Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1920, p. 4

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PAGE.FOUR ro rr THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1020. If YOU Buy Out of Town, and I Buy Out of Town, What Will Become of Our Town? The Dollar You Spend in Kingston will 'Come Home to Boost' THE WHIG'S "BUY-AT-HOME™ CAMPAIGN Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't thought of before. Patronize the Merchants of Kingston. They are your THE MONEY YOU SPEND WITH THEM STAYS IN CIRCULATION IN KINGSTON AND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD | sin Pss---- - ------ i ---------- neighbours and will treat you right. I --------------------- -------------------- 4 OUR REFUTATION FOR FAIR DEALING \ in Furs and Hats has been estab- Hahed. You can always rely on the standard of all our goods, and do a whole lot better by buying right here in Kingston and from us. CAMPBELL BROS, Now ALTOGETHER, LET US ' CULTIVATE the habit of home trading, and make Kingston a better place to live in. We will do our share by making prices on Dry Goods ahd Ladies Wear an object on buying at home, JOHN LAIDLAW & SON THE LION HOLDS SUPREME 80 does the Clothing handled by ds. If 4 is good goods at bargain prices, we have them in big lots, and you will save money on every garment you buy. THE LION CLOTHING STORE 347 King Street. YOUR EYES ARE YOU'RE MOST valuable possession. Have them treated by us. We are proficient and do scientific treating that will surely help your vision and stop those awful headaches. Come in and consult us. J. J. STEWART, OPT. D, Opposite Post Office PO REVERYTHING ELECTRICAL Get our estimatés first on any- thing you may need in electrical wiring. You cay depend if we do it. it will be done right. Big line of electrical goods and fixtures. Buy at home, HALLIDAY BELECTRIC CO. IF YOUR AUTO IS SICK and needs doctoring, see us We specialize on all better grades of cars. Our mechanics are the best, and if we do, your repair work, you may be sure it is right. E. B. EDWARDS 110 Clergy Street. TEAS AND COFFEES Fresh and fragrant and 'satisfying s=both in price and quality. This Is tation our Teas and Coffees ® gol from hundreds of satisfled customers. Try then, STROUD BROS. 100 Princess Street, Kingston. YOU WANT THE BEST in Meats; always fresh. See us. We have all kinds of fresh, salted, smoked and cured Meats and canned goods. Our conditions are so that our prices are right, Buy in King- on. G. 8. CLENAHAN Colborne and Barrie Streets. GET IN TOUCH 'FOR YOU GROCERIES R 'and Provisi® Try our Teas and Coffee. Youd wilf like our way of doing business. ® guarantee not only prices but quality, Buying at home will help Kingston. D. COUPER, GROCER THE UNIQUE GROCERY Our Provisions in the Grocery line are always fresh and wholesome, Al- so all kinds of Meats. You will find we are making it a real advantage to help home trading. See for yours self. A C. H. PICKERING Un'versity and Princess Sts. PURE DRUGS OUR SPECIALTY 'We are sole agents for the Penslar And Nyle goods, They have an in- ternational reputation. Big stock of Sundries and Tollet Articles, sick room supplies) ete. Do your shop- ping for Christmas here and ar T. H, SARGENT, DRUGS, ete, FOR YOUR FISH ORDERS JUST CALL Phone 520 and you will get prompt rvice. We have at all times all nds of fresh Flash and do a whole- ~§'#mle and retall business. No order f00 small or too large. DOMINION FISH CO. WE ARE FULLY CONVINCED thers is no use of sending out of town for Dry Goods, as our prices re lower than out-of-town con. cerns. Get posted. first and be sure. les' goods. MeINTOSH BROS, Get cur prices Big stock of lad« All goods marked in plain figures and one price to all without any ¢x- ception. Mahood Brothers MAKE UP THAT ORDER FOR GROCERIES Don't send it out of town, We can compete in prices and Qualicy with any one anywhere, We do ® wholesale and retail business, and carry a full line of Erovislons. JAMES REDDEN & ©O. 178 Princess Street. SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED GLASSES WILL do more than medicine for that sickly headache. We are scientific optometrists and can fit you' with Elasses that will not only help your vision but give you comfort. "See us first. KBELEY, Jr, M.0, D.O, 226 Princesa Street L OUR FALL AND WINTER STOCK re OF BOOTS are on display. You will find just what you want af our store. We are "jeaders in up-to-data styles. A "large stock of Ladies' ana Gents Shoes, Trunks, Valises ete. k 1. JENNINGS 308 King Street. CHRISTMAS GIFTS " We have a full Hine of all kinds of Men's Furnishings, suitable for Christmas gifts. Also Sweaters and Sweater Codts for ladles and men. Inspection invited. Boost your home town, Buy In Kingston, BARNET LIPMAN GET OUR ESTIMATES your plumbing and heating. We all Kinds of sanitary work; also ndle a full line of Stoves, Heaters, races, etc, and Tinware and ausehold Supplies. Don't overlook Seeing us first. LEMMON & SONS 187 Princess § NEVER SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR anything you can buy at home. See us for bargains in Ladies Goods ang Men's Wear, ® can save you money. Make us prove it. We give You credit, wo. JOSEPH DB. ABRAMSON 2WT Priveecss MARKETS NEEDED BY THE FARMERS Presence of Thriving Cities Nearby, Important to Residents of Country. Town and Rural Community Are Dependent Upon Each Other--Co-operation Alone Brings Pros- perity to Both. (Copyright.) Residents of towns and cities everywhere are beginning to realize more acutely the fact that, except ander very unusual conditions, their communi- ties will prosper and develop only in proportion to the prosperity and de- velopment that comes to the farming sections which surround them. Real- izing this fact, commercial clubs and chambers of commerce have in recent years been devoting as much of their attention to developing the country districts as they have to securing new industries and attracting new resi- dents. They know that as the country about the towns becomes more thickly settled and as the farmers become more prosperous the more money will be spent in the towns and the faster these towns will grow. A largely for this reason that the residents of the towns and cities have been It is doing more and more to aid the farmers in growing bigger crops and in improving marketing conditions. The towns and cities have contributed more and more liberally toward the building of good reads in the country districts and have paid a large part of the expense of maintaining agricul- tural experts to assist the farmers in growing bigger crops and getting more money out of their crops when they are placed on the market. But this is not a one-sided proposition, If the city is dependent upon the country, so is the country dependent upon the city. What the farmer raises is worth absolutely nothing to him unless he can sell it at a price that will pay him a fair return on the money and time invested in its production, storekeeper without customers. The farmer, without markets, would be in the same fix as a In almost every case the farmer is depen- dent upon the near-by town or city for a market for at least his perishable vroducts, "Tn the language of the streef, it is a fifty-fifty proposition. The town needs the country and the country needs the town. The farmer needs the acs stance of the storekeepers of the town in securing a market for his pro- ducts. He needs the assistance of the storekeepers of the town in getting good roads over which he may haul his products without losing more time than the products are worth. He often needs the assistance of the store- keepers in helping him over a period of financial stringency. On the other hand the storekeeper needs the business of the farmer. He does not ask the farmer to sell him his products on credit even though at the time he may be hard pushed for cash and may need more credit bad- I. his store. He does not ask the farmer to help him build a sidewalk in front of He does not ask for the business of the farmer provided that he can sell the farmer the goods he needs at as low a price as he can secure them for elsewhere. But does he always get the farmer's business? Ask the mail order man in the big city or ask the postmaster or the express agent in any town or city in the country. They could, if they would, tell of thousands of dol- lars sent away to the big cities to pay for goods that could be purchased just as cheaply and much more conveniently in the nearest town or city. These thousands of dollars, when sent to the mail order houses in the big cities, never come back. They do not help to build good roads past the farmers' houses. When the next crops are harvested, the mail order man won't buy any of the farmer's products. The potatoes, thé tomatoes, the melons and other things that the farmer raises may lie and rot upon the ground so far as the mail order man is concerned. The nail 'order man won't sell the farmer 2 cents' worth of goods on one day's credit no matter how badly the farmer may need the goods or how little. ready cash he has to pay for them. If the farmer's house burns down, the mail order man is not going to sell him any Jumber on credit so that he may build another home. He will take what cash he can get the farmer to send him and there his interest in the farmer ends. It the farmer has no money to pay for what he needs, the mail order man will find others to help swell the stream of dollars which is building up his great fortune and helping build up the great city in which he lives. : And the local merchani does help the farmer as long as he can, but there comes a time when he cannot. help the farmer when he needs it. Let the home merchant He can- not make money without customers. Without the legitimate profit that he makes from his sales he cannot "carry" the farmer over the rough spots, he cannot contribute to the good roads funds, he cannot pay the farmer cash for his products. SAY IT WITH FLOWERS We supply flowers for any function, waddings, parties, ete. Special prices made for. funerals. Always a big stock of Cut Flowers on hand. Pot- ted plants, ete. Call us up by phone. are prompt. We R A. D. HOLTON 284 St. WE ARE COMPLETE OUTFITTERS for Men and Bays' Clothing. carry a lafge stock. Just compare our prices and then decide where to buy your outfit. We know you will not regret it by & With us. E, P, JENKINS NG lhe FOR ALL KINDS OF MEATS See us. We pride ourselves in our special cuts of Beef and Pork pro- ducts. Our facilities for handling Fresh Meats is the best. If you want the best at reasonable prices trade here. FISHER'S MEAT MARKET Princess and Clergy Streets LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR AUTO If it needs any repairs, we can do it quick. We handle an kinds of Tires and Accessories and Service Station Oils ang Gasoline. We handle used cars, too, CENTRAL GARAGE 335 King Street, HAVE YOU NOTICED OUR WIN Ww ND display? Well, come inside and see a complete line of Clothing and a nifty line of Gents' Furnishnigs that will please any good dresser and at prices that are hard to beat. D. 8, COLLIER, Princess street. A WORD AS TO HARDWARE We handle a complete - line of General Hardware, Paints, Tinware, Stoves, Ranges, and all kinds of Sporting supplies, We try to make our prices a real advantage for all to trade at home, STEVENSON & HUNTER 85-87 Princess Street. THERE IS NOTHING IN THE DRUG LINE you 'can not get at our store. All 100 % pure, Big line of Toflet Arti- cies and sick room supplies. It will be to your advantage to buy here. . PROUSE'S DRUG STORE Corner Princess and Clergy Sts, YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND BARGAINS in used Furniture stock of used Furniture, Stoves, Rugs, ete If you are furnishing a home it will pay you to see us first LOUIS LESSES, 507 Princess Street We have a big W, H. COCKBURN & 00, On Princess street, is the place to buy Hardware, Stoves, Sherwin Paints, Household Utensils, contraot supplies, and high grade Cutlery. We compete with anyone anywhere in prices. W. H. COCKBURN & CO. WE HANDLE A PULL LINE of Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Enamelware and Dairy Supplies, Stoves and all kinds of ammunition for hunters and trappers. You will find our prices right. Get our esti- mates on builders' hardware, B. BUNT & 00, 353 Kiang St. ONE GOOD REASON For buying shoes at home, your feet will be properly fitted. Result: you will have more comfort, your shoes will last longer and retain their shape. LOCKETYI'S Fit the Feet----Also the Purse WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE FORD ~~the universal cars made in Can- ada, We carry un large stock of ac- cessories and auto needs. The Ford service statieh is open to all Ford owners. Make our Garage yours, Van LUVEN BROS, WE DO MERCHANT TAILORING and oarry a full line of imported and domestic goods. If we maké your clothes you are sure of satis. faction. Cleaning, Press'ng and Re- pairing done prommtiy, (ve us a trial and see the difference, PERRY & LEAVOY 39 Clarence Street. WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY DE SURE you deal] with a house that is known for reliability. You don't have to Know Jewelry when you deal with us. Big stock of all Kinds of Jewelry to choose from KINNEAR & D'ESTEERE MAKE OUR GARAGE THE HOME for your auto. We do al] kinds of repairing, any make of cars, and are looal distributors for the Me- Laughlin Automobile. Quick and ef- ficient service. is our motto. All kinds qf accessories. ANGROVE BROS, OUR BUYING FACILITIES ARE THE SECRET of selling. You will find our prices lower in all kinds of Clothing, Boots and Shoes and Gent's Purniahings than any place in Kingston. Make us prove it. I. ZACKS, 271 Princess street. THE VICTORY SHOE STORE is the place to get vour Boots and Shoes. We are right up-to-date in fashions, and carry a superb Mne of all the products of the best Cana- h factories. Big line of ladies' fine Shoes. 209 Princess Street WE ARE EXTENSIVE DEALERS at wholesale in Scrap Iron, Steel, metals, &c. We can handle any quantities and give tne highest market prices. Get in touch with us. Mail, wire or adroplane--it will pay you I. COHEN & CO, KINGSTON YOUR CHRISTMAS GOODS Diamonds, Watches, and all kinds of High Class Jewelry, Stelnway and Nordheimer's Planos, Phonographs, etc. We darry the most complete Mins in Kingston and our prices are rig R. J. RODGER 13% Princess Street. + LADIES OF. KINGSTON, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in fancy goods, you will find just what you want at our #tore We carry a full line of fancy goods, such as Ribbons, Silks. Yarns and ali supplies for Crochet work MISS M. A, LEADER, 1058 Brock Street. BICYCLE REPAIRING done here. We always have a stock of Bicycles to sell, and our repair work is very reasonable. We try to give you satisfaction in every way. We also do Electric and acuum Carpet Cleaning. Phone 542, WHEN YOU BUY FURS FROM US you are dealing directly with the manufacturer, thus saving the mid- dieman's profit. We carry the largest stock in Ontario. See us be- Te you buy Furs. It will pay for you. JONIN McKAY, Ltd. WE MEET, IF WE DO NOT BEAT, all out-of-town prices. Our new store enables us to serve you better than ever. NEWMAN & SHAW 130 Princess Street THE MARKET SQUARE GROCERY We can meet all' mail order or Co- operative prices. We have the very finest line of Groceries, bought at lowest cash prices. Try us for an order. Prompt delivery. e 708, HOPKINSON BROS, 37 Breck Street. A WORD TO FARMERS Get in touch with me for all kinds of Agricultural Implements. We are local agents for Phe Deering Pro- ducts. You will find just what you want here. F..W. CLow % 471 Princess Street. | DEAL AT THE UNITED FARM. . / ERS STORE and save money. We carry a large stock of Groceries and Provisions; direct from producers to consumers. Only one profit. You will be satis- fled at our store. - UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERA- TIVE BTORE OF COURSE YOU WANT YOUR MONEY to Eo as far as it can SW buying Clothing. Call at our store. We can show you a line of goods that will he an object lesson on buying at home. L. ABRAMSON 438 Princess Street. WE HAVE SAID IT BEFORE AND my it again: We can sell you Fur- niture at better prices than in To- Tonto. Now make us prove it. Big line of Furniture and floor covering for every room in house. T. F. HARRISON CO, Lad. SEE WHAT YoU ARE BUYING Catalogue FPurniture all looks alike in cuts. When dealing with us you see for yourself. Our prices meet any others anywhers. e are doing everything possible to make home trading an sdvaniage. JAMES REID. WE HANDLE A FULL AND . COMPLETE LINE if Flour, Salt and all' kinds of 4 1 ete. Bring your pro- to us . We handles a whole and retail Sumnegs. Home tuy- Id 8 goud idea. us. wh s Si 117 Brock St. OUR CASH AND CARRY SYSTEM Will save you money on every dol- Jars worth o Groceries you buy at ur store. Just eompare our prices. 4 marked on the and de- for yourself. J. 0. HUTCHESON TRADE AT THE VETERANS CLOTHING COMPANY You will get a square deal Big stock of thing. Men's Furnish- ete. All new and up-to-date "live and let got prices. 244 Princess Street. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE is the place te buy your books We do a wholesale and retail b in alt kinds of Books and Music, He- We are strong believers in trading at home. 100-163 Princess Street ey STEACYS Kingston's Greatest Store Who by actual com- parison meet or beat mail order house prices. We, invite comparison. - full Mane o THE CHANDLER HEADQUARTERS ~~the One of MANY cars that stand All tests. We ure district distribot- for K Also handle a { @ccessories. and do all kinds of repairing. Have your bei, teres charged * HH, FAIR / 207 Princess Street, Y ARE WE PARTICULAR HEN WE SERVE YOU? We have always found thar ft pays to be pamicular--pays the cus. tomer and ourseives. Goods sold where QUALITY. counts ssay sold and create permanent trade. BIBEYS LTD OUR STORE If FULLY STOCKED with up-to-date line of Clothing and ty oh of Gents' Furnish ings. fet our prices. It wil] bs a ME lesson on buying at home every "THE CLUB"--F. 6. REAVES & Co. WHEN ANYTHING GOES WRONG with your car, or you nesd Scdess- ories, just call us. Big Mne of tires on hand, We do all kinds of auto repa'ring. ave your v ies charged here. Agent for Willard Borage Battery. i LEAD. Phone 1340. Broek Street | respected. resi- 'Allison in South Heksburg:s where he took a ent pare in municipal affairs, the office of warden of the some | her = a Yigrs ago, and, although for the gredter part of the time confined to 'home, he maintained a lively interest in all current events. Ha leaves an aged widow and one grand- daughter, Mrs. J. W. Duffet. No election was held, as Mr. Nel- son Simmons retired, leaving a clear tield for Messrs. John Prout, B. A. Roblin, L. F. Bogart and George A. Magee. M. W. Clapp bas gone to Kingston Hospital this week for treatment. The friends of Mrs. M. B. Trumpour were sorry to learn of serious illness. Andrew Magee, who was confined to his home under the Sate of Dr. Wilson, is able to be out again, ? . Between sixty and seventy friends of Mr. and Mrs. James Bird (nee Miss Edith Magee) met at her fath- er's residence, Thursday evening, and presented them with a variety show- er. Messrs. A. A. Powers and C. B. Brethen addressed a representative Judiancs in the town shall on Thus ay organized a Co-operative Club among the farmers. T. Chalm- er was elected pres:dent snd John Prout, secretary. Miss Dorathes § Slater, Cressy, has assumed charge of No. has Harrison, $8. 2 Miss Blanche n; Cressy, is renéwing acquaintances the vicinity. as - : Lr e---------- THE INCUMBRANCE. sid Of a Live Town is the Man' Who Outside. ; 'The western committe of the Canadian ; place In which to live and do" bust; ess. : § Ethel Maud Shaver, youngest dau-, hier of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaver, t, and wife of William Swee- ney, died at her Home in Cardinal on' Jan. 3rd. She was 111 only for a con~ ple of weeks. ! Mrs. William Trotter, aged seven- ty, widow of William Trotter, passed away on Dec. 20th, at the home of ber son, Barl Trotter, Bastard and a im------_---- er.

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