Ey ps - . ign THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE THREE FIIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1919 BEST'S As usual to the front with a fine display of Holiday Gift Goods. 7 ~Tollot and Manicure Sets. --~-Shavers' Sets. | --Fountain Pens. ~Fancy Chocolates. Stationery. ~--Brushes and Mirrors. ~=Porfumes and Sprays. Drop in early and look this fine display over. At Best's | Open Till Ten Each Night * Phone 59. Keeley Jr, MOD. Phonograph would mB ke the choicest of Xmas. gifts. We have a few very fine models of this "PEERLESS PHONOGRAPH." Let us play one for you. The Difference EXHBITON OF ART WOR | BY THE PUPILS OF NOTRE g CONVENT | Held on Thursday Afternoon and Ev- ening and on Friday--The Show- ing of Work Was Excellent. A very fine exhibition of art work done by the pupils at the Notre Dame Convent was held in the con- vent on Thursday afternoon and ev- ening and on Friday. An invitation was sent out to the public to attend, and those who took advantage of this invitation were agreeably surprised with the excellence of the work dis- played. i In one room, the regular class work of the first and second forms was displayed. This work consisted of wall-paper designs, Christmas cards, calendars, valentines oth- er novelties done by the I's. 3 fine nature studies of leaves, ! owers and plants on exhibition; ! whilé the art folios of the pupils for; last session were arranged on a ta- ble' for inspection. This pamt of the exhibition showed some splendid ar- tistic talent which is well worth de- veloping. In another room the best part of the exhibition was on view. This consisted .of the studio wdrk of the pupils who are taking an art course. The walls were covered with land- scapes, studids of fruit and animals, and many other kinds of paintings. The work was af a very high order, some . 0 SENATE WILL TRY JOSEPH CAILLAUX The Former French Premier tg Face Accusers on' January 14th. There were also a large number of | - JOSEPH CAILLAUX aris, Dor 19 Lan Branch. Sens ate, dg constituted by the election of Jan. 11th, will try Joseph Calllaux, former Premier, on a charge of in' triguimg to bring about a premature and dishonorable peace with Ger- { | PROBS: | | i i i Saturday, fair and cold. Store Open To-night 7 to 9.30. ° Shop Early. Pleast Carry Small Parcels. Keep to the right in cromds. We are prepared for the busiest Christmas Saturday in our his- tory. Stoeks were never more complete--the broad assortments of practical gift suggestions radiate from every nook and corner of thie busy shoppin manifests itself centre. ~ The glowing warmth/of the Christmas spirit everywhere in the wreath of gay decorations, the beautiful gift suggestions and the alert, cheerful salespeople. This \ is the Xmas. store. ess A 'Gloves For the paintings, especially those of a Kingston girl named Doris MacDonald being worthy of a place in any collection. Some fine caléndar designs and blotter cover designs were displayed on stands around the room. One outstanding feature of this part of the exhibit was the dis- play of cushions, bearing painted de- signs. Some were done in pen-paint- ing, and were very pretty. A design of horses' heads, executed by Hilda Kaminske, of Kingston, was espec- ally worthy of mention. All the work was of a very high order, and the local pupils who are deserving of special praise are, (be- sides the two girls mentioned), Helen Nicol, Francis Rhodes, Ruth Gillespie, Mary Ogilvie, Thelma Bo- gart, Lillian Fyland, Tillle MacDon- ald, and Florence McKimy The tea- chers in charge of the art work are to be congratulated on the excellence of the work done under their super- vision, many. The trial will begin Jan. 14th. There are only seventy-three mem- bers of the old Senate whose terms have not expired, and it has been ge- cided, that this number is not suffi- clent to sit as a high court. A decree witl be promulgated convoking the Senate'on Jan. 13th. The Senate then will constitute itseJf as a high court of the complete Senate, with 311 members qualified ta sit. ers Li foram Es Gifts At Christmas time ; everybody gives some- is in the tone of the "STARR" MARRIAGE Insure Against After Regrets by JICENSES Using, Glasses Prescribed, Made and Fitted by Keeley Jr., M0.D.0. The opto t of to do good ust not only be equipped with the best mechan- Established 1840 ical apparatus biit must have King Btreet ' 4 that knowledge in its use ; . » WHICH ONLY LONG EXPERI. J ENCE CAN GIVE. 1 one Gloves. Here you will find Gloves that will solve the gift prob- lem. Women's Cape Gloves, White Kid Gloves, French Kid Gloves, Wool Gloves, Gauntlet Gloves, Wool-lined Gloves, Suede Gloves, and Knitted Gloves. m------ Gifts For All Crepe and Satin En- Silk Neck Ties velope Chemise Men's Negligee Novelty Silk Petti- § Shirts : : + coats uspender sets Winter Silk Bloomers "Men's Garters Coats Ribbon Camisoles Ladies' Neckwear : : Boudoir Caps i When Coats can be || Silk Kimonas offered at these || Hair Ribbons prices it would be a disinterested pub- lic that would not come for them. WEDDING RINGS. SMITH BROS. NLS < Pt It is this combination of mind wrists id akhinery of ; Raperience THOMAS COPLEY THE WORLD'S TIDINGS Heoloys worvigo igue ton Telephone 987 IN CONDENSED FORM Kingston. ! < dome tn ------ | . ; Tidings From All Over Told In Shop / a Pointed and Pithy A Sweeping Sale - Way. of Women's and Mrs. Caroline gPasserback was | J. G. McBachren, B.A. for ten Mayor Mercier, Galt, was present. 5 Misses' i " , - with an honorarfum of $600 at found guilty of passing counterfeit | years teacher in St. Thomas Collegi- | ed money in Brantford and let go on |ate Institute, has accepted a similar | the final meeting of the City Coun- suspended sentence, position in London. cil. Inn. cb South Africa intends to import| '- wheat flour in its own ships from | Australia to counteract the present J. C. ROSS : | shortage and reduce the high prices. tr a one; Menires), 4nd OL { A Moscow wireless states that al eater oe the Farmers' Sun, the official special Soviet train named the 'Red - organ of the U. F. of Canada. East" has left for Turkestan to or ) | ganize Soviet institutions there. : . N A new service of steamers will be : LRT gin shortly from Java ports to Chil: : 5 and Peru. The vessels will probabil: call at Sydney and Melbourne en route. Rev. Dr. German, a well-kn6wn figure in Methodism and who spent twenty-five years in Toronto churches, died on Thursday. He was borfi on Dec. 25th, 1842. A complete breakdown of the ne- gotiations at Copenhagen for the ex- change of prisoners of war and civi- lians between Great Britain and Sov- it Russia is expected. - B The Leland line steamship Lan- castrian was In distress about 500 miles east of New York, Thursday, sending out wireless calls for assist- ance. A coastguard vessel went fo her assistance. The elections in Australia show that while the strong trades union political party has made slight head- way, it has nowhere r gained its pre-war political powér. Labor on three previous qecasjefis has held all the seven Goveknmgnts, both State and Federal. mas Gift Let us help you to se- lect your Xmas. gifts. The school girl, boy, or housemaid would certainly enjoy having a pair of Star Skates. Your lady or gentle- " man friends would al- 80 enjoy a pair of gboa Skates. We have all sizes and styles, so be- fore making your pur- chases be sure and have a look at our windows, dlso come in- side and we'll only be to pleased to explain why our Skates are the best. Gift Blouses We have set out to give the greatest Coat values that any store has given this year. , Beauti- fully made and ex- trémely smart in fashion, having all the new touches. LE SE a en These are the sort of gifts = that cannot fail to please. 100 only, beautiful Crepe de Chene Blouses; in colors F. K. LANE : U. 8. Becretaty of the Interior, who has announced his intention of resign- J Me is a native of Prince Edward Istand. The materials are: r "American Velours, Bath, Nowa TT ph 'Norman All-Wool Velours, Silvertones. Then wits Beyond Wars, en @ quiet gather round th BOYS' SKATES .......$1.50 door 3 ; Whe CHILDREN'S DOUBLE RUN- And settle on those evening fields NERS at .vovecceesss.780 ( Where women watch the slow home- | McKelvey & Birch Lt, \ [| Eis Across brown acres hoofed and hurt : PHONE 287 5 BULL at | ; ~ flesh, white, maize, rose and - 1 black; smart styles and sold regular at $5.50. : Saturday, $3,98 Wemp, who has been visiting friends on Amherst Island, has returned home. Fredenick McTear, Montreal, is home for the holidays. Miss Hazel Hawley, nurse-in-training at Kings» oor, . ton General Hospital, is home for a When lamps are lit, and~Stilmess|few days... George Parks is seriously deeper falls, ill. - Mrs. John Forester has return- Unbroken save where cattle in their | ed-home after a short visit in Wind: stalls sor. Harold Sharps has returned Keep niunching patiently upon their [after spending a short time in Osha- store. : wa. Mrs. William Topliff still con- Only a scar beside the pasture gate, |tinues very low. A torn and naked trée upon the hill, } What times remembered, will remind them still . ot i, disastrous days they kmew of te; 3 THN these too, yield for sweet, accus- ings-- extremely no more-- The sound of children's feet upon the " . A The prices will make instant ap- peal. Values up to $25.00 $14.95 'Will Get Bonus. ; Toronto, Dec. 19.-- The Ontario ci- vil servants sre going to get their bonus. Maybe they will get it before Christmas, but if not, then they will get it shortly afterwards, and ft may | Bi come as a Néw Year's box. Ce 30 only, Crepe de Chene Blousés in flesh, maize and white, round neck, button trimmed; reg. 60 only, exquisite, 'Georgette Crepe Blouses, in colors flesh, maize, white, embyoidered and two tone collars; worth $9.00. worth $8.50. Saturday $7.50 : Saturday $6.50 An Exquisite Range of Christmas Blouses, Ranging in Price $3.98 up to $35.00 Choose From ; Values up to $35 $16.95 Values up to $62.50 "$24.95 spammy prannany And a man ploughs, a woman sews y and sings. ~David Morton, in Louisville Even- ing Post. AtLiege a solemn ceremony mark- RB ed the removal to the cemetery of the bodies of thirty-seven civilians shot at the Citadel by the Germans|: when they first entered the towms Sn ~~rnen lf v7 Tues u m-- rf $95.00 | =item craonze MI Christmas Handkerchiefs : p to boa't be late making selections. We will store your gifts 8 id and deliver the day before Christmas. LIVING ROOM FURNITURE. ® ET ---------------------- CHAIRS TO MATCH. ; LNUT AND FUMED OAK. - AND TABLE LAMPS, fitted with shades in rose, GOONS IN MAHOGANY AND WALNUT. MATS. 2 $ ; a FTROLAS AND VICTOR RECORDS . H A completo stock always on hand. Ee ( 1D. bad - d Bn emt ge TP FU CS | A tn 6 A {1