PAGE TWO THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = _ vamar, saveany m, som LE wey wp CIRUNGNDENTS OF THE DAVIESS io ce ee] a ee {QUEEN'S EXPECT TO DEFEAT | LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF | McGILL IN MONTREAL. | ° GENERAL INTEREST. Qa ur Q $ Junior Intercollegiate Hockey Game | Happenings in the City and Vicinity . Here To-night--Results of Curling ~--What the Merchants Offer to x =| Games -- C.0.C,L. Matches To- | the Readers .of the Whig. ==! might. {i _W. Bwaine, plane tuner, orders at | Queen's . senior , intercollegiate | McAuley 8, Or 'phane G34w. hockey team left for Montreal on | Rev. Dr. John Pringle, moderator > i -. | Of the Presbyterfan General Assem- ESTABLISHED 60 YEAR { Friday noon for the purpose of play- | 9% : S ing the opening game of the inter- | bly, arrived in Kingston this after POPULAR MUSIC . ~s * == collegiate hockey series with McGill {Boon Riseton buick : ~~ TRADING == on Saturday night. "Nick" Bawlf, gston bachelors gave a de- Operatic and Standard Musi H NY. deinen . tom uray | gi is quite cofifident | HEhtful ball in the City all on Thars- c (reg. 40c.) maa a hea a -. THREE FOR A DOLLAR ss {fe that his .will win out, although | day night, There were about 300 in Owing to increased cost of preduction, operatic and standard music, will increase to 60c. per RAW FURS © ' he realizes that it 1s up against a |8ttendance. . : copy, February Tot. hard proposition, but considering | Sh Melaughita, of Robiinsille, Copyright Fiction ... ' that Queen's has had considerable | WAS removed from the General Hos- 4 2 pital to the G.T.R. train in 8. 8. Over 1,500 volumes to choose from of the best writers in England and America. i the players should make a | practice, the players | Caos Aa £094 showing. fol} | Boston Head Lettuce, Carnovsky's. ® {| The team will line up as follows: | 2 qetipiotm wi te up | Reena Coan Latest Magazines ~- Rn Goal, Taylor; defence, Ferguson and | O'Gorman; forwards, Stinson, Box rotary: Is yiliing % give 260 x 300 : and Gratton; spares, Carroll and Me- hs In the Ontar'oc Hos. ictorial Review, Woman's Home Companion, Good Housekeepin Kelvey. Pitals. for the Insane. Green Book, Smiths, Ainslees, American, Pepper Pot, Snappy Stories, Fie a aopy ian. Nl . © Ume i have your mance, Popular, Detective, Top Notch, World's Work, Wide World, Current History, Motor Boating, : JOHN Junior Game To-night. piano tuned. We carry two exper: = This evening, at the covered rink, fIners and Wi, caste entire satis \ y . ill play for |f . 8 W. say. Limited. M { F J A | ag Sesioplss OE ay the | Henry Ward, a Toronto 'school in- 0 or or anuary be We pay the highest cash prices. We select == the finest skins only for our manufacturing = Fur Department. 5 ES the first time this ES iz spector, died on Wednesday night of " == | junior intercollegiate series. | 3 The Dalior At = {quinsey and laryngitis, aged fifty ollar Magazine and worth it, Contains a directory of every manuf: Niven = Curling Club Games, {four years. He studied at Queen's and accessories in Canada and United Sthtes TY anu actures of sutamobiles 149-151-0157 Brock. ST ; | University. vE ; 1 Three glub games e played at J SA FROM FIFTY CENTS TO TWO DOLLARS KINGSTON ONTARIO | the local curling ih The directors of the Kingston Good-Housekeeping, Motor Boating, Harpers Magazine SL subacriping NOW for Cosmopolitan, Tr --_-- 2110 3 {annual exhibition this year on Sept. . GOOD HOU 0 I J. M. Elliott by 13 to 10; George | 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th. This SEKEEPING FOR DECEMBER NOW ON BALE. a {| W, H. Montgomery" Tousday. { Township Fair decided to hold the ERA Do oaper won. fron | Meas 6 Dig days for the exhibl- ! . i E. Green by 13 to 4. The rinks were: The funeral of the late Mrs, Ken- : h Coll or | iarmerety 3 JORmE, neds ook ace tum her former e ege book Store i | A, McLean 'Wm. McCartney | day afternoon to St bon > Geo. Hanson, H. W. Newmail {ay a Sino am s* ehueh, Te VIC I RO LAS Eten yt Rr. lephone 919 Open Evenings ~y AT A EY, . The sands of hints for every automobile owner. | We will rent you a plano, 'and at x Suthers + F Bailand |end of six months it you feel like "« * 4 Lemmon | purchasing ingtrument we will allow Ls Greqn |the six months" rental on purchase . | price, and arrange easy terms on bal- . Skip--4 |ance, C .W. Lindsay. geo Cook 4 Cason Jedton] Jones gave an in- Ee | teresting talk to the men of the par G. A, Thompson =F. Crozier ish of St. Mark, Deseronto, Castwick, W. J. Frizzell F. 8, Evanson {on the Anglican Forward Movement, . ' . W. Montgomery J. M. Elliott | Refreshments were served by the IS aster S oice Skip--12 Skip---10 [ladies and a vote of thanks tendered In the singles, A. McMahon WOR |i, the speaker, on motion of Col. from W. McCartney and W. R. Lyons | raion, seconded by W. H. Mellon. won from T. S. Scott. i { Literature ' is being circulated by ecor T. Slater and M. P. Reid play in| nembers of the W.A. on the aims the Whig trophy competition on 8at- | und gbjects of the movement. urday. : ! ham-™'vs0i,§}, sn | C. 0. OC. LL, Games, | For Chest, Colds and Croup Brockville and Kingston will meet | Colds in the Back, Spasmodic | in the senlier series of the Central | Croup and any congestion, inflam-! Ontario Curling'league at the local | mation or pains caused Trom "Colds, | THE SEASON'S DA NCE SENSATION rink this evening. The local skips | use Grove's: O-Pen-Trate Salve. It] ! will be J. M. Elliott, J. F. Macdonald, | opens the pores and penetrates the 216008--TAXI, One Step~--Henri's Orch. Intr. Don't Dr. F, Waugh, and W. J. Hooper. | skin. Its stimulating and healing | The rinks will be: | effect soon gives relief. 35c. per Put That Tax on the Beaatiful Gitls, and H. McCartney A. McMahon |box. If your druggist hasn't 1 n . 7) A. Mel . ur. druggist hasn' » THAT TUMBLED DOWN SHACK IN ATH- P. D. Lyman eo. Hanson | send 36c. in ets ati to Paris LONE--Waltz. Intr. "Please Learn to Love-- E. O. Sliter M. P. Reid | Medicine Colnpany, 193 Spadina Ave., rio ; . ; Henri's Orchestra J. M, Elliott Dr. Waugh { Toronto, and a full-size box will be & Skip Skip | mailed to you promptly. HEAR THIS RECORD AT: I an Na 150 Yards of Chiffon Taffeta Silk--rich, lustrous black: beauti- A. Cunningham ° N. Crothers | ] 4 W. Montgomery J. A. Macfarlane \ Stayed With a Neighbor. Bi ful finish: 36 ins. wide. : Today's price $3.00 per yard R 5 J. F. Macdonald W.J. Hooper | u3 Srglve yeatioid girl, a ward of jug S d Skip Skip | the ren's Ald Society, was re-| a . MAHOOD B Oo . |p Shiicrows Ait somily, vas ro 1H8 BUIGAY +. voi vores amis e steels cis d sna vive iinet. $1.08 THE HOME OF THE VICTROLA Ladies' Bonspiel. |noon, and was not located until | The members of the Kingston twenty four hours later. when it was Ml . ]25 Remnants of Dress Goods and Silks--2 to 4} yard length pr 4 engths, Curling club met at the rink on Fri- | Sound that jhe Joungster had gone to | EN d i f the tank com- | the home of a neighbo d ined ei Saturd . Pesition to be 'hel in Kingston on [there all night. The. foster parents B ey BY «.:iviiiiinreneieia..,.. for about Half Price February 2nd, 8rd and 4th. became worried over the disappears . 2 i Ladies" Corset Covers--sizes 34 to 44. . . .. . Saturday Special 50c. : of a. Cy ; . . . » Ladies' White Aprons with Bib, Embroidery trimmed; $1.25 gar-. . The outside curlers will arrive on {ance of the girl, and the police were ments, to.clear ,......., ... 0. Toor a each, 75¢c. Monday noen and will inimediately | notified. ' = LADIES' COATS ..............,............ HALF PRICE go to the rink where tea will be ) = E H g i : ; 2 am lL VICTROLA X., $185 a : ; served. The draw will be taken dur-| Sweet Potatoes at Carnovsky's. HOME BARGAINS ---------------------- ing the afterncon. The tankard | games will commence that evening $4800--Johnson Street : and will continue the next on 1 Brick, 9 rooms; hot water will be served on heating; hardwood floors. "A MAGIC WORD" Xuntheon a Tadios are looking for- ollingwood Street The by-words of the day are | ward to a good time. Stone; 8 rooms; furnace; Saving, Economy, Conservation Two real teresting games were hardwood floors; lot 66 x and Efficiency. | played at the rink om Friday morn-| E00-_King See SAVE YOUR EYESIGHT [fi oh io auth" Hs Stone, 9 rooms; hot water 3 When you have a defective son wop from Mrs. R. Waldron by sating; Slectricity. pair of eyes fitted with glasses 7 to 6. The rinks were: -- Brick; 10 rooms; furnace; ~--You save time. Mrs. L. w an Ys. Meivia lot 85 feet fromt. ~--Your economize on energy. Miss M. Lewis TS. Wals. Street-- ~--You conserve your seeing Mrs. H. F. Mooers Mrs. R. C. oan Brick; 9 rooms; hot wat power, and heating; hardwood ao --Become more efficient in | Miss Betts Miss M. Gordon electricity. : everything you do, which Skip 6 lergy Street Jeans Mrs. T, M. Ashelstine Mrs. Eaton - . : $6000--Clergy Hi _ Double brick; 9 rooms each; Cen Y Mrs. F. M. Gibson Miss E. Cunni oar Dollars and Cents to You fj x. 3: Ofe Mis 2. Gunnin January Sale doney to loan, Mrs. H. B. Richardson Mrs. R. N. | Victory Bonds bought and sold. + D 0 S. Macfarlane J S. Asselstine, . Mrs. E. F. Dawson Mrs. R. Waldron Eyesigh Skip 7 Skip 6 t Specialist $342 King Street. OF AIM TO RAISE $2,000 . PHONE 820 : Phone 1010w. ' as The Busy Optent House ll Ses win oDDS AND ENDS By Mee ot in serne * (§ You can safely buy with youy The Whig has eral som : Ri IS oe eyes closed at these pri eS - t plaints about the fatter, and as far We are offering big reductions or oy eh Your hap ey a i as can be learned this gasoline flavor |B in price on all odd furs betove BM! $2,000 for its lahdable work and ON MONTREAL STREET--$4000--A new brick dwelling, with: { aims to raise that amount by means rooms; furnace; electric light; B, and C. : has been brought about as a result | 8 of the separator operated by gaso- | stock taking--Coats, Coatees, 8 ir "bottle banks," which will be dis- ON QUEBEC STREET--$3000--A new brick bungalow: all im tributed to all householders in the provements. 5 EE Sg Hine. If such is the case, it iz a pity Capes, Scarfs, Sets and Mufls, that moro care is not taken to see | city. This is a unique way of rais- ON WILLIAM STREET--$5200-- Semi-detached brick: 10 or that thie créam is in good condition, in various furs, are all includ- Bing money, and should appeal to the ¥ooms; dombmation furnace; electric light; gas. ; oy ° people. The "bank" is in the form FIRE INSURANCE--MONEY TO LOAN. "Kingston's Eamous Fur Store" Newman & Shaw "The Always Busy Store" wake liberia NEE ENE NAN EAN NEN ENS ERANNEE 5 NNNENNNNENERRNERENYEERREEAENERERNRE NNRRREND ERNE; | for the gasoline taste certainly spoils ed in this sale. For instance: the ice cream. 3 SAUSAGE Vesulgik Soc GL Gas Pons ae E. W. MULLIN & SON ca & A deputation consisting of Mayor - Good, snappy, cold mornings, these, eh? Re a As Kine. $185 rR hom. in. so. doing. Late : INSURANCE BRO : . And what's better than a hot savory break- Ii avd Alds. Angrove, Chown and Pense : The work of. the Victorian Order Cor. Johnson and Division Sts. Phones 580w and 530, an 2 2 went to Ottawa last night to inter- 1H : of "Nurses is undenominational and - a i fast of tender Pork Sausage? view the government with reference udson Seal Coatee with all classes are interested in it, Last O 4 Matters Fitch Collar for year the nurses made 2,885 visits to harbor improvements. : Crs are Saar 20e. 1b. are progressing well in connection {and 900 babies were brought for WINDSOR . 22¢. 1b. with the Improvement scheme and it $135 Wel- £ I SR . . is hoped that the necessary appro- . NEW ENGLAND..." .......28¢c. Ih. []|vration wi bs made by Periment i at its forthcoming session. 3ir Henry 1 Grey Squirrel Set (Cape and I be rem ens a ors om 1,000 lbs. BEEF --choice quality. Rots parts, MoT Wil actint the STEWS ©... ....... 15. 1b. a | again 3 on an nL | i 2, PORK ROASTS. yes FE Tr a he FE 4 WEEK-END rm stock, in handy cuts, % top ; Soothes and Heals : is cansiant ness fof ugh tooks and | Off : rm y You can get restful sleep after. th rete SPECIAL 30¢c. 1b. first application. Price 60c. FINEST CREAMERY BUTT! © ot : eu badly. A : cut in portions dg ington can n ; : Rn aw an | ~ FRIDAY and SATURDAY a Ye 350 5 none 8c. pet quant though it bus bon. Roupial they will be doing A 50c. and 60c. Chocolates for LETTUCE--PARSLEY--CELERY | : 7 aera 39c. A POUND tae . "5 for88c. : _ CHICKEN--FOWL-- TURKEYS