, + have been residents since 1842. | | 'AN ORIENTAL GARDEN. Persian City of Shiraz Retains Much of Beauty. In the midst of a broad expanse of | | barren ground lies fhe flat-topped | Persian city' of Shiraz, which was ; omee 80 wonderful a sight as to cause | the visitor to ery, "God is great!" | and by the fascination and beauty to make him forget forever his native | 'The Shiraz of the present is still fascinating. though its power over the traveller's memory has waned. The stranger may hurry through the narrow streets lined with square "He Called Me Bill!" Our friend Tom Mills, of Feilding, New Zealand, relays to us a delight ful story about William Massey, New Zealand's war premier. "I was wait- Ing on Queen's Wharf, Auckland, some three years ago, waiting for my son to land from the hospital ship which was to bring him home with his seven wounds from Gallipoli," says Tom) "Beside me stood Massey, who was waiting to welcome the ship on her first voyage as New Zealand's hospital ship. When the ship got within hail a big Anzac, leaning over the bulwarks, spotted the premier and yelled out: 'There's Massey, boys! Hello, Bill!' The Premier's front name is William, Like a flash he turned to me and exclaimed, ox- citedly, 'Did you hear him, Mills----he salle me Bill!" rtoons Maga- gine. it l-- Chatham Officials Salaries Raised. Chatham, Jan. 27.--At a special meeting of the city council it was dea- cided to give a general raise to the city officials." The increase in the salaries total over $5,000. A 20 per cent. increase was given to the men of the fire ube phir and not a single official was overlooked in the generosity displayed by the council. It was shown that the city officials were underpaid in comparison with the other cities of the same size, and that they received too little in view of the importance of their dul and also thé high cost of living. ------------------ Dreams go by contraries and the man who indulges in day-dreams is i always con a SOUND HEALTH to many thousands is practi- cally a matter of the right use of reliable means of main- taining vitality. priced. o bo La a CALL and SECURE YOUR SET EARLY Robertson's Limited | i I Our Mid-Winter Sale | Is Now On The ~ Second Week Men's Black Calf Receding Toe, ith cloth top; sizes 610 10; regu- lar price $7.00; our rice .......$4.90 »Men's lace New Calf} in 3 Evy sizes 6 to 10; regular price $5.00. Men's Brown Bal. Fibre Sole and Rub» All sizes in the lot.* i . Odd lot of Black and Brown Boots: fibre soles and rubber heels: all sizes mn | | | |

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