THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG To the general expressions of good-will that abound at this sea- son, we add our heartiest good wishes for the continued well being and prosperity of all our friends. May 1920 be the happiest year in your experience and may it see the fulfillment of your most opti-- mistic hopes. ». D. J. WILL "THE MEN'S STORE" E are advertise the satis- Ww factory manner in which we have fitted the people who have come to us with troubled piston. Our examination is thor- pugh because our knowledge of op- tometery is complete. We will specify just the exact degree of lenses you need and see that you re comfortably fitted. Our price moderation is part of our well thought-of service. Ca J.J. GOLD FILLED WATCH This is a Gentleman's thin model, open face watch, with our special 15 movement. jewel guaranteed This is a watch we are justly proud: of and know it will give you satisfac- tion. Kinnear & d'Esterre JEWELERS 100 PhiLCKESS ST. er -------- HAS TAKEN Thomas G. Bishop, owner and pro- ! | prietor of the Angrove Foundry Com- ! pany, has taken possession of his new i | Property, and is open for any sort of | jontracts. The property consists of the Angrove iron foundry and the {adjoining machine shop that was oc- cupied by George Wright. Mr. Bishop {has combined the two, and by ex- tending the plant and installing new {lathes and other machinery has one {of the most up-to-date iron rking | plants to be found anywhere in On- jtario. In addition to casting iron and | brass, he makes a specialty of acety- {lene welding, and is able to turn out | the finest machine work. This year {he manufactured six steam winches GAVE RX SILVER" SERVICE {TO HIGH CHIEF GRIPMAN H.| COOK ON NEW YEAR'S EVE, | | The Knights and Their Wives Had a | Fine Spread at the Randolph With | | Speeches and Songs. i i The annual banquet of the Knights | {of the Grip took place in the haw | { dolph Hotel on Wednesday night ror | the first tine since 1913. The feat- | {ure of the occasion was the presence {of the wives of the knights and the | presentation of a silver service to! | High Chief Gripman H. Cook, traver- i {ler for the Kingston Milling Com- | (pany. The presentation was made | {by Past High Chiefs Stewart and | { McMahon, both of whom gave very | appropriate addresses, in which was | { her costume. POSSESSION ONE OF MACHINES USED IN FOUNDRY for hoisting anchor cables. All of them were successfully installed on large lake vessels, and are giving splendid service. These winches per- mit of the use of wire cable, which results in a great saving to the ship owners. These' winches = were cast, machined and assembled at this foun- dry. y Mr. Bishop, who is an engineer and machinist, has been seven years in Kingston, and formerly conducted a shop at the foot of Princess street. His new plant is located at the corn- er of King and Queen streets, and is a credit to the industry of Kingston. Mr. Bishop makes a specialty of mar- ine work, but is equipped to under- take heavy and light general repairs. PA A A SN Wt ttt AN McBRIDE-SUTHERLAND. Wedding in St. Paul's Church on Wednesday at Noon. The marriage of Anita Margery, elder daughter of Capt: X Mrs. James T. Sutherland to Erle Stanley McBride, of Toronto, was solemnized on Wednesday, Dee, 31st, at , in St. Paul's church G Picie ide, who was giver her father, was gowned in a travel- ling suit of brown broadeloth, trim- med with Russian sablé, and wore a fawn beaver picture hat. A corsage bouquet of ophelia roses completed She carried a white ivory Prayer Book, the gift of the offieiating clergyman, from which the marriage service was read. Miss Ethelmay, sister of the bride, | wearing a frock of taupe charmeuse, with a corsage bouquet of pink roses was bridesmaid, while' 'George L. Spargo acted as best man, : There was no reception after the Footwear Men's Brown Calf Fleeced Lined Bluchers, Neo- lin Soles and Rubber Heels. Real good value, $8. Men's Felt Boots, Sheep Lined Driving Boots and Overshoes, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. Babies' Blue and Mauve Quilted Silk Slippers, sizes 3 to 7. HHH SL han Special 25c. Hockey Boots, Snow Shoes, Moccasing. Bring your Shoes here to be well repaired. Ne 3 | expressed, in the highest terms, the : ---- Steam in which Mr. Cook is held by | ceremony, the bride and groom leav- : "» {fis brother traveilers. | ir on the noon train for the east. "The House of Better Glasses LAND FOR. SALE. { Mr. Cook acted as toast master, | Barly in the new year the happy | Olden Township, 20% acres. min-} land after the splendid dinner three couple will proceed to Toronto, | eral rights reserved. Timber 10L: toasts were drunk, first "The King" | where they will reside. Shiefly BEA Gad Ae jand then the "Guests" and "Return- -- v Kingston. {ed Soldiers." Canon W. F. FitzGer- | PASSED MODEL SCHOOL {ald responded on behalf of the guests, | as a : and gave one of his brilliant and | List of Teachers in Training Who | humorous addresses. James Suther- Were Successful. land, F. Moxley and J. Leckie re-| mu. names and addresses of teach- | sponded on behalf of returned sol- ers in training at the Kingston Model | diers. A splendid musical , PPO-lgahool who were successful at the | rgmme was rendered by Allen's Or | o ~ profession! examinations, { chestra, and Mrs. Evans sang a num- |, + are, therefore, qualified limited | Oe RT Cl gE - ; ANN NNNERNNNRENENENERENENREESEEEES . | Established 1854 o Starting Another, Opposite the Post Office 36 Clarence St. NOX A COLD TABLETS Phone 699. KINGSTON, A eafe and oure for LaGri Coughs, Col Nour + | Flu, a mild laxative. up a 00! M . Price $1 per box, pix 0 85. 'Ona wil please, 4 will sure. Bold by a1 in & tow hous. Get the wenn on PS The Great English Lemed; Tonos and invigorates the who. nervous system, makes new Bloo: in old Veins, Cures Nervou Ladies' Fur aH fr ste or mailed ia plain pkg. on recsint of Rn mphlet mailed free. THE WOOL, EPRCINE © 1 00 rn sh Wiad | + E & BRING IN YOUR OLD TIRES AND HAVE THEM RE-BUILT Now DON'T WAIT TILL YOU NEED THEM HAVE THEM RE-BUILT NOW MOORE' THE EXCLUSIVE TIRE SHOP, RE-BUILD OLD TIRES AND MAKE THEM LIYE NEW 'MOORE'S per Sold at Best's Drug ed 4n until a late hour. {Der Of songs very sweetly, receiving |¢nirq cliss teachers, are as follows: my prolonged applause. { There were 150 present including | EHR AOCREO OER HRRARSEBAARORRORROECRCARARARRHOHIOLES || mere were 150 present, incl ding | y After the speeches, the dining hall | j was cleared, and dancing was indulg-4 The banquet | was one of the most successful ever held by the Knights of the Grip. Beatrice B. Avery, Mallorytown. Cecilia Beaupre, Kingston. Mary A. Byrne, Rbslin. Estelle J. Caswell, Kingston. Mary E. Doak, Lansdowne. Elizabeth A. K. Earshman, | anoque. . { Vera W. Farnsworth, Selby. Gan- | I ood's family physio. Purely vegeta- Te sla, easy to take. 2a | Cassie M. Fleming, Elgin. Gertrude J. Freeman, Godfrey, Geraldine G. Kelly, Athens. i Mansell H. Kennedy, Easton's Corners. | Ethel M. Leeder, Caintown. Anna M. Munro, Lyn. George IL. Parrott, Odessa. G. Rowena Peters, Harrowsmith. } i { Myrtle G. Reed. Outlet. ® RE-BUILT TIRES MEAN SUPERIOR STRENGTH GREATER RESILIENOY MORE MILEAGE A BAVING FOR YOU isi "The Automatic Bobsleigh Coupling which I have used two winters has far exceeded my ex- ns. It is the proper thing for pitoh-holes. James B. Coch ° nadowne." Our new Sleighs have these Couplings. Get them while they McNAMEE & SLACK QUEEN STREET PHONE 1217TW, Mattress Renovating Hair, Cotton and Fibre Mattresses renovated and re- covered. Made as good as new. Your patronage solicited. J. BR. CONLEY Annie Smith, Odessa. P: Grace Hood, Portsmouth. i iti All were passed by the Educational | ll! Department. TENDERED A BANQUET, i il | J. J. Leddy, Supreme Director of the Knights of Columbus, ! banguet , tendered by® the | The Knights of Columbus to J. J. Leddy, | supreme directors, at the Knights of | Columbus club rooms on Wednesday night, was a most enjovable affair. A very tine spread was provided by Caterer Marshall Reid, dfter which {there was a programme of speeches { and music, Mr. Leddy was the chief speaker of | the evening, and he delivered an ad- mirable address. The other speakers included Capt. Karl Kane, Dr. Syd- ney Thomson, Father Casey and Father Nicholson, Grand Knight W. C. Macdonald, and Dr. J .T. Davis." A splendid programme of music was rendered by an orchestra, and Prof. A. Nourry favored with a solo, Coats In view of advancing prices it will be to your advantage to buy now. Hudson Seal Coats, made from choicest skins and full of style through and through, lined with fancy silk poplin linings. Mink Marmot Coats in the newest models, with belts, su- perior finish. Muscdva Pony Coats, made from choice lustrous skins, collars and cuffs of Australian Opossum. Come in and see. Now is x CAMPBELL BROS. Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers. Notice BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER is now booking farm and stock sales in Fromtense County. List sales early nad Year In an honorable Furniture and Undertaking Ca- | reer. Satisfied customers who years ago bought their | Furniture to start housekeeping with, have in turn | sent their children (the next generation of buyers). | to come and receive the same satisfaction that they » themselves received. a Insures another twelve months of success FOR REID'S LOW PRICES AND REID'S HIGH QUAKTY. i i | { i i JAMES REID THE LEADING UNDERTAKER. Pp + i "Phone 147 for Service. We wish to thank all our friends and cus- tomers for their patronage during the year and wish to all a Bright and Prosperous Canadian Pacific Will Oniy Wichdraw New Year. 206-8 Wellington Street. secure choice of dates, Summ AERO Frontenac Mattress Co. 15-17 BALACLAVA STREET - Women's 10and 12 inch High Top Boots with white wool lining, at $5.00. MacPherson's Lightning Hitch Skat Shoes, with ankle supports, 10 inch to "8 ent Bt mi ao Owing to. improvement in the coal situation, the alterations in train ser- vice and the temporary withdrawals advertised as effective January 3rd and 4th will not be made with one exception, viz.: the "Trans-Canada" which will be temporarily withdrawn after Dec. $1st. Ry > Watch Night Se <The watch night services held at Srdénbam street Methodist church on Wednesday night was fairly well attended. Rev. W, T. G. Brown had 124 QUEEN ST, KINGSTON Phone 1721. = TTY YY YY YY YT YT We take this opportunity of thanking you for liberal mea- sure of patronage extended to ] us during the year now draw- ing to a close. We have tried: te warrant your confidence by giving you value and service. We trast our efforts have met We respectfully solicit your bubfness tor 1920. 4 4 To Ow Patrons | <i FEEL TEL JR TR RT) = = % EH i CRC I, EWSIL ASRS SRL Gtk SE NRT TNE i fake the holiday a ensure by giv bos of our Ch Li aoe BY givin