PACE TWELVE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | this town, spent a few days here dur- {ing the past week with relatives. / i sume their duties in Pontiac, Mich. (From Gur Own Corresvondent) Thomas Tapping, King street, Jan. 3.--On Monday 'evening the [spending the holiday season in Buf- regular meeting of Gananoque Lodge |falo, N.Y. No. 114, 1.O.O.F., District Deputy | has returned home. Grand Master George A. Baker and John Bullis Gould, King street, left installing team ins~alled these offi- early this week to locate in Pontiac, cers: Jr.P.G., J. C. H. McIntyre; N.G., | Mich. H. F. Ward; V.G., Randall M. Mills; | -------- RS, A. L. Knight, P.G.; F.8., George | BOYS' NAVAL BRIGADE. 8. Mastin, P.G.; treasurer, George A. | Dowsley, P.G.; warden, Frederick Lloyd, P.G.; conductor, James Mec- Kellar, P.G.; 0G., Henry Parker, P.G.; 1.G.,, Wilfred Ellie; chaplain, Elsie Andrew, P.G.; R.S.N.G., Wil- lam G. Bates, P.G.; LS.N.G., Ross for instruction in signalling and Lloyd, P.G.;R.8.V.G., Brnest Leakey; | physical drill, under Instructors LS8.V.G. Percy Kane; R.S.8., Mal-|Sergt.-Major J. Gilbert and Mr. Read- colm Harding; L.8.S., Thomas Gar-|ing. Wednesday night the boys social rah. club met, and election of officers of the club took place, resulting in the following being elecied: President, Desmond t2Gerald; vice-president, Frank Amey; treasurer, Donald Election of Offfcers--The Boys to Play Hockey. On Tuesday evening about fifty members of the local Boys' Naval Brigade unit met in the armouries At the close of the installation ceremony, a farewell supper was tendered to Past Grand Master Rev, Walter Cox on the eve of his depart- ure for Toroato by the ladies of Mar- mony Lodge No. 15, Daughters of Rebekah. Past Grand Master F. S. Evanson, of Kingston, was the speak- er of the evening. About teh o'clock on Monday morn- Herbert Bellringer; Thomas Mounteer; Austin; games, W. secretary, rms, yril ant master-at. | steward, Watts. Through the kindness of Messrs. Shaw and Watson, the Palace Rink ing an alarm of fire was rung in, and | has been secured for the boys on Sat- Chief Potter and. his brigade and |yrday from six mntll seven v'elock, new motor truck were promptly oi (and also the services of Capt. *Nick" BR an rola ary | Bawit. who will 'be on Band to ens {courage t 3 difficult of access and too far remov- E ie hye ed from the nearest hydrant to make the water works system of any use. The truck also stuck before it reach- ed its = destination. The brigade, howexer, assisted in every way poss- fble to save everything they could. The furniture from the lower storey was gotten out, but a considerable amount in the upper flat was burn- ed. The building 'was a tWo-storey frame dwelling, and was located near the bridge over the Gananoque river, known as the T.I.LR. bridge, and near the town limits. It was owned by the Misses Minnie and Sarah Stun- den, and was a total loss. r. and Mrs. Robert Johnston, of ~~ Front of Leeds and Lansdowne township, spent a short time in'town this week with the latter's brother, G. W. Scott, Arthur street. Atithe town hall on Monday even- -ing quite a goodly number attended the public meeting called by Mayor W. J. Wilson in the intérest of the local hockeyists. A league is being formed among the various churches of the town, and the mayor and Dr. *C. H. Bird agreed to finance an open rink at the town park for the winter. | tice Rose, in the case against the es- The lumber was on the ground on tate of the late Capt. George T. Tuesday morning, and work wag at | Richardson, heard here recently. A once started, and the rink will be in | despatch from Toronto regarding the readiness at an early date. case, says: -- Thomas Tapping, of Ardoch, spent "G. T. Richardson signed an agree- a few. days in town during the past | ment which he failed to understand week with his son, Frank Tapping, | as a subscripti®n for stock in Cana- King street. dian Jewellers, Ltd. He went over- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, of | Kingston Mills, former residents of WAS COMMITTED FOR TRIAL. Young Man Was Taken Into Custody on Wednesday Night. Joseph Gallagher was placed un- der errest on Wednesday, charged with indecent assault; the complain- ant being Gladys Lennox. After hear- ing the story of the complainant, Magistrate Farrell committed Gal- lagher to stand trial. According to the evidence of the young woman, she went out for a taxi ride with Gallagher, and they drove out Princess street, about a mile outside the city Mmits, and it was here the offence was committed. She said that her screams brought a farmer to her assistance, and that the farmer walked in with her to the eity. Another young man and & young woman were also in the party. No charge was made against the other young man. A Judgment Rendered. Judgment has been given by Jus- seas with the First Canadian Contin- gent and was killed in action in 1916. Justice Rose gave judgment against his estate for $9,500 in favor of the Montreal Trust Co., with whom the Do vot fag wih | agreement had been hypothecated by to gr Protea | i. A. Mackay & Co. Piles. ! ir §i1%a° Roqulied Exchange of 'ratifications of the 5 Chase's will Bi I ve you peace treaty with Germany will take gf dd . itl place on Jan. 10th it now seems cer- , free if you mention tain. The supreme council has fixed gaper and dc. samp to pay poviage, this date for the ceremony. -------- GET RIGHT ABOUT MAXOTIRES Don't confuse them with re-liners. Maxotires are tires to go in- | ------ side the outer casing and become a part of the tire. Re-liners are net tres and do not strengthen the side walls, which Maxo- FRENCH IVORY FIRST SHIPMENT, NEW GOODS JUST ARRIVED SHOP EARLY F OR CHRISTMAS GET THE CHOI CEST GOOD» ll SARGENT'S DRUG STORE fl Teiephons 41 Cor + Princess and Montreal Sts. Movie oF A MAR CELEBRATING NEG: YRARS Eos CHEW TFviaT GANANO UE i | Harold Tomnie and E. G. Tapping, | $ | spending the holidays here with their parents, left early this week to re-! as guest of Dr. Savage, | Hurd; secretary, John Beard; assist- > tj adian National | | i | ~sv Late Mrs. John Smith. {| The death ocoufred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Latimer, New York, N.Y.,, on Wednesday of Mrs. Smith, widow of the late John Smith, University avenue, who passed away here last spring. Mrs. Smith had been living in New York for some time. Besides her daughter, she is surviv- ed by three sons, all medical doc- tors. The remains will be brought to Kingston for burial. BROCK STREET CHURCH IS NOT YET SOLD The Time For Receivin Ten- ders For Building Has Been Extended. Although the tenders for the sale of Brock street Methodist church were supposed to close on January 2nd, the committee appointed by the trustee and official boards of the church has seen fit to extend' the time for bidders to make their of- fers. 3 Or Thursday morning a member of the committee, when asked by the Whig if any suitable offers had been received, stated that for the present he was unable to say anything more than that the time limit had been extended. The trustees have agreed to sell the organ to Queen street Me- thodist church congregation. It is expected that the Brock street church will be closed on. or about March 13th, as on that date it is ex- pected that the Queen street church will be re-opened. When the Queen street church is re-opened, ' the pastors of both churches will carry on the work un- til the meeting of the Montreal con- ference, when the stationing <om- mittee will decide who will be the new minister. In June, Rev, J. D. Ellis completés his four-year term, so it is altogether likely that he will be posted to a new field: ------------ Orphans Seq Movies. A fine moving picture exhibition was given the children at the St. Mary's-on-theiLake Orphanage on Wednesday evening through the courtesy of George Wilson, manager of the Strand Theatre. Some fine pictures were shown, including a film featuring Baby Marie Osborne, a Pathe Comedy film and the' latest issue of the Pathe Animated News. T. A. R. Smith, formerly operator at the Queen's Military Hospital, was in charge of the entertainment, which was greatly appreciated by th echild- ren. Electricians' Strike Threatened. A strike of electricians is threaten- ed in Kingston unless a non-union man, who is working on a dwelling- house being built on Princess street, is taken off the job. The men in several other trades have ceased work on this building for the same reason, and the electricians will fol- low suit unless their demands are met. . A pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday at the residence of Judge J. K. Dowsley, Brockville, when their daughter, Miss Jean Margaret, was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony to Harold A. Mulholland, Ro- chester, N.Y. Lorne R. Cumming, son of Mr. and Mrs. oGrdon C. Cumming, Lyn, has successfully passed the Christmas examinations of the Upper Canada Law Society at Osgoode Hall : Another star has been discovered )y the Harvard College Observatory. The latest inhabitant of the milky way Is too faint to be seen with the naked eye. The general manager 'of the Can- Railways warns boards of trade that there must be an advance in freight rates if line Is :fto be operated without a loss. The German army, which number- ed 280,000 men on January Ist, will be reduced monthly, so that by April the strength laid down by the peace treaty will be attained. Col. J. G. Rattray, who has been | appointed commissioner of Manitoba 'f police, is an old Strathroy, Ont., boy, having taught school there. eral on Wednesday. Many were the offerings at uneral of the late Patrick Fannon which took place from his late res! dence, 34 Almd street, on Wednes- day morning, to St. Mary's Cathe- dral. wife and two sons, and Thomas non, of Guelph, Two sisters, Mrs. P. Clark, and Mrs. T. Pearson. bers of the Y.I.C.B.A. attended the Father Keaney, deacon. Rev. Archbishop Spratt sang the Libera. The male choir also sang. Frank Pearson, Norman Pearson, Leonard Clark, Howard Clark, Jas. Clark, all nephews. Spiritual offerings included the following:--solemn High Masses, Rev. Father Hanley, Jos. P. Clark, Mrs. Pearson and family. Perpetual Masses, Miss Barlou, Mr. and Mrs. Donovan. Low Masses: Mr. and Mrs. F. Tetro, P. Williams and family, Miss M. Daly, Mr. and Mrs. J. Purtell, Mrs. E. Hutchings and family, Mrs. M. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. R. O'Brien, Mrs. Jacobs and family, Rev. Father Keaney, Mr. C. Bedore, Mr. and Mrs. H. Lane, Miss O, Harrison, H. Eves, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scanlon, Thos. and Chas. Fannon, Mr. H. Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. O. Lambert, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Howard and Vincent Lyons, Miss A. Clark, Miss B. Golden, H. Minifie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Pearson, Claire Ashley, A. Norris, Mr. and Mrs. N. Pearson, Miss McDowell, Mr. D, Murphy, Mrs. Daly, Mr. and Mrs. M. I, Clark, Miss R. Scanlon, Mrs. P. Lawless, Miss M. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Malden and Mary, Mr. H. Clark, Miss M. Golderi, Miss M. Burnette, Mr.*and Mrs. Jackman, Miss Browne, Miss H. Lennon, Mr. and Mrs. E Stanford, Mr. M. Kane, F. Roleau, Mr. and Mrs. Daly, Miss K. Clayton, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lawless, Mr. W. Shipton, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Tetro, Rev. Father Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs Pelletier, Mr. J. Flannagan, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pappas, Mr. P, Clark, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Walker, Mrs. P. Clark, 'Mr. and Mrs. M. Pappas, Miss K. Lawless, Mr. and Mrs. J. Taugh- er, Mrs. W. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. M Nolan, Mr. and Mrs. Burns, Mrs. A. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. P. Alken, Rev. Father Hyland, Mr. and Mrs. Paquin, Mr, and Mrs. A. Hanley (2), Mr. and Mrs. J. Lambert, Mrs. Beacher and family, Mr. Ronan and Miss Ronan Mrs. J. A. G. Hanlon and family, Capt. and Mrs. J. Mullen. Floral offerings: --Members of the Kingston Fire -Dept., a wreath; Pap pas Bros., a cross; Berdaditti & Lee Clark, a sheaf; The 0. G. C., a sheaf. SILVER WEDDING EVENT At the Home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eagle, Bedford Mills. Last Friday evening over sixty friends of Mr. and Mrs. Eagle, Bed- ford Mills, met at their home to con- gratulate them on the twenty-fifth anniversary -of their wedding day Among the guests present were Mr. and Mrs. G. Tett, Capt. Harold Tett, M.C.; Mrs. K.. W. Shaw, Kingston. Many beautiful presents were given. |The guests were received by the Misses Mary and Mildred Bagle, who afterwards served refresiments. A four-piece orchestra supplied music for dancing. A aa A rn Speaking of the skin games, the beauty specialist has the rest of the bunch skinned a block, TIARA br 2 BS = DODD'S P SITS AT TaAaLE IN EMPTY HOTEL DINING RoOM THINKS OF Homa, REALIZES IT 1S NEAR MIDNIGHT AND CELEBRATION MUST . BeGin 13 INFORMED BY AN ATTENDANT TMmaT AT 1S ONE minyTE of THE LATE PATRICK FANNON. | Many Beautiful Offerings at the Fun- | the ! Deceased is survived by his Charles. One brother, Martin Fan-| Mem- | funeral in a body. Rev. Father Han- | ley sang the mass, assisted by Rev. | His Grace, | The bearers were Edward Pearson, LUELLA SAY JH MAW USED T'SAY MER BROTHER ETI WAS ALWAYS AWFLLLY SORRY WHEN THE HOLITIAY JEAJ ON WAS OVER -BUT PAw SALI HE DITINT SEB WHY EX SHouLTY BE AS ALL DAYS WAS HOLITIAYS TO Him! A TRIBUTE OF AFFECTION "They must think a lot of us." "Why?" "To Invite us out to dinner with |° the food at the present prices." THEY MADE uP Jack gave me & rainbow 3 last night. What kind of a kiss Is that? One that fol. lows a storm. HIGH COST OF LIVING I ordered steak, potatoes, and A glass of milk that | might sip; I place five dollars In his hand, The waiter sald, "Is this the tip?" MISDIRECTED CONCENTRATION "I'm afraid that boy of ours lacks Snsentration." . , he has concentration enough. only instead of using it on the rs he has to do he concentrates upon how to escape doing it" © THE BEST MAN i "Who was the best man at the wedding 1" = the "The bride's father, if cheerfuiness Pure Apple Cider Cigarettes - ison Bo Dublin Ginger Ale--English Ginger Beer, All Brands of Domestic and Imported ° Thom Wholesale Tol: nists, 292 Princess St. 3 ing Works Phone 304 Geo, Thompson, Prop, $ Ladies' Hudson Seal Coats and Sleigh Robes Gourdier's 78 BROCK STREET, Hn i are yours to enjoy even though no one in the family can play the piano. All the beautiful, old, and new songs are now writ- ten for the Player-Piano. The Q.R.S. Song Rolls carry the Music and the words. Drop in and let us demonstrate this to you on a Lindsay Player Pi Of all the late developments in the piano industry the Player-Piano Song Roll is the most wonderful of all. Why not come in to- day and investigate? 'If there's a "silent piano" in your home exchange it for a Lind- 33y, Player Diane, The difference in price ill be fixed to your entire satisfaction, and - Seay terms of payment may be arranged if counts for anything." GIVES CHATALQUA Depaa 3 Ts : A BRAVE SOLDIER SALUTE AS EXPRESSION : : Jack-n-the-Box: Ha, GF WELCOMING. : WEEPING breve Seidler 1a be sears ot RISES AnD RAISES GLASS OF WATER To LPS "ONE PRICE ONLY--THE LOWEST _ FOR CASH : For expert Tuning Service; phone 1544 . A er MR ND 4 ST TATION SCY WIND SAY Lin