Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1920, p. 3

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FRIDAY, JANUARY x5, 1wav. LL -- IT COSTS LITTLE to leave your cold at BEST'S. | 26 cents buys a preparation (Dr. Hickey's Speedy Cure) that will cure the Cough in a few doses. SHORT STOP at 15 cents is still in the run too and also all the popular Cough and Cold remedies stocked. ip if : GIRL HELD MAY REED WORKING COURSE BE JEANNE DEKAY | PROBS: --Fair, with low temperature. wer rrr) -- chad | f TO BE GIVEN SOME oF THE Woman Arrested in Aviator's 'e SY VOCATIONAL STUDENTS. Uniform Looks Like Miss~ "| " ; . ing Helress. : OO HIGHEST QUALITY AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES = i In Connection With the Casualties ! Reed and Rattan Company's Fac tory on King Street East. The Casualties Reed and Rattan Company have made arrangments } | with the Vocational Training Depart- ment of the Soldier's Civil Re-esta- blishment to take on a number of { vocational students, to take up reed- hworking courses. The company in- | tends to start operations on February | 5th, on the top floor of the Crawford NT a young woman was being held at] police station while frankly puzzled | police sought to determine whether she is Jeanne Anna de Kay, missing protege of Jane Addams of Hull House, Chicago. The girl, in appearance, corre- sponds to press descriptions of Miss de Kay, except that her hair is bobb- | ed and the word "Helen' is tattooed | on her arm. Under, questioning police said she first declared she "knew" Miss de Kay, and then said At Our Greatest Mid-Winter Sale SUPPLIES We carry a well-fill- ed stock of anything you might need the optical line. At Best's The Popular Drug Store Open Til Ten Each Night 4 Phono 59. --Lenses --Lorgnettes --Reading Glasses --Opera Glasses --Field Glasses --Eye Glass Chains, and Buttons, etc. Keeley Jr., 1L0..0. Oculists' prescrip- tions carefully filled SMITH BROS. Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley 37, The optometrist of today to. do 800d work must not only be equipped with the best mechan ical apparatus but must have that knowledge in its wuse WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. ENCF CAN GIVE. It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience * and equipment Keeley's Kingston. that makes service umique in 2 A" Music is the food of love--which | «is more than can be sald of the - oufon. . Our Great January Sale This is your last chance to get useful articles for the kitchen at 5 a great saving. 10 per cent Discount on the following | WEAR-EVER ALUMINUM--A1 GRANITEWARE--. JEAVY TINWARE . HEATERS Don't let the home get chilly for that is the first stage of having the children ill. Get one of our HEATERS at a great discount, (PERFECTION) NICKLED OIL HEATERS .....000....87.00 ~ \ mn 4 -- Frames, new styles | McKelvey & Birch : (PERFECTION) JAR OIL HEATERS ....ccvv000004+.86.00 v 4 Ltd, PHONE 287 W. A, MITCHELL, MANAGER OF HARDWARE DEPT. i 4 4 4 | being wasted daily in Montreal, it is mother, Mrs. Margaret Lennox, on said. PL AT not compelled to go to the mills to-day for goods. This will | mean big advantage for you, as you caw purchase goods to-day ery much below their present value. wg ; Store closes at § p.m. daily, with the exception of Satus. day night, a: 3 po. > ® a ge the Russian forces were held by an penitemtiary was the sentence passed American detachment following an by Justice Lennox at the Court" | i } | Broom factory on King street. Stu- dents who wish to take up this work will be given stead? employment after the course is o eted, and during the course, as well as recetv- ing lallowances from the Vocational Training Department, they will be paid according to the amount of goods they produce. The last day for application for courses is Febru- ary 1st, and the course will com- mence on February 5th. Applications must be made in good time to the district vocational officer, Kingston, jor to the secretary-treasurer, G.W. V.A, This course will afford splendid opportunities for disabled men to se- cure easy and congenial employment, especially men who have lost the use { of their legs. ARMY OF WORKMEN OVERHAULING LINERS Imperator, Olympic and Aqui- taniato Be Soon Ready For Jcean Service. London, Jan. 23.--An army of workmen is engaged in overhauling thé three great trans-Atlantic liners, | Imperator, Aquitania and Olympic, to place them back inthe service at the edrliest possible moment to meet the heavy demands of transportation to and from America. In overhauling the Imperator, which is expected to be back in service in Febuary, it is reported that a hole was found in the swimming tank, and some Cunard officials have suspicions of the Germans purposely boring a hole in the tank before the liner left New York, thus causing large quantities of water to enter the boiler rooms. It is mow hoped that the Aquitania will be ready for service in June. The work of reconditioning The White Star liner Olympic is being rushed. She Is in the hands of 2,000 workmen. It is asserted that all ocean giants now being recondi- tioned will have the same sumptuous interior fittings as in pre-war times, despite greatly increased cost of labor and material. MARRIAGE - BANNED IN AUSTRIAN ARMY Both Officers and Soldiers Must Also Waive All Political Rights. i Vienna, Jan. 23.--Soldlers and of- ficers in the Austrian army are for- bidden to marry and must waive their political rights under the pro- visions of the army bill now before the National Assembly. The pers sonnel of the army would be limited | to 1,500 officers, 2,000 "non-coms," and 30,000 men, who would be per- mitted to-elect councils to protect their interests. Opportunity would be given the soldiers to learn trades and to study agriculture while serv- ing their time in the ranks, which is Mixed at six years in active service and six on the reserve list. The army budget for 1920 places the cost of military activity at 29. 000,000 kroner, which is one-sixth the average amount appropriated | before the outbreak of the war. PROSPECTS BRIGHT * FOR AN AGREEMENT | Leaders Make Material Pro- gress Towards Breaking Deadlock. Washington, Jan. 23.--Marked im- she was Miss de Kay, but later denied ft. Newspaper men who talked with her told the same story. She first gave her name as Jeanne de Longe, Belgiag widow of a "French soldier." The young WwWOmMan was arrested because she was wearing men's clothing on thetstreets, but she as- sorted she was an aviatrix and that she merely happened to appear in her uniform. She showed such a knowledge of airplanes that Chief of Police Beavers freed her. 5 Next day she was arrested dgain and a blanket charge of "disorderly conduct" was docketed against her as the result of appearing in the lobby of a downtown hotel in men's attire. The police started to investigate whether she was {Mss de Kay and communicated with Chicago authorl- ties. The young woman will be held pending definite determination of her identity. TELLS OF "INVISIBLE EMPIRE." Country Will Know "Agent and Co- conspirator." Albany, N.Y,, Jan. 23.--Martin W. Littleton, council for the assembly judiciary committee in the trial of the five suspended Sqgcialist assem- blymen, denounced the Socialist party "as the agent and co-conspira- | tor of an invisible empire whose object is the "forcible overthrow of constitutional liberty in America." Mr. Littleton's denunciation of the Socialist party was made at the af- ternoon session after Seymour Sted- man of Chicago, an attorney for the suspended members, had made a defense of Soviet Russia. An outburst of applause greeted Mr. Littlesoin's statements. The ap- plause continued for several seconde before Chairman Martin, who ruled gestarday that there should be no demonstration, restored quiet, COMING IN SLOWLY Ex-members of Imperials Not Asking War Gratuities Quickly. Ottawa, Jan, 23.--It is stated by the Militia Department that applica- tions for war service gratuity by ex- members of the Imperial forces who come within the provisions of the order-in-council passed on Dee. 1, 1919, following the report of the spe- cial committee of the House of 'Com- mons, are coming in very slowly. Only 5,098 applications have been received, whereas it is estimated that there must be approximately forty thousand men entitled to the gratu- ity. I in i i---- STOP WHIPPING WOMEN Inquiry in Atlanta Brings Out Strange Findings. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 23.--Whipping of women at the city stockade was ordered discontinued entirely by the prison committee of the Atlanta City Council yesterday after a police hear- ing of charges brought by the Atlan- ta Humane Society that women had been strafiped to a contrivance re- sembling a chair and flogged. Woman Is Cllairman. Brantford, Jan. 23,----Recognition of the worth of women in health mat+ ters has been given here by the elec- tiqn of Mrs. H. R. Frank to the chair- manship of the Board of Health at | | the inaugural meeting. Mrs. Frank | last year took a very active part in health work while a member of the board, particularly with regard to 'the introduction of medical inspec provement in possibility of .compos- | ; 1s. ing the senate deadlock over the | 1°00 is Yhe ucliools. Peace treaty was reported by leaders' gg 000 Awarded the 1914-15 Star, promise negotiations, Although the leaders yesterday came close to a schism, to-day's meeting it was stated upon most authoritative . information, resulted in material progress toward a cbm- promise. At no time since the bi- partisan conference began a week ago, one of the active leaders de- bright for an agreement between the four Republican and five Democratic members of the committee, The controversy between the Sas- katchewan and Federal Government relat've to the reimbursement of the former of over $500,000 paid out us participating in the bi-partisan com~ clared, have the prospects been 80 | Ottawa, Jan. 23.--Thirty thous- land Canadians have been awarded the 1914-15 star to date, according to the records of the Militia Nénnrt. ment. Applications are still being received for them, and there are probably still some hundreds of men and many women who are eligible for them but hava not received them ret, 7 Italian Railway Strike Fails. (Canadian Legpatch) Rome, Jan. 23.--Energetic steps by the Italian Government and an ad- verse attitufie of the public seem to have brought about the failure of the railway strike. The national con- gess of employees in the postal, tele- phone and telegraph services has voted to resume work. Eleven Years in Prison. 2 {Canadian Press esvatch) . Ottawa, Jan. 23.--Eleven years in interest to bond holders under pro- vincial guarantees of the rand Pacific branch lines in that province, has been terminated and the matter settled. Six officers and forty-eight men of unprovoked attqgk by Seminoft's House yesterday afternoon upon Wil- men, according tothe American com- liam Lennox, who was found guilty mander. A by a jury on acharge of manslaughter Ten million gallons of water are in connection with the death of his the 10th June last. 2 YS $ uckle Overshoes; sha6 6 ORly ...........o.. i... $418' \ Goodyear Boots, values; in sises 514, or WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR MORE ¥ = E = Hi = = =a = = E = = = = == _-- =i = == = = = = me = ns Se = = = = == = = -- == == == = = _-- SE wa = = -- = a == = w= = as -- =n == == om = = 5S E E SS 5 = 5 : == ts SE EB s E 5 ss E = E 9 = = = E z = c -- -- FE gE E 1 many attractive 1 from 0 Brock St. | ' For Saturday" This is the time of fren to come early as the savings ous. year when all winter merchandise must be cleaned up preparatory to the arrivals of Spring merchandise. Jt's harvest time" for the public and we strongly advise all thrifty wo-- offered are little short of marvel- Sharp Reductions in Prices of Wool Goods Wool is costing much more than ever before so there is really no cause for a 25% reduction in price except for the fact that we bought these goods to sell--not to profiteer on. Wool Knit Suits All Sweaters, Cap and Scarf Sets Reg. $1.25 Wool Scarfs for 79c. Reg. $1.75 Wool Scarfs for 89c¢. Final Clearaway. of all Suits, * Coats, Dresses Blouses To be cleared away at these sen- sational reductions. The great- est values ever offered. Suits ....... cuss «Half Price Coats--Dolman Plush "+uvinvs inns, Loss 33 1-300 Dresses ............ Less 25% Blouses ...... .".... Less209 2 $1500. ....... ses 0 un $3500 ..%-. Blankets and Comforters Values which cannot fail to interest all thrifty women 10 pairs only, pure Wool Blankets, »+e+vo. .... Sale Price less 209%, 10vonly, Qown-filled Comforters, beautiful patterns; gen- uine imperted Comforters and sold regular at vee eee nro large size and regular $20.00 wp to +++. ... Sale Price Less 209, STEACY'S BETTER VALUES LADIES' HOSE-- hg 200 pairs Penman"s full-fash- ioned Black Cashmerette Hose, in sizes 8} to 10. Regular 75c. values. SalePrice . .............39¢c. 90 pairs of Penman's heavy Lisle Hose, in sizes 84, 9, 9} and 10; worth reg. 75c¢. a pair. Sale Price . .49c¢. pair 60 pairs of Ladies' Nigger Brown and Cream Cashmerette 'Hose in all sizes; winter weight and special ' Sale Piice . . ...2 prs. for $1.00 GLOVES-- 60 pairs of black fleece-lined Gloves in all sizes; just the thing for cold days, reg. 50c. i 39¢. Sale Price ... .. .. .. .. MEN'S UNDERWEAR -- 120 men's fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers, in sizes 34 to 46, Penman quality, worth $1.50 MEN'S TIES-- LE 95¢ only men's Silk Ties, in $1.25 up to $1.75 each, 70 LADIES' UNDERWEAR 60 only natural ribb Vests, a bargain to-day at 6 5c each," Sale Price .............. B0c CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR 40 children's Vests and Draw- ers, fleece-lined, reg. 85¢ each. Sale Price ........... "5 69 MEN'S SOX-- Another lot of this famous Sox value, 100 pairs of Pen- man's heavy woollen 8ox, worth 45¢ a pair, Sale Price ....... 3 for $1.00 60 pairs of men's Black Cash- 'merette Sox, in sizes 10, 124 and 11, good winter sock and worth 65¢ a pair. ? Sale Price vive an hin eu. 40 BATTENBURG RUNNERS! 20 only Battenburg Runners, sizes 18x54, reg. $1.00 each. HOCKEY CAPS-- : ™y 25 Boys' Wool Hockey Caps and variety of.colors. Priced reg. : = = : : E = E | : 2 4 5 Wk EL

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