Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Jan 1920, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG fe JAYvaARY 3 a es Ray = Iman. Be sure and see this picture. ii AR mm A ni 122 SCORE THE GOVERNMEN 2 On Sale To-night At 7.30 p.m. YOUR CHOICE OF {day we have been most fort -- securing the great Wm. Farnum pro: IN REGARD TO ITS SOLDIERS' duction, "The Last of the Duanes,' | UNEMPLOYMENT SCHEME. [dramatized from the most successful} | Zane Grey novel of the same pame, | | Address By President Howe to the Wan. Faz nu is Supreme in this pic-| : ture, and some of the finest dramati G. W. V. A--A Resolution Passed laction ever witnessed, takes place. | -- Satisfaction Over Municipal |v, ho. seen Wim Farnum in some | Election. {exceptionally fine photoplays, but | The local branch of the Great War [you have never seen him reach the Veterans held a special mass meet- | heights of artistic ability as he dogs {ing on Friday night for the purpose in The Last of the Duanes. It is | of discussing the emergency legis- one of the best pictures to be shown | | lation of the Government for the re-!1n Kingston this season ---Advt. | lief ¢i unemployment among the re- | turned men. The meeting was well attended, and was, addressed by the President, Comrade H. L. Howe. | In opening his address the presi-| dent called attention to the indiffer- | ence, not only of the Dominion Gov- ernment, but the veterans themselves to the problems with which they are confronted. How could they expect] others to take an interest in their! welfare if they had no interest them- | selves? i The constructive policy of the G. W. V. A. turned down by the Gov- ernment would have resulted in a great industrial development, and would not have entailed a greater ex- penditure than would be required to | re-establish the bankrupt Grand TT NA Every Coat IN STOCK In Either Misses' or Women's To be Sacrificed Tonight At Half Price There are only 50 of them, and were formerly priced as follows: Trunk Railway. : Dealing with the pension problem, (/ ; '© o~ Ul he pointed out that the cost of liv-| ' ing, according to Government figures i : had increased 101 per cent, and in order to meet this increased cost they have allowed a miserable 20 per Dependable Store cent. increase in pensions to the «widows and dependents of fallen com- rades. The Government had not for- Do you want ordinary clothing turned out like so many pieces of machinery, each exactly the same without a spark of individuality or personality ? EATS ¥ gotten the employees of. the Civil : ; { service, and had voted a ten million- | {dollar bonus to enable them to com- JOHN T. HAWKE, (bat the. high cost of living--based| Proprietor of the Moncton, N.B., fon the calculation that a man, wife | Transcript, one of Canada's foremost and three children required $1,558 a |Ue€Wspaper men, who is seriously ill, iyear to enable them to live with a| following a stroke. iminimum of comfort. On the other esp hand the widow with four children | A SERIOUS BLAZE IN is expected to combat the same H.C.| ALBERT STREET HOME of L. with from four to five hundred} 8 dollars a year less. The Fire Was Caused In Thaw= Believing in the justice of the cause of all veterans, the greatest possible ing Out Frozen Water pes. publicity is needed to Sombat the Government ropaganda spread | throughout the te Dominion, | Quite a serious fire broke out at camouflaging the facts, said Presi-{ 8.30 o'clock on Saturday morning, at dent Howe. Their policy is a chal- | the home of Prof. G. B. Reed, 218 lenge to the G. W. V. A. and, he Albert street, and damage to the ex- said, it is up to every individual mem- | tent of 3300, ang perhaps more, was ber of the association to get behind ed 14 the bu Sing ea oo ents. his- own national publication, which | od So Sine oD pp ents are has dared more for the cause of the | hSured. the fire started as a result : :. | of the efforts being put forth to thaw Seteran than any other magazine in out water: Jipes in the outside. hit. the country. | At the close of the address by the he is the first fire to occur this president, the vice-president called winter from thawing ott pipes and it |for a vote on the following resolu-| wouiq be well for citizens to take ev- tion, which was unanimously car- ery precattion to prevent a fire from ried: this source. "That every individual member, not Special warning is #lso given to only of the Kingston branch, but of | the caretakers of the churches and the entire association, pledge him-| other buildings to watch their fires self to be a subscriber of the nation-| closely during the cold spell. al publication, as an expression of - - condemnation of the Government's Completed Bonspiel, miserable policy, and that a copy of The curling bonspiel was comple- this resolution be forwarded to every| ted at the curling rink Friday even- branch in the Dominion of Canada." | ing when the rink skipped by J. El- Immediate steps are being taken to| liott won from A, Turcotte in the put this into effect in the Kingston | consolation event. branch. The club series gimes were com- Great satisfaction was expressed | menced at the rink on Friday night by those present with the result of | when the rink skipped by Dr. Waugh the Municipal Election, and a vote| Won from A. B. Cunningham's rink of thanks and appreciation was pass-| by a score of 15 to 5; S. R. Bailey | ed for the hearty co-operation. of | Won from T. M. Asselstine's rink by the citizens of Kingston, who made | 15 to 8; M, P. Reid won from T. such a splendid record possible. Slater's rink by 10 to 6. Church Services, - First Baptist Chureh Sydenham Theatrical and Johnston streets---Rev. J. S. La- . Flair, pastor. 11 a.m. "Remember- ing," 2.45 p.m., Bible school; 7 p.m. ---------- : "Forgetting; The Lord's Supper At The Grand. will be administered after the morn- . Tonight will be the last presenta- lng Tyna The pastor 'will eonduet tion in Kingston of the excellent pro- Princess street Methodist Church gramme showing at the Grand for| poo J. A. Waddell, minister. Ser= the last part of this week. The clever vices, 11 a.m. and'? p.m. minister at Fox film co-stars, Albert Ray and both services Sunday school, 2.45 Elinor. Fair are seen in one of the p.m. Epworth League, Monday, 87. best pictures they have yet produced, m. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. called "Love is Lowe" The story is m. Strangers. and visitors, cordially pure comedy, in that its live, snappy | welcomed. ; clean fun is interspersed with seri- IRS A AN ri ous scenes and incidents. Bessie Bar- OZER riscale is also seen in a big feature HANSON, CR A & EDGAR picture, "The Woman Michael Mar- ried." "The picture is filled to over- r flowing with love, suspense, heart- interest and in fact everything that 2 y goes to make a perfect photoplay. . : For the vaudeville, Frank Gates, Market Square, Kingston Irish comedian, has a novelty act of ALL UM witty dialogue that pleases. --. DAILY MEMORANDUM, y gu pleases. --Advt, Ses top of Tag Three. right hand corner for prohel Helen. Coming to the Grand. Euchre at House of Providence, Mon- For the first three days of next! day evening, Jan. Sth. week, the management has arranged ; BORN a programme of. big time vaudeville ASHLEY-n Ringat * tthe Hotel in conjunction with some excellent EY LL ugRton. at the - Hote! : i hy . " e feature pictures, For some time past Die Ho ta) on, dan. 2nd, 1920, 10 the patrons of the Grand have beeil | BRYANT In Fr $22.00 $23.50 $25.00 $30.00 $34.50 $35.00 $36.50 $37.50 $38.50 $45.00 $53.00 IEA sss RA OE You do not. Or do you want ready-made clothing that looks as though you really had a hand in selecting the fabric, the cut and the style into which it is made? You do most emphatically. The answer--Buy at Livingstons Suits and Overcoats. $25 " 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. "If Off Your Route It Pays to Walk" ENNAENEEA RHEE ANNAN Tonight Half Price * NO APPROVALS NO CHARGES AHL EECA AEA AA 1 i LE ¥ EEL Just Received And ready To-night a complete shipment of Lovely Warm OVERSTOCKINGS For Women and Children, in Black White Brown Red and Grey Prices from $1.00 to $1.50 pair. John Laidlaw & Son, I.td. FREER SERA EERO ep ------ a rt nr Household Linens HEC wal TARMEREEE mit, On Monday we start our Annual Sale of Household Linens, an opportunity for eco- nomical investment in lim asking for vaudeville of the better 1920. to Mr. class, and the acts that will play here a daughter. ( the first three days of each week are M sure to please everyone. The feature - ANS. : picture that will usher in this new Er arar boy New Yehrs Day, "1530, policy is "For a Woman's Honor," by the Very Rev. Dean Starr. M. with H. B. Wartier in the leading role. This is a very strong play and . 4 Mr, Warnes does fl Justice to a a ok, youngest on, = Me, and very ficult part. For the vaude- orotc ard, of | hgston. ville, Keno and Wagner have a very : io Sah ny pleasing ph Sompaged of the latest DIED, songs an neces; Knight aud Gale, YATES----In Kings comedy and harmony singers; Lou 1920, a Tein ~-- 4 Pinch oe Elliott, in an Shysual act' of character James Yates, aged forty-seven : camouflage; and Hamlin and Mack | pun tom Ate 5 Mon in a clever 'novelty entitled: "A Vau- -- Romine ty a dente M to dev Surprise," will complete the | a win J programme. --Advt. a sivotad to. attend? fespent-1 en a h ROLE This is the weather for them. Size 1105." < Boys' Horsehide Waterproof. mot Greasy ... ... ... «.. .., $2.50 Boys' Buck Moceasins, No. 1 Quality ... . ... ... ... ... $2.50 Boys' Buck Moccasins, No. 2 Quality ... ... . ... . "rv wis 00 Large sizes a little higher in price and smaller sizes « little cheaper, 1H " pedbichrbubibtuivh hid bd

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