Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Nov 1919, p. 5

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SH WHIG inity THE DAILY BRITI re or ¥ | } NEW, ALSO FEW SLIGHTLY USED FIBRE KINGS AND STATION AGENTS. ALL SIZES QUEBEC HEATERS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE Do Not Delay CAN BE BEEN AND BOUGHT AT A. SPEIZMAN'S 00 QUEEN, ST., KINGSTON. i= 4 i { a CAE | ~ - ; oo r - FOR SALE | ; NS ® ® mae | Geenscors | Kingston and Vic ~RADIATORS. : ST > PEE A ~--MILITARY TENTS. ssl arge pleces of CANVASS, ete., ete. L Cohen & Co. 878 Ontario Street. Phone 584 41! 1 wl no doubt will make 8 success of "the undertaking. He is well known in Kingston. Appointed Teller. _ : ment wus weeepted. It was decided A. R, McGregor, formerly of the |té advance the membership fee for Alexandria branch of tke Uniom 1920 to $2 in view of added contin- Bank of Canada, has been sppoluted gencies. It is hoped to have an ad- teller in the Portland branch of the dress by Brig.-Gen. Ross at an early | same institution. date, { wv -------------- i a 1 rheumatic remedy since time began. Fortunes are spent f | Josey at hot spri ngs, electric baths and hospi. { | tals to obtain relief, i better results are | | achieved right at home by using T.R.C.'s "the | common sapse treatment." Just compare cost and results with any other treatment and you will be coavine Ask yout druggist or write us for our new booklet; it is interest. ing and costs you nothing (Templetons, 143 We mail saywhere on To Come to Kingston, W. V. Webster, Trenton, has sold his grocery business and has pur- chasedya grocery in Kingston, es- tablished for the past twenty-five years. He also purchased a few months ago an established business ei ------------ Almonte is a Leader. "Help on the Work. Almonte, by subscribing two hun- These who- consider the Board of dred and fifty-three per cent. of its | Trade is not doing all it might along 'biective in the Victory Loan, stands | certain' lines should link up with fit in the lead of every town and city of jand help the members accomplish |.in Gananoque. On account of Kings- G. WASHINGTON PREPARED COFFEE made in the cup at the table. All size cans in stock. Prompt Delivery. D. COUPER 8.0 Welnesas vient Thane TA 70¢. Red Rose Tea .....50c. 28¢c. Clark's Pork & Beans 18c. Bon Marche Grocery Cor, King and Earl Streets. License No. 8-27149 Phone 16944. [F. J. JOHNSON, Florist. King W., Torc nto). peceipt of $1.0 Soe ag-ut for Kingston, James B. McLeod, Druggist. § ------------ | GEO. A. WRIGHT the Dominion of Canada. " Nurse Given High Position, Miss Stella M. Jenkins, R.N., for- merly a resident of Belleville, has been appointed to an important posi- tion at Utica, N.Y., in charge of | peace-time Red Cross activities. MACHINIST : Has removed from K Street : te 40 PRINCESS § EET : ir work of all kinds. | shop 1264; At Funeral in Ottawa. | Rev. J. W. Jones was in Ottawa on | Tuesday, representing Bishop Bid- e+ | well, at the funeral of the late Arch- { bishop Mackay, which took place to | All Saints' church at 2.30 p.m., and was very largely attended. =| SIF Ct Flowers r= wa wien = 5 Fe fers! | Was Heavily Fined. sprays, ip Beg oie gi order| Robert Cowie. Seymour township, was convicted by Magistrate G. A. Payne of having liguor illegally in his possession in a public place, and fined $200 and costs, or four months {in jail. Chief of Police Connor laid | | the information. For Fall and Winter. Prevost Brock street has. a great assortment cf Ready Made Clothing in suits and overcoats and a splendid assortment of Gents Furnishings, his order clothing department was never Phone, TIX Track Sf, Phone 228, re A-------- | -------- PHONE 1670 "0. Aykroyd & Son Carpenters and Builders 21 MAIN STREET | better assorted at extremely low pri- | ces. -------- TTY ASK YOUR GROCER FOR 40c. PER LB. KINGSTON PRODUCE CO. (Distributors) 1113 Brock Street. ® Ah hd la a ENGLISH BREAKFAST TEA our own blend, black and green per Ib. 80c. OUR COFFEE {s the best that money can buy. Try a Ib. and be convinced. C. H PICKERING 490 and 492 Princess Street Phone 580 gd FOR SALE Farm of 91 acres; 9 miles from Kingston. Good buildings and water front. Ww. H. GUDWIN & SON Real Estate & Insurance 89 Brock St. Phone 424 BAR'S Arrested on Pullman Car. H ROWLEY - At Brockville 8. A. Daye, Toronto, | House Painting and Paper Huag-- § | wag arrested in a Pullman car on a | ing. Estimates on work freely | Grand Trunk train, and was fined | WALL PAPER FOR SALE {$208 In the police court for having 340 BARRIE STREET. ten gallons of high wines In his pos- PHONE 12606J. | session. Inspectors Sykes and Taylor | sald he had been under surveillance {for two months. Pearl A. Neshitt, LTCM. | ORGANIST Teacher of Singing and Fiano Studio: 440 Johr~'.u Street ~~ mm Died at Rochester, N.Y. i The late Hermann Raney, father of | Attorney-General Raney, died in Ro- | chester, N.Y,, last Sunday night at the home of his daughter. The late Mr, Raney was of United Empire { stock and farmed in Dundas County = for many years. Rev. W. H. Raney, Renfrew, is another surviving son. The Price of Sugar. The price of sugar made an ad- vance of one cent, and is now being {sold at 13 1-2 cents. Evén at that | price it is scarce, and many retailers iare doling omt depleted stocks in (small quantities, Sugar brokers | | state that there is every indication of | fifteen cent sugar next year. We wish to announce to the public that we have moved to 222 WELLINGTON STREET corner of Queen Street, where we are better equipped to sup- ply your wants in---- AUTO TIRES AND ACCESSORIES | A Missionary Address. | SUDDABY BROS. | A missionary meeting was held in | St. James' church on Tuesday night, PHONE 1988 {when Rev. Mr. Millman, a returned { missionary, gave a very interesting | =| address on Japan, the address being { lilustrated with lantern slides. He | dealt chiefly with Japan and her | modern conditions. ! ------_ ip ---- f Big Hydro Meeting. | Premier Drury is to receive a de- ] putation from the Ontario municipali- ties on December 1st for the purpose | of discussing the future of the Hydro movement in the province. Although it has not been definitely decided, it is altogether likely that R. F. Elliott, {chairman of the civic utilities, and | Manager C. C. Folger will attend. wishes to announce that he has taken over the ing Business of W. IL. Richardson, 151 Wellington street, and is now prepared to do first class work in this line. Workmanship guaranteed. | PHONE 1788, Have Made Arrangements. The Canadian Club executive met on Tuesday. The secretary reported that The Hostel will provide lun- cheons at 1.30 p.m. and the arrange- The Late F. J. Fralick, Hamilton. Begs to announce that ha Although the late Frederick J. bas resumed his ithe persons of the late' Mrs. George more. "On the outside lpoking in" | ton and Gananoque being a short dis- most matters have a different as-| tance apart it will enable him to at- pect than when the positioi™i8 re- [tend to both stores to Better ad- || versed, vantage, Deaths About Tweed. Lacking in Courtesy. Tweed and Hungerford respective-| Owing to the illness of Police |! ly lost two of their oldest and most | Magistrate Stewart, Pembroke, H, B. highly esteemed citizens last week in | Johnson, barrister, had been appoint- ed deputy by the attorney-general. |! Clare, whose death took place Sun- | Mr. Stewart is still drawing his sal- day morning, and of the late Wil- | ary from the town, snd Mr. Johnson jam Brown, of the Lodgeroom nelgh- is collecting fees, which would other borhood, whose death occurred on | wise go to the town for his services. Monday. | Ald. Jones thought that as the town x ad WAS paying for the services they ! Tito Return to Bengal | should at least be consulted or offi- | Dr. C. B. Archer, who has heen in | cially advised of the appointment. A. D. HOLTON £80 PRINCESS STREET. { France since June, 1916, In the em | Royal Army Medical Conps, has re- | To Spend Much Money. { turned to his home in Campbeliford, | It Is expected that Prof. Gill, of Ontario. Dr. Archer expects to re- | Queen's University, director of tech- | turn to his old work at Ranaghat, | nical education for Canada, will com- i Bengal, under the Church Missionary mence his duties immediately in con- Society. He salls from Victoria on | nection with the administration of | December 16th on the Suwa Maru. [technical education throughout the | . | Dominion, as provided for in the Meeting at Seecley's Bay. | Technical Education Act passed at] At a meeting of the Directors of the last regular session of Parlla-| the Leeds and Frontenac Rural Tele- | ment. During the fiscal year ending | plione Company, held in the central March 31st, 1920, the expenditure | office, Seeley's Bay, a motion of con-|0f $700,000 iu the various provinces dolence was tendered the bereaved | Is proposed. wife and family of the esteemed trea- | surer, J. A. Seacey, "whose absence | 'The Tweed hunters have mostly Success of Tweed Hunters. | Drink Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only - GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limuted bine we deeply deplore as a cheerful bu-| siness head among us." . returned from their week in the] Not His Name. A The train was pulling into Union | parties not bringing back a deer. It | Station, and as the passengers crowd- [is thought there were not enough | ed to get off, the hotelmdn walked | huntegs in the woods, as there were | up and down calling: "King Bdward! | plenty of deer. J. BE. Johnston Is King Bdward?" Coming up to a | greatly tickled at bringing down a | gentleman, he sald, while stooping 210 1b. buck, the largest he has ever | for the man's bag, "King Edward, | bagged. F. C. Arber 'went back for | sir?" {one week, and in that time laid two "No, sir," replied the man, '*'you low. His party all got their num- are mistaken. I'm Mr. --------------, | ber. of Belleville. CHE " { re bn vi-------- Death of a Clayton, N.Y., Woman. : Advancing Salaries. | Mrs. Anastasia Goodfriend Charle- The members of the Colborne pub- | ois, wife of Anthony Charlebois, lioj school staff made a united writ- | Clayton, N.Y. died on Saturday at ten appeal to the hoard for higher | gt Joachim's Hospital, Watertown, salaries, and also appeared before the I N'Y, The funeral took place on board at a recent meeting to support | Tuesday from her laté home. their claims. Beginning January 1st |* Mpg. Charlébols was born at Howe next, the principal will be given $100 | gland, Ont., having resided in Clay- yearly increase, and the other teach- | ton a number of years. Surviving ers $60 increase each. Mr. Bellamy, | arg her husband, two sons, Vincent | B.A, was re-engaged as principal of | of Gananoque, Ont., and Peter of the high school at a salary of $1,700.,| clayton; a daughter, .Mrs. Lyle He is completing his thirtieth year | snyder of Alexandria Bay; one bro- [his year has boen vers poor: some | ulIIHAAERORETNEATOEERSRAOORR CESARE ARR AE ie Hii SPECIAL SALE OF FURNITURE k FOR ONE WEEK ONLY ; 2 dozen White Enameled Beds, Brass trimmed. 14 dozen Springs, iron and wood. 135 dozen Mattresses, highest quality. 2 Round Extension Tables. 11% dozem Dining Room Chairs, plain and leather seats, 34 dozen Buffets, 4 Bureaus. a SACRIFICE SALE PRICES---BELOW OCOSE: Going Out of the Furniture Trade. x JOS. B. ABRAMSON 257 PRINCESS STREET. PHONE 1288J. Our rent is low----our prices are low. ERECTOR A as principal. Prof. Marison's Lecture. A most interesting lecture, under the auspices of the Kingston His- torical Soclety was given in Convoca- tion Hall on Tuesday night by Prof. J. 34 Morison ot Queen's University, on "Allenby in Palestine." Prof. Morison dealt with his subject in a masterly way, and the lecture was very much enjoyed by the audisnce. Bishop Bidwell presided. This was the first lecture of the season to be held by the Kingston Historical So- ciety. Made Manager of Theatre. Desmond D. Morris has been ap- pointed by the Ottawa Valley Amuse- Opera House in Penibroke, which that company last eek acquired from J. H. Bruck. Mr. Morris is a young man of aggressive qualities, popular with the public, and we have Jment Co. as 1h the Grand opened the clothing establishment which still bears his name on North James street, and which since then has doubled its volume of trade. The deceased gentleman had for years taken particular interest in trotting horses and ownéd not a few excellent animals, Outside of his 'business his chiéf hobby was the con- duet of his 100-acre Fairview farm on the mountain, For some years he had -- { ther, John Goodfriend, Kingston, and | two sisters, Mrs. Thomas O'Grady and Mary Goodfriend. Vaccination. The first compulsory vaccination act was passed in England 64 years ago. Ten years later vaccination be- came obligatory in Scotland and Ire- land, and this means of protection against smallpox has since become general in. nearly all civilized coun- tries. There was, of course, much opposition to the new law in many quarters, and anti-vaccination socle- | ties were formed. These exist even to-day in many parts of the world. Thirty-three years ago an anti-vac- cination riot occurred in Montreal. A mob attacked the City Hall and threatened to burn the newspaper offices, but the police succeeded in quelling the disturbance. Similar outbreaks, especially among eastern peoples, have occurred from time to time. Wade, Are in Danger of Starvation. London, Nov. 26.--At least one hundred million people in Europe are in danger of starvation in the next few months, according to Sir George Paish, speaking before the Ethical Society. He declared that al- though the world had not fully realiz- ed the situation, business hen and bankerd had done so and were join- ing together to devise remedial mea- 0000000 OE Real Values In Winter Overcoats Suits All Styles $25.00 $28.00 $30.00 $42.00 TWEDDELL'S Fralick has been ailing for almost {heen a member of the LO.OF., the six months, his energetic nature kept | Macabees and the Workmen. He was him in attendance at his place of {a Conservative in politics and at- business on North James street until lianded Centenary Methodist church. last Sunday. After returning from a Mr. Fralick leaves to mourn his motor drive he was taken suddenly |gjeath his widow, formerly Miss Jes- ill, his trouble becoming so serious [sie Bretinen, daughter of the late as to necessitate his removal to St. {Mayor Samuel Brennen, Kingston; Joseph's Hospital. He dled there Jone son, Harry, .at home, and a early on Friday. . daughter, Mrs. Olive Nelson, St. Pet- Mr. Fralick was born fifty-nine |srshurg, Florida. Three brothers years ago at Picton, Ont., of sturdy | (Drs. Ralph and Wilfred Fralick, of United Empire Loyalist stock. At-{New York, and Charles, of Kings- tending public and high school ation) and three sisters (Mrs. 8. H. Picton, he clerked in Kingston aud |Clarke, Mrs. Grant All and Mrs. sures. . HUNGRY BUT DAREN EAT Take "'Pape's Diapepsin" and eat favorite foods io PRINCES STREET TE ring . ; ICE CEAM hat ba | : ' corner Johnson and Welling- |f ton Streets, Kingston. Tee. phone: 36%. We Have Stock In Just Arrived then joined the sales staff of the John Calder Company, with which he Bessie Johns, all of | survive. cago, also - without fear was connected when he first came to Hamilton in 1883. One year later he "SYRUP OF FIGS" IS License No. 6-543 LUMBER ing eva it The funeral took place from 21 South Bay street on Monday after- Webster, Gananoque, and zabeth, Sideut daughter ot Mr. : i il i g ia id HH Your meals hit back! Your stom- j| ach is sour, acid, gassy and you feel bloated - after. eating or -you: have ind: pain or

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