TUESDAY, JANUARY 13, 1920. THE % DAILY BRITISH w PAGE ELEVEN Nervous [Royal Bank of Canada Enjoyed Greatest Growth Of Any Year i] | i A : | Nothing is so good for you as 1 Yio Why drag around weak, tired | and nervous? Vinol will make | you strong, feel welland banish nervousness, | Your money back if it fails | ~--at leading drug stores -- lool: | for the Vinol sign on windows. | CHESTER KENT & <0, WINDSOR, ONT. THA ARTHUR ears r sen st sah {in som. I Plant Food Tone up those straggly ferns and pale, weak plants They are Starved We carry the best brands of Plant Foods----the clean, odor- less fertilizers that contain all the elements necessary to strong, vigorous plant growth, and it costs next to nothing. A. D. HOLTON FLORIST, 280 Princess Street. Phone 601. Residence 2036w. Mr se ee mn | VICTIMS | "RESCUED Kidney, liver, bladder and uiic| ucid troubles are most dangerous | because of their insidious attacks. | Heed the first warning they give | that they need attention by taking | } i c po EN gy | The world's standard remedy for these | disorders, will often ward off these dis eases and strengthen the body against further attacks, All druggists, 50c. a box. | Look for the name Gold Meds! an every box and accent uo imitation | RAILWAY SYSTEM Bf | | GRAND TRUN AGENCY FOR ALL STEAMSHIP LINES | For information and rates apply to] J. P. Hanley, C. P. & T. A, GT. Ry. Kingston, Ont, ANCHOR ANCHOR-DONALDSON turnia Mar. 'VIA MOVILLE Fork....... Columbia ....Jan. York.......Columbia York.,.....Columbia TO LIVERPOOL Carmania Ww York Carmantn Mar PLYNOUTH( CHERBOURG AND ERPOOL, Vv « Ww York ....Kels. Aug. Viet, Jan i PLYMOUTH, HA , SOU N Royal George Jan, 24 York § Royal George . Feb, 34 de : Royal George Mar, 27 CHERBOURG ND SOUTH. ' AMPTON Mauretanta Imperator. Mauretania. veo: IMIperator 7 lv | great banks of the world. | has been made in recent years, but | | built. | pression we have ne | the bank, but to the Dominion. { 1870 our profits were 4 per cent. on | our working resources. Annual Meeting Marked the Close of Jubilee Year -- Steady Growth From Local Bank to Interna- tional Institution--Sir Herbert Holt and Mr. Edson L. Pease Deal With Canada's Internal Problems and the Possibilities of Export Trade --Mr. C. E. Neill, General Manager, Reports on Expansion Enjoyed by the Bank During the Past Year--Pays Strong Tribute to Staff. Montreal, Jan. 13.---(Special),-- The shareholders of The Royal Bank of Canada, when they assembled for the annual meeting at the head of- fice of the bank, received reports which indicated that the past year' had been the most prosperous in the history of the institution. This meeting also marked the | close of the Golden Jubilee Year of the bank and on this account the leading officials took occasion, in their addresses, to refer to many of the features of the progress which the bank had enjoyed. Growth of Bank. Sir Herbert Holt, the president, | stated that the report presented was the most satisfactory in the Bank's history and fittingly marked the Jub- flee year. "In the fifty years since our incor- poration," said Sir Herbert, 'we | have grown froin a local bank to an international institution with a steadily rising place among the Our paid- up capital has increased from $300,- 000 to $17,000,000, our reserves | from $20,000 to $18,000,000 and our | | assets from less than a million to | over half a billion dollars. i Mast of this phenomenal progress | | tribute is due to the prudence and wide vision of those early administra- tors who laid so solidly and broadly the foundation upon which we have In all periods of grave de- ver failed to pay a dividend and only once, and that 34 years ago, have we drawn on our reserve. Throughout our career, ad- { vantage has been taken of every fav- orable opportunity both at home and j abroad to extend our operations and | silver adds This expan- | to add to our resources. sion has proved beneficial not only to In Now, owing to the volume of business, we are af- fording increased facilities on a re- turn of less than one per cent. on total assets.* Canada Met Emergency, During the year just passed, Can- ada has again proved her ability to meet every emergency as it arises, | Our soldiers have been absorbed into civil Hfe without strain, our indus- tries have been re-adjusted with little | unemployment and the unfailing re- | sponse of our people to every pat. riotic call has been shown by the im- mense over-subscription to the last Victory Loan. Despite an unfavor- able harvest in some parts of the West, the country is pro¥perous and the balance of trade continues large- ly in' our favor. Factors which have contributed to the prevailing high prices are being gradually eliminated. Ocean trans- portation service will soon far ex- ceed that of the pre-war period and stores which have accumulated in { distant lands will, as a result, be- 'ome readily available. Industrial plants have multiplied and every- where an army of women wprkers has been added to the ranks Moreover, Europe can only ultimate ly pay ite huge debts by a corres- ponding output of goods. We shall then euter upon an era of greater supplies and keen competition. If prices fall in the future, as seems probable, each dollar made and saved today will then have greater pur- chasing power. We should therefore Whentever your skin is blotchy or Pimply" Zam-Buk is what you need. First, water and Zam-Buk wash with warm Then apply Zam-Buk gen. tly, but th « If this a, | capacity while markets are high, and | | exercise the most rigid economy in | | order that our gains' may be con- | | served. | How To Meet Conditions. |. The Government is still discharg- {ing some of the heavy obligations | jarising out of.the war and the net | { public debt now fast approaches two | billion dollars. There are only two | ways of meeting this responsibility; | greater industry and less extravag-| &nce---prosperity is not unending or | national borrowing power unlimited. | It is an unvarying economic law, of | Which we in Canada had a bitter ex- | perience following the Civil War, | that all conftets terminate in a per-| {10d of prosperity and inflation dur- | Ing reconstruction which is succeeded | |.by equal or greater depression. For { this inevitable re-action in the future | | We should now be prepared, and it is | | the duty of the government to set an | | example to the nation by abstaining | from unnecessary or wasteful ex-| | strive to prodice to the limit of our | Canada will export to the | States a large amount of flour. Since Bank Was Incorporated the lowest possibla limit our imports i free from that country, remember- | ing that the purchase of articles o° luxury, or goods that can be manufac- | tured in Canada, by increasing the | adverse balance of trade, adds to the | premium which we pay on iron, | steel, coal, cotton, and othet raw | materials, which are absolutely neces- | sary for the maintenance of some of | our industries. There are indications, | however, -that the present unfavor- | able position may be somewnat im- | proved in the near future. Pha Brit- | 15h Government has given notice ot | its intention to make a substantial | Payment. on account of the indebted- | ness to the banks, and it is expgcted that within the next four months | United | Production is Needed. To keep production from falling | off and to increase it, thas furnish- | ing full employment for labor, is more essential now than ever. The. e | is no encouragement to enlarge old Industries and establish new ones when profits, if made, are to be spe- | cially taxed by the government. The | Secretary of the Treasury is report- | ing upon the effect of a similar im- | post in the United States, says that | "in many instances it acts as a con- | sumption tax, is added to the cost of | production upon which profits are | figured in determining . prices, and | has been and will, Bo long as it is | maintained upon the statute books, | continue to be a material factor in| the increased cost of ving." We are also co-operating in the | movement in favor of coloser com- | tne ------ rT -- i i i | | | { Phone 1328; Drink | ) Charm Black Tea | Sold in Packages Only IN CAPSULE FORM Pormula--Aspiris, Phesscetine, a hs physician GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited Pui ruggisty 355 ~ JUTE BAGS WANTED + LE We will pay highest prices for all kinds of Jute Bags. Get in | touch with us. I'he Telgmann School of . Music Piano, violin and other stringed Instruments; elocution and dra- matic art. Pupils may begin at any date. Terms on application. Engagements for concerts ac- cepted. 216 Frontensc Street. A. SPEIZMAN 60 QUEEN S8T., KINGSTON penditure. It cannot be too strongly | uercial relations between the Dom- | urged, or too often repeated that the | Imlon and the British possessions on ! greatest possible effort must be put | iBls*continent. These colonies form | forth in every direction if we, are to | Oh® Of nur natural markets, selling meet the amount required for inter-| the things we need and buying the | est and the redemption of debt. Jt |Staples we have for export. The | has been aptly said that governments i lowering or remoyal or customs bar- | of labor. | | have no income outside that of the | people, and that the wealth of al country like that of an individual! | can only be built up by spending less | than is earned.' : | In the difficult times ahead, the | { Dominion holds a commanding posi-| j tion owing to the abundance of its | | Datural resources which need only | | the touch of energy and capital. THe | | market for pulp and paper continues | to expand, the demand for goll and | to the value of our! | mines, and the soaring price of coal | {will hasten the development of wa- | | ter powers. Above all, the expected | [influx of settlers to .the west will] | further agricultural production, our! | main source of wealth and extend | | our market for home manufactures, ! Expansion of Trade. Edson 1. Pease, the Vice Presi- | {dent and Managing Director, ia his | | address dealt more particularly with | | the expansion of trade afid how Can- | ada had readjusted herself to the | conditions that had arisen since the | | close of the Buropean war, | Special reference was made to the advantage to Canada of the tore:gn branches of the Bank and Mr. Pease f also announced that it was the inten- | tion to féllow up the establishment of | branches at Rio de Janiero and Bue- | | nos Aires by establishing at Sao | Paulo and Santos in Brazib and at Bogota and Barranquilio, Colombia. He also strongly recommended | closer commercial relations between | | the Dominion and the British posses- | | sions on this continent, owing to the | | more favorable financial conditions | {that prevail in these colonies than | | in many of the European countries, Exchange Situation. { The problem of exchange grows in | perplexity. The prevailing rates give additional value to almost all our ex- ports, but our immense imports from | the United States are penalized. The I | return to parity may be a long and | difficult process, depending in great | measure upon European conditions {and the course of American action, The only effective means of clec king the advancing rate upon remittances | to the United States is to reduce to | date. riers, and the inhuguration of direct! steamship communication, would re- | sult in greatly increased trade and | lead to the speedy development of | the agricultural, forest and mineral wealth of these colonies. | This being our Jubilee, the bank | has prepared a brief history of the | efforts made during the past fifty | years to build up a& sound and pro-| gressive institution, and to promote | the commercial interpsts of thé Dom- infon. A copy will be forwarded to each of the shareholders. at an early | Features of Reports. | C. B. Neill, the » | dealt entirely with { f annual report of the ed on some of the and touch- | important | fon that had | been enjoyed during the past twelve | months. Mr. Neill stated that the | record established showed the great- | est growth of any year since the Bank | was Incorported. | The total assets are $638,647, 084.93, an increase of over $106,- | 000,000 over the previous year, and | it is of interest to know that no por- | tion of this inePeasé is due to the absorption of banks, as hag been the case in some previous years. The capital of the bank has béen | increased $3,000,000 since our last | Annual Statement, through the sale of 20,000 new shares at $180 per share to our shareholders, and 10,- 000 shares at $300 per share to the Londo: County, Westminster & Parr's Bank. The Reserve Fund now stands at $17,000,000, as compared with $15,- 000,000 last year. The regular dividends of 12 per cent. with an additipnal bonus of 2 per cent. were pald, during the year, and a balance of $1,096,418.7¢ is carrfed forward in Profit and Loss Account. . I desire to take this opportunity of | commending the staff of the bank. 1! think I am safe in saying that from | the highest executive officers to the | newest junior there is the strongest | possible feeling of loyaity to the in- stitution, and this is undoubtedly a great factor in our devolopment. of Zam-Buk, Hosp: "smi, BILLY SUNDAY TO PREACH. Will officiate at Funeral of "J. Barleycorn" Friday, : Norfolk, Va., Jan. 13.--Rev. Wil liam A. (Billy) Sunday, the famous evangelist, who is conducting a eam- paign in this city, announced at the meeting last night that he would preach the national funeral of Barleycorn" next Friday afternoon when the United States goes offiel- ally dry. ' Mr. Bunday said in making the announcement that he had been in- vited to preach the sermon in prac- tically every city in\the country, but would remain in Nopfolk as he was corpse, and be happy," said the evangelist. He said he would not stand for mourners and if the people of Nor. folk were in favor of liquor they had better remain at home. | ng ihe Art Hickman's Dance Orchestra Came From San Francisco to NewYork To Make These 8 Exclusive Cohmbia Dance Records « From the St. Francis Hotel, San Francisco, by way of the New Ziegfeld Midnight Frolic and the Biltmore Hotel to the Columbia Recording Laboratory. That was the record-breaking, record-making trip this ex- clusive Columbia organization undertook 'to Play: 1919" , . * . . . On the Streets of Cairo--One-step Peggy--Fox-tror , wy Sey Tell Me Why--Fox-trot . Hesitating Blues --Medley Fox-trote--isus. ducisg "Beale Street Blues" snd "Hesitation Blues" Those Draftin' Blues--Medley Fox-trot-- Introducing "'5¢. Francis Blues" Patches--Fox-trot . Sweet and Low--Waltz My Baby's Arms--Fox-trot from "Follies of } Lv. Here's Ceorge Meaders First Double Record This splendid tenor, the latest addition to Columbia's long list of exclusive artists, thrills you with that song of love and longing, "I Know What It Means to Be Lonesome." Coupled with "I Never Knew," a solo sure to make you sigh for the caresses of your own sweetheart. A-2826 -- 90c A Few More Mid-Month Hits Bye - Low --Campbell and Burr Pil Always be Waiting for ¥ JE Te as er ou { "90¢ Toscha Seidel's Supreme Violin Solo "Eli, Em" 49526 -- $1.50 3 New C. Records on Sal the 10ck and 20th of Boers sii COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE CO., TORONTO C. W. Lindsay, Limited Headquarters for Columbia Records COLUMBIA GRAFONOL4S Stondord Models up ts 3300, st é ] / Treadgold's Sporting Goods Co, Agents for Columbia Records - Columbia Records on sale at... The J.M. Greene Music Co., Ltd.