Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Jan 1920, p. 11

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-- You know it! Itbegins with a faking, irritating sensation in yur throat. You cough to clear the throat, In a moment -there it is agaial 3 A minute's pesce, thea again you cough, and so on Sati] you ! cough your throat sore, an oy the timg the cough is suffi ently allsyed to permit you to sleep, you are thoroughly worn out, This kind of experience is particularly trying to old people. X Peps make this sort of thing quite unnecessary. Put a Peps pastille on your tongue and allow it to slowiy dissolve. Healing fumes are then Hberated, which mingle with the breath and are carried to the remotest parts of the air passages and lungs, allaying the irritation and soothing the inflamed membranes, thus end- ing the cough and making sleep possible. Pepa are also bet for bronehith laryngitis, asthma, sore throat an golds. Try Peps at our sxpense. Send this advertisement and 1s 0 EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid. neys if Bladder Bothers You. Hating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known author: ity; because the uric acid 'in meat ex- cites the kidneys, they become over worked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particular ly backache and misery In the kid: ney region; rheumatic twinges, be vere headaches, acid stomach, consti- pation, torpid liver, sleeplessness. bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts' or kidneys aren't acting right, or if blad- der bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in 8 glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is 'made from the aéld of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neu- tralize the acids in the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending blad- der disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effprvescent) li- thia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary oygans clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. FOR SALE nd three House and barn; es from acres of land, two m the city. W. H. GOLOWIN & SON Fe C. Biggs, of Wentworth Big Man in His County Eaters Drury's Cabinet | T cannot be said the Hon. Frank | Campbell Biggs, Minister of Pub- | | ! { i security to his exaited post, true that -many persons may not | Jtve heard of him uatil the election, but to the people of Wentworth | stranger. Hom. Mr. Biggs is Warden | of the county, and that in itself tells | more forcibly of his popularity than | any other medi except perhaps, his prodigious ty over his op- popent. Mr. Biggs fitted himself, A farmer through and through, he has stuck to his first love and made tion. He has always been strong on education from his boyhood days at! the Ontario Agricultural College, and the Hydro and good roads have been two of his hobbies. As a Hydro en- thusiast he will be a real help to the commission. He will not be behind In pushing its interests along, for he knows full well its bemefits to the farmers, As good roads will come under his jurisdiction, his fellow till- | ers of the soil naturally look for im- As a practical farmer Hon. Mr. | Biggs is strong on economy, and can be to see there is no fritter- ing of the fupds in his charge. As his fellow-councillors in Wentworth know, wastefulness will find no, place in his policy. | The honorable gentleman is a | father of who seem deter-| mined to uphold the family traditions | for Al work. At a recent match in | Beverley Township the youngest! ploughman was Stanley Biggs, the twelve-year-old son of the Minister, and Stanley had to his credit the best crown in his class on the feild and at his home. Another son, Dick, also won honors. The Minister of Pulific Works is one of the youngest members of the Cabinet, being under forty years. Given good health, and with the worthy ambition and spirit of deter- mination evidenced in his public' work 50 far, he should prove one of the best pickings of Premier Drury. Military Foot Work. Many of us feel that feet won the war, says Dr. John B. Huber in Les- lie's Weekly. ; "they went a long way" toward winning it. Pain- ful feet are often incorrectly attri- buted to rheumatism of to fallen m may have for its source some Infection focus in the nose or where in the body « 'Real Estate and Insurance 39 Brock St. Phone 424 WHEN REEDNATIC 555 PAINS HIT HARD Have Sloan's Liniment Ready Those Sudden Rheumatic | ON'T let ne rheumatic pain D or ache find you without Sloan's Liniment again, Keep, it handy in the medicine cabinet for immediate actiop when needed. If] you are out of it now, get another | bottle today, so you won't suffer any longer than necessary when a pain or ache attacks you. Apply it without rubbing--for it penetrates--giving prompt relief of sciatica, lumbago, neuralgia, lame. ness, soreness, sprains, - strains, bruises. Be prepared -- keep it handy. ' Made in Canada. All druggists--3bc., 70¢., $1.40. NK PEER Fagaisael: sl Brie bili AS ag \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG CONSTIPATION or COSTIVENESS| Constipation, although gengrally | described as a disease, can never ex-| ist unless some of the organs are) deranged, which is generally found to be the liver. lic Works, has jumped from ob-#R There is nothing more productive | It is | of general ill health than constipa tion of the bowels, and a regular ac-| tion is absolutely essential to general | health. One of the most common, | painful and troublesome troubles Coun from | caused by constipation is piles. and | celestial bodies which it passes, said sli halla Wing 2 | Prof. E. S. King of Harvard Obser- unless the bowels are kept open by the use of a good laxative such as Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills the whole | system will be poisoned and many | different complications of diseases | arise, so if you'would be well, keep | your bowels regular. i Mr. A. Roder, Hastings St. €., Van- | couver, B.C., writes:--'I desire to ex-| press my thanks for what Milburn's| Laxa-Liver Pills have done for me. I had been suffering from econstipa-| tion for two years, and also had a bad cough and headaches. I tried alk] sorts of cures and remedies, but got | no relief until I wag advised to try| your pills. I got great relief after | the first few doses." { Get Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills} when you ask for them or send 25e.! and they will be sent by return of matl by The T. Milburn Co., Limit- | ed, Toronto, Ont. i CUT. THIS OUT OLD ENGLISH RECIPE FOR CA- TARRH, CATARRHAL. DEAF- ; NESS AND HEAD NOISES { | | | | i | | If you know of some one who is| troubled with ' Catarrhal Deafness, | head noises or ordinary catarrh, cut! out this formula and hand it to them! and you may have been the means of saving some poor sufferer perhaps from total deafness. In England scientists for a long time past have recognized that catarrh is a constitu tional disease and necessarily requir- es constitutional treatment. Sprays, inhalers and nose douche: are liable to irritate thé delicate air passages and force the disease intc the middle ear, which frequent: means total deafness, or else the di-! sease may be driven down the air passages towards the lungs which i equally as dangerous. The follow ing formula which {s used extensive ly in the damp English climate is : constitutional treatment and shou! prove especially efficacious to suffer ers here who live under more favor able climate conditions. > Secure from your druggist 1 ounce | of Parmint (Double strength). Take this home and add to it 3% pint of hot water and/a' little granulated sugar; stir til dissolved. Take one tablespoonful four times a day | This will often bring quick relief from distressing head noises. Clog: ged nostrils should open, breathing become easy and hearing improve a the inflammation in the eustachian tubes is reduced. Parmint used in this way acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system and has a tonic action that helps to obtain: the desired results, The pre paration is easy to make, costs little and is pleasant to take. Every per- son who has catarrh or head noise: or is- hard of hearing should give | this treatment a trial | MOUNTED POLICE ! FOR CANADIAN CITIES New Royal Canadian Mounted Police in Existence on | Feb. 1st. Ottawa, Jan. 27.--On Feb. 1st the | amalgamation of the Dominion and | Royal North-West Mounted Police | under the new name of the Royal | Canadian Mounted Police, will be come effective. In the meantime the details for | the amilgamation and for the exten: | sion of the newly organized force are being worked out by Commissioner Perry in conjunction with the Hon. N. W. Rowell, and Comptroller Mc- throat, or in a footh cavity or else- | [ean It is anticipated that there will be ; a squadron: .of mounted men located | at Toronto, at Montreal and at Ot- | tawa and Halifax, These men wil ve tot usurp the functions of the exist- ing pes eq in 60 per cent. of the men the first or alignment -- h any foot soreness should report for and should be regularly inspected. Sugar Crop Reducers. It is estimated that rats every year at least a twentieth part Amoubting 1a vals to sie Tan at ue e short o two hundred thousand The is their favorite food; but enjoy Indian corn, all the that are accessible to them, | idea ng Dominion Police, but will be ed for the enforcement of Fed- eral Jaw throughout the districts | . adjacent to their headquarters. families, refu- | gees from section of Transylvania, under Rumandan occupation, are {too uemeless in the vicinity of Budapest. Was crowded out of its natural "yu oo a man says he has forgotten ¢ about that little loan you - just re- urned----he is generally a liar. Judicious diet and exercise will frequently improve a man's opinion of his neighbors. Poor tations are due to the fact that good intentions are seldom credited. > TOOSHORT TODO UP ANDSTILL FALLING | the actual mation of the earth with- | that light moving in line with the | ing this, however, for of course a 'gravitation. PAGE ELEVEN ---- he se Sr ------ 1 >< Deflection of $ Rays of Light 4 PO DESIRE on the part of phy sicists to recken motion without relating the object in motion to any other ob- ject, is largely responsible for the recent astronomical discovery that light may travel in curved lines through space, being deflected by 4 vatory to & representative of the Christian Science Monitor. Astrono- AO FOR HOLIDAY COOKING COVERED ROASTING PANS--STOREY CAKE TINS---PYREX OVEN WARE--- MIXING BOWLS FOR GIFTS ALUMINUM AND STROP id RHEUMATISM just © Season we eumatismwithitg Era FiBte pais Raid of you. t with Templeton's Rheumatic Capsules eton's Rheumatio 5 sules bring cer taf a i d permanent Yor He ENAMEL CHILDREN'S SETS AUTO RAZORS BAFETY ~=GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS RAZOR STROPS \ ARO Our stock is very complete LEMMON & SONS PHONE 840 187 Princess Street mers and physicists geuérally are not a little aroused by conclusions drawn i from photographs taken~ by the! eclipse expeditions of British astron- omers to Brazil and Africa last May, | seeming to indicate, since on these!' expeditions the light from stars in the sun's background was found to be deflected in passing the sun, that lines of light are not straight, that parallel linés of light would eventu- ally meet, that what appears to be a circle in space would be non- circular and that the angles of a tri angle do not necessarily make the sum total of two right angles, also, that perhaps light has weight, and that Newton's theory of gravitation may need revision, | Prof. King said that physicists in| 1887 attacked the problem of finding a means of computing absolute mo- tion, that is, the motion of an object through space" independent of any other object in space, as, for instance, out referring to the sun or any other star or planet. This feat has never yet been accomplishéd. Things move upo. the earth; the earth turns upon its axis; the earth follows an ellipti- cal course around the sun; the sum and the whole solar system is per haps moving as & unit in some course through space in relation to all the other' visible celestial systems, and so on, no one can fathom how far. It is evident, therefore, that by figur- ing the motion of an object according | to how it moves with relation to some | other object does not get the student | anywhere when it comes to the con- sideration of \absolute motion. The Searchers, however, had to be- gin with something known. They took the fact that the earth moves through the ether at the rate. of 19 miles a second with relation to the | sun, and that of which they had long been sure regarding the motion of light---that it travels 186,000 miles a second; and they then conjectured course of the earth through the ether must show a 1%-mile variation when compared with a ray of light travel- ling the same distance across the course 'of the The searchers availed themselves of instruments sensitive enough to register accurately the motion 'of light even to a 18-mile variation, and made a test of the motion of light in these two respects. Much to their amazement, the motion was found to be the same in both courses--with and athwart the course of the earth. Widespread discussion resulted and numerous theories were evolved, the chief one of which was probably the conclusion that the testing instrue ment itself changed its length accord- ing to the direction in which it was turned. They saw no way of prove "Financial circumstances alter legal | cases, ETT A 0 is ¢ The Value of Pure Air W- cannot live without alr--pure alr. It is a vital ' necessity. Impure air is unhealthy to human beings, but disease germs thrive on it. Impure air is the cause of much sickness, and it helps the spfead of epidemics. People thrive on pure air, but foul air lowers their vitality and weakens their resistance against disease. Many people dislike using Disinfectants on account of the strong, pungent odor that most DISINFECTANTS have.' And the heavy, disagreeable odor of a DISINFECTANT doesn't necessarily mean that it is a more powerful germicide. McCRIMMON"S DISINFECTANT and DEODORANT is a germicide with NO ODOR. And it is an absolute DEODORANT, because it takes up all other odors and leaves the air fresh and sweet. . The best results are obtained with McCRIMMON'S when used as a spray--and the DISINFECTANT goes much further. McCRIMMON'S is quite safe to use anywhere in the house) and 'does not injure rugs or carpets. For Theatres, Churches and other large buildings it has no equal, and Hospitals recognize its valuable qualities, in Particular people find McCRIMMON'S DISINFECTANT and DEODORANT a household necessity, or Grocer ® Ask Your Druggist MeCR!MMON'S CHEMICALS LIMITED MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS TORONTO + WINNIPEG h measuring stick would its length comparatively when changed from one direction to the other. 1f the human senses are under this| illusion, it appears that we do not see things as they are nor where they are. Doubtless because light was looked upon as that which travels in every possible direction through space, as that which is most common to all | space, and as that which heretofore | at least was thought to travel in straight lines unswerved by ebjects in its path, it was thought by the natural scientists that the laws of the - motion of light should be of value in solving absolute motion. After a while Dr. Albert Eipstein appeared, advancing a theory one of the con- clusions of" which is that star light in passing the sun is deflected by the | sun, and therefore made to travel in a curved line. Reports from the eclipse expedi- tions indicate that light is deflected from its course when passing the sun, What causes this deflection or what it proves; it will take time to deter- mine. It seems to be generally agre-! ed by astronomers that the Einstein theory has been established, at least. Some assert that the eclipse observa- Hons show that light is affected by But others are more nservative, thinking that perhaps a more extensive atmosphere or more compact ether exists about the sun than has been heretofore calculated, and that this might act after the manner of a lens in deflecting the star rays of light. Deep interest will of course centre about the next solar eclipse, in September, 1922. The Afghan situation. Britain has no wish to dominate | or annex Afghanistan, as Sir Hamil- a8 an independent state on the bore ders of India must depend upon its | good behavior and upon its influence and the coupon bolus see Pepsodent cleans teeth. ~ Millions of Germs Breed in Tooth Film--Keep It Off All Statements Approved by High Dental Authortes y ' Film Wrecks the Teeth HAT slimy film which feel with your tongue causes most tooth troubles. The tooth brush does not it. The ordinary tooth paste does mot dissolve it. In crevices and elsewhere that film clings. That is why your brushing teeth white, free from 'tartzr, clean and safe. That film is what discolors--not the teeth. If is the Dasls of tartar, It holds food substance which ferments and forms acid. It holds the acid in contact with the teeth to cause decay. v Millions of germs breed ff it Thess Sth arias we the chisf couse of pportiin. 84 all these troubles have been increasing despite the wide use of the tooth Dental science, after years. of search, has found a- film ebmbatant. Able authorities have 4rnply proved vein. by <sreiul clinical Sout, Leading dentists everywhere now urge Pepsodent, And we offer a 10-Day . e method is embodied in a dentifrice called now to everyoné for home tests. See the Results, Then Decide : {The results of Pepsodent are quickly apparent. Some are instant. Wo ask you to them -=watch them ten days---then decide for yourself about them. . yey 1104 8. Wa . Mail 10-day Tube of Pepuddent to : Name HES Er TNT Er TIN TNA INT aN TOWER aha UN sus EWM bassin snnnnn fos r A 4 3 er ' ry

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