Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1920, p. 4

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PAGE FOU . >Rai THE | D AlLY BRI Ti SH WHIG ? FRIDAY, JANUARY 23, 1920. En v---------- PF : 1 i i GYROSCOPE FOR SHIPS | prs Valk Inside and Save Te | PASSENGER SHIPS TO BE EQUIP- | When Mr, Balfour, then British | o » My New Price Policy ED WITH THIS INVENTION. | Foreign Minister, conveyed to Lord | is the Talk of Canada Rothschild, just, two years ago, & . Statement declaring that the British Government favored the tab ment in Palestine of a for the Jewish people {is utmost to bring about such a = tlemyent, the news was hailed A T NO TIME in the history of my business have the Public responded so generously as since my New Price Policy went into effect, which Teduces every garment from $4 to $10. This reduction of prices has been effected only on account of my largely increased volume. This is a permanent reduction. x | throughout the world's Jewry as marking a new era in the history of | the Jewish race. Mr. Balfour's an- | nouncement was made just prior to gest liners, will cease thelr [.,) o's ugive victories of Gen. Allen- rolling, and the passengers { by, which drove the Turk from Pales- be at rest. No more will a féw rail- | tine, and registered the full measure ; | ¢ r the Ninth Cru- road carloads of lemons be carried | of achievement for the Ninth ° ard to eure the mal de mer. and | sade. Since that time Jews in all » eure : a ly | Parts of the world have been inter- no more will the busy steward ply | esting themselves in the great pro- his sick-room acre. The gyrescope | ject. : is coming into its own as a stabiliser Suh projestts Buweven 2 yor . | of ships, and the success of some ex- | A%076Ved In a day. Another full year | + of war followed Mr. Balfour's an y WwW rl | perimental Justalistions gives asaut | nouncement, and when aetual Jan e€ Ce ance that the modern passenger ves- | fare came to an end, in , ' > sels will soon be equipped with this | those who knew anything About Xhe $25 Suits & Overcoats - $25 . ed the immen | ingenious apparatus. Before the So- a fully Fecognized the Inimer be. | $32 TY " ™ ~priced $28 : | ciety of Naval Architects and Majin fore such a question as the final dis- | a Bngitieets BN ek a Jays position of Palestine sould be reach. $38 5 : $32 1 v 8 A > N is used to walt] of gyroscope stabilization, and if his a NO Ee ow the days of the 5 " .. facts are correct, marine people will Peace Conference lengthened from 4 38 { Bot be long in deriving the benefits | \ uy into months, during the year | . ' | he prophesies for it. - now closing, and he saw so many | He declared that after 15 years |.) jpeg deterred and hearts made o" {of experiment along this line plans sick, he might be excused if he grew ATS now being adopted for sates. anxious as to the fulfillment of the i on Sive utilistion of gyroscope control. promises that had been made to him. e co fore. 3 , ¥ hat Sets on the" principle that a | iL, "aw (METElore u peculiarly erate. WOMENS HAVANA Quickly revolving, disc, resting Curzon was able to convey to the | : BROWN KID BOOTS lightly on a Central pivot, w ¢ | great Zionist meeting, held in Lon- | } bf ; " mataiein 3 scaay axl with great Eon ibis tat mo Change Had ox | | JAODS | |f| § Ww hae ag ¥ : curred in the policy of the Govern-| Pn ) aban ¥ previous attempts to prevent rolling , nt concerning the establishment IF'oP-CuA This week tively Juipment has operated Pas | of 3 national home for the Jewish Ca sively, depending a B miian people in Palestine. The problem is a ot the At i a peculiarly complex one, but it is + and ad quite clearly the Syrian question, which the Soi has been reduced has with its supposed clash of French and ot Y Arab interests, which is delayir ihe Mfans themselves heen Srastie settlement, and not any change gble, he Sta iis Re . et rH hot policy, actual or contemplated, on { begin to make itse 8 a ih the part of the British Government, ett hihag Hulls Pronounce e Ane d 0 In Mr. Balfour's original state- | Yap lve te. I at i» A ment it was carefully emphasized | | not reduet on 0! Tou, hut p hd ms to (Bt nothing should be done to pre- | { AD e. active Syroscope 5 on 8 ". | Judice the civil and religious rights have the goods. "'For years eng Bess of existing non-Jewish communities have observed ihe Suange peregrin. in Palestine. The point is important, 4 » 8 > t sigh s {Tailed to perceive the dormant powers 20d Shout set SS foal a a of this%imple Apparatus, only await- pointed out to the meeting in Lon- | ing the application SL arnt! pre. don, no responsible Zidnist would | cession to doris id it a na ant Fer propose the immediate establishment Viceable for siabllising sven Lhe are of a complete Jewish state in Pales- fal s ip." The Ee 19 sue 11 | tine. Such a settlement would place easler It is to stablize her. The g¥r0 lye covermment of the country in outclasses all other mechanisms in the hands of a minority, and would pe-- i JEWS AND PALESTINE. ke 4 Wy Wy hy A Growing Industry THE JAVEL MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of "KLEAN ALL" JAVEL WATER Contains--NO ACID--NO LYE Manufactured Specially feb Whitening and taking out Stains from white linen and Cotton Without Boiling Also cleans bath tubs, sinks, copper, poreelain, marb#€" tiling. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT--12¢. A QUART BOTTLE Return bottle to grocer and save 2a, To disinfect leave some in.open con i not live where it i JAVEL MFG. CO. 19 ONTARIO STREET, KINGSTON. PHONE 454. | Country May Become a Purely Self. | Largest Vessels to Cease Rolling and i Passengers to Be at Rest--From the Point of View of Economy There Is Much to Be Said for New Device, HE day is coming when ships on the ocean, even the big- Germs can- 3 OVERCOATS Balance of the Dwyer stock. See window for price and sizes. with Louis o Sizes 21% to 7 " only A 3 ft -------------- -- | on nada RE A EE Rade casa a TE The Victory Shoe Store Corner Princess and Clergy, Phone 4886. ; E CL " 112 Princess St. 1 VNR Frys TELLS DYSPEPTICS WHAT T0 EAT Avoid Indigestion, Sour Acid Stom- | ach, Heargburn, Gas on Stomach, Ete, that, while jts weight and cost vary as the cube of its lineal dimensions, its stabilizing power varies no less thus transgress one of the first rules of democracy. The aim, however, is ultimately a Jewish state, and the | than the fifth power, Indigestion. .and practically all] The Thorneyerofts | invented a 'forms of stomach trouble, say medi-| great pendulum, and ® others have cal authorities, are due nine times bethought themselves of a tank, for out of ten to an excess of hydrochloric | stablizing purposes. But whereas in , seid in the stomach. Chronic "acid | these cases a pound is only a pound stomach" is exceedingly dangerous | in force applied, the gyroscope has and sufferers should do either one of | vast powers far beyond its weight, two things {| Every pound is multiplied by the Either they can go on a limited | Yelocity of the particle, so that a and often disagreeanie die', avold- comparatively few pounds are capable ing foncs that disagree with them, of doing the work of tons. With the that irritate the stomach and lead | active gyro, this power is exerted to excess acid secretion or they can | independently, and can be applied to eat as they please in 'reason and | Prevent rolling, instead of merely make It a practice to counteract the | countering it. Some naval architects _ effect ot the harmful acid and pre- | have 'feared that the forces "wnd vent the formation of gas. sourness | Stresses involved by heavy washing _ or premature fermentation by the|Oi Waves against an apparently un- use of a little Bisurated Magnesia at | Yielding vessel would do great -dam- their meals. {age to her. The nature and magni- There is probably no better, safer | tude of the stresses are said fo be or more reliable stomach antfacid | Well known now, and have been un- than Bisurated Magnesia and it is der observation in actual installa- widely used for this purpose, It has tions. Knowledge of the subject be- no direct action on the stomach and | I0§ accurate, it can be said that the i8 not a digestent. But a teaspoon- | Yessel which rides the waves on even ful of the powder or a couple of five | keel, masts vertical, is subjected to grain tablets taken in a little water | Bly & fifth or sixth of the strains with the food will neutralize the | Caused by varestricted rolling. The excesd acidity which may be present | §Y708cope can be started or stopped, and prevent its further formation. |and the action of the vessel studied This removed the whole cause of the Under the same set of conditions. trouble and the meal digests natural- | In action, it reduces strains and ly and healthfully without need of [Stresses to almost nothing, even in pepsin pills or artificial digestents, | Storms of the greatest magnitude. Get a few ounces of Bisurated | With it operating, the creaks and Magnesia from any reliable drug | 85r0ans that issue from the sides ot gist. Ask for either powder or ab- | ® heavily rolling ship disappear, Jets. 1t never comes as a liquid, milk | #24 the passengers have a new or citrate and in the bisurated form | Sense of security and freedom from is not a laxative. Try this plan and | terror of storms. A stabilized ehip eat what you want at your next meal | i0variably rises with -the sea, rising "mnd see if this isn't the best advice | And falling gracefully. Some naval _you ever had on "what to eat." authorities expected the seus would pound the ship as they would a dock, but the reverse is true. There is no splashing and pounding, Moreover, from the point of view of economy there is much to be said for the new device, = It not only lengthens the lives of skips, but it saves power. In a heavy sea, a Stcamér yaws back and forth, the holm constantly in use to steady her, and there is a large loss of pro- pulsive power because of the use of the helm. It is estimated that there is a saving of ope-twelfth in actual power. A stabilized ship needs little Steering, because it virtually stays In its dead track, and can almost be termed self- steering. A wallowing ship travels far off its course, whereas the stabilized ship saves feet and yards at almost every other bound of the sea. For a 15,000- ton vessel at 18 knots, the loss from rolling might easily amount to 1,000 horse-power, and when coal is so scarce and high, this is an item every shipowner has to scan carefully. ------------ way of it is simple. The policy of the British Government, Mr, Samuel declared, is the promotion to the full- est degree that the conditions of the country allow of Jewish immigration and land settlement; the provision of Jewish money for much-needed pub- lic works; and the active promotion of Jewish agricultural development and sell-government, so that, in time, the country may become a purely self-governing commonwealth under the auspices of a Jewish majority. Thus, the realization of Palestihe as a Jewish state and national home is intrusted to the Jews themselves. "His Master's Voice" Dance Records 90 Cents for 10-inch double-sided oo la--Fox Trots Patches -ond-Durdaticlle Poe Toe... re is ¢ ed as being far above If they are really in earnest, as no Here jaa recon) we lave selected dance "hit" of the one doubts they are; if they emi- the Dina ld Ry oD Are whose specialty is grate to Palestine from all quarters . playing of dance musi : but a musical gem that of the world in sufficient numbers; anyone would be pleased to hear. if they bring to the great work of nation building a just measure of as I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles--and--Somebody's Waiting For Someone--Waltzes . Heanri's Orchestra 216069 the energy and resources which have made them successful workmen, 0 And He'd Say "Oo-la-la! 'Wee-Wee!"'--One-Step--Lincoln 's Orchostra-- and--Breeze--Fox Trot Henri's Orchestra 21607¢ business men, and scholars in almost every other country, then the future £ A - 's Orchestro--end--Tents of Arabs--One- Freckle. Fox Trot--Coleman's Lincoln's Orchestra 216073 1 Want a Daddy Who Will Rock Me to Si of the Jewish national home in Pal- estine is secure.--Christian Science All the Quakers are Shoulder Shakers--Medley Fox Trots All Star Trio 18626 Genuine "His Master's Voice' Victrolas, $40 to $680 Monitor. for gale in England, the owner gives Any "His Master's Voice" dealer his reasons for the sale with remark- gladly play any selection you wish to ' able frankness. The war, he says, wil Bear or demonstrate the Victrola compels him t6 part with 'very Monreal. many things that 1. have enjoyed so J Manufactured by Berlinet Gram-o-phone Co., Limited, long, but, perhaps, have had long LI] enough." And he prefers to sell in America. For, one reason, 'he con- tinues, "there is, 1 fancy, a greater lack in America of the kind of wares I have to offer, and therefore their field of usefulhess and pleasure will be greater"; more than that, 'a kind of sentiment prevails mightily with me, urging me to avoid the risk of ever meeting a fellow book-lover gloating over something that was once a cause of gloating to myself. When I have parted with these small treasures I want to have really part ed with them." And again, "There may be a third reason: that a higher, a4 much higher, figure will be got for them in the States." In perusing his confession the American collector will no doubt appreciate his frank ness, sympathize with his regret, and 5 feel, incidentally, that he speaks also for others. -------------------------- Patrol Memorial, The Dover Patrol Memorial Com- mittee has decided to allocate $60,- AA 000 each for the obelisks to be erect- ed on the cliffs to the east of Dover and at Cape Blanc Nez, France, and $300,000 for the monumont to be erected in the United States. This will leave about $75,000 for the erec- A branch of the Royal Bank of tion and furnishing of the hostel for Canada will shortly be opened at ®allors at Dover which is to form the Trenton. | other section of the memorial, BRINGING UP FATHER Famare Samir at -~ to ve it, then < THE ~ It entirely. To do this, PASSED we os rath about four ounces of plain, 15 THE MAN | y Mquid arven from any drug You To WATE store (this is all you will need), ap- R, ly It at night when retiring; use 0 to moisten the sealp and rud ih gantly with the finger tips. 'By morning, most if not all, of dandruff will be gone, and three VICTROLA XI, 22589 MAN b OGANY OR OAK A Frank Confession. In the foreword to the catalogue of a fine private library now offered i ll VT Wy TN PNP PIPPI ~F. W. COATES Xe Agent Victor Victrolas, Phone 445. Ahr Tr T VV T TTT TT TTY he That Hair Mattress OR THOSE PEATHERS ' @HOULD BE RENOVATED NOW. SEE US WE. ARB EXPERTS. A a JEWELER. 158 Princess Street. . Anaad he FP PD TOT Aad A aaa Slade dd oa - A Aarhus Acasa WRT ny Rh oo Ls a Wy WR. MAHOOD BROS. Agents Victor-Victolas. 113 Princess Street. NN YY Yay Wy \ BAA SSAA - di din in Ii Ah Ab AA ADEE hdd a Kingston Mattress Company 556 Princess St. Phone 602. TYYETE TTT YYYY - ry VET VNR "yo We are always pleased to demonitrate Victrolas and Victor Records T. F HARRISON CO., LTD. 229-231-233-235-237 Princess Street. Phone 90. rey ry Addi wl? By GEORGE McMANUS f I a 3 i. on 88 BY VERRY!!! MY WATCH I UNDERSTAND iF | CATCH HIM UP TO ANY TRICKERY TM TO RE I THOUGHT THAT BE THE FELLER D0 t WALKED UR CLOSE TO Him TO G'T A GOOD LOOK AT His FEATURES

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