Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jan 1920, p. 5

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. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG 7 © THURSDAY, JANUARY 8, 1920. at Pp Ae oa i aaans mn | 0 aiase || Kingston and Vicinity {| Lumeer Carpenters and Buflders FCT TOSS eee ee ed : ari | very Cars arriving every day. = BADIATORS. ! 21 MAIN STREET May Be Soon A [Peer "Autos Still Going this of oding Da ANTS. § A ee Au 4 he ty, succeed vid M ¥. 3 3 ~~MILITARY TENTS Friends of Col. Grant Morden say The autos are certainly Saviag | Ja chy. Mr. is is one Good stocks of Hemlock, Spruce and Pine--rough or dressed, ~Large pieces of CANVASS, his elevation to the British peerage | their innings this winter. They have | from the active management of the i in the not far distant future is not | not been hindered at all by the snow. | bank, his vi i i re é to. i 5 of . services are still being re- ew, ef Fresh Cut Flowers unlikely, The cold snap gave them quite «| tained in an advisory capacity, Ferns, palms, faneral designs, floral -------------- test, but owners who desired to run L Cohen & Co. fap wedding bouquets made to order Shattered Resolutions. their car were able to pull through | Woman Falls Down Stairs. - . What's the rustling noise we hear | all right. : Mrs. Myra Nims, Ca Vincent, 275 Ontario Street. Phone 584 F J JOHNSON Florist While the, year is yet but brief? - - N.Y., met with a ADT Soha at * Je ' * | "Tis naught but mankind everywhere He Is In The Council. her home when she fell and frac- j Mussing up the new turned leaf. Major R. D. Ponton, president of | tured an arm. Mrs. Nims was com- -- a the Great War Veterans, ran fourth ing dowh stairs with a lighted lamp Joined A Bureau. in the running for alderman of Belle- | in her hand when she tripped and | GLASSCO'S PURE : Rev. Albert H. Barker, a Delta | villa, He will bring the legal mind | fell part way down the stairs. The | ~--Strawberry Jam H ROWLEY pastor, has resigned the charge and { to the consideration of municipal lamp broke in a great many pleces | { Raspberry Jam Nose Fatutiog and Pages Hang is now with the Radcliffe Chautauqua problems and will represent the atti- | but fortunately went out, which pro- | Phone 1415, --~Binck Currant Jam ng, Enllmtees on Noh trey system. tude of the returned men and their | bably prevented a serious fire. * Plum Jam Elven. a ------------ problems, WALL PAPER FOR SALE Every Year Leap Year, Egg Production Costly. er eon --each Jam 3 340 BAMMLE STREKT, This is } b y abi a ate a A tars mn aa Tr RAGED EO re he Dn rod pee fo | he AA pp tte _ |. sete es VSS on on |S orange Marmpinde ns a con FOR HOLIDAY COOKING, . pass- --Red Currant Jelly Shen He high cost of Hving is con-|er away on Tuesday at Belleville, at, two dollars during this wintry wea- Crabapple Jelly ered, ol the advanced age of eighty-four |ther to get one dozen of eggs from his Grape on Joly | WE SELL ON EASY Ho bo Tamer years. She had been in her usual ro- | hens. ..e declared that the city peo- --Bramblebe: ! e Is Improving. bust health up to two or three days | ple had<f wrong idea about the pros. Se S==PYKEX D. COUPER ! TERMS A. Neal, of the Standard Vuleaniz- ago, when she was smitten . with perity of the Ry and pt ie COVERED BOASTING PANS FIOREY CARE TNs Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Skirts, | Ing Company, who has been confined | paralysis -and gradually 'sank until | that the small farm did not pay more Nw iq BOWLS 341-3 Princess Street Men's Suits, Overalls, Underwear, | to his home suffering from a severe | the end came. than enough to keep the farmer's . Fhone 76. Prompt deilvery, |v... joy Suftonses. ote. cold, is slightly improved and able to family in moderate circumstancds. FOR GIFTS ALUMINUM AND ENAMEL CHILDREN'S SETS ° _ =--AUTO STROP SAFETY RAZORS " ~--GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS --RAZOR STROPS ~HLECTRIC IRONS . . be out again. Very Tittle Snow, to Remove. ---------- N. Morris, 374 King St. y pe So far this season there has been| Gambled With Employer's Money. Spoiled the Ice, very little money expended by the George Wright & Co., of the Wal- --TOASTERS Our stock is very complete = The snow storm of Wednesday city in the removal of snow. Some | ker House, Toronto, has entered at LEMMON & SONS - i fled the skating on the harbor. i vill be inter lk It Pi 7 | Spo predict it will be an open winter like | Osgoode Hall an motion to recover OD ys to Buy Zom | Quite a number were out on the har- last winter. Some years the city is | from Benjamin Evensky $6,000 bor on Tuesday night, ' called upon to spend a great deal of | which they allege he won at poker PHONE 840 : 187 Princess Street ~ S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory und Lumber Yards, Bay and Wellington Streets, KINGSTON, Ont. Office Phone 66. Factory : 115 Brock St. Phone 228. en { i : Prevost, Brock street, has in stock tiary for stealing money belonging fifty boys suits, all wool tweed, also Wolfe Island Calf Record. to the hotel. The plaintiffs allége | Sawed in Stove . Lengths \ blue and black serge, at low prices. A Kingston veterinary in noting | shat the $6,000 won by Evensky was . ! See the value before buying else-| the birth of twin calves in this dis « part of the stolen money, BOOTH & CO. | a es n | where. trict, said that was nothing. Last West Street a i Inaugural Meeting Mo day. winter he was in attendance in the Killed By Fall Of A Tree. = 5 Fo Phone 133 hoe tn ne | el eT em up 5% ae (0 2,2 Mole, lander ud | wm wiser se pute Si one 1583 and Get mpt || his v or the year. {iw vs giving birth to triplets and sh, , : A TR TTT TT ; eh | Mayor Elect H, C; Nickle and ns col Te other Te i Hats a company wii Joka Bison, ho hed (24) He | . ---- ------ 2 t i; as i | Monday morning, Death Of Customs Collector. they "ma severed a Aairsised dim ' lev " ~ | whic t to th t ' | Mr, ed Yo Kingston. and OE Th SE re: Sun. lodged in the branches ST another ASK YOUR GROCER { daughter, Marion, Ki Sams bore since 1912 as an appraising officer, j tree. While endeavoring to extri- FOR {| Bepairing, Watchmaker and | nave been visiting his marents, Mr | died on Wednesday after a brief fll- | cate it the accident occurred. Weid- lee [ant Mow, Adhten Avan, ot Chas. Ee ee es ars os | Kom petro rod fnsmior, aad was Rose Brand Oleo out, N. Yn haves have returned home. forty years. For some time he was | and an aged father. i x Fears a dry goods merchant, and was for ---------- col G. WV. LYONS an SY In Prison, two years an alderman of that city. , "Mike" ig "Some" Skater. John Totten and Hubert McCrory, "Mike" Flanagan, ice manager at 40c. PER LB. {| 840 Princess St. Phone 1866. | Roronsa, were sent to penitentiary % this I Pos By-law the covered rink is very popular with x I " | for four years by Magistrate Deni- Smith's Falls s By-law, : re KINGSTON PRODUCE CO- {son for having tried t0 pass bills of | In Monday's election Smith's Falls Me Tady Taney shaters ak the *ink, (Distributors) { Repairs done accurately. | raised denomination. Both men | passed by-laws, one to fix the assess- . of ner < ay en a iy es: re- promptly, and aranteed | pleaded guilty. 3 ment of the Canadian Cooperage Co., | Seniatlive was a r a : su | r Limited, at $2,000 for a term of ten | Young ludy stuck her head in the | i TERR . ~ money in December and January for | from Alexander Gray, former book- Groceries And Meat Reduced Price *a Boys Clothing the removal of snow, kespper at the hotel, sent to peniten- at je LATEST STYLES 1X GEORGETTE CREPE BLOUSES All colors and sizes, from ......co00v0004...810.00 to $18.50 EEE i Splendid variety of Handkerchiefs in dainty Xmas. boxes. EHO E Ladies' Kimonas and Dressing Sacques, assorted colors and sizes, These will make excellent Christmas presents. - JOS. B. ABRAMSON | decrease in the number of muskrats RINCESS STREET. PHONE 1283J, r J H and purchase of an up- 257 PRI} S J. inhabiting Jefferson county, New gra B%e jal and Iv equipment at a | vears, and "as Mr. Flanagan vas Our rent is low----our prices are low. about the best skater in Kingston, Ww Ha e [rE ate eareity of the Nt. (IC . € VE | skates SKATES [fi ce swims ss worrying tio tur deat oe Tar Ta, |i, ete to 6 out on th i wilh | Would Tax Church Land. : E Ald. R, G. Armstrong, who last . = | All kinds of Skates hollow The Crossing Is Good i ground; guaranteed oil finish- Seni . th withheld moving ®in City J In Stoc ed edges. Ground while you The St. Lawrence river is frozen pom wl petition the Ontario Leg- Discuss New Rector, nih » . | for whe year, Fur years, and to provide a free site for | door and said: Is Mr. Flanagan the company for the same period, and | here?" When asked what she want- the other for the erection of a mod- [ed him for, she replied that she had Trappers and sportsmen admit a not had a real good skate for a few 5 : E : . / wait, so that teams can cross to the United , cipal Act The congregation of St. Peter's i islature to amend the Municipa : States, it being earlier than usual for ing of | church, Brockville, are taking steps Just Arrived 15¢. PER PAIR. so as to provide for the taxing : 50 | leo of sueh thickness to form, Last fhe land occupied By churches, and | to secure a successor to the present e les Campbell's, Bema Sup J M PATRICK n ie at pi hm 50 Shasine wilh who was re-elected ia Rideau ward, TNs i Jor vin "to Datos 1 8 Cumpbeil's Vegetable Soup > Te ED earn or the Demat of The LI eriey of Pith In Winter { y he | - % Clark's Tomaty Haug ..-. . 2en:S¥RENEAM g7. The marries was quiet solem. | 7° tounetl os Overcoats And Clark's Vegetable Soup | Phone 2056J. nized on LET in Ottawa of Miss To Manage Market Branch, Judge Mé Dugald, C -- Baynes Reed, y M, n . Gwendolyn Watchorn, daughter of George Brownlee, manager of the | Dr. R. A. wie: M, Atkinson and S ts Distributors for Red Ruse Tea--the | M d Mrs. Thomas. Watchorn " he Royal] Fred Bellamy Good T : Mor = Moffat; | Babk streuioranch of the Roya bishop. The meeting, attended by ea A! Merrickville, Ont. to William Moffatt Bank. Ottawa, fur the past seven Allan, son of Henry Allan, Carleton a bee to a sim- | some fifty members of the congrega- 4 $osre, jug Neon Mumoted tion, was harmonious throughout. All les W. KR. ickae & Lo. We have a supply of Place, » ilar position in the Market branch, | ED EET Yr $25.00 SOLDER ses WILHELM HAS GROWN FAT. | License No. 6 J M HAS N FAT. [pag given up all thoughts of return- cut hard wood and ing to Germany. i $28.00 Trembling of Arm and Leg is No- "He no longer expresses the wish $30 00 | Borin, Junuars 5o--The Hague 10 ren to Germany." sys we writ-| (NCIIDATION 2 BIG BARGAINS kindling correspondent of the Tageblatt gives More He believes | ok he has $32.00 . 8 3 h - a rather unusual picture of the for been betrayed by his councillors and It you Rave suffered. trom consti $35.00 { mer German Emperor in a lengthy the whole pepole." ] % Rose Tea .....050e article regarding the personal ap- to ob _{ pation for years, tried doctors and 70c. Red ¢ B g p p The former ruler's le ters are cen all the remedies You ever heard or $38.00 pearance of the former ruler and his W g0¢. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. J. Sowards Coal Co. future prospects. Jored > the ar a Feud ok: o¥ithout satiing git, 3 you $40.00 : ; dent | have been subject to a of "The Kaiser himself--the Kaiser | Raturally severe. The correspon _ | ies assogiated with constipation, such 2.00 Bon Marche Grocery grown much older--has been struck | Makes an appeal for the former Em as sick and bilious headaches, bilious- er re - n " | peror, saying: "It depends upon a == | oma ene eb, ey ar | Rtengen, tn let. ans an or | Rs. sscke foning Sdors he ee ' map NG. ¥ right arm and leg, which darlier was | 80tten. The last affront at the painful, troublesome, internal, Phone 1844 J only just noticeable, iias so increased Hirentans iis iusident ean thus bleeding or protruding piles, ete., , Lid. dominaiss Wh Venere © peanut. | | rn lo bo bla to Leap the bowels in a [| +1 1e+®"4>-enr Clocking and Pertect Fisting Tutoring Corner King and Princess Sts, The Kaiser has become Pry cor- T rg healthy privy Fadl prevent 131 PRIN STREET The store to spend your money [||| Dulent, though he eats little, * CLAIMS, DISFIGUREMENY. disease getting a foothold on your and share the profits. Hundreds system. °® of thousands om this comtinen Having talked with countless per- | Woman Sues Beauty Doctor for $50,- z 3 : ll ama millions in' Burope are do sons rs have visited the ELLaT 000 Damages. Milburn's Jaxaldver Fills ave 0 SPBOTAL XoaAS. NOV Emperor, the correspondent precedes | New York, Jan. 8.--Charging that | dicated just for this purpose; : ELTIES Paror, po Pp a regular use relieving the worst cases Christmas Cakes and Plum Pad his picture with a sharp criticism ie wa Derm anently langured by of constipation. ngs--~Chocolates and Ca in 1 nali- | *¥. gus » EB Iu " LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY irae variety. "Dilivers to ah | ot; Soma of these Sing Bersonall. No. 40 West Thirtyfourth street,| Mrs. Malcolm McDermid, Cranton -------- » . stories and stories based on mis- 33. Ross Williams Hiad suit yester- Station, NA, wiltes; 1 lave been ay in the county clerk's office for | sick for a nu Covsult G. HUNTER OGILVIE. understanding which circulate about $50,000 am Pratt is describ-{ headaches and constipation. I tried | 281 King Street, about taking out a : ed in the papers as a beauty doc-| all kinds of doctor's medicine, but Policy NOW. He adds: "The Kaiser's attitude | tor. : . none did me any good. I tried Mil- 4 is still soldlerly, but he appears to In her papers, filed by O'Gorman, { bura's Laxa-Liver Pills, and after us- Lite Insurance is the one essential, have grown shorter. It is noticeable | Battle and Vanderver, - of Wall] ng four vials I am completely cured iH] t of which has not increased. how slowly he speaks in contradic- | Street, Mrs. Williams alleges that] and would heartily recommend them the cos Hair, Cotton and Fibre tion to his old habit. He livens up |she answered an advertisement of] to all sufferers." Ask for particulars avolit the Mattresses renovated and re- |lonly when remembrances of * » ~11 | Dr. Pratt in which it was stated that{ Milburn's Laxa-Liver Pills are 25¢. i e Bond covered: . days come to him. This often oc- [he could beautify the face by re | vial at all dealers or mailed direct ; . Monthly Incom . Made as good as new. curs in the midd!s of a convess...0n. | moving double chins and by the con-| on receipt of price by The T. Mil- : 00rCro ; : Only pity can be felt for the Kaiser | struction of artificial noses. She al-| burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. ' ' G. HUNTER OGILVIE. Your patronage solicited. on such occasions. No one who has [leges she visited the office of Dr. seen him at Amerongen and is cap-! Pratt and after paying him a fee of --_-- : J. R. CONLEY able of responsible impression be- $50, underwent an operation for the . . lieves that this man, who is spirit-| reduction of her ¢hin. Two scars on an Frontenac Mattress Co. ually torn and shows fn his body, | her cheeks, are the result of this DR 'A Ww WINNETT will ever play an active role in any | operation, she ges. eer ------ 18-17 BALACLAVA STREET || form whatsoever. By the grinding - ™ experiences' of war, the blow of a ; » breakdown and worry about his fu- Centrevilie Children Vaccinated, - Just opened a large variety of dainty pieces. Don't fall to see Bish tie dh hs a a te a C trevill 7 3 ¥ . { DENTAL SURGEON |i 5 = | ho noper impuisss of his wil ars re-opened again' win Mise ines | A Method Which Prom- them. i | the deeper impulses of his will are Crough and Miss Keitha Vv S ] ulled." a of annest as : Rehef 3 1 DO In the opinion of the correspond- | teachers. The children being vacéi- 15e8 oN ina gle i \ Begs to announce that he ent, the former Emperor has pur- Mogg Night. ; MOORCROFT ware is au entirely original Staffordshire Slip has resumed his ctice, chased Doorn House as prool that he pon nr ib By enrnes Tohnson and Welling. YOU ¢ out' in on TCe seems dying O#lds prodably So ware. Each piece is thrown on the Potters wheel. ; locality, and the sick are |. ton Kingston. Te's on the road to recovery. he o prot fea row | ; ' : : Al big s asual. The. e subject, ® . i In harmony dna richness of cilouring, in the beauty of i : able manage Tae secret in wo ) "'dansant" ; . home tremtment I= ! That the quality of our Physician Will Tell You It Is design and delicacy of finish, Moorcroft ware is wholly ad- ICE CREAM is unexcélled ? Any . . : a Prove it yourself. : ar to Health ; t is required by every organ High Grade Chocolates in bulk and faney bo , od ot. hs ptoper performance of We stock only those in de- It pre ks biliousness, dyspepsia, | mirable, and it is very reasonable in price.

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