a La THUMNDAY, JANUARY 8, 1920. VAUDEVILLE ~ TO-NIGHT and every night in your own home with your Phon- ograph and some Columbia R:cords by the follow- ing Stage Headliners: "Sweet Kisses'--Van and Schenck A2792 "They're All Sweeties" --Van and Schenck ..90c. "Who Played Poker With Pocahontas?' --Al Jol- son A2787 "Alexander's Band Is Back in Dixieland" -- HatryFox'...................... 9c "Everybody Wants a Key to My Cellar" -- Bert Wilkams A2750 "It's Nobody's Business But My Own" --Bert % ' 90e. Williams .......... ........... ¢ "In Miami" --Nova Bayes A2785 "Jerry"--NovaBayes ................. 90c. "'Blues"--Fox Trot--Ted Lewis' Jaz Band A2798 THE D [In the Wor AILY BRITI SH WHIG Id of Sport . DEFEAT THE KINGSTON INTER- MEDIATES BY 6 TO 4. Brothers Played In the Nets For Both Teams--The Ottawa Players Are a Good Team. the Kingston . Intermed.ates exhibition hockey match on Wednes- day night by a score of 6 to 4. The visitors obtained the lead in the first period and retained it throughout, except for ma brief space in the second period when the score was 4 to 4. This was <hanged by Morrison. In the third period Kingston strove vainly to pull up but G. 'Burnett scored again for the visitors. The Kingston team went into the game OTTAWA WANDERERS WIN The Ottawa Wanderers won from | in an | tre; Brown and Smith wings: subs, Derry, T. Millan, Casterton, Elmer. Referee--R. Millan; judge of play | Serin of Ottawa, | Penalties--Kingston, J. Stewart, Brown, Ottawa: O'Neil, J. Burngtte, { T.. Stewart, W. Burnette, Morrison. | ARRANGING PRACTICE i HOURS FOR TEAMS James Bews, manager of the cover- {ed rink, is very busy arranging for | practice hours for the different {hockey teams. Since the rink open- {ed this season there has been very | little difficulty in getting suitable | hours. Now that the hockey games |are being played on Monday, Wed- | nesday and Friday evenings, it means {that the practice schedule must be | revised. ' The hockey teams have ce.- {tainly no "kick" this winter about practices, as the ice is seldom not in full of confidence and were picked as winners. They should have won, but hard luck and the star goal keeper, | Toban of the Wanderers, who, | , " strange to say, is a. brother of King- 3 ston's goal keeper, contributed to their defeat. The ice was not in the best condition. The local team had lots of support from the fans, but | the attendance was not large. ! The game was called at 8.35, and | within two minutes Brown scored | for Kingston. He was followed by J. | Stewart, Kingston's veteran player, | The game became very fast from point and the three Burnette bro ers scored for the Wanderers in swe- cession. Brown had the misfortune | to injure his neck and had to go off. The period ended 3 to 2. i ° The second period opened at 9.22 | use. "India" --Fox Trot--Yerkes' Novelty Five 90c. "Turkestan" --Billy Murray and Quartette A2728 | "Idol""--Young and Reardon 90c. | "Granny"---Adele Rouland, Comedienne A2820 tS Pe wns enaun with Kingston the aggressors. W. | Burnette was the first to send the | puck into the net securing a lead of | two goals, but Brown, who returned | to the ice, tied the score by two | goals in succession. The Kingston | enthusiasts were not given long to | enjoy their satisfaction, for Morrison made 4 lucky shot ipto Kingston's "Open Up the Golden Gates to Dixieland' --Van and Schenek .............. 90c| "Sweet Siamese' --Fox Trot--F ullers' Nowel- | ty Orchestra A2712| "Ruspana'--One Step--Fullers' Novelty Or- | chestra 90c. | We have the best stock of Columbia Records | in the city. Call in and get the latest lists or leave us your name and we will mail them to you. Seas assesses easiness eee is Co. 88 PRINCESS STREET "Phone 529. "The Place to Get That Record." REN AEENENNENENANNENNENERNRN Every Woman's net and the period needed 5 to 4. The last period was called at 10.15 | and was a bitterly fought contest. | The Kingston defence joined in rush- 1 ing the puck and despite momentary | openings failed to score. In this per- iod only superior work on the part of Ottawa's goaler saved the lead. Early in the period, G. Burnette scor- i of eid Bert" Kenny, of New ed and the remainder of the game | Toronto, New . Year's afternoon, after saw, Kingston striving vainly to score | his unsatisfactory bout with Battling The period ended 6 to 4 for Ottawa. | Liavinsky Fi nay orks at she Arena a . 'o . o v NO unced Bn eat a uguton, T broken by Dr. Hugh M. Cooks, "pr. Brouse; for Ottawa, Toban, goal, and | KENNY'S BROKEN ARM ; An X-ray photograph of the right John. H Hurley and Dr. T. N. Callag- han, of St Michaels Hospital The . latter had the X-ray plate taken and G irhette, centre forward. afterwards replaced the broken bones P was: and put the anm in a plaster cast. It Ottawa, Toban goal, Morrison and | will be three months before Kenny can O'Neil defence; G. Burnette, centre; | e™ter the ring again. T. Stewart and Ford wings; subs., J. ' Burnette, W. Burnette, Borne. 1 ETRACKE: Kingston--Toban goal; Stanton WILDE SID A Be and Brouse defence; J. Stewart cen- His Contract Cancelled Because of Poor Showing. The opening of the International Sporting Club at New York has been ope postponed until the completion of its Ambition For Rosy | Siubionse, which, is expected to be * te in the summer or in the fall. In Cheeks Now Easily | making this announcement, Secre- . ats { tary Empie also stated that Jimmy Satisfied Wilacs contract with the club has Hollow cheeks with dark lines un- n cancelled, and the litle English- der the eyes, how a& woman hates | Ten Will not have the honor of open- them! ing the most important club in the But rosy cheeks, clear skin, and Sistory of the American ring. bright eyes, give them to a woman flde's contract was cancelled be- height 8 is happy. . |oauss of his peor showing against The woman who attracts, whose | 720k Sharkey, who recently defeated fresh, dainty complexion compels ad- he little Englishman in a bout at miration, is always careful of her | Milwaukee. Wilde wasa disappoint- health, particularly of her blood con- | ont, and the officers of the Inter- dition. Bad complexion always means | "tional Sporting Club decided that bad blood. te would not do for the opening at- Girls, don't let your blood grow traction. A clause in the contract "hin or watery, To do so brings on permits the club to cancel the match haggard looks and declining strength emi NEW YORK FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY STORE A } HOME-MADE CANDIES, FRESH DAILY WATCH SATURDAY FOR SPECIALS IN CHOCOLATES * 814 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 1408, | Dry Storage For Yor Battery The only priper winter care. Profit by past experience. Send it to WILLARD SERVICE STATION 19 Brock St. MUTT USES Pn 5 Goh EE ah Do ll | person who is weak, nervous or sick }|1y, not a person If | health-bringer and body-builder, Fer. il | it feeds and nourishes, i ana strengthen. For better i |and better | box, § boxes for $2.50. RARE JUDGMENT AND TAKES JEFF'S ADVICE. na a 'f Wilde's drawing power becomes Many a woman who has allowed lected. herself to run-down, to develop that |, It Was originally planned to open tired, worried look has built up again n this simple way. Why dont you try it? At the clgse of every meal, just take two small chocolate-coated Fer- 'ozone Tabjets--any person can de this in a minute. The action of Fer- rozone is apparent at once. It sets vou up, makes you feel good, starts P your appetite, aids digestion, brings that old-time feeling of youth ato the system again. : Ferrozone puts, you on the. right. road---ihe one leading to health. Not a man, woman or child need ing blood, vigor, endurance---not a Lexington Opera House with Wilde and Joe Lyngh as the readliners. Now there will he mo further attempt to hold bouts until the club is located in its own clubhouse. This will not be finished until late in the summer. ---------------- ; Carpentier May Visit America. George McDonald, who came from England' some weeks ago as advance agent for Charles B. Cochrane, the British promoter, who seeks to meh Jack Deripsey and Georges Carpen- ler for a heavyweight! championship battle to be staged in London next Tune, sailed for Europe Pesterday on the 88. La France. McDonald is go-~ ing back for the purpose af signing Carpentier to a contract for a trea- trical tour in this country and ex. pects to reach these shores with the Fremeh idol in tow within a short time, Cochrane is now in America, but has not yet succeeded in obtaining Dempsey's signature to an agree- ment to fight for him. in ill-health whe won't receive immediate help from Ferrozone. As a tonic and restorative, as a rozone is unrivaled. It cures because because {it contains the elements that build up looks héalth try Ferrozone yourself, sold everywhere, 500 per St. Michael's Hospital, | the club in temporary quarters in the | that the match has been called off, | BASEBALL NOTES. Eddie Collins rises to remark that he has not the least ambition to ac- capt the responsibility of managing a big league club until his playing days are over, and he adds that he expects to keep on playing for a few years Collins es his position clear be cause he has been mentioned as Hkek, to succeed Kid Gleason. Dave Robertson, somewhat diskp- pointed over the showing which he made after jo'ning the Cubs last sea- son, writes from his home 'n Nor, folk, Va., that he is taking Hght exer. cise and hopes to make 1930 his pes. year in basabal). . Nick AMtrock is to perform in twe leagues this year, After the ¢ ot the American League campaign Nick is to be loaned to the San Francisco club of the Pacific Coast League to show his funny andics song the Coast League circhuit. Joe Guyon, a member of the noted family of Indian athletes, who was a star with the Georgia Tech football team two seasons back, has signed with the Atlanta club of the South- em Association for the com sea son. Jim Thorpe is said to be balking | about a transfer to the minoys, 1 view of the fact that he hit so well for the Boston Braves last year. The Boston officials say that they would 4 Bladly have sent Thorpe to another major-league had any put in a claim for his services. S-- -- Donie Bush was a long time sign- ing his contract a year ago, but there will be no holding out this year. Bush had agreed to terms before 1919 fad- ed out. The 1920 championship campaign In the Pacific Coast League will get under way on April 6th and will con- tinue for twenty-eight weeks, closing close to Nov, 1st. Players Wintering In Cuba. Among the thousands of sport-lov- ing Americans who are in Havana for the racing season are many well { known baseball players, who are either there for pleasure or are em- ployed in various capacities, Among { the number is Larry Doyle, the Giants' clever second baseman, who | Is employed in one of the books. | Frank Sohults, the former Cub play- | er, now with Toronto, is also worlring | for a bookmaker. Others are: Ed. { Holly, another former Leaf; Hans { Lohert, formerly with New York and | Cincinnati, and Bil Shipke, at one | time with Washington, but later man- ager of the Omaha Western League Club. Holly is working in @ book, while | Doyle is keeping in excellent health | by long early morning hikes over the | fine country roads and am occasfonal {plunge in the surf at Marianao Beach. | where surf bathing is popular among the racing fraternity during the win- ter momths, AN. Didn't Like Worrying Him. At a Manchester hotel a lady came down from upstairs and asked the. manager if she could get a glass of 'water. "Why, certainly, madam," said he filling up a glass for her. | Two minutes later she was back in | the affice again. "I don't like to trouble you," she said, "but could I get another glass of water * "No trouble at all, madam," said the manager, handing her another glass. Two minutes later she appeared | again. { "Certainly, madam," said the aff- able manager, 'but may I inquire | what you are doing with so much wa- { ter?" "I know you'll just seream when 1 tell you," said the lady; 'I'm trying { to put out a fire in my room!" One at a Time, A man {: 'm the north of Scotland, visiting Glasgow, was "boned" by a | Balvation Army lass, and he gave her » PAGE NINE a ---- Great Stock Taking Sale Of Furniture At Old Prices There is sure to be another rise in prices. Most buyers are taking advan- tage of the situation at R. J. Reid LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 577 TOBACCO SERIES No. ¥ Drawing from an actual photograph of a typical Tobacco field ih the * Old Belt" (Virginia and North Caroling). MACDONALDS TOBACCO Aolkingond Chewing Teent a sixpence. Turning into another street, he was again asked for a con- | tribution, 'Na, na," he said, "I gied'| | a saxpenceftae ane 0' your folk 'roon | | the corner 'Just noo." "That was very | | ®ood of you," said the girl. "But then | { you can't do a good thing too often. | { And besides, you know, the Lord will! | repay you a hundred fold." ""Aweel" | {said the cautious Scot, "I'll just wait | till the first transaction's feenished | before we start the second." Joe Wright, former Argonaut row- | | Ing coach, has returned to the Uni- | nn= hosed i versity of Pennsylvania crew candidates. 2 1X owe Butks i in, i a [whaT Are You WALKING THE FLOOR FoR, MuTT ? OH DeA®, OH Dear! 0 PAY HIM TOMORROW, AND IT MAUEN'T Gol "--y BILL SPINS FIVE Come AND T PROMISED * LOEW THEATRE UNDERWRITINGS The most Canada. Government bonds, stocks, grain, cot- \ ton,. : Investments yielding 5 to 10%. Consult us before making a decision. BONGARD, RYERSON & CO. "The Home of Good Investments Phone 1728. . . =( = 237 Bagot St. . profitable investments in -- BACK TO AND GO TO SLEEP. LET Bint wALK FLOOR. "wm purchase price is not made public. Tommy Smith, the veteran Ottawa George ("Babe") Ruth has been tha Now York Amerie to coach the | cans from the Boston Americans. The professional hockey player, has join- Purcuus® y iviewli vw win bm bu fed the Quebec team of the N.H.L. --BY BUD FISHER 4 1 i i BED, MutT,