MONDAY, JANUARY 12, 1020, T H E D A | L Y B R i T 1 S H Ww H I G f ------ |: F AR T HESE In the World of Sport Great Stock Taking Sale | k | Of Furniture At | : ZIMMERMAN'S CLAIM EXPECT CARPENTIER'S i Old Prices rorld® BETTER INTELLIGENCE General Sport For His Share of the Wesley Base- WILL BEAT DEMPSEY Heinle Zimmerman, who seeks to Te. collect his end of the New York Reports published in America that h A VARIED LIST OF REAL GOOD RECORDS WHICH WILL PLEASE At a meeting of the executive of | Giants' share of the last world's ser- | he had expressed in an interview his Hy col YY vive, : ANY ONE the boxing department of the Mont- | fes, must turn to his own teammates | Willingness to accept a 60.40 split of : A) A! AN AVY Ey # : Jreal Amateur Athletic Association | or to the National Commission Jf he | the $400,000 purse offered by James DRT NOAA IA ft was decided to accept the invita- | hopes to get any action. Heifilg com- | Coffroth for a Carpentler-Dempsey i OMAAXXYYY with BAND tion of the Ottawa Amateur Athle- | muniocated with the New York club | battle, were repudiated in Paris by | LA po x NAG AA y tic Federation for an inter-city box- | in regard to the matter, but has been | Marcel Descamps, Carpentier's ma- | OAK) iy yo Ly fya La France'-----March~--ItaMan Grenadiers Band { ing tournament at Ottawa on Friday | referred to the aforementioned sour- | nager, prior to leaving for Bordeaux, AAUANRAN ALIVE Boyal March of Italy"-----Italian Grenadiers Band . | night, January 30. ces by Secretary Joe O'Brien. O'-| where Carpentier meets Blink Me- | -- Brien, investigating the Great Zim's | Closkey. | Meanwhile Jack Kearns and Pro-| ¢laim, learned that the distribution Descamps declared that he has not of the money turned over to the club | received the Coffroth offer either di- SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA moter Cofforth are in conference to- y & day over the Tiajuana offer, and | by the commission at the close of the | rectly or indirectly, and that he has et Music From "'Faust"---Part 1--Metropolitan Orch, Carpentier in cable despatches, ex-| series had been left in the hands of | dlécussed it with no opé. Descamps the players themselves, following an | will consider no offer for the Demp- et Music from "Faust"--Part 2---Opera House Orchestra ...... presses his willingness to thave a couple of hundred thousand bones | established custom, and that Heinle's | Sey fight until the option he gave thrust upon him, facing the odds in | mates had voted not to give him 8 George Cochrane, the British pro- | moter, on Carpentier's services ex-| P ATRIOTIC true French Bowery Taiguage of share, . 5 3 i) weight, strange n and other This information comes in the na- | Pires, Feb. 1. Descamps said he had Bn Pi Word he S is Bure things set forth elsewhere. ture of & distinct surprise, as Heinle | received several offers from America . a World ==Puerios Quartoito fie Es always has been extremely popular | to match the French champion aga- ? Costing $400,000 in purses alone | with the other players. There is only | inst other American fighters prior to There is sure to be another » in i / DAN it looks as though Cofforth has bit- | one apparent soliition. At the time of | the Dempsey bout, but that he will . ; CE ten off a big chew. They couldn't|Zim's suspension lust September | accept none of them, | prices. Most buyers are taking advan- "Out of the East"--Fox Trot--uller's Orchestra draw $400,000 to the Dempsey-Wil- | John MeGraw declared Heinie had We are. certain Georges will de- f h . . Singapore" --Fox Trot--Fuller's Orchestra : Jard trouble at Toledo, and it is| persistently violated the ¢lub's train- | feat Dempsey because he possesses tage o the situation at naar * {hard to see how they can do it in a | ing rules. This may have caused the | the greatest bmin of any pugilist in - sport like Tiajuana, bordering on | players to figure that had the' Bronx | history," Descamps said. Dempsey POPULAR Mexico. However that is Cofforth's | idol attended strictly to business | may knock him down in the first, and . ° business and he usually knows "his | they probably would have won the | the second, and the third and fourth, R. J Reid own best, pennant and that the loss of the | but Cdrpentier will come up every . ----- right to take part in the big series | time, and in the end his superior The latest bidders for the Demp-| was in a great measure traceable to | sclence and intelligence will create LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 877 FAMILIAR MELODIES sey-Carpentier battle are the Fox his defection. However, at the time | an opportunity for him to knock out Film Co., who offer $550,000 for the | Zim was set down, he vigorously de- | his opponent." | : he Shannon, the Shamrock, and You"--OCharles Harrison row in or as near Non Jor} as the pied that he had Somitted more Bee : i" "Mother, Dear"~Ch. Harriso law will allow. eir 'er is | than one transgression of the rules-- ! " § » My Da Arles ures pa $300,000 to Dempsey, win lose or | that which led to his suspension-- | UNIVERSITIES IN WEST joo by X draw, and $250,000 to Carpentier on and the other members of the club TO HOLD TRACK MEET | SACRED ' the same letind, the Vout 10 be os | said Stat it Heinle had erred prev- | P s R F - © ~ ia July 4th or Lal ay. ey wou ious to that time they were not aware After considerable correspo hi park Far the Night 1s Coming"-Earle F. Wilde = "=~ "Ag7783 | retain the picture rights. of the fact. and much work a Western ndeuce romp eturns rom S pments iil Mother I'll Be There" Earle ¥. Wilde senna ees vm DOC, we , Er University annual luncheon, com- All major league clubs ' having TO STOP FIGHTS prising universities in Manitoba, ao ny COMIC waived on Sherwood Magee, Clncin- | wnt Saskatchewan and Alberta, has been When you ship Grain, Butter, ] 4 . nati is now free to give him his ré- | No Moré Bouts to be Permitted in | organized. This very important i . ' Jaome Join In Our Laughter"----Young and Weston; langming song au63s | lease--or send him to the minors Connecticut. step ds expected to put university 3 A Cheese or Fruit, put through The H Laughs and 80 Do I"----Al H. Weston .........-, , | with his consent. Under the ten-year The state police commission, al| sport om a new plane in the west, and : ) Merchants Bank a Drafton the bu 3 y rule Sherry is entitled to his release | its meeting on Monday, in New Ha-|it 18 planned to hold a big track | = B . yer. We have the Records that will please you---get the habit. if he adits for it, but the report in | yen (onn., reaffirmed its action of | meet at Baskatcon next fall with | iN JS This is the business way of securing . Oincinnati is that Pat Moran wabis | yyly, 1918, in voting to direct the |three provinces competing for hon- 2 yi ; "FOR RECORDS, TRY TREADGOLD'S FIRST" him to stay on with the team as pinch | state police to use every effort to |ors. Geo. H. Lee, of Manitoba. is ; prompt and satisfactory settlement. hitter and general adviser. stop any prize fight which may be | president. Grantiand. Rice seems to intimate | 2LioMPted 10 be staged in Connect). = It saves time and possible Joss, : A COMING EVENT. 38 that control of the American League | This information is contained in , should be on tie basis of population. | 4" letter from Thomas F. Eagan, su- McGill Gisls' Baskotb > He suggests that in a statement in | perintendent of the state police, to | C* Girls' Basketball Club Chal- lenges Queen's, which he points out that New York, | the New Haven Morning Journal Queen's Journal: The expect-| Head Office: Montreal OF CANADA. Established 1804, ; ° : Chicago and Boston have ten million | Courier, The newspaper has been © : p- | population, ~ while Philadelphia, | posing the proposed 20 round boxing | OJ, Challenge 'has arrived from | giNGSTON BRANCH 8 2 ng | v 73 ) ' . * . H. A. TOFIELD, Manager. a t Cad old S ortin Slevelasa, Dotrelt St Louis and | match beiwesn Bonny LOST 404 | taworons'™. tonm ne Cauisy| PARHAM AND VERONA BRANCHES, © J. W. McCLVMONT, Massgon ) ohnny Dundee, on Janu . > 1 Rr lt Sr Sh | POL LI Cl |S on Be pe 1 mei rt stuff? ~ He'd Detter be after walling | ment said that when he y ' gava the | ir I ee somone. Tofore ho) permit for the bout the understood | nde, pnd makes comparisons, distinctly from the promoters and | i G S ( | their counsel that the évent was to | Shit Ue youd sue | LOEW THEATRE UNDERWRITINGS ood 0. ER BE A RA nei keh. AR a repo a i is to make his third trip to the South- | sqvertisements and othgr details now : ern league, Detroit having sold him do everything possible to make their | i 3 ag lead him to the conclusion that there | (5 PVEY 0 C8 BOC 00 © ot mem. | The most profitable investments in Outfielder Edmund (Bing) Miller be a boxing exhibition purely, but| athletic committee is planning to Orders for any amount may be wired or telephoned at to Little Rock. In the pring of 1918 | haa be ft Detroit released Miller under option | the event was. io be u "title batiles | bored. Already hospitality has been Canada. 88 PRINCESS STREET to Chattamooga, but Uncle Sam came | one, and, therefore, a "prize fight", offered to seven members out of ten | 4 along and claimed him for the &rmy. | within meaning of the law. of the team. Government bonds, stocks, grain, cot- He got out of service last year and The chief also added that since FON 4 Phone 529 later in the season was sent to At: | the permit was issued a new condi- ROSS WON SPRINT | ton. ; . tanta under option and recalled at! tion arose in the arrest of Mr. Gar- , 1 t t ieldi 5 10% « ee sr Bal | Fo Js | American Swan Defoed Good vestments yielding 10%; " wi clu omoter, i - . ve . The P lace to Get That Record. 1917 from a club in the Central As- ym and 1h his added ul Norman Ross, the American swim= Consult us before making a decision. I NESE ANRNRNERNEENE the good name.and erder of 'the Tei, NOR t1e TDIACE Sianoenabiy BONGARD. R community would not be served by YERSO oN nN Rev. G. C. Treanor, Vernon, Ont., | allowing the fight to go on. Gargutlo Melbourne, Australia, this week. | ' N & CO. G hae been called to the Balderson| was arrestdd in connection with the | Spencer and Osterieter, Americans The Home of Good Investments' Presbyterian Church. recent raids on saloons by internal | WOTe per of Me Birds ee Ph 17 : BEAVER BOARD revenue and federal officers. pounds sterling _ (about $15,000), 4 one 8.» = a 237 Bagot St. apr ASTR spase 1s "slacker" space--nput it to work. The IT CURES b Fourteen teams competed. ! attic might just as well be a den, play rooin, study or Sculling Championship. eeu werd { a -- attra bed room. Even the basement can be transformed into a CATARRH Having won the title of world's Resignation Caused Surprise. irs riroom or laundry. In business buildings Beaver Board also : BRONCHITIS sculling champion from Ernest Bar. | Resignation of Garry Herrmann Provides the practical way to permanently restore old walls and ry, of England, on the Thames, late | 28 chairman of" the National Com-| . os ngs, partition offices, build extra rooms, and utilize unused You con't have to | ib October, Alfred Felton, of Austra- mission caused mild surprise among * 1 wo 8 or other waste space. "tt Hot wh lia, now has the right to name the Hie Dass Ball Seton. fe poner A t 4 ti 1 g walt for. reliel WAIem | sourge on which the next race shall | Of the Yahks in their it against r Im > Allan's Lumber Yard you use Catarrhozone. | be decided. There is little doubt that Ban Johnson construed it as a vie- ac ive nvest ents Vi : . . This wonderful in- | he will choose the Australian course tory. 108 the ISAT OUIE oh shat | Are offered in the following Bo dos ictoria # on the Parramatta River, which - k » ! m e lollow 3 Street an. a. Phone 1042 J baler 'treatment. ial three miles, 330 Vhs This Was an avowed supporter of the wme nog: guaranteed to eure wii mean a revival of what was at | Cincinnati . Red president for an- any case of Catarrh, |one timé Australia's premier acqua- | Ober term was apparently over- City of Hamilton no matter how | tic spoft. Rowing has slumped in the ruled. It had been the belief from 414% Bonds, due April vs chron, Commonwehlth since Richard Arnst|the start that Herrmann would got | 0 Bonds, due April, 1933. Yielding 53{% "You breathe through | 105t the world's sculling champion- resign, Willlam H. Edwards, =| : FOR 8 ig ren e ! oug hip to Barry on the Thames in 1913. Joomoe yO euue, oad i City of London fl nhaler and in 80 Felton's first challenger will prob- " s WOre he. | RT QUICK SALE 4 doing you send in- abiy be Jomes Padden, the champion ing mentioned as onsble sucen 414%Bonds, due June, 1943. Yielding 53% aso 3 i 'stantly 'all th h | of Australia. Felton | - . s i \ Penacashlelhrics and termi : Bk In Sting, Sully syuippod; the renthing ou His victory over Bots 31 sr doldien Sn" ayven fate Ihe al- | 4 ti hs h A ago, 8 | ed, and A rid's series scand wes | ry i hon houses Emmet house; lot 66 x 132; possession 1st May, I » pT br vo Th vi to A fe heinging deck 31 He title favorably received. Official action | our expense. Write for our January Investtient List, : it ealing, germ-destroy-| in sporting circles there. 3 Sustinlle Supine. Sourt ee a : iT ¢ | ng properties. i . Telephone 103 J. 0. HUTTON | In this way the| Thorpe Won't Sign With Akron. Series, t 18 balisved, Wood, Gundy & Company : weds of Catarrh are} Jim Thorpe will play major league Bender As Manager . Canadian Pacific Railway Builds 67 Clarence Street, Kingston il destroyed. Sore nos-| baseball -next season or he will not| Charles Albert Bender, better Montreal New York -irils and weak throat|don a uniform. This word is brought | kilowh as "Ohiet" Bender, has been Saskatoon Toronto Londen, E 2% are cured. Coughing, | from Canton, Ohio, where the noted engaged by George Welss, owner of | * EET Cs a son bard breathing, and| Indian became well known during the New aven Baseball Club of the : ghaying.all stop. or ile _foattalt Season, Thorpe is ma Eastern League, as manager and pite > Potty Hoichinar. whe oxy { ave.served notice that rather|cher. Bender, with "Chief" Track Championships. of the Soith citie "te part of the Grand Dine ass vil aah, Sututred at he Brock | Catarrhozone. No sub-| than play with Akron in the Interna- oo TE om a at an He N track Sent of the Southern Pa 0 sl and His Money," which is to be | of a well known and Manly ro i | i. gy na: he wa on: an jouly 1ndian battery in the sottsy. chips may be ought out ia Low An arn v being akan, bo ssid, g ool and His Money." which : y re attention to automobils inter Edm titi : . Sa now taken, he said, esis Ih S| a Hn TA BE on, PE pS | oor Te mor, ESE PE SS RL Be 5 00, mer v : x ¢ : ure of the right wrist. following a short illness, at all dealers. ofl holdings in the ost. aise aa No. f 14 Rochaster ot SuMspoto; adoaected thats oy Sa that 27 Jol $360,000 vould ~ k ; -C. ng 0 . presi-| gq PE WANTS TO WEIGH MUTT ON THE iN STALLMENT PLAN : THS 1S Deed H, hy CAME INTO MY INTERESTING. IT ; COIN { INTERESTING, x Bn ROOM AWD. HOP Goes LP 100 Pounds, THA : : I AND T WEIGH OvER Six FEET TALL ON My SCALES, (jf | 150. T can'T ween SHOULD WEIGH (80 : ov May Leaky MYSELF on TH POUNDS IF He's A : : SomETHING TO IN GOOD HEALTH. Your ADVANTAGE. THAT'S MuTT's