Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jan 1920, p. 3

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THURSDAY, JANUAKY 8, 1920. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG _ PAGE THREE MISSFISTER HAS RESICNEDIC.0.C.L BON°PEL RESULTS | IT COSTS LITTLE - to leave your cold at BEST'S. 25 cents buys a preparation (Dr. Hickey"s Speedy Cure) that will cure the Cough 'in a few doses. BHORT STOP at 15 cents is still in the run too and also all the popular' Cough and Cold Femadies stocked, | | sianins, but it was only recently that i vw eed AS GENERAL SECRETARY OF|THE GAMES PLAYED ON TUES-|* THE LOCAL Y.W.C.A. i DAY AND WEDNESD:® She 'WIll Be Married, and After | Two Napanee Rinks Play Off In the § Visiting Her Home in Ireland Will | Finals--The Prizes Consisted of | || Go With Her Husband to East Tea, Casseroles, Thermos Bottles Africa. | and Safety Razor Sets. { Miss C. W. Foster, general secre-| Napanee, Jan. 7.--The annual | | tary of the Young Women's Christian | bonspiel of the Central Ontario Curl- | §if A . | Ing League was held at Napanee on | § Association, has tendered her resig | Tuesday and Wednesday and was al { nation, and will go to East Africa as | decided success in every way. Sixteen | | missionary. For some time it was | rinks took part in the bonspiel, five | | that Miss Foster intended re-| Tinks from Kingston, four from Bel- | xmown that Miss ¥us leville, two from Picton and five from Napanee. The weather was ideal tor] curling and the ice was in splendid | condition, with the result that some | | PROBS: Friday, northwest winds, with snow. she tendered her resignation to take At Best's |effect Jan. 16th. Miss Foster will The Popular Drug Store Open Till Ten Each Night # Phone 59. Keeley Jr., MLOD.0. Insure Against After Regrets by Using Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. The optometrist or today to do good work must not only be equipped with the best mechan- ical apparatus but must have that knowl in its use WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI- ENCE CAN GIVE. It is this combination of mind and machinery of experience snd equipment that makes oy's service unique in Kingston. Drifting with the tide is one way to get where you don't want to go. It people mistrust you, pause a moment and think who's to blame. I" is the NEW YEAR WISH of JEWELERS Limited Established 1840 cing Street 3 Kingston 4 4 Time makes all things even ex- cept in a poker game. ~~ | Our Annual Tinware Sale Cake Tins ~ake Cutters Cake Boxes ~-Bread Boxe: =-Bread Tins ~~Bake Pans =Flour Tins ~Coffee Tins Pie Plates Lake Plates --Flour Sieves ~Boilers ~Strainers ~Colanders 10 per cent Dis count ~Dipper Bowls ~--Wash Bowls --Pot Covers ~Drinking Cups --Kitchen Dippers -=Soup Ladles (Gravy Ladles ~Skimmers ~~Kneading Pans ~Dish Pans ~Milk Pans ---Pastry Cutters Corn Cake Pans Muffin Tins --Range Kettles 1 We could name hundreds of other articles, but our space is limited. Our assortment of Tinware is very large, so don't miss this opportunity of getting your supplies for the coming year. » McKelvey & Birch BROCK STREET t Ltd, t PHONE 287 W. A. MITCHELL, MANAGER OF HARDWARE DEPT. AG 7" | _-- SMITH BROS. | | sail for her home in Ireland, and will i be married, and will then leave for her future home in East Africa. It is with deep regret that Miss | Foster is leaving Kingston, as she has done a wonderful work | coming to this city from New York {three years ago. Her labors were {not only among the girls of the Y. |W. C. A, but also among the sol- diers in the military hospitals and | the prisoners in the penitentiary, to whom she sang. Miss Foster is one {of St. Andrew's Presbyterian church soloists, | | LETTERS 10 THE EDITOR | | 3 ! A Matter of History. | Kingston, Jan. 7.--(To the Edi- {tor): In your pager of Saturday, | Jam. 3rd, under, "Dominion Happen- | nings of Other Days," you state that the Duke of Richmond, then gover- | nor of Canada, died at Richmond, | Que., from the bite of a pet fox. | Ithink you are mistaken, or I have | been greatly niginformed. My par- | ents have frequently pointed out to | me the old barn and told me the | story of the duke going mad, "likely | hydrophobfa," and being locked up [in the barn until he died. This was | at Richmond, Carleton county, Ont. | About Richmond was stationed after | | the war of 1812 the famous 103rd {| Regiment of the DubMn Fusiliers, of which my grandfather was sergeant in No. 7 Company. This regiment, on landing in Canada, became known as the 100th Regiment and fought all through the war. Richmond, Carleton county, was settled and the surrounding country surveyed for the purpose of giving the soldiers land grants. A serge- ant's grant was 200 acres. The pa- pers were placed in a bag and each man put in his hand and drew out the number of his grant. My grand- father drew 100 acres on the 4th concession of Goulbourn, four miles from Richmond, and the other 100 acres five miles west of that, mear Ashton. The deeds for the land were not delivered until 1824. The | town was called Richmond West, to | distinguish it from Richmond, in | Lower Canada. | --W. A. McCARTHY, M.D. ee te se Postal Clerks Meeting. At a mass meeting of the Kingston branch of the Dominion Postal Clerks" Association, held last night, much business of a most vital nature was transacted. Classification was thoroughly discussed and a deputas | since | seroles splendid curling was witnessed. 8 Two Napanee rinks played off | for the finals this evening. J. Derry | jana D. D. Travers. The latter won. The prizes consist of forty pounds | of Daly's Tea for winners and cas- | for runners-up of primary round, while for consolation the win- ners receive thermos bottles and the runners-up safety razor sets. Primary Round, " (1st Round. Turcott, Kingston | Belair, Belleville Bibby, Kingston Travers, Napanee Leonard, Napanee ........ Knox, Picton Wills, Belleville Graham, Napanee Derry, Napanee Asselstine, Kingston Elliott, 'Kingston Maybee, Napanee { Hooper, Kingston Cooke, Belleville 2nd Round, | Turcotte, Kingston, Smith, Picton Travers, Napanee Léonard, Napanee Graham, Napanee Derry, Napanee Maybee, Napanee Cooke, Belleville (Semi Finals- Smith, Picton Derry, Napanee Maybee, Napanee Consolation Series, : 1st Round.) Belair, Belleville Wray, Belleville Bibby, Kingston Knox, Picton Wills, Belleville Elliott, Kingston . Hooper, Kingston .. (2nd Round.) Belair, Belleville tion from the local office may go to | Knox, Picton Ottawa to interylew the commission -- relative to the class grade that has | Asselstine, Kingston been awarded to the local office. following officers ware elected for the new year: President, James F'. Kane; vice-preaident, E. C. Hiscock; second | vice-president, T. E. Bennett; secre- { tary, George B. Scott; treasurer, H. | Nicholson; guard, H. Free; executive | committee, R. E. Gonge, W. T. Hagk- | ness and Charles Wood. The Kinks. | ton branch number practically every i clerk in the post office. i A Very Sad Death. | Sympathy is extended to Mr. and | Mrs, Harry Davis, 12 Patrick street, {in the death | Violet Morcy, who passed to rest on Sunday, Dec. 21st, at 262 Welling- ton street, aged tem years three months, after four weeks of serious fliness. Violet was of a bright and happy disposition and loved by. all who knew her. Her 8 were taken to Wolfe Island and her fun- eral took place to the Presbyterian church, the service being in charge of Rev. Mr. Workman. Violet was the third child of Mr. and Mrs, Davis nine months, Of Interest To Musicians. trade, had a number of excellent upright pianos brought in in ex- change on players. The list contains all good makes: New Scale Williams, Evens, Wormwith, Weber and Gour- ley. These uprights will be fixed in first class condition, guaranteed for five years, and some are selling as low as $285. Here is a chance for i intending purchasers. Phone 1544, | or call at Lindsay's, 121 Princess St. Military Indoor Baseball. The R.C.G.A. won out in the first series of games played and the win- ners in the present serfes will play the w of the first series. The | RC.H.A, and the R.C.G.A. will play to-night, and George Sullivan will act as referee. 3 - Toronto's Assessment. = Toponto, Jan. 8.--The total large stock of Furniture and dtogo B sob Ra i for you, as you can assess: ment for this city for 1920 fs $642,- 816,681, an incr 'of $21,382,489 over the assessment for 1919, To- oo population, as The | of their only child, | to pass to rest within three years and i Lindsay's, during their Christmas | midnight, that leaders of the § Elliott, Kingston Turcotte, Kingston Leonard, Napanee Graham, Napanee Cooke, Belleville (8rd Round.) Knox, Picton Leonard, Napanee Graham, Napanee STATE OF SIEGE IS PROCLAIMED Many Arrests Made in Conse~ quence of Recent ' Outrages. (Canadian Press Despatch) Jan. 8.---Announcement Wis Tide late last aft that a state 0 © een proclaimed throughout; the province of Catalino. The Minister of Interior declared, at Barcelont was calm, and confirmed the reports that more than 300 arrests have been made in | consequence of recent outrages. The £ measures to put an end to the present state the first step being to mination of the lock Barcelona, which, he stated, was keeping one hundred thousand per- sons 'out of employment, 5 t----------_ . BELLE OF THE BOLSHIES. "Starlight-Sylph of the Soviets" Sent to Ellis New York, At Steacy's January Sales Hundreds of people are daily taking advantage of these great bargain events. Merchandise is offered at prices. below today's wholesale price. Make your dollars go Farther by shopping at Steacys Flannelette: worth 35¢, Extra Extra Extra From 9 a.m. till 12 o'clock Noon Double Discount Stamps Shop in the morning and reap the full benefit of this 10% |} saving on all cash purchases. BARGAINS DRESSES For street, afternoon or even- ing wear--the latest materials, styles and colors for the winter season ...........LESS 209 J Black Hosiery-- 150 pairs only, of Ladies' black Cashmerette Hose, full fashion- ed and sold regular at 60c. Friday ................ 308 FLANNELETTE-- 300 yds. of fine, soft, White a yard. rimeasida vin 2B: MONARCH WOOL -- 2000 balls of Monarch Floss and Down, in nearly all colors. Friday Friday ....... + . 25¢. and 50c, LADIES' HOSE-- 90 pairs of White Cashmere pure wool Hose, in all sizes; reg. $1.25 a pair. Friday .............. . . 80¢ TABLE DAMASK -- 100 yds. of Table Damask, full 54 inches wide; bleached; reg. $1 Friday ................ 78; Remnant Sale ' We have prepared hundreds more remnarits in all depart- ments of the store--marked at 2 5% to 50% off regular prices. Millinery--Half Price Our entire stock of new winter Millinery at this great re- duction. Many models to choose from and priced all the way from Srrre srediiiaienaie.... $6.00 to $18.50 sass sane i Ladies' Blouses Our entire stock of Ladies' Georgette Crepe, Chene and Novelty Silk Blouses, FRIDAY ........ - : Crepe de to be sold at a great reduction. +++eee... LESS 209% se 2a wee rT Men's and Ladies' Underwear Ci AT GREAT REDUCTIONS Be sure and see the many extra special values being offered in our Underwear Department--all marked at less than whole=ale no i

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