Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1920, p. 7

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FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1920, AO 0 OFF FOR THE BALANCE OF JANUARY WE ARE GIVING ABOVE DISCOUNT OFF ALL OUR REGULAR SUITS AND OVER. COATS~--NOTHING RESERVED xally This means that yon can purchase Clothing at less than present wholesale prices, as the manufacturers have advanced their prices two or three times since we purchased our present stock. D.J. WILL "THE MEN'S STORE" BEAYY SnVER PATE TABLEWARE that is at all times and 5 THE DAILY BRITISH WOMAN'S COUNCIL ANNUAL i : | MRS, JOHN MACGILLIVRAY IS RE- i ELECTED AS PRESIDENT Reports of the Splendid Work Done | By the Ladies Organizations In| Kingston Last Year, The annual meeting of the Kipg- | ston branch of the National Council jof Women took place in the coun- | cil chamoer at the city hall on Thurs- | day aiternoon, and was largely: at- | tended by the ladies of the ¢ity whose | devotion to all matters effecting so- | cial welfare was manifested by the | j Breat attention given to the reading | | of reports on the work of the various i | organizations affiliated with the | { council, {| In the absence of the president, { Mrs. John McGillivray, one of the | vice-presidents, Miss Muckleston, pre | sided, Miss ida Ronan, recording sec- | retary presented her report and Miss | H. Chown, financial secretary, pre- | sented the financial report. The re- | | ceipts amounted to $105.39 and the | | disoursements were $99 leaving a| | balance of $6.39. Mrs. D. C. McCallum read the re-| {port on the Women's Hospital Aid; srs. Kennedy the report ot the FPub- { ic Liorary Committee. Much valu- able work was accomplished in the | juvenile department. | The report off the work of the Un- ion of King s Daughters showed that a greal deal of assistance was g.ven to the hospitals; memvers made re- { gular visits? Aid was also given to tue Armenians, Mrs, Duff told of the | War work of the Red Cross Society, Visils lo the hospitals, and ind.cated what the future work would be. Mrs. | Bibby gave a very fine report on the | Orphan's Home and expressed appre- i | ciation of the ass.stance given by Dr. meCallum. Miss Konan reported on i i i { i { | ¥ "COMNONTY WORK" TALK [her first hand information. | number of years she was engaged in | Fe = ny fare; conservation; equal moral I standard; household economics; laws | for protection of women; taxation. | It is a matter for special comment | | that the various reports were well written and admirably presented: | the proceedings were conducted with due regard to the rules of procedure. | The ladies of Kingston have a wide grasp of all matters affecting the so- | | cial, educational, physical and moral wejfare of the community as shown | by the many reports tabled which unfortunately could not be reported | in full : ! MISS CARSON ADDRESSED THE | WOMEN'S CANADIAN CLUB. | Speaker Has Had Wide Experience in Social Work, and Emphasized™ Great | Need of Work to be Undertaken | Among Foreigners. | Miss Carson, late superintendent of | the Canadian Settlements, spoke to | the members of the Women's Can- | adian Club, of Kingston, 'at Conveca- | tion Hall, on Thursday night, on | "Community Work." Her address | Was a most interesting and instruc- tive one, and was listened to by quite | & large audience. The president of | the club, Mrs. W. F. Nickle, presided, | {and introduced the speaker. 2] Miss Carson has had a wide experi- {ence in social work, and she was able | to give her audience the benefits of | For a the work in New York. She told of the aims and objects of the social centre work and of the conditions in | all parts of Canada. ! The speaker pointed out that the | | foreign element presented the great- | est problem. In one community she | { spoke of particularly there were fif- | | teen different nationalities, and stat- J for all purposes desir- able. Bvery piece that does not give en-| tire satisfaction will be | replaced, It is abso- lutely guaranteed. Ask for pet eyesight need not be endur- folder. ed by countless people who are putting off an experience they think they should dread. It is quite painless and interesting to have our optometrist look back into the win- {Hustrated | {the work of the Children of sary, od that Canada must get after this { Which included assistance to toe poor | Problem. The foreigners must be | and entertainments for hospitai pa- | Canadianized, or they in turn would | tients. Miss Honan also presented the | foreignize America. . report of St. Joan's Amoulance Bri-| The speaker also pointed out the | {gade, Very valuacle work was per-|&reat need of developing the youth of { formed during uhe war. Of seventy- | the country. There should be a de- {one memiers five went overseas as | sire to cultivate good citizenship, and nurses. , Classes were conducted for | In the latter part of her address she | nurses, and entertainments were gi- | made an earnest appeal on behalf ot | ven to convalescent soldiers. Miss | community serviee. Every effort | | Carrutners was complimented for | Possible should be put forth to get {men together to study their condi- WHIG T $4.85 SALE OF MEN'S FINE BOOTS, consisting of ----Men's Brown Calfskin Laced Boots, Neolin soles and rubber heels. Men's Black Calf Laced Boots, Neolin soles and rubber heels, ----Black Calf Bluchers; leather soles. SHOES like these will be worth at least $8.00 in the Spring. $3.95 Sale of Women's Fine Boots; some regular $6.00 values, a $5.95 : Sale of Men's anid Women's high grade Boots -- some $10.00 values in this lot. q EO DOUBLE THE LIFE OF YOUR TIRES REBUILT MOORE' The Tire Shop of Efficient Service aid Good Tire Kepairs ¥ dows of your mind and tell you their exact condition. ' You will find it quite a pleasure to resume your nor- ual sight at little inconvenience and Blight expense. Kinnear & d'Esterre 100 PLiICESS ST. "The House of Better Gi Opposite the Post Office Phone 099. KINGSTON. The Great Tones and Beglish Les i Ales the who system, makes new Blood Cures Nervous in old Yous ily, Mental and Brain We Loss of Energy, Rudting Memory, One wil | please, "ts or mailed in plain A C0 ToRaTo, O4E, LAND FOR SALE, we Olden Township, 204 acres, min ral rights reserved. Timber lo ajefly hardwood, valuable. CC. 8, KIRKPATRICK, 368 Clarence Nt, Kin ston. Conga, Colder: Headathe, Neuron 0 0 aural Flaca mild laxative: Breaks ng a cold in & few hours. Get the genulne, a$ all drug stores, 25c per box. Sold at Best's Drug Store, I HHH, wal fll WOMEN'S SAMPLE SHOES Black Kid, Patent Colt with Grey Kid . I Cham e Kid, Chocolate Ki and Me. | Men's Brown and Black Calf Bluchers and : : re k ah Al a... 0084.08 iil | toes: H HIT RATHI EOL AO | her work, | Mrs. W. G. Jordan read the report | {on -the Home for the Aged which | | showed that much improvement had | j taken place at that institution. The | | inmates were encouraged in garden- | {ing and poultry raising with satis-| | factory results. 4 | | Mrs. W, F. Nickle reported on the | j activities of the Women's 'Canadian | | Club. She said that it was a matter | { for regres that while good lecturers | | were obtained the attendance was! small, { Mrs. L. McDonald gave a most in- | -eresting report on the Y.W.C.A. The | seneral secretary, Miss Foster, did| plendid work, conducted Bible clas- | ss, visited women in the prison | and jail, and helped sold.ers wives and young girls: Her resignation was | a cause for keen regret. The resid- | ence was self-susta.ning, and the out- | ngs provided for girls at the sum- | mer camp were greatly appreciated. | siiss Foster's successor has not yet béen selected. i | _ Miss Eileen Campbell reported on | | the activities of the Lovana Society. The society had the co-operation of the Q. V. A, A. in work among the | soldiers. " | | Miss Minnle Gordon of the Agri-| { cultural committee said that no work had been done during the past year. Mrs. Bruce Taylor, who reported on citizenship, told of the work per- | | formed in the recent municipal elee- | | tions. Difficulty was experienced in | I getting Womer candidates. She ex- | plained the law governing the quali- cations of voters. Miss E, Hoastridge read the re- { port on education. The presence of the new members of the Board of | | Education was felt. The parents and | | teachers associations were doing | | good work. She told of the supervis- | jed play grounds and the organiza- | tion of the girl guides. Miss Mowat reported for the law committee which had the assistance! of the city solicitor when municipal and provincial ldws were under con- sideration. Mrs. Kennedy in her report on ob- { Jectionable printed matter said that | { the local theatres showéd a good | class of films; but she advocated spe- cial films for children as they were a great aid in education. Mrs. H. T. J. ©oleman told of the licensing of rooming houses in Tor- onto and the valuable work of Dr. | Margaret Patterson who started the | movement for licépsed boarding houses in that city. The local com- mittee had opened a register for rooming houses at the public library j and a large number registered. There was no need to license boarding | houses in this city yét. She thanked | vhe press for the support given the committee. When the resolutions were called for Miss A. M. Machar moved a hearty vote of thanks to Miss Ronan who had acted as recording secretary during the past fourteen years, Miss Mowat moved that Lady Drayton be informed that she had been unanimously elected a member of Kingston Branch of the National Council of Women, A resolution Was passed convey- ing the thanks of the Council to G. Y. Chown for his gift of the Public Library b 4 Pp s¥ ef 25 tions and needs, having in view the making of matters ideal for all. Miss Carson had a few words to | say about Kingston, stating that there were great opportunities for carrying on social welfare work here. At the close, Miss Carson was ten- dered a hearty vote of thanks, on | motion of Miss Mowat, seconded by Miss Creighton. | Following this meeting, Miss Car- | son showed the ladies a number of | interesting pictures in one of the | lecture rooms, the pictures dealing | with her social work. | eet | i ------------ "Filthy Lucre." | | EASE] By J. E. MIDDLETON. What is my gold? Very stuff of my inner self, Toil of spirit and brain and hand; Out of my fires of life, a brand To _re-kindle the ruddy flame For un browher, of any name, Hurt in a weary land. What is my gold? Hell and (damnation if T choose, If I cherish my low desire Warm myself at the sacred fire, Feed my senses, and ease my smart; It will wither and scorch my heart, Sink me in deeps of mire, What is my gold? It is I, by the grace of God. It is I, and will surely show Whether I be a fool or no, ! Filling my belly, like the swine-- Or the Jericho Road with oil and wine | For 'the traveller stricken low. | } KINGSTON EVENTS 25 YEARS AGO. A _fuly equipped kindergarten will be opened by Miss Wilder on Brook street, A. Neilson had his toes frozen to- day. There are twenty-three men and five. women confined in the county 1 ag seventeen inches thick is be- ing cut on Anglin's Bay. R. J. Carson purchased at auction five carloads of potatoes, in all! 1,600 bushels, at eighteen cents per k. hn Breden has been appointed general manager of the Kingston Fire Engine Company. . A big ball was held on Garden Island. A large number attended from this city. John McKay, Jr, while playing hockey, was hit in the eye with a puck. COMEDY OF ERRORS Amusing Case From County Court of seems to have been a comedy of er- mmented ie, Justice Middle ton in dispos.ng a motion aside summary judgment granted by the County Oourt of vor of Emma + it will be to your adv Abernethy's Shoe Store } Ladies' Fur Coats In view of advancing prices 2 rin to buy now. Hudson Seal Coats, made from choicest skins and full of style through and through, Ained with fancy silk poplin linings. Mink Marmot Coats in the newest models, with belts, su- perior finish. Muscova Pony Coats, made from choice lustrous skins, collars and cuffs of Australian Opossum. Come in and see. Now is the time to buy. . ne 40 Good Furniture | IS AN INVESTMENT. | A first-class investment, too, if you buy at REID'S. you, if you are going to buy Furniture for pres yourself of present low prices and high quality. - JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. 'Phone 147 for Service. NNR ERNE ERENEERENNENRNNENE ! Be, ; a * Tegra START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT and have your house wired 'for Electric light, iron, and cook with it téo and save your coal bills. Phone 441 and our repre- sentative will call and tell you the cost. No .'charge made for estimates. _ We have installed a new Ice Cream plant, ~ which will assist us in being able to supply | our Ice Cream to all social or ivate events. = No order too small and no o: too large-- E all will be given our prompt attention. 4

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