Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jan 1920, p. 13

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T GRAN TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1920. sy ~ ww wow vevYYw UNDER-INSURANCE The purchasing power of the 1914 dollar is 47c. today. If the contents of your house, factory, office or shop were destroy- ed by fire it would cost you double as much money to replace them as in 1914. If you have not increased your insurance To-night and Wed. proportionately, you are skating on thin ice, » » New Vaudeville Policy We are agents for some of the best Fire Insurance Com- i panies in the business. Let us talk the situation over with { 4 Big Keith Acts--4 you. LHE J. 5. CARKULL AGENCY Porm Phone 68 and 874w. : Se Brock Stree : i Sessue Hayakawa in : assanna | "The Illustrious Prince" aTy> | SENNHIT COMEDY---Othor Film COVERED RINK |" © Vr 25¢., Any Seat 250. and 50c, --_-- od TE PEW Ewe eww ee a. cml ------- We Wish To | - ae GRAND OPERA HOUSE Extend «HOCK EY ZAM OPERA ous: To our many friends and ig tomers our most sincere thanks | kh | oy 9 SB ALT. for their liberal patronage dur- | MATINFE AT 2 *n: FVENING 815 ing the past year, and at the] same time express the desire | that one and all may have a Happy and Prosperoys New | QUEEN'S vs. KINGSTON Year. | HOAG'S BRUG STORE, "™" "SAY, JANUARY 14 | | General Admission . Branch Post Office, | i . asion OPP, YJM.C.A., KINGSTON, ONT. Reserved Seats te Che QRIGINAL nt Plan opens Tuesday, 10 a.m. | | cea Meron, SPECIAL NOTIOW i The Orchestra formerly known as Al-| len & Salsbury, has been reorganized | find js new Allen's Orchestra, ves CAPE VIN( ENT romposed of the former musicians, ex- | fept Planist und Violinist, whe have | em replaced Ly the best talent in Ingaton, The public may be nssured of the | (Daily except Sunday) Leaving Kingston ............ 115 p.m, best there is In orchestral work. Leaving Cape Vincent ....... 9.40 a.m, W. J. ALLEN Close - connections with N. ¥. c.f handling | TNOMAS CONKE V'~ TOM DINGLE ~EONA MORN HRTNAN WARD - HORGCE SINCLAIR ano a CLASS A-1 BEAUTY BATTALION < Prices: Matinee 25c. to $1.50 Evening: 50-75-81-81.50-82, , Seats on sale Thursday [CIIIERN oh Jt ue BE BE WHERE EYERYOODY CORES TO-DAY SPECIAL NOTICE | notice has no reference to | Phone 1841W, rains, Enclosed stages | reight and passengers, | For information, phone 2196. ROCKPORT NAV. CO. Ita, Agents | F f p § pet. sbury Orchestra, who will | bee Sok oe areck Here at | ik address oh 15. The past | SUDIect to change time without notice. ! Phone | 2 / rr ------ ener a | i 21 Sixth Street. ng S. A. SALSBURY"S ORCHESTRA | FIVE REASONS FOR OUR SUCCESS | ---------- THE LADIES' MUSICAL CLUB EVENING RECITAL | CONVOCATION HALL, 8.15 JAN. 15th 1---Eyery member a 'capable musician | 3. Wi rdenk, of Hamilton, Vv eating ith Years of experience. { Me. Arthur Locke Flolinist | #~Choicest selection of latest music 2 a a y 4 tively no substituting In other | Mean Sumner, Haton and Locke { tgrds: "If you engage thi orches- | Mombers admitted by membership cara. | *% tra, you get fit. We acecopt only General Admissio » 25. | lone engagement for ome and the : "1 S&Ame time. a Nee | - N t 1 ! Otice:FARRAR $§~--~Each and every musician in lace at the appointed time. BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER | Is mow bouking farm snd-stock snies i) ocalist, i i Natura) result of above: "Perfect! PHONE 1560M Phin in ere, A --------r + Frontenae County. List sales early and i 134 QUEEN ST. KINGSTON HM f th D rt vam lame of the Dese NOTICE | terious Egypt--a mammoth spectacle The Shoe Repairing Business on One | wonderful Tomance, #duisfaction to patrons." secure cholee of dates. ---- | A story touched by the spell of mys- formerly owned by T, F. (Incorporated) Club Rooms, 67 Princess St. meeting FRIDAY Genoral ALSO LARRY SEMON IN HIS LATEST COMEDY at 8 p.m, same by "pplying to Mp. Whiting at the mew Subject for discussion: loeation, "Personality or Policy in Elections" » 14th Regiment, P.W.O.R. Reunion Smoker WEDNESDAY, JAN. 14, 8 PM. VACCINATION + SHIELDS--WE HAVE THEM. A. G. Williams 171 WELLINGTON STREET FHONE 40 ~--p-- CITY HALL Programme of Boxing, Music, ete, All former members of the Regiment invited, with all interested in the unit Charlie 'Chaplin "A Day's Pleasure" You'll Say So WN amr, NR --------_pnLa POTATOES « We have a choice lot of Potatoes by the bag. Prices Right. @ Fresh Goods, Quick Service. 216. DIVISION STREET PHONE 545 = Brass Band in attendance. A -------- COMMISSION THE SOLDIERS' AID 148 buen ncorpursiea by tbe Huy 'X Ontario for the purpose of asistiny "0 reinstate aischarged officers aen in civil lige, EMPLOYMENT. We cordially invite, the co- >f the pablic in the important work of securing employment for soldiers who aave been discharged from service, VOCATIONAL TRAINING. for the vocational re- - don of soldiers who have been pi abled as to ent (hem from resum- vide Marguerite Clark In Her New Artcraft Picture "Widow By Proxy" Continuous Performance 2.15 to 10.45 p.m. Physic Report Paper Collegiate Note Paper Science Note Paper Square Ruled Paper 20c. per 100 BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. Next Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday Auction of Souls Seats can now be reserved. 50¢. War Tax Bc. 'extra, FUND: Donations for the assmstancsy of ®ol- mii wingers" arc | THE ANNUAL MEETING han ktully Fecmived and sok- the STORRINGTON AGRICUL. "he Commission 7 04 | TULA ERURAL HALL Ihe enAny os MONDA + Jan. 19th, 1920, at 1 o'clock, lL, and for of Head Ofew: IW. E. F. DENN) ARD, BE, 116 COLLEGE STRENT, TORONTO, : Kingatan Braseh: 239 nAGOT ) oR, | Do you ever consider ¥|~~ . - me how much your children Aeneas use their eyes In the con- centrated close work : that their education calls ay 5 - for ? * N " Little eye troubles grow to big ones if neglected. Give them a right chance in life. Give us the care of their eyes. 1 "RJ. RODGER 132 Princess St. rrespondence Schools, XK ap the study habit and your Nr cess will be assyred ® your ap- plication during this month. Terms Seay. Phone 1002W.' for appoint. men! M. M. SIMS, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY | HE DAILY BRITIS om HousE | | i | i l | | | i i i i i i te TH e wv CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES 1 AGENTS WANTED. Firat trsertion, 10 & word. Each con- | Secutive Insertivn thereafter. half- | gio cent word. Almum charge fof | one insertion, 25c; three insertions, | §0c: #i¥, 31; one month, $3. { The above rates are for oash only} | When charged they are double. : A DAY 18 BRING ©ARNED Bn our agents right through the Fall selling our high cles Perso Greetlag Xmas, ecards in spare or full timo. Save our customers 35 on Princess street. Owner per cent. Né outlay or experience. can have same by applying Write Modern Art Co. Toronto. } to 1 John Skreet. { FOUND ARTIULES 2DVENR. { TISED FREE. WANTED GENERAL f | | ply 6 Viotoria Terrace, Mont- real street Or phone >45. IN A TAXI MAN'S COAT: AP. | | A BUNCH OF KEYS ON RING, { HELF WANTED. HOTEL WAITRESSES, APPLY AT Hotel Randolph. { | MAIDS FOR KINGSTON GENERAL | PROVINCE OF ONTARIO DEBEN- Ho#pital. Apply to the Matron. | tures; old dssues. free from suc~| r EE : cession duties, Thomas Mills, 7% ----TUlarence Street, | WAITRESS, APPLY AT THE, HOSTEL, | Clarence and King Stas: BECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO | lor cash or 1a part ment of New : oboe, CW. Lind: | 1 Abrgme iinding anything and Wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The PEritish Whig. The adver tisement will be printed in ibis column free of char "Found articles" clude loat dogs, oattle, etc. These, If lost, may vertised for in the "Lost does not ine horses, be age column SPEED CUTTER, APPLY Frontenac street. | 150 TONS LOOSE HAY. i Sam Sloan, Sunbury. 2 A 0 APPLY TO PERTH ROAD STAGE LINE. APPLY E. Baboock, Merup Roud. ° ot 5 an war | RADIATOR COVERS MAKE - UR | + ear start easy, Judson's Auto Tops rockville. : hal 3 | QUEBEC HEATER; i condition; can be seen i Princess street FIRST CLASS 7 at 430 | | | SOLID BRIUK MOUSKS, NDS. { 252, King Street East, A § Macnee, 143 King Sireet West : lanos and ono GENERAL SERVANT WANTED. AP- 4 A cons street. ply Mra G. H. Lockett, 148 ari St sey limited. 131 Prin ! WANTED 70 BUY -- MOTOR BOAT, | runabout type; speed 20 to 25 miles | in good condition and] Apply Box N-§, 1087. WANTED A KITCHEN WOMAN. ply to Prontenae Club. éheap for cash. JO0K AND HOUSE MAID. APPLY 'Whig Office. Mrs. Howagd 8. Folger, 1 Emuiy st, | WANTED T0 BUY A SEVEN TO XINE- | roomed house; central location: | modern conveniences; state terms | and when possession can be obtain. | Box $-12, Whig Office | re rset te ~ BRING | FOX HOUND; FEMALE BLACK AND WANTED, CUSTOMERS TO NG | tas, white chest, slot right ear. Mrs. Waldron, corner King and their Dbloyeles to be cieaned .and Finder phone Capt. Reid, lower _ Endly streets. stored for winter, Skates sharpen. Fire station, or James Burns, Pitts- | ed and hollow ground; also baby burg. i carriage tires put on while you -- | wait. George Muller, 37% and $73 | King st. Phone 1022w § { TEACHERS WANTED. WOMAN TO DO PLAIN COOKING BY | day or week, for Re ONT ar QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER | Box 0-9, Whig Office. | for 8.8. Nu.14, Pittsburg. Salary $500 | OE ------------ --------------. Duties to eommence Jan. Sth, 1920. y » Robert Whyte, Joyceville, R. R. No. AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, | - Apply, stating experience and sal | ar; Xpeat 0 : | TEACHER FOR 8, 8. NO. 3 AR office » od, to) Box R10, Whig) Duties to commence at once. | stating quakification and sa pected tn Geo. I Hughes, tary -Treasurer, Vennacher, Ont. AP per hour; i " | LADY'S GOLD WRIST WATCH ON { December 28th, at the G. T. R. Junction. Finder please return to 376 Alfred street and receive re- ward. MAID FOR SYDENHAM JTHOSPITAL. Apply to Miss Sparking, Sydenham Iovepatal. COOK AND HOUSEMAID, APPLY TO wre to name of dog alter this no- isequted. Return vo YBLLOW breast, A COOK GENERAL; NO WASHING or ironing. Apply Miss Hora, 1s! Wellington Stree:. Lota, car, somewhere bétween OC. P. R station and the eity, a Coon Coat, with pair of brown mitts. Reward will be given for its return to S. Anglin & Co, { { i INGER. Apply CHERSEMAKER TO OPERATE BAY | STRAYED. View Cheese factory, for season of | == 1930. Apply stating experience to| A. A. Finley, Colling Bay. MALE HELP WANTED cemdion, south aide Gould Lake, ILoughboro vownshap; one yeariing Steer, red and white. Any one harboring same after this insertion will be prosecuted. ©Mver Rutan, Sydenha | GOOD WAGES FOR HOME WORK, | We need you to make socks on the | fast. easily learned Auto Knitter Experience unnecessary. ) immaterial. Positively AN EXPERIENCED, SINGLE OR MAR. ried man wo work en farm; must be | steady. - Write, plibue, or apply | personally, to R, M. Van Luven,| Portsmouth, Ont. vassing. Yarn supplied. y { lars 3c. stamp. dept. Ue 240, fute | Knitter Co. " | ST TTI TRIMMERS ON AUTO BODIES, UP. | Taranto holsters and top buliders; stating | RE full experience. Alply Genera! Mo- CARPENTER A '0 Apply to Ulirence Sijvet war- R DRY STORE ROOM. FOR INFORMA \ 2 tors or Canada, Limited, Osha wa, " Ont, ! eg -- WHEN YOU WANT THE CARPENTER | #ee James Baldy, Contrestor, 212 University Avenus. Phone 1898w, ge, ST ---- -------------------- ------ | Rei LIVE MAN WANTED--SFARD TIME | or steady --seiling our BLArantesy | trees and plants. Qutfit free, Lib | eral commission, Brown Hrothery | Sehpany, Nurserymen, Ldmitea | Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario, | 1 | ou: THE REGISTERED TRAININ al + School for Nupses of the Lee Hose! pital, will open a -class February | ak AP0licants may. Sddress Dr, | ohn 8, 17 e Ave, Ro-| OSE SHE a chester; N. Y., for particulars dur- | ANBAOSE BREA as fog the next ten days. i af King and Brook, . Bank. | Money to loan. STORAGE FOR FURN &ng ary. Apply 14d Neison sirevt nth LEGAL, | SMITH, BARRIST- 79 Clarence B, Cunniprg- FIRST al ed. improvements; tenirally Apply 143 Brock street. vei NNINGHAM & #rs and Solicitors, Street, Hingston. A. ham. Cyrii M. Smith. ana ary. MoLaungs ies: Rsibce BARRISTER Agency, 88 Lruok #irevi office, corner | 436 or 621. over Hoya! Phone 199), | a | ROO UPHOLSTERING FINANCIAL eeping If desired; rates mode ate Apply 12 hudeau street, 1 | Barrack street. LIVERPOOL, J ONDON 'AND GLOBE | =~ Fire Insurance Com any. Available | asnets "461,157,186, fa addition 1g | FRAME HOUSE, ¢ ROOMS; BLECTRIC which the policyholders have fo i Lght, barn and stables; large gare Security the uniimited labiijy of! gen. lnmediale possession. Apply ay Jroperty. t lowest 788 Princess Street. NT le rates. Before ren.vi old or giving Dew . business got VTVRAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN rates from Strange and Strange, ary, airy rooms, your own lock and 235 Key, Frost's Cliy Storage, 20% Agents. Phone Quran awreet. Phone 526; res. 4s. i OR DROP A CARD adie) upholster. | etreet. To w, 38 Bago: Polar nn door Gum, JE ® re 13 leave orders at or drop a Rard 5 104 Clergy street. ARUHITEOT POWER, SON AND PREVER, ARCH]. tects, Merchants' Bank hambers, Corner of Brock and Wellington | streets. TWO ROOMS, SUITABLE FOR LIGHT housekeaping; well heiwted: elec- trie lighted; all modern ments. Apply 8 Garren € FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST: ment Soclety; invdrported 188 President. W. F. Nickle, K.C.; vice | resident, Ay B. Cunningham, | foney issued 'on city and farm | Properties, municipal and county debentures; mortgages purchused, investment bonds for sale: deposits received and Interest allowed, x | C, Cactwright, mandger, #7 Clar« ence street, Kingston, bot water bedroom ; elecirie } : University. heating; mear Qu § suitable for twio persons. leaving city. Apply Union street, g DENTAL. 144 A. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, B, D.D.S,, Ofticy 268 Princess Bireet, 652. Phone SIGNS SIGNS OF ALL KINDS, SIGNS or quality and distinction, Signs that help busihess, Address P.O. Box 199, Kingston, MONEY 70 LOA} #1,200.60 uN FIRST Apply to Box No. LOAN, mortgage at 7% 0-13, hi EEE MEDICAL. re ---------- J. HB. KANE WISHES TD AN nounce that he has opened sffices at. 138 Welilngton Street, apposite Post Office. Office houry 2-4 p.m, 7-85.30 p.m. Telephone; office, 1825: residence, 1631. » & DRS. SPARKS AND SPARK 10 tists, 10° Wellington stress CArnovsky's. none Jf. Seventh Annual Course In icult re Will be held at Town Hall, Wolfe Isi- and, commencing Jan, AUth and ending February 14th, 1920. Conducted under the auspices of the Frontenac Board of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. is course is planned for farmers, their sons oF any young men wishing to take up farming, » The Bubjects of Study Field crops, grain Judging. stock and stock judging, daicying, mit testing, poultry, bee-keeping farm' bookkeeping, farm building and venti« Jetsrinary Svetence, .Sotly and Farm Dfainage, ord plants and weed seeds, frujt Browing, farm power, ete. Hour: 80 am. to 4.00 pm. Cc tures and practical work, om Monday. Tuesday, , Wednesday, "Thursday ana Friddy of each week. Anyone gomin from a distance cafi secure Food boar at reasonable rates, The colrse is free, Everybody Welcome. Come and lotus Jet you te make the farm more pro able. P Send: your application in at once to: AW BIRR : R Davari of Agriculture, KINGSTON DEN. over DR. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for alterations and additions, Main" Builds Ing, Mowet Sanitoriuin, Kingston, Ont, will be received until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, January 28, 1920, for the con- struction of alterations and additions bo Main Bullding, Mowat Sanatorium, Kingston, Ont. Plans and specificatton joan be seen and fomms of tender obtdinea @t the offices of the Chief Architect, Depart- ment of Public Works, Ottawa, the Superintendent of Dominion Buildings, Postal Station "F.\" Toronto, Ont. and Fithe Resident Architects, Merchagts Bank Chambers, Kingston, Ord Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms Suppiied hy the Depantment and in acopordance with the conditions set rth therein, Each tender must be accompanied by an accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the Mine ister of Public Works £qual to 10 p.c. of the amount of the tender. War Loan Bonds of the Dominion will also he accepted ag security or war bonds and cheques 4f required to make up an odd Hve Jack. | » § Night Watehman, Weber Piano Co. | MONDAY, DEC, 20th, FROM MOTOR | STRAYED FROM LOT 5, NINTH CON- | | -- ---------------------------- | ITU; CLEAN | k HN. Wathen, "hone 1a81). | CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD, | STORAGE Fox FURKITUME, C1BAN | Yoon MS, FURNISHED, I1GIIT HOUS i= | improve. | Titre | LARGE, BRIGHT FURNISHED, FRONT | i Occupant | FURS--LARGE QUANTITY OF FURS; natural and black Nolte) cheap, Bedford, the Auctioneer, 134 Queen street. Phone 1721. 3 } & | HAKD AND SOFT BIICK FOR SALE, : in large or smal yueniities, Apply | E. KE. Waihea, 143 Nelson street. Paone 13¥id. or 618. | . NO. 256 QUEEN STREET; STONE; newly silpgled; improvements; hot S Water, Possession ist May, Thomas. i Mills, 79 Clarence St. § ! GESNVINE GRAPHONOLA aND TEN / selections; your own choice, $42.00. Terms, §6_cush, $1 per week. U, Wel Lindsay, Limited, 131 Princesa St. © | FOR SALE, BONDS (DOMINION, PRO. i vincial and several cities), Hedy | from 5% to 6 6-3%. See my Het { Thomas Mills, 79 Clarence Street. | | SKIFFY, CANOES, SKIFFS FOR OUT- board motors; Tents, ~ Awnin | Camp Supplies, etc. Frank WV. { Cooke, 219 Bagot street. Phong 436. STANDARD HOTEL, CLOSE 90 BOTH | st 8; doing good, commercial Newly fisted wp; fully ped, and stock. contents, ppop- a bargain, Box 109, Napaneg, DOUBLE DESK, QUARTERED OAK, tap 60 45; beautifully finished; § | drawers on each side. Will be sold 5 Prospective purchasers ame and address at Box P-10, Whig Office. | WE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS op | gvod second hand furnitu and floves. Any person. having stoves an furniture tos diggose of, we will pay highest prie J, Thompson, 333 Princess Street. Phone 1600w, GOOD, GENERAL PURFOSE MARE, sulnd and kKiad in every WAY; rans LGU bugs ys sul of siligle Darn a Cutler, delivery Waggon, also & Ze0 Egg Chatham Incubator and Brooder; cheap to quick buyer. Aps Ply 401 Division siaeet. city, BATEMANS REAL ESTATE, - | $1,600, FRAME COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS, | improvements, electilc light. ry $2,200, FRAME HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, ! Large lot and stable, i -- | $2,200, BRICK BUNGALOW, § ROOMS, | improvements, eleciric light. | $3,500, BRICK HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, ALL. { improvements, semi-detached, con=' t ral. 8 | 96,000, DOUBLE BRICK, 7 ROOMS | each, all improvements, central,' or scld separate. | VICTORY BONDS FoR SALE, MONRY to Loan, FARM FOR BALE Mi 6000-100 'ACRES, ALL GOOD LA facing the lake. Farm houss od The G. A. Bateman, 15) Wels. ling'ton Breet. | og PERSONAL * HAIR, MOLES, WARTS marks, skin cancers, moved permanéntly. glasses fitted a Gtherg have failed AVY AEA an) FOOT OF JOHNSON ST. 3 . amount. i SMUGGLED HUN FORTUNES, BY Are & DESROCERRS Secretary. Department of Public wa, January 9, orks, 920. ed to administer new tax measures soon to become effective. Returning from a speaking tour in South' Germany, Erzberger 'RONOUnc- ed that addition! taxing measures Berlin, ~--Speaking tn the Biberach district of Wurttemberg, Mathias Erzberger, Vice-Chancellor and Minister of FPinands, declared that he proposed to conclude a treaty with Switzerland enablin; Ping ond (Axles for Automobiles turned out 5% nickle steel. Phone 1304, 49 PRINCESS STReNKE & the recov. ory of German capital would be submitted to the assembly. smuggled into that country in 1919. Should the measure fall of its objective, Herr Braberger asserted he would author- ize the Entente to seize such fortunes and credit them in the indemnity to hes advertisod for 3500 t be requir. ad il rooms to thie staff which he says will ----- Big Federation Planned, Warsaw, Jan. 13. The Gazette announces that a plan is on foot for the formation of a federation of Fin. lang, ofa and Letvia, and prob- ably thuania. The newspaper asserts titet the federation will rely on Poland. ---

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