PAGE FOUR ! If YOU Buy x = THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG: Out of Town, and I Buy wn, What Will Become of Our Town? wren TUESDAY, JANUARY 6, 1020, Out of The Dollar You Spend in Kingston will 'Come Home to Boost' sans mmr THE WHIG'S "BUY-AT-HOME" CAMPAIGN Read these articles with care. They may present something you hadn't of before. Patronize the Merchants of Kingston. They are your / neighbours and will treat you right. THE MONEY YOU SPEND WITH THEM STAYS IN CIRCULATION IN KINGSTON AND THE NEIGHBOURHOOD er A St TN wns mi nm thought | pr OUR REPUTATION FOR FAIR DEALING In Furs and Hats has been estab- lished. You can always rely on the standard of all our goods, and do a whole lot better by buying right here in Kingston and from us. CAMPBELL BROS, Now ALTOGETHER, LET US CULTIVATE the habit of home trading, and make iNgSton a better place to lve in. We will do our share by making prices on Dry Goods ang Ladies' Near an object on buying at home. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON THE LION HOLDS SUPREME So does the Clothing handled by 28. If it is good goods at bargain prices, we have them in big lots, and you will save money on every garment you buy THE LION CLOTHING STORE 347 King Street. YOUR EYES ARR valuable possession treated by us. We and do sclentifie t eafing surely help your vision those awful headaches. and consult us J. J. STEWART, opT, Dn, Opposite P(t Office YOU'RE Have them proficient that will and stop Come in MOST WE Do EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL estimates first on thing you may need in wiring. You oan depend if we it. #t will be done right electrical goods and at home, HALLIDAY BLECTRIC Co. Get our any- electrical do Big line of fixtures. Buy IF YOUR AUTO 18 SICK and needs doctoring, specialize on afl bet cars. Our mechani and if we do your may be sure it is r E. B. EDWARDS 110 Clergy Street. see us. We ter grades of are the best, pair work, you t BEST VALUES IN CANADA Our Teas and Coffees cannot be beat in Canada, Our Coffees are ground dally, which ensures to the fonsumer the very best results, A Mrge variety of Fine China and Glassware suitable for Christmas, at STROUD BROTHERS i 100 Princess Street YOU WANT THER . in Meats; always fresh. See us. We have all kinds of fresh, salted, smoked and. cured Moats and canned goods. Our conditions are so that our prices are right. Buy in King- ston. 5 nEST G. 8. CLENAHAN Colborne and Barrie Streets. GET IN TOUCH FOR YOUR GROCERIES and Provisions. ' Try our Teas and Coffee. You 'will like our way of doing business, We guarantee hot only prices but quality, Buying at home wil} help Kingston. D. COUPER, GROCER THE UNIQUE GROCERY Our Provisions in the Grocery line are always fresh and wholesome. Al- so all kinds of Meats. You will find we are making it a real advantage to help home trading. See for your- f. H. PICKERING University and Princess Sts. PURE DRUGS OUR SPECIALTY We are sole agents tor the Penslar and Nyle goods They have an in- ternational reputation. Big stock of Sundries and Toilet Articles, sick foom supplies, ete. Do Your shop- ng for Christmas here and early T. H. SARGENT, DRUGS, ete. FOR YOUR FISH ORDERS JUST CALL Phone 520 and you will get prompt Service. We have at all times all kinds of fresh Fish. and do a whole- Mile and retall business. No order too small or too large. DOMINION FISH CO. All goods marked in plain figures and one price to all without any ex- ception, Mahood Brothers MAKE UP THAT ORDER FOR GROCERIES Don't send it out of town. W compéte in prices and gualisy any one anywhere, We do Wholesale and retail business, @rry a full line of provisions. JAMES REDDEN & 00, 178 Princess Street. e can with oth a and WE ARE FULLY CONVINCED there is no use of sending out of town for Dry Goods, as our prices are lower than out-of-town con» cerns. Get posted. Get our prices first and be sure. Big stock of lad- few' goods. McINTOSH BROS, SCIENTIFICALLY FITTED GLASSES WILL do more than medicine for that sickly headache. We are scientific optometrists and can fit You with glasses that will not only help your vision but give you comfort, See us first. KEELEY, Jr, M.O,, D.O, 226 Princess Street | oun FALL AND WINTER STOCK * BOOTS dre on display. You will find Just what you want at our store. We are leaders in up-to. date styles. A large stock of Ladies' and Gents Bhoes, Trunks, Valises, etc. H, JENNINGS 38 King Street. CHRISTMAS GIFTS We have a full line of all kinds of Men's Furnishings, suitable for Christmas gifts. Also Sweaters and Sweater Coats for indies and men. Inspection invited, Boost your home town. Buy in Kingston. BARNET LIPMAN EVERY ONE WANTS MONEY'S WORTH Natural Desire is Not to Get the Worst of Any Busi- ness [Transaction CHEAPEST NOT ALWAYS BEST Person Who Buys From Catalogue Houses Sees Only the Price and Forgets That Value is Thing That Counts. (Copyright.) . A When you spend your money you naturally want to get all you can in return. No one can criticize you for having that desire. Only those who are commonly referred to as having "more money than sense" throw their money away. All others are careful to sqe that they do not get the worst of any bargain. But one has to be able to look further than the end of his nose if he is to be sure that he is getting the most that he can get for his money. that is the defense of the man who buys from the mail order house instead of patronizing the merchants in his own town. He says he can get more for his money when he buys from the mail order man than when he spends his money at home. But in arriving at that conclusion he certainly has not been able to look further than the end of his nose. In most cases the man who buys goods from a mail order house does 80 because he thinks he is getting the goods for less money than he would have to pay for them at the store in his own town. He thinks he is look- ing out for No. 1 and he says it is not his fault if the merchant in his town cannot make any money and is forced to go out of business. He over- looks the fact that he is likely to be as hard hit as anyone else when that merchant closes his doors but, leaving that probability out of considera- tion, the chances are about 10 to 1 that the buyer has really lost money on his deal with the mail order man, If buying an article of any kind, whether it be a house and lot or a pa- per of pins, the price is not the only thing to be considered by any means. You are not in the habit of going into a store when you want to buy a suit of clothes and saying to the storekeeper: "Give me the cheapest suit of clothes you have in the house." You want the best suit of clothes you can get for the price you pay for it, but you don't usually want the cheapest thing you can find. A man may delude himself into believing that when he buys a suit of clothes from a mail order house for $10 he is saving money, but what is there to justify him in such a belief? The mere fact that he is getting a suit for $10 does not mean that he is saving money. The chances are that if he should go to the man who runs the clothing store in his own town and ask for it he could get a suit of clothes for $10 and the chances are also that it would be just as good if not a better bargain than the suit which he could get from the mail order house for the same sum. It is not the price he pays that shows whether he is getting a bargain or not. It is the quality of goods that he gets for his money that counts. The home merchant can sell as cheaply as the mail order man if he sells as cheap goods as the mail order man sells. His expenses are not as heavy as those of the mail order man. He pays less rent in proportion to the business he does, his taxes are less in proportion to the capital invested. His advertising bills are less than those of the mail order man in propor- tion to the volume of his sales. He can undersell the mail order man any day in the year if he wishes to sell only goods of the same quality and style of those sold by the mail order man, but he doesn't do this because he knows that the majority of the peaple in his town do not want that quality and style of goods. Therefore he keeps in stock goods of all qualities and all prices. He has the $10 suit for the man who thinks that he can get more for his money by buying a suit at that price than he can by buying a better one for $20, but he tells the customer just what he is buying. The next time you think about buying something from a mail order house, if you ever do think of such a thing, 80 first to your home merchant and ask to see the article which you are thinking of buying, Your home merchant is a business man, He gets the best values he can for his mohey when he buys goods, and he does not expect his customers to do anything else. All that he asks, in return for the favors he does his customers and the things he does for the good of his community is that he be given an opportunity to meet the insidious competition of the mail order house. He is perfectly willing to have his prices and his values compared to those of the mail order house, but he has a just complaint when he is not given a chance to make this comparison, If all buyers would take the value as well as the price of the article they are buying into consideration, the mail order houses would all go out of business tomorrow, GET OUR ESTIMATES on your plumbing and heating. We do all kinds of sanitary work: also ndle a full line of Stoves, Heaters, fnaces. etc, and Tinware and Sussnola Supplies. Don't overlook see us first. & ne LEMMON & SONS 1ST Princess Street. anything vou can buy at home, See us for bargwins in Ladies' Goods ang Men's Wear. We can save you money. Make us prove it. Wo give | you credit, too, JOSEPH B. ABRAMSON 257 Princess Street, -- NEVER SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR WE ARD COMPLETE OUTFITTERS for Men and Boys' Clothing. Wa Carry a large stock. Just compa pur prices and then decide where ¥ your outfit. Wa not regret it by trading BE. P. JENKINS SAY IT WITH FLOWERS We supply flowers for any function, weddings, parties. eto. Special prices made for funerals. Always a big stock of Cut Flowers on hand. Pot. ted plants, ete. Call us up by phone. We are prompt. HOLTON at 4. 284 Princess St. bid WE HANDLE A FULL AND a COMPLETE LINE _ § of Flour, Sait and all kinds of > ¥ . Shorts, etc. Bring your pro. A to us . We handle a whole- sale and retail business. Home buy. Ing ts 8 good idea. Pa 117 Brock St. OUR CASH AND CARRY SYSTEM will save you money on every dol- lar's worth of Groceries you Buy at our store. Just compare our prices. All marked on the goods, and de- cide for yourself, Everything fresh 4. B. HUTCHESON TRADE AT THE VETERANS CLOTHING COMPANY ' Big will get a square deal. i of Sothing, Men's Furnish- Ai ah se r ver See us first and get prices. THE COLLEGE BOOK STORE is lage to buy your books W dob Phelouats "aa Tel? business I fords. We are strong believers in ng at home. Ne FOR ALL KINDS OF MEATS See us We pride ourselves in our special cuts of Beef and Pork pro- ducts. Our facilities for handling Fresh Meats is the best. If you want the best at reasonable 'prices trade here FISHER'S MEAT MARKET Princéss and Clergy Streets LET HAVE YOU NOTICED OUR WINDOW Well, come inside and see complete line of Clothing and a nifty line of Gent *urnishnigs that will please any g dresser and at prices that are hard to beat. D. 8. COLLIER, Princess street, US TAKE CARE OF YOUR UTo ~ If it needs any repairs, we can do it quick. We handle all Tires and Accessories and Station Ofls ang Gasoline We handle used cars, too, CENTRAL GARAGE 333 King Street. display? kinds of a Service A WORD AS We handle a complete rdware, Paints, Tinware, and all kinds of upplies, We try to make our prices a real advantage for all to trade at home, STEVENSON & HUNTER 85-87 Princess Street, TO HARDWARE line of YOU CAN ALWAYS FIND THERE IS NOTHING IN THE DRUG LINE HAKUGAINS you can not Bot at our store. All 100% pure. Big line of Toilet Arti- cles and sitk room Supplies. It wil} be to your advantage to buy here, PROUSE'S DRUG STORE * Corner Princess and Clergy Sts, in used Furniture. We have a big stoc of used Furniture Stoves, Rugs, etc If you dre'f shing a home it will pay vou to se us first, LOUIS LESSES, 507 Princess Street W. H. COCKBURN & 00. Princess street. {s the Hardware, Stoves Household Utensi On buy Raint place to Sherwin s We pete with anyone -anywher in prices W. H, COCKBURN & 00. ONE GOOD REASON For buying shoes at home, your feet will be prop y fitted. Result: you will have more comfort, your shoes will last' longer and retain their shape LOCK ETTIT'S Fit the Feet--Also the Parse WE HANDLE A FULL LINE of Hardware, Sfeves, Tinware, Enamelware and Dairy Supplies, Stoves and all kinds of ammunitfon for hunters and trappers. You will find our prices right. Get our esti- mates on builders' hardware. J. B. BUNT & Co, 358 King St, WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE FORD ~the universal cars made in Can- ada. We carry a large stock of at- cessories and auto ne The Ford service station is ope all Ford owners. Make our C ge yours, Van LUVEN BROS. WE DO MERCHANT TAILORING and carry a full line of imported and domestic goods. If we make your clothes you are sure of satis. faction. Cleaning, Pressing and Re- pairing done promptly Give us a trial and see the difference. PERRY & LEAVOY 39 Clarence Street. WHEN YOU BUY JEWELRY BE SURE you deal with that is known for have to when: you deal with us. BIg stock of all kinds of Jewelry to choose from. KINNEAR & D'ESTERRE house Y MAKE OUR GARAGE THE HOME for your auto. We do all kinds of repairing, any make of cars, and are local distributors for the XMe- Laughiin Automobile. Quick and ef- ficient service is our motto, All kinds of accessories ANGROVE BROS, WE ARE EXTENSIVE DEALERS at Ire Steel, handle any give « the highest Gel in tonch with + Wire or neroplane--it will THE VICTORY SHOE STORE is the place to get your: Boots and Shoes. We are right up-to-date in fashions, and Carry a superb line of.all the products of the best Cana- dian factories. Big line of ladies' fine Shoes. 269 Princess Street in Sorap wholesale ¢ We can IL COHEN & CO, KINGSTON OUR BUYING FACILITIES ARE THE SECRET of selling. You will find our prices lower in all kinds of lothing, Boots and Shoes and Gents Furnishings than any place in Kingston. Make us prove it. IL ZACKS, 271 Princess street. YOUR CHRISTMAS GOODS Diamonds, Watches, and all kinds of High Class Jewelry, Steinway and in Nordheimer's Pianos, Phonographs, ete. We carry the most complete line in Kingston and our prices are right. R. J. RODGER 132 Princess Street. LADIES Oy KINGSTON, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED fancy g« 8, you will find what you w at our store We tarry a full lin of fancy RBoods, such as Ribbons, Silks, Yarns and all supplies for Crochet work MISS M. A. LEADER, 105 Brock Street, Just BICYCLE REPAIRING done here. We always have a stock of Bicycles to sell, and our repair ¥ is very reasonable, We try to give you satisfaction in every way. Ve also do Electric and Vacuum Carpet Cleaning. H. MILNE Phone 542, 272 Bagot St. A WORD TO FARMERS Get in téuch with me for ali kindy of Agricultural Implements. We are loca] agents for he Deering Pro. ducts. You will find just what you want here, THE MARKET SQUARE GROCERY We can meet all mail order or Co- operative prices. We have the very finest line of Groceries, bought at the lowest cash prices. Try us for an order. Prompt delivery, Phone 708, HOPKINSON BROS, 37 Brock Street. ¥. Ww. cLow 471 Princess Street. WHEN YOU BUY FURS FROM US you are dealing directly with the manufacturer, thus saving the mid- dleman's profit We carry the largest stock in Ontario. See us be- fore you buy Furs. It will pay you. JOHN MeKAY, Ltd. DEAL AT THE UNITED FARM. ERS' STORE and save money. We carry a large stock of Groceries and Provisions; direct from producers to consumers. Only one profit. You will be satis. fled at our store. UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERA-~ TIVE STORE OF COURSE YOU WANT YOUR MONEY to go as far ay Clothing Call at can show you a lne will be at home it oan in buying our store. We of goods that an object lesson on buying L, ABRAMSON 436 Princess Street. WE MEET, IF WE DO NOT BRAT, all out-of-town prices. Our new Store endbles us to serve you better than ever. ' NEWMAN & SHAW 130 Princess Street SEE WHAT YOU ARE BUYING Catalogue Purniture all looks alike in cuts. When dealing with us you ses for yourself. Our prices meet any others anywhere. ® Are doing everything possible to make home trading an advantage, JAMES REID. WE HAVE SAID IT BEFORE AND Say it again: We can sell you Fur: niture 3 better prices than in To- ronto. ow make us prove it. Rig line of Furniture and floor covering for every room in house. T. F. HARRISON CO. Led. STEACYS Kingston's Greatest Store THE CHANDLER HEADQUARTERS one of many cars that stand all tests. We are district distribut. ors for Kingston. Also handle a full Mag of hceensy Hag. and do ahi repairing. Ye your - terles charged here. WHY ARE WE PARTICULAR WHEN WE SERVE YOU? Wo have alwaye found that ft Pays to be particuiar---pays the cus. tomer and ourselves. Goods sold' wheres QUALITY counts say so and create permanent trade... Princess Street. BIBBYS LTD % ; ' 4 Who by actual com- parison meet or beat mail orderhouse prices. We invite comparison. pt x + WHEN ANYTHING GOES WRONG With your ear, or you need Sccess- 'aries, just call us' Big Mne tires on hand. We do auvio repairing Have batter. ies charged here Agent for Willard Storage Battery. 1. LESses "THE CLUB"P, G. REAVES & Ce. Phone 1340. : OUR STORE IS FULLY STOCKED with up-to-date line of Clothing and nifty stock of Gents' Furnish. ings. Get our prices. It will be a wg lesson on buying st home every 6.~--Herman T. has returned to ie seas. , he says, ore to the north of Can- Bay, between Green- Land, a shoal of lange whales were seen 'spouting.' of the crew went out in two whaling cutters and rowed off in the direction indicated by the look out man. I accompanied them. 'After an exciting two hours' work 2 monster and towed it ship. At this time I was about 500 we caught back to the with the smaller boat, yards ear. "Standing up in the bows with harpoon sized seal in the water close nm whizzed by. the seal's side. true and stuck in my hand I sighted a fain " 5 et sm "The shock sent the animal into a} * ater 1 was perfect frenzy. It bounded through | infuriated the water and before I realized, what | round the boa bad happened I had' struck the icy | again, its cold water with a splash and was be- ing towed long at a fearful rate just Rke 2 torpedo. io - VIn some fashion she rope, attach- ed to the harpoon had lassoed ny ankle, and with the result that was jerked violently and "I experienced the { servant of God." 'Rev. Dr. 8, G. Bland delivered a cog- dress With these words for his text, ent ad to the congregation of the Broadway Methodist Tabernacle, Turonto on Sunday at the morning service, In defence of his teachings 8s a minister of the 4 Expressing brought disturbance and unrest into the churel, Dr. Bland' said that it uf his seeking. He stated given a to the west. This, he said, was the main | factor in inducing him to accept the pastorate, Sugsetions, comments and ut he would conndcted tn th w the old Gospel of could. "All that I covet for you," said Dr. Bland, "is that you create a Christian ititede ae excluded." Declaring 19 Broek Stveet ai speak as freely and frankly as in | honest, free pulpit. bir. tad VB : the members of the congregation ry sand for a "free 'pulpit, an honest i minister, and a church that Was nol controlled by the moneved interest," "I belleva this ¢uestion has to be faced in this church and in many another church in the land, shd you can bold the line and send an inspire, ation throughout ihe Church of Cie nada," said the speaker." atmosphere, in which pet- v TS entail : tefulbess and domineering The death of Prosper a Hauge ol ' unger elcomed ticisms as long as be was the church to declare | God as fully as he Dr. Bland said that he curred at his late home himself in support of an | ford on Wednesday.