Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jan 1920, p. 4

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PAGE SIX Seng a se Yr OE a 5 Each structure was THE BRITISH WHIG | > nore | i | twenty-five feet wide and forty feet in 86TH YEAR | | and em oakiy »; WHIG PUBLIS ING LIMITED TL Hr ok SUBSCRIPTION RATES {Da ssssed sing. President series Bditor and Managing-Director TELEPHONES: M3 gus aie Uglies bls i vertise for greater church attend- ance?" ---------- THE NEW CITY COUNCIL. A good day's work was done on Thursday when the people elected the city council for 1920. On Wednesday the Whig pointed out that the ¢'yy had lost, instead of gained, indust Jes during 1919, and asked if this did not suggest the ne- f cessity of introducing some new blood into council. It advised that the progressive young men dn the ranks of labor, the veterans and the busi- ness men's organization should be given a chance. That /is exactly what the electorate has dpne. men means the infusion of consider- able new blood into council. And it is'well. There are enough of the old guard left to temper extreme enthus- fasm with prudence. The new per- sonnel is made up of representatives from the different which appealed for support, showing that the people cared little or no- thing for clique, but a great deal for the individual candidate's fitness. We 2 | believe that, with few exceptions, the : people decided wisely. Some good men belonging to the old council - One year, mail, cash .,.. ..§1.00 ne year, no paid in advance i wn ar, 'to United States 1.6 &nd three months pro rata. Br aE Tyr ESAT ATLY 2 St, ue on * om psp, 402" Lumsden Bldg. . onto. R.Northrup, 235 Fifth Ave. New York ¥ No thrin: iat0 Ass'n Bldg. Chicago Letters to the Editor are publishéd ny Yor the «ctual name of the ar. one of the best Job in Canada. Attached | rinting offices The circalation or THE BRITISH WHIG is authenticated by the § ABC Audit Bureau of Circulations. g ---- whe* Happy New Year to all. y ----i ae Senin I enry Ford has given a bonus of ton? 008,000 to his 90,000 employees Speey will ali be able to buy flivvers now. Will Ald. Graham succeed in bull- dozing this year's council as he did that of 18197 it he does the people will be much disappointed. i tbs ni _ Frontenac war is a fickle mistress, 'Whom 'ghe blesses to-day sne curses to-morrow... - With this . exception: After all the efforts of the Board disappointing to see 'the price of bread raised, as has been the case following the granting of a higher ice for wheat. rd 1 i oie ii The death, at seventy-one years of , of Bir William Osler recalls the jeory he advanced that a man's use- ainess ended at sixty years and that Bie should then make way for a punger man. He lived long enough to disprove his theory, . Few aldermen have served the city 'more faithfully than Ald. 8. 8. Cor- ett. His defeat, by a small major 18 a matter of regret. ' It was per- due to the over-confidence of viends. They may be exgocted 0 atone for their mistake next year. Pnccesstul young business man in the person of Harry Sargent ran r aliead of the ticket in Victoria rd. He was endorsed by both the rans and the business men, and 'added to his own personality, his election at the head of bor has secured a splendid re- in the person of Dr. O'Connor, returned as alder- Sydenham ward. He had able experience in municipal 0 locating in Kingston, serving as mayor of Gan- iis a decided acquisition. I -- a -- io Ive-inch gun, thus ob- an explosive power seventy- } great as that produced: ich gun usually found on In both aircraft and s Britain is abreast of luckily, their successors possess tha Qualifications that bespeak efficient public service. In four of the wards the new men headed the polls, and in four others they secured secoffd place. This would seem to clearly indicate that the people were not satisfied with the record of. the council of 1919, and were determined to effect a change. Some clever and successful business men, most of them young in years, have been called upost to assume the duties of public service. There is no doubt but that they will amply justify the confidence reposeld in them. For the past few years the city council has been sadly in need of "more pep," and this is the valu- able element that the new men will supply. The Whig believes that, on the whole, the feople have made au wise choice. It regards -the futura of Kingston as safe in the hands of the men who have been elected to guide its destinies during the coming year. New men, new policies, new ideas, are assured. Problems of great moment to the city will pre- sent themselves this year, These in- clude: better railway connections, an improved and enlarged harbor, a new hotel, a new public library, a soldis memorial, a better street raflway ses- vice, the appointment of a capable industrial commissioner, a more equitable assessment of property, 2 housing scheme, a rejuvenated Board of Trade or--better still--the creation of a Chamber of Commerce, new schools and the abolition of fees, otc. It will thus be seen that the mew council will be called to Pass upon many important and press- ing problems. The Whig has every confidence that they will not disap- point the expectations of the citizens who elected them on Thursday. PUBLIC OPINION | Take Warning. (Brantford Expositor.) Next year being Leap Year, all eli- gible bachelors will need to adopt "Salety First." precautions. "Probably." (London Advertising.) An Austrian astronomer predicts a great event 150 years hence. Probab- ly settlement of the irish question. Awful Stuff, i {Exchange.) The dangers of war, even a war in which poison gas was used, are equal- ed in peace when one tries to "fight" some-of the drinks of a dry land, as will testify scores of persons who have suffered from imbibing "red- eye" of prohibition time brand. rm A------------ War Ended Too Soon. (Buffalo Express.) A certain "Christmas prayer," which is being circulated in Germany tends to confirm the opinion that the war ended a month too soon. It should have lasted till the Germaiis were ready to pray .to God, instead of to "tile German spirit" and thai they might be delivered from empire and its consequences, rather than that empire and glory might be re- stored to them. AD Deoetrine, iphia Record.) tt 1 he lr ot s the ef of mi ns that if a business is ac ans ciently and with a reasonable amount of honesty, there should be absolutely no limitation placed upon the wih of its operations. That to be a doetrine; for it is not difficult to conceive situ< ations where vast swollen become The election of eleven new alder- | organizations | have fallen by the wayside, but. | { length; they were erected side by side | and one hundred feet apart. They | { had been erected in the brief space | | of time between the rule of Governor | Simcoe and Governor Russell. i {| So poor was the accommodation | | that the Parliament in 1804 passed ' an act appropriating a certain sum of } money annually to defray ' the ex- polise of erecting suitable public buildings for the use of the province. The money voted, however, was only about $2,000 per year so it is not sur- prising to hear Governor Hunter com- | | plaining later that his' government | | was not properly accommodated to. enact its business to the best advan- | | tage. Public officers,he declares, were | found "in private houses. When the | | Houses were not in session the two | { big rooms were used for court pur-| | poses, { In 1813 when the United States] | forces captured the undefended city | they burned the buildings and left { everything a ruin where once the parliament of the district had met. | | But a new place was erected soon i after the evacuation. This, in turn, fell | a victim to the flames in 1824---an ac- | cidental outbreak. Since that time a ¢ great house for the Parliament has | | been erected in Queen's Park. i 3 ---------------------- i Hondrs For War Services, | London, Jan. 2.--The New Year's| { Day honor list contains many awards | | by the King for war services. An earldom was conferred on | Viscount Middleton, former Secre- | tary of State for India, known for his stand against peace with Ger- {many until the Germans had made | reparations for vandalism in France. | Sir George tddell, who had | charge of the British press interests | at the Peace Conference; Sir Bert- {rand Dawson, physician extraor | dinary to King George; and Sir Al | bert Stanley will be made barons. Among those created baroner {was Hugh Cunliffe Owen, vice- { chairman of the British-American | Tobacco Company. | A despatch from Sofia states that | Bulgaria is under martial law on ac- | count of riots. Ri hi i THE DAIL | quite distinct. Y BRITI TT = } The Reason Why f & X »~-- Is There a Man in the Moon ? The markings which we see on the face of the moon when it is full can | by a stretch of thé imagination be | said to form the, face of a man. O some nights this face appears to be} If, however, we look | at the moon through a telescope, we see distinctly that it is not the face of a man. Through a very large telescope we can see very plainly' that the marks are mountains and | craters of extinct voleances. It just! happens that these marks on the moon, alded by the reflection of the light from the sun, which gives the moon all the light it has, make ® SH WHIG 'combination that looks like a face. | ~From the Book of' Wonders. Published and copyrighted by the Bureau of Industrial Education, [nc., Washington, D. C. -- HE PLEADED QUILTY | Endorsemnet. Belleville, Dec. 30.--A young man who gives his name as Robert Allen Williams, and the United States as his home, arrived in Belleville, and soon found himself behind prison bars, charged with two serious of- fences. The accused went into a barber's shop and took from the poc- ket of a vest a cheque for fifty dol- lars, the property of M. D. North, an emplyoee of the shop. The cheque was not endorsed, but Williams forg- ed North's name and made some purchases at a stord" tendering the cheque for paym¥nt. He received $13 in cash in addition to the goods. Be- fore Magistrate Masson, the accused pleaded guilty to theft and forgery, and was remanded for a few days for sentence. Opposition to the proposed Govern- ment tariff commission in so far as it is to be composed of cabinet mini- sters is expressed by the Canadian Manufacturers' Association. Ro Rhymes away. one gets, prove a frost. and all the ills ~-Heating Pads wHair Dryers Grills ---Table Stoves 'Holiday Suggestions Westinghouse Turnover Toasters ~Eloctric Irons SPECIAL HALLIDAY ELECTRIC (0. CORNER PRINCESS AND KING STREETS THE NEW YEAR. | I hall the new yefir gladly, and say to it, "Good day," while still surveying sadly the year that's passed The old year seemed a winner when first its tour began, but now old Time, the tinner, has put it in a can. That year was punk and daffy, the worst of | all bum bets; this much of epitaphy is all the dead | But now its bright successor with gladness ; I accost, and I'm a cheap john guesser if it should | 1 hail the Buoyant stranger and hope he'll set us free from dread and doubt and danger, there be." I"hope he'll bring good feeling, contentment, in his train, and end the foolish i spieling that's driving men insane. a season of quiet and repose, and back to law and | reason lead people by the nose. For I am, oh, 80 | weary of riot and unrest, of frowsy skates and bleary who do their dirty best, to stir up useless quarrels, | to wane men's passions flame, to undermine their morals, and spoil their useful game. The old year's buried under a million tons of grit; the new year is a wonder, and ought to make a hit. ~--~WALT MASON. er ress tp --Massage Vibrators ----Vacuum Cleaners Washing Machines ~Table Lamps (best value in city) Western Rib Roast . "ee - a [= ~~ The Wm. Davies Co., Ltd. PHONE 597 You will want a Nice Juicy Roast of Beef or one of Davies' Wiltshire Hams for Sunday. We have Chuck Roast, bone out . . ... .. . Short Ribs : ee ea s+ ao vs 186, 336, I hope he'll bring | Stole Barber's Cheque. and Forged! AEE ENE ENE NERNTE rr ---- SU NENENEEEERENENES SENENNENEEREEINEEEE FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1 gs HF tn en ea See Bibbys $25.00. Overcoats BIBBY"S See - $25.00 Overcoats Bibbys MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR "HEADQUARTERS || STYLE Where Society Brand Clothes we ou mm Don't Be a Professional Mourner ! This Is Canada Not China! In China the sional mourne wail and mou with us but he's t y have such a thing as profes- rs. These people are hired to rn at funerals. But we don't go in for that stuff in Can- ada. We detest "calamity howlers." We're strong for Optimism with a big O. . That's how we've gotten where we are to-day among the nations of the earth. ; We look upon the pessimist as a traitor. We don't want the ruin for the country." He may think he's guy who is always seeing The word 'unrest' doesn't scare us. Nor the word "red" or We're Canadians. strength, in our people, in our government, in our future. And we greet 1920 with the faith that conquers. Bolshevist. See Bibbys $25.00 Overcoats |BIBBY'S| hinking against us. We believe in our See Bibbys $2.00 Wool Scarfs Style Headquarters Where Society Brand Clothes Are Sold . TANK HEATERS FOR WATERING TANKS. Grain Growers' Guide Heater." 5 Buy yours early at-- says:i--"XNvery farmer should use a Tank New and PERFUMES TO WATERS and STATIONERY, I ok ht fk ot ft ok BRD ih GO 0 BO Be Naa mRnS Price $20,000 He000 Real Estate and insurance CLARENCE STREET Phone 1055W. or 1797J. An expression of our sincere AbPreciation of your many covrtesies, and best wishes for your prosperity during the New Year, Jas. REDDEN & Co. | Phoies 20 and 990, il DAVID SCOTT Plumber Work a apesial All work Kunranteed. Address 145 Frontenac street, Fhone rr ir seasrian blog and Ga ty. " Ee 1277. DELAWARR LACKAIYANNA and WESTERN RAILROADS CELEBRATED

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