Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1920, p. 16

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1 THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG FIODAY, JANUARY 23, temo. ow Te -- ee eC BA ATR ine comedy, "The Foolish = a For Saturday laughter. Taken oa the e, the = I PORTA TAR ' tonud = programme is one of « ptional | mE merit, and will amply repay a visit -- A ' OF APPOINTMENT OF ISSUER OF 3 | vin S on S MOTOR LICENSES to Griffin's either to-night or to- | ; : | morrow.--=Advt. He Secured Quarters But Local Mo- | : aon. a torists Took Objection--Incensed GIFTS T0 ORPHANS HOME \e J Qa n u qa ¥ . Sa le At the Opposition Offered. | Are Acknowledged By the Officers of | . Re What looks like an attempt to de- | the Society. ! prive a returned soldier who lost a The Orphans' Home and Widows' leg at the front of a position to! Friend Society gratefully * acgnowl- which he was appointed by the pro- | edge the donations from tbe follow- vincial motor permit department has ing: come to light during the past two C. Bermingham, R. Waldron, Hon. days. A week ago, William Bourdeau | William Harty, A. W, Brown, Bibbys' a veteran. who went. overseas with | Ltd. % the C. M. R. Depot Regiment under | Ancient Frontenac and Cataraqui| i Major Allan Stroud, and who lost his Chapter Rameses Temple, A. A. O. | i leg at Vimy Ridge, was notified from | N. M. 8., Toronto; Cataraqui Lodge, | Toronto that he had been appointed | A. F. and A. M.; St. John's Lodge, issuer. of motor permits for King-'A. F. and A. M. | stor. Finding difficulty in securing | St. Andrews church, Queen Street | | sultable quarters, he applied to the | Methodist, Christian Science, Syden- | local veterans' associations, He was | ham, Chalmer's, Bethel, Congrega- { offered free office room by both the | tional, Princess Methodist, First Bap- | G.W.V.A. and Army and Navy Vete-| tist, St. George's, Daughters' of the | rans, and made arrang@ments to lo- Empire, Teachers Association, jcate in the G.W.V.A' Committees! Ww, J. Crothers and Cp., Mrs. Ten- room. He was then informed, indi-|nant, Mrs. Toland, Mrs, Mackie, Mrs. { rectly, that if he located there the | J. K. Robertson, Miss L. Minnes, R. | local automobile owners would not | H. Toye & Co, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. i recognize him as an official, but | R. Crawford, Mrs. J. Rankin, Mrs. wolld secure their licenses direct | Hutton, Mrs. George Hay, J. Gilbert, | i from Toronto. Ho then made ar- | Mrs. Oberndoffer, Mrs. D. A. Shaw, | | rangements with the Veterans' Cloth- | Mrs. Williams, A. W. Richardson, | {ing Company to have an office in| Fenwick Hendry & Co, J. Y. Park-| | their building, the use of which was |i, Mrs. BarreM, (Barriefield); Miss | == | given to him free of charge. This is | E, Sloan, Rev. J. A. Wilson, Mrs. | == said to have met with the disappro- | Sawyer, Mrs. Langwith, Mrs. W. F. | 'val of the local motor club. Nickle, Mrs. George McKay, Mrs. We put on sale something over 1,500 pairs of high On Thursday morning Mr. Bour-| George Bawden, E. Rees, Mrs. Jas. desu, received a communicaion, 1 | Hendy, es. BH. Folger, rs. Gwil- |= grade Winter Blankets. They were Blankets that nd outs that he ag Walden: Mrs, Be Mrs. BA were bought under arrang ements made gver a year | the position was only $500 a year, it Robinson, Mrs. T. Gange, A. Reid. ago, and if they were bought in the market to-day we would be compelled to sell them at 15% to 30% | was thought advisable to change the higher. So Saturday is your opportunity to stock up. Rather Sensational Low Prices On BLANKETS It Is True, Then, "That Women Do Want Blanket Prices Down AI I I | appointment, and give it to some | | man who was already established in | business and who had an office and | a= | office staff for the work. As he is in| The Clothing buyer who has neglected our 20 per cent, Discount receipt of a pension of approximate- | Bale in our Ready-to-wear department and wants to "get in" on ly $360 a year, on account of having I it will have to get busy, as there are not many more days left lost a leg, this salary would have en- | in January. . We sound this note of warning because we dislike | abled Mr. Bourdeau, to live comfor- | to have our patrons say, as they often do, after missing one of ably, so he naturally felt rather in- our sales: X | censed at the opposition to his ap- | | pointment. The Army and Navy and | | Great War Veterans are protesting | "gr . ail | very strongly 'against the cancelling | . 1 m SO sorry that I did not get mn when | of his appointment, as this position | . : . | is one which 1s admirably suited to a { you were holding your January Dis- | man who has been seriously disabled, | . Si 2 | but who does not receive sufficient | JOIN J. ORDE, oh 8 ANA count sale. | pension to enable him to live In com-| 40.701 ihe Burners ons s hench divi. { fort. They claim that this disabled | to succeed Justice Britton, who recent- ~~ | man's clatms should £0 before those | ly retired. Justice Orde has practiced | of a man who has already an estab- | law successfully in Ottawa since 1891. { lished business. | : | | All sales for cash. | Evangelistic Services. i : | The attendance at the Evangelistic | | services at Princess street Methodist Th tri | | church is orted to be increasing | a Ca | every night. n Wednesday evening | ® ® = 4 A ' | W. W. Chown gave a very helpful ad- | 52 ' - Tyee s : ' dress on the surrender of self to | == : God. Thursday evening, Rev. 8. R. |= "Fair and Warmer" Coming. | Kelly . 4 ] "rR , » A , | Kelly, of Cataraqui, gave an Inspir | 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. Hopwood Taroe, Whick vet ew pecs | I Rddress on "The Gospel of Re. " '" h ' . a lew | PeNtance." The services will con. l= If Off Your Koute It Pays to Walk {for all farces by a year sun in. New |, yr J JS 8 $7 York, without a vacant seat at any | / performance, comes to the Grand 3 : i Opera House, Saturday, Jan. 24th, Gave a Surprise Party, | { d night, . So t was the About thirty of the friends of Miss matinee and n gt. groal. was 28 | Isabel Hamilton, Collingwood street, momentum of "Fair and Warmer's | gathered at her home on TWursday New York success that before its | 53D ¥ E E == he --] E first six weeks were out the whole | 2YeRIDE, aud gave her a surprise = E B= == = = == =x IG © > : eV (f KC 2 be _ i gr [7 $2 0 pr aE HY i 0 {hi 6 ¢ Warm F lannel- Winter Blankets ette 400 PAIRS Blankets 600 pairs of celebrated Beautif ul Winter Ibex Flannelette Blank- Blankets ets; guaranteed first quality. Saturday, the in the Downap Wool finish- prices are: ed make--in white, with 10-4 size . .$2.75 pair lovely pink and blue bord- 11-4 size ..$3.25 pair ers; in large double bed 12-4 size ..$3.75 pair size. * The pair were wedded "on the] See top of Fags Three, right hand double" | corner for probabilities. Borders fan be obtain- Satur day at $5.00 to $9.50 | | EB E ==| And caught the Honeymoon Express, | gockey, Regipolis vs. KCL, 8.15. |= ed in pink or blue. po That night saw started all their py nnipeg Kiddies Grand, 3.15. = or. Joi ingle, St. Andrew's, 8. -- = trouble. Band 'at Palace Rink 40-night. Also| == parr. y = Saturday afternoon and evening. -- E £ = E E gE s ; oe BE rs Bed Comforters Saturday Ji ERT arty, the occasion being her birth- country was curious about it, inter-|P hy : ested in it, and anxious for it. All | 48Y. The evening was spent in games, New York's visitors were taken to |e see New York's greatest single amusement centre, and they all went _ February Red back home to spread the glad tidings | Now on sale ut the College Bok that "Fair and Warmer" was the |Store. Open Nights. funniest farce in the world.--Advt. Sn -- Manager D. W. Wright, of the Municipal Abattoir, has resigned, to | take a position with an English meat | packing firm at $10,000 a year. = Es = = = Seven = = : Es ES i At the Strand. "Why Smith Left Home" A Rhymed Review, "This handsome Smith's a gay young Were Custis words to pretty N, CROZIER & EDGAR Marian. : = ; ® 2 i = == | She little knew her niece had plan- I = -- ned : = Elopment with the suave barbar- i R NTERS = ian. RS = = Market Square, Kingston = 3 - re ot HTH With great success the scheme was | sprung; DAILY MEMORANDUM. HT In Jone's old "'fire-proof" hotel Lid The pair sought shelter from the SCHMIDLIN--To Lt -Col. and Mrs. E, C. dieus, . The vis wrecked; by luck BORN. 200 new Bed Comforters, in pretty Chintz and Silko- line coverings--in many charming designs. escaping, ROBLIN--In Cherry Valley, Jan. 9th, Saturday, $4.25 to $6.50. A = = grimly DIED. John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. PLY anton, Jan. 17th, Bll = ori PHAR Sica' Blakdivy agen "seventy OO gaping. Schmidlin, RM.C., & son. Here Fate again stayed Smith's em- brace, MARRIED, For fire sent bride and groom a- STARKS--ROBLIN--On January 14th, = = E -- = = == = = == scurrying, at Picton, Mona Pearle Robin, Pie. == =z =z = = = = = st ro] -- ss -- = & Undaunted, Smith : begged: clothes = = LT; $0 Afnod Edgar Slacks, Sout 2 and reached | FOSTER--GOODMURPHY -- 'At the| = His journeys end---and further | bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- | == worrying. lace Goodmurphy, Bloomfield, Jan, | == . 1st, Dorothy Isabel Goodmutphy. -- For hard-faced Auntie waited there, eae, ertrum atiowell, ou She smiled and tipped the bride oft And failed to treat fair Julie prim- one years. 3 ly. CROSS--In Bloomfield. Jan. 20th. Rich- ard Cross, aged sixty-nine years. = SERGE AND SATIN B DRESSES =| "Emi onnea s mak' pian "RAYS pe Se MC] . 5 = Turpin, Willlars German, aged 87 years, Kidnapped her--Crash! an earth-| ORILLEY---at Godfrey, on Suse Sure CERT. HERE ID And brought forgiveness, joy-- WILLIAMS --In Prince Edwarél county in a variety of colors; many of | ----rrr them beautifully embroidered: S| TIthe Bryant Washburn stotes onee | wai i Dabo a: vi. 4 . . a ¥ = As King of Farce he's now a fix- ae Wake, aged 78 years. jate Fa |E all sizes in the lot, but not in _ ture. ee ee ee a te ; @ gayest riot ever screened; 3 3 ; ' : every style--Dresses that sold Like Smith; "leave home" and see | OF THANKS ' regular at $35.00, $37.50, $40 8 piste! | pT E ABOUT OUR BOYS' BOOTS SALE thelr § ™ raat ans and $45. To clear Saturday at ge audience ' Bo ey re bereave | = This Week Only all one price . .......$25.00 : pent, and were tm | we : = ; ON | =| -- They are all good, solid leather. --They are from $1.00 to $2.50 cheaper than the old prices. --They are from $3.00 to $3005 pair cheaper than the new Shoes { and curtain. a i 5: * : : a il (

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