TUESDAY, JANUARY 27, 1020, T I Buy Out of = If YOU Buy Out of Town, and PAGE FOUR THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG afi Town, What Will Become of Our Town? r woos ns » The Dollar You Sp * hsm wane onsen I end in Kingston will 'Come Home to Boost' uo THE WHIG'S "BUY-AT-HOME" CAMPAIGN Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the Merchants of Kingston. They are your neighbours and will treat you right. 3 THE MONEY YOU SPEND WITH THEM STAYS IN CIRCULATION IN KINGSTON AND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD rss ss mi | oum REPUTATION FOR FAIR { DEALING iin Furs and Hats has been estab. lished. You can always rely on the "1 standard of all our goods, and do a " whole lot better by buying right here In Kingston and from us. CAMPBELL BROS, Now ALTOGETHER, LET US CULTIVATE the habit of hom trading, and make better Place to live in. ¥ ls and os Sar an object on buying at home. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON THE 'LION HOLDS SUPREME So does the Clothing handled by a8. If it is good goods at bargain prices, we have them in big lots, and you will save money on every garment vou buy. THE LION CLOTHING STORE 847 King Street, & 3 YOUR EYES ARE YOU'RE MOST valuable possession. Have them treated by us. We are proficient and do scientific treating that will help your vision and stop those awful headaches. Come in and consult us. J. J. STEWART, OPT, D, Opposite Post Office WE DO EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Get our estimates first on any- thing you may need in electrical wiring. You can depend if we do ft, it will be dove rigit. Big lihe of electrical goods and fixtures, Buy 8t home, HALLIDAY BLECTRIC CoO. IF YOUR AUTO IS SICK and needs dootoring, see us. We specialize on all bette: grades of cars. Our mechanics' ade the best, and if we do your repair work, you may be sure it is right. E. B. EDWARDS 110 Clergy Street. TEAS AND COFFEES Fresh and fragrant and satisfying .=~both in price and quality. This is the reputation our Teas and Coffees have got from hundreds of satisfied customers. Try them, x STROUD BROS. 100 Princess Street, Kingston, MEATS OF ALL KINDS Cholee Western outs; fresh -hamb, Pork Sau Po Gu net fi r sages; hn's ~first Shortening --otoice stock to select rom. J. 8. CLENAHAN Gury Cotbuuns and Barrie Sts, GEY IN TovOoH FOR YOUR GROCERIES and Provisions. Try our Teas and Coffee. You wil} like our way of Boing busines, Ne guarantee not only prices but uality. Buying at home will help np eg D. couvrax, GROCER THE UNIQUE GROCERY Our Provisions in the Grocery line are always fresh and wholesome. Al- So all kinds of Meats. You will find We are making it a real advantage 10 help home trading. See for your se OC, H. PICKERING University and Princess Sts. PURE DRUGS OUR SPECIALTY We are sole agents for the Penslar § 8nd Nvyle goods They have an in- ternational reputation. Big stock of ndries' and Toilet Articles, sick room supplies, ete. Do your shop. ping for Christmas here and early, T. H. SARGENT, DRUGS, ete. 'All goods marked in plain figures and one price to all without apy ex ception. Mahood Brothers FOR YOUR ¥ism ORDERS JUST CALL Phone 520 and you will get prompt rvice. We have ut all times all nds of f : Mish, and do a whole sale And r business. No order too small or too large. DOMINION FISH CO. MAKE UP THAT ORDER FOR GROCERIES Don't send it out of town. We can competa in prices and quality with any one anywhere. We do a wholesals and retail Rusiness, and carry a fu ne o visions. JAMES REDDEN & 00, 178 Princess Street. MANY STILL LOVE TO BE HUMBUGGED Seem Not to Mind Having *'Something Put Over" on Them the Least Bit. . PINK PAJAMAS FOR SHIRT Mail Order Houses Find it Easy to Make Substitu- tions Because of the Cost of Making Exchanges. ~ (Copyright.) It was a famous American showman who declared that the American people love to be humbugged. That saying is many years old now but sometimes it seems that there is about as much truth to it now as there was when it was first uttered. : People as a rule do not like the idea of having "something put over' on them, but from the way in which the great mail order houses in the big cities flourish it seems that a great many people do not mind it a bit. The business man who, when he gets a call for an article which he has not in stock, attempts to substitute some other article of a similar nature without telling the buyer of the substitution, is "putting something over" on his customer. Few retail merchants nowadays attempt to do a thing of that kind. The great majority of merchants do not do this for two reasons. One reason is that they wouldn't do it if they could and the other is that they couldn't do it if they would. The man who buys an article over the counter and sees what he is buying before he pays for it, is pretty sure to get what he wants. But there is another class of merchants, of which the same 'thing can- not be said. A man who has been closely connected with some of the big mail Srderhatieg Jn authority for the statement that the heads of the various merchandise departments of many mail order houses have standing orders to substitute with the nearest thing they have if the articles ordered are not in stock and available for delivery. It is related that in one in- stance as a result of these instructions, a man who ordered a dress shirt from a mail order house received a pair of pink pajamas instead. It 1s easy for the mail order house to get away with this substitution of another article for the one that is ordered for the reason that to ex- change an article received from a catalogue house is a costly ubdertaking. If a mail order buyer is disappointed in his purchase, as he is very apt to be when he compares the article apon its arrival with the picture and flowery description which appeared In the catalogue, the wisest plan is to take what he gets and make the best of it for every time he sends an article back to be exchanged, he is piling up the express or freight charges and even if the article is exchanged as requested, the buyer is not apt to fare much better on the second attempt. The mail order houses are well awars of the fact that the majority of their customers will not go to the trouble and expense of returning an arti- ele if it does not come up to their expectations gnd as a result they can work the substitution game to their hearts' contebt. The home merchant, however, cannot do business in this way and, as has been said, the majority of them would not do it if they gould. The "Just as good" to the customer especially when the article for is one that has become well-known and popular through the advertising done by the manufacturer, but to attempt to make a substitution without the knowledge or. of the customer! Well, it isn't being done by the local merchants WE ARE FULLY CONVINCED there is no use of sending out of town for 'Dry Goods, as our prices are lower than out-of-town con- ferns. Get posted. Get our prices first and be sure. Big stock of lad- goods. > MeINTOSH BROS. SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED GLASSES WILL do more than medicine for that sickly headache. We are scientific Optometrists and can fit you with Eiasses that will not only help your viston give you comfort. "See us first, KEELEY, Jr, MO, DO. . 22 ncess Street OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK OF ors 5 0 | Are on display. You will find just What you want at our store. We are leaders in up-to-date styles. A Te stock of Ladies' and Gents oes, Trunks, Vallses, ete. JENNI 456 King Street, AT BARNET LIPMAN'S A big clearing sale of Men's and Boy's Clothing, Sweater Coats and heavy Underwear. Prices very low. Buy in Kingston and help your home town, 4 GET OUR ESTIMATES con your plumbing and heating. We do all kinds of sanitary work: also indie a full Mne of Stoves, Heaters, races. etc, and Tinware and : osehoid Supplies, Don't overlook gE us firs & SONS 1ST Princess - + rT -- NEVER SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR anyth ¥ou can buy at home. us fog RAR in es' Goods ~ my "3k 0 prone "We od money. ve © give you credit, too. - to-day. Substitution is made easy for the mail order hous: , B180, by the fact that they do not sell much of what is known as "adverts goods--that is, goods that have been thoroughly advertised by the manufacturers and another without the customer being the wiser. The methods of the home merchant naturally are different. With the great development of advertising in recent years much of the merchandise carried is "advertised" goods. These goods are of familiar brands, the names of which have been Made famous by the national advertising of the lutely no opportunity for the merchant to "put one over on the merchant had the inclination to do so. him, even if WE ARE COMPLETE OUTWITTERS for Men and Boys Clothing. We carry a large stock. Just com; d. pur prices and then decide whote to us up by phone. buy your outfit. We know you will Rot regret it by trading with us, A, D, HOLTON x. ' 254 Princess EB. P, JENKINS SAY IT WITH FLOWERS We supply Sowers for any funeotion, wed les, WE HANDLE A FULL AND ; COMPLETE LINE Sait and OUR CASH AND CARRY SYSTEM Jill save you money on every dol- lar's Worth of Groceries you Duy at our store. Just compare our prices. de Tor Senramie Mp Roots, and do. & Bn mUToNmSON ----------------e ee ete rete FOR ALL KINDS OF MBATS Bee us. We pride ourselves in our special cuts of Beef and Pork pro- ducts. Our facilities for, handling Fresh Meats is the best. If you want the best at ressonable prices trade here. FISHER'S MEAT MARKET Princess and Clergy Streets LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR AUTO If 4t needs an repairs, we can do it quick. We andre all kinds of Th &nd Accessories and Service Station Otis ang Gasoline. We handle used care, too. CENTRAL GARAGE 338 King HAVE YOU NOTICED OUR WINDOW display? Well, come inside and see a complete lMne of Clothing and a nifty line of Gents' Furnishnigs that will please any good dresser and at prices that are hard to beat. D. S. COLLIER, Princess street. A WORD AS TO HARDWARE We handle a complete line of General Hardware, Paints, Tiaware, Stoves, Ranges, and all kinds of Sporting supplies. We try to make our prices a real advantage for all . to trade at home. 'STEVENSON & HUNTER 85-87 Princess Street. THERE IS NOTHING IN THE DRUG LINE pen hot get at our store. Al Too pare. & line of Toilet Arti. oles and sick room supplies. It will be to your adventage to buy here. PROUSE'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Clergy Sts. YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND A BARGAINS é in used Furniture. We have a big stock of used Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, ete. If you are furnishing a home it will pay you to see us first LOUIS LESSKS, 507 Princess Street W. H. COCKBURN & CO. On Princess street. is the place to bu Hardware, Stoves, herwin Paints, Household Utensils, contract supplies, and high grade Cutlery. We compete with anyone anywhere in prices. W. H. COCKBURN & 00. WER HANDLE A FULL LINE of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Enamelware Stoves and all for hunters and trappers. You will And our prices right. Get our esti- mates on builders' hardware. J. B. BUNT & Co. 853 King St. ONE GOOD REASON For buying shoes at home, your feet will be properly fitted. Result: you will have more comfort, your shoes will last longer and retain their shape. LOCKETI'S Fit the Feet--Also the Purse WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE FORD ~the universal cars made in Can- ada. We carry a large stock of acs cessories and auto needs. The Ford service station is open to all Ford owners. Make our Garage yours. Van LUVEN BROS, T TAILORING a& full line of Imported. stic goods. If we make your clothes you are sure of satis. ction. Cleaning, Pressing and Re- Paluing done promptly. trial and see the difference, \ PERRY & LEAVOY 80 Clarence WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY BE SURE fou deal with & house that is nown for reliability. You don't have to know Jewelry when you deal With us. Big stock of all kinds of Jewelry to choose from. KINNEAR & D'ESTERRE i MAKE OUR GARAGE THE HOME for your auto. We do all kinds of repairing, any make of cars, and are local distributors for the Me- Laughlin Automobile. Quick and ef- ficient service is our motto, All kinds of accessories. ANGROVE BROS, THE VICTORY SHOE STORE ia the place to get your Boots and Shoes. We are right up-to-date in fashions, and carry a superb Nne of all the products of the best Cana. dian factories. Big line of ladies' fine Shoes. 209 Princess Street WE ARE EXTENSIVE DEALERS at wholesale In Iron, metals, &o. hi quantities and market prices. et in touch with us. Mail, wire or aeroplane--d4t will pay you. 2 I. COREN & C0, KINGSTON OUR BUYING FACILITIES ARE THE SECRET of selling. You will find our prices lower in all kinds of Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Gent's arhishings than any place in Kingston. Make us prove It L ZACKS, 271 Princess street, of HY, YOUR CHRISTMAS GOODS Diamonds, Watches, and all kinds Class Jewelry, Steinway and Nordhelmer's Pianos, Phonographs, ste. We carry the most complete dine 2 Kingston and our prices are r R. J. RODGER 132 Princess Street. LADIES OF KINGSTON, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED In fancy goods, you will find just what you want at our store. Wa carry a full line of fancy foods such as Ribbons, Silks, Yarns and al supplies for Crochet work. MISS M. A. LEADER, 105 Broek Street. I) BICYCLE REPAIRING done here. We always have a stock of Bicycles to sell, and our repair Work is very reasonable. We try to Elve you satisfaction in every way. We also do Electric and Vacuum Carpet Cleaning. n, MILNE Phone 543. 273 Bagot St HOPKINSON"S GROCERY Market Square | 'We aim fo please you in the groc- our ey Are sure Hne. Bie rie 5 shag si o Try us for an order. Prompt delivery. Fhone 708. A WORD TO FARMERS Get in toueh with me for all kinds of Agricultural Implements. We are Joon} agents jor fo joe ing Pro. uots. ou w n ust what you want here. . . oLOw 471 Princess Street. WHEN YOU BUY FURS FROM US you are dealing directly with the manufacturer, thus saving the mid- dleman's" .. We JOHN MeKAY, Ltd. AT THE UNITED FARM. STORE end save money. We carry & large stock of Groceries and Provisions; a from producers to consumers. OF COURSE YOU WANT YOUR MONEY to go as far as it can in buyl Clothing. Call at our store. We Can show you a line of goods thet Will be an object lessom on buying at home. Ls. ABRAMSON 336 Princess Street, k WE MEET, IF WE DO NOT BRAT, all out-of-town prices. Our new store enables us to serve you better than ever, NEWMAN & SHAW 130 Princess Street Say it again: We can sell you Fur- niture at betier prices than in To- ronte, Ww make u rove it. Big line of Furniture and floor covering for every room in ho! . SEE WHAT YOU ARE BUYING Catalogus Furniture all Jooks alike in cuts. When dealing with us you see for yourself. Sur prises meet any others anywhere, . doing everything possible to (5-0 home trading an advantage. JAMES REID, STEACYS Kingston's Greatest Store WHY ARE WE PARTICULAR WHEN WE SERVE YOU? . pa is . Li found that Rt . eu ong. tomer and ourselves. where QUALITY counts stay sol and create permanent trade. 2 BIBBYS LTD BUY A WILLARD Threaded Rubber Insulated Bat. tery. Inquire about our guaranties and service. . WILLARD SERVICE STATION L. Leases, Prop. Phone 1540. 19 Brock Street. COAL IS CONFISCATED,