Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jan 1920, p. 3

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TURDAY, JAxvany 2. 1000 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG a PAGE THREE poss eS 1S NE CRUNWERST O80 PROBS, Wolesdar, fi snd oh io | . | SUBSCRIBE $41,000. 5 io | " 0 Steacy's Annual pn P| : | (Continued From Page 1) LITTLE { To the Great Forward Movement |. he believed that there was a + | - District Meeting Hears Vigorous | g oa opportunity for a free library Addresses in Sydenham Street | here. your cold at BEST'S. | 23 leave Pn a preparation $ ' Church. - BS: or Nickle toliowed 0 Garacs. rkey"s Speedy Cure) : a and polated out'that the: ety ha that will care the Co The Kingston Methodist district I me Tota te oy os that will cure the Cough in a members were in session in Syden- year, and he was not prepared to few doses. ep i ham street Methodist Bible 'school | commit himself so 'bon. It meant SHORT Sror Hom 33 cents 13 4 § | hall on Monday afternoon and even- |an jucrense os The $fcsent annual still{in the run too anc 2 grant o 000 to , . $ ine. Rev. J. D. Ellis, chairman of J. M. CampbdJl asked Mr. Carson the popular Cough and Cold : remedies stocked. {the district, had charge of the ser- whether the Carnegie library fund Az all | vice. At the afternoon session, Rev. | wag yet available, and could a grant * - G. I. Campbell, organizer for the |under the conditions attached to it We carry a we not be secured? Mr. Carson stated : Montreal conference, spoke for = ed ck of anythin | that the Carnegie people were not sto 1g considerable time, He assured any making grants for libraries at pre- At Best a you might need in { who might doubt the success of the gent because of the high cost. of 3 3 3 i ) - | building. They were waiting to see . cal line. | Forward Movement that he was ab The Popular Drug Store the opti solutely certain that it would "go [if the costa ment AONE He sould not Open Till Ten Each Night over the top" not only financially, drs than the Chown proposal. oy Phone 59, Lenses but the spiritual awakening would be | Mr. Campbell thought it would cost felt as never in the history of the |from $15,000 to $20,000 to fit up the --Frames, new styles church. building on Bagot street. Col. Huser Mr. Campbell told the gathering 30d that nat poi Lit : --Lorgnettes | that the Kingston district was uk from that source was available now. 1 organized. Although only a few cif All speakers who followed favored --Reading Glasses cuits had reported, up to date th pe , asking the city couneil to take up » : Intercessors, , MOD. | § Opera Classes 41k psn sentir, 535 ChE) Bhi revit, at shore : ian stewards, 65; new Sunday school : Keeley ir, . oe --Field Classes | scholars, 108; new Epworth League solution was myved bid: G. Elliott z E: Gl Ch . members, 27; life service, 5. Of the 3 . ye ass ans, five ,who signified their desire to give themselves for life service, four and Buttons, etc. were from Gananoque. Forty young 4 | men and women from the Montreal | conference "had offered for Jie Sere AGRIOULTURAL SOCIETY RE- 3: y 3 | vice. It was certainly gratifying to Oculists' prescrip- } tin Rt was certainly gratifying io ELECTS ITS OFFICERS, tions carefully filled young men and women were answer- Capo Vinvent Stage Held_Up by the ing 'the call. ! Mr. Campbell explained that the Storm--The AO.UW., Held a Mauro Asin A Montreal conference was called upon Dance Last Thursday Evening. ~Made and Fitted by to raise $475,000, afd he did not! wolfe Island, Jan. 26.--The Agri- doubt for a minute but what this cultural Society held their -annual amount would be obtained. He said meeting in the township hall on Mon- p that in one district three subscrid--d4ay afternoon. D. Kiai occupisd the Keele Jr M 0D 0 tions already received were enougi |ehair. The officers of last year were y 71 oy A1ke Ve * to put that district over the top In fre elected. Thomas Conley was ap- WE " | its ghjestive. ; ten. of which |POInted as delegate fo attend the The JE ELERS | _ The financial campaign, convention at Toronto on the 3rd Hood aarist of today te Jo J. M. Hughes is the chairman, will |5¢ Repruary, William McAdoo being cquipped with the best hoc. Ble Limited commence February 8th and last un- | 5)ternative. The auditor's report ical apparatus but must have til February 15th. The amount will [showed a neat balance on hand, that kfowledge in its use Established 1840 3 be realized 3 all work together, sald | which will be a good start: for this WHICH ONLY LON C W treet Kingston Mr. Campbell. year. ENCF Ny ona BAER Sim 8 : 1 A number of the appointed dele- |" youn Kane has gone to Limerick. ? | gates and ministers from the disteiot N.Y., to visit relatives. The funeral | were unable to atten © allernoon |o¢ nrg. Michael Melville took place It Is this combination of mind { session, due to being snow bound. on Friday morning from the resi- and machinery of experience When it was announced that the |g.,06 oF her son-in-law, James and equipment that makes two lay delegates from Seeley's Bay | grown and proceeded to the Sacred Kosley's service unique in had successfully made the trip, the pear 'enurch. The cortege was a yTMngaton, i gathering applauded. They drove io large one. | A high requiem mass was Gananoque, a distance o sung for the repose of her soul. Rev. miles, and then came by train. Father' Kerney conducted the mass, . after which the remains were taken N 2 abe Bveniiig Service. Rich. to Howe Island to be put in the fon sAXnesses. t the evening service, : "| vault, awaiting interment in the The small boy can be depended Sin Damages' He Vio Chr ard Whiting of Dominion church, spring. upon to say the right thing at the Lad: sacired Co Havers QE Montreal, Rey. A. B. Ransom of Un-| "mya 1gca] hockey team went to wrong time TabvT. STANT APFIIES TO lon church, Portsmouth, and J. M.|geqonvam on Saturday do play a : : Hughes financial organizer, for the friendly game with Verona team. or . Kingston District, presented Strobg | p,ih teams were evenly matched, arguments in favor of the Forward |; qcine from the score, 1-1. The Movement. {y | 10cal boys ehowed up well for the Rev. Mr. Ransom, Who recently {practice they have had. Owing to returned irom the Stu Towa, | the stormy condition of the weather, teer Convention at Desmoines, lowa, | 1) 0 ink has been nothing but a : 5 a | gave one of the most interesting re- |... heap. ports heard for years. Mrs. William Henderson #18 a : At this + great convention there precarious condition at her home. were 7,800 students representing one | = my, runeral of Mrs. Robert Bullis thousand wulversities Ie the a. was held on Friday = afternoon to SPELLS MONEY Ronson sett BC /ihe outstanding | Triniy church. 4 large congrosa: (hough of the grout Satneing was [Lome EreE ees Boa Ry the great need of men and women 10 | yi. [each preached the funeral ser- But 4s eT at os a A to ate save the heathen world. He spoke of | po, "ang bed the deceased very time and material on gi oO iS Store a | it Ww how man after man told of how thou- [yiont Fo By Po vines she had ren- the best in every line a our Saws go to prove it. © can sands were being lost to God for the Ged I church Altairy during 'her shaw root why our Saws are better value than. any other. lack of Christian workers. Mr. Ran- [yechl U one ee 10r yours som told of an old Japanese proathies The Cape Vincent stage abandoned | who was present a 8a ne her trip to Kingston on Saturday on OUR CROSS-CUT SAWS OUR HAND SAWS and when making his address 0ld)6f | ,ooount of ¢he storm and condition of Unequalled preaching the same sermon eighi{ip, roads, Mrs. James Knapp has og are big value at | hundred times and during three|gon, to New York to visit her sister At 4M. 343p; 4% 1%. years he had been able to obtain 84,- | Gry) McDermitt's many friends are 00; 5 ft, $5.50. $1.50 to $3.75 000 converts. $5.00; he 50 alos whe oragniier 10 pleased to learn that he = profess. WL » s oonfine- : Wi district said that the district was | 108 Most favorably since his SORCAC y : . | asked to contribute $41,000 which Kingston. [ce Saw B Valu 1.75 Co l { | could be paid in five subscriptions. The A.O.UW. held its twenty- S, Ig e, . k mp € € He said that it he did not believe eighth annual ball in the C.M.B.A. that the Forward Movement would |, 1 on Thursday evening. Seventy- 2 be a benefit he would not have gone | pio aouple were on the floor, and BS MAN OUR BUCK SAWS into it. The Interest on the money | ,nced to the sweet strains of Rus- OUR ONE-MAN SAW Take the tired feeling out subscribed in victory bonds etc., only sell's four-piece orchiestrs.' Bi al t of the wood-pile came due at certain Detieas. whereas Ig value al : . the money subscribed in thé work of 6} h $1.13, $1.35, $1.30 the church is coming due every day. hold basiglor ss aa that 20 People had made all kinds of money ann. while the boys were fighting overseas and were now called upon to do théip, J duty to God. He said, it was a shame the way the church paid its preach-| }. LONG FACES ers. i 9 PY "If every man and woman in King: |. Zo. : \ ston who Slaime to be a Methodist .i a : : would do half what they are able to "Cascar i THE BIG BUSY HARDWARE 4 do, there would be no doubt that the ets" for Liver ' «a = BROCK STREET SLL00 Fould be raised," remarkeu and Bowels bring Rev. Mr. Whiting said that some | back Smiles held the present was not the oppor- | » tune time to launch this movement | - but there were always those who | Tura the ill joys ott. Lie Beads - were ready to try and stop any new ache, Dbiliousness, indigestion, e - venture, There was a great revul-| Sick, sour, stomach and misery-mak- NENEREENEEERENANNNNNN EERE ENER ion, 2nd te pendulum vas sfadual | EEC win Cascarets. | ly moving towards the other extreme, | keep them out with Cascarets. : { For Instance the great craze for o Millions of men and 'wom: takes 4 % ] -- WOR .. | Cascare! . | pleasure,~----women are smoking cig Know the misery caused by a" lazy | arettes, women and men out all hours of the early morning. What we | liver, clogged bowels, or an upset need is to make the pendulum go | Stomach. x a | need ta to way, «nd im accomplish | Don't put ifi another day of dis iN mS this the church must move forward | tress. Let Cascarets cleanse your hel we! iD & Mighty effort to reach these peo- | Stomach; remove the sour, ferment- HSE 88 ple. ing food; take the excess-bile from . Some may. say that the returned | your liver and carry out all the con- men are disloyal to the church, but | Stipated waste matter and poison in the speaker said that he had met the bowels. Tien you will feel thousands of them and he had mever | Ereat. gg | met one who said an unworthy word | A Cascaret tonight straightens you R inst the church. The need of the | out by morning. They work®while #8 church was to make these men rea-| you sieep. : ei . lize that the church was progressives. - In closing his remarks he urged the- Decessity of consolidating its forces 4 CREAM FOR CATARRH STE SRY: || OPENS UP NOSTRILS |= Sale Price ........2 for 25c. | | Bote Cu Dimon, (| Beto Spent {|= HAIRNETS-- PILLOWCOTTON-- . B : - = 60 only, Hair Nets, all colors, | 200 yds. of Linen-finish Pillow = Ly oie Ne , black. etc. | Cotton; widths 40, 42, 44, 46. Price ..........2 for Sc. | Sale Price ........ .....T5e THERE January Economy Sales Merchandise will be sold at prices below present cost of duplication. The women who anticipate - their requirements at the reduced prices prevailing - during this sale will save considerable money. Ne . Wednesday Bargain List Remnant Sale Of | Savings On Hosiery § Silks 60 pairs of winter weight brown 3 and cream Cashmerette Hose for ladies; all sizes; regular 60c. 150 remnants of Silk--all colors Sale Price 2 prs. for $1.00 and materials, including Georg- : a : r 50 pairs of Lad full-Fashion- Sttes, Crepe de Chenes,\Satin, |. od "Black | Cochmerette To armeuse, Taffettas, Pussy sizes 8} to 10. Reg. 60c. : Willows, Pailettes, Habutai . etc--all good lengths and a Sale Price . .+...... .39. pair 40 pairs Boys'- heavy rilshed ed for quick clearance. 7 : worsted Hose; in sizes 81 to 10 LESS 25% TO 509%, OFF only; reg. 75c¢. a pair. REGULAR PRICES Sale Price ..........50c. pair I EE EAT Wool Goods At Such Low Prices Boys' Hockey Caps, all colors: reg. 50c. and 60c. Sale price 25¢. Wool Scarfs--a variety of colors; reg. $1.75. . . . . Sale price 85¢, Wool Spencers; all cologs; reg. $2.75 ........Sale price $2.19 40 pairs Men's Black Cashmer- i ette Sox; sizes/ 10, 104 and |1. FLOSS 23c. and DOWN 49c. Regular 60 cents. : Sale price + - 2 prs. for $1.00 In nearly all the wanted colors; Sox conic ot Shoe] Khaki Sale price ..........47%c. pair 35 pairs Men's heavy grey wool- 5 len Sox; the greatest value in the popular knitting yarn,' city. Regular 45 cents, . Sale Price . . . .3 pairs for $1.00 Monarch Wools ~~ Men's Sox EE SE guaranteed full weight balls. Get your full supply now'of this : Bargains For All Thrifty Women !! BLOUSES MERCER COTTON-- _ Your unrestricted choice of any 200 balls of Bidding's Mercer Blouse in our ready-to-wear de- | Cotton; Nos. 10, 15, 60, 70 only. partment. Values $10,50 to $35. | Reg. 10c. a ball. SalePrice . .... . -Less 20% | Sale Price .. .......4 for 25¢. UNDERWEAR 50 Children's fleece lined Vests | SHEETING-- and Drawers; all sizes; reg. 80c. 200 yds. of 2 yard wide White each, Sheeting; worth 85¢. a yd. Sale Price ............. 6%. SalePrice =... .... 6%. MEN'S COLLARS 150 yards of 2 yard wide Wa- 30 only, Men's Starched Linen | basso Linen-finish Sheeting: ex- Collars; sizes 14 to 16}; wing | tra heavy quality and worth $2 and plain band styles only. Your | a yard. res : . 5 choice { SalePrice ..:'...... .. 51.28 KEES ny OO A We have a large stock of Furniture and Rugs on hand. We H| - ; d cold or catarrh will be gone. "== "U" 'are not compelled to go to the mills to-day for goods. This will ' t cil oh 0 t a small bottle of $ ; Ee * : mean big advantage for you, as you can purchase goods to-day sory much below theit present value. ~~ © rs : Store closes at § p.m. dally, with the exception of Satur. day nigiit, at 8 pm. ; : a eo

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