PAGE SIXTEEN ; THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG = sabrina, NOVEMBER 2, 1018, Wi = INN ADE ONBEROTIT EE : STRANI | comMuv™Te naLis venoms. | $9500: Getedensecnsees | = | a | £A Dysoenst TE By : Th > one MARINE SUPERSTITIONS : EA. 5 | Athletic Fields Part of Plan for Rural A Dyspepsi Cure 1 ec : ; ; Ee : District Development. e M.D. advises: "Persons who TALKING 1 ] : SOME STRANGE BELIEFS HELD o ; : : It is well recognized that social as | o suffer from severe indigestion @ MACHINES . and only: 4 BY SAILORS, = : £3 = : well as economic conditions have | § and constipation can cure them. All makes of Fhencgrapes 4. ------e { . | i much to do with community develop- | 8 ives b e » : x i | @ ®s By taking fifteen to cleaned, repaired, adjusted. ment and well being. While in many j ! 5 § fi h i YER : il All Through the Ages, Sea-faring | ; Pl | rural sections a very desirable con- | ® thirty drops of Extract of Roots o Parts for all makes supplied, Men Have Mad Many Signs of | | y AY {dition socially exists, there has been | § after each meal and at bedtime. expert workmanship, moderate I @ @ { 'Will Altor Their Dread of mM iN dV // nN SLT Ni | Ror meeting places or of desirable | Scigel's Carative Syrap in the drug © : = : N F i ity rings and Jrapin ug 9 Omens, Which Exert a Streng Y = 8 | arp gatherings | pt 9 trade" Get the genuine. E0c. S J. M. PATRICK Influence Upon Al Their Actions. | : y a & { flaving these facts in mind the | © and $1.00 Bottle ., : 149 Sydeaham St. ARINERS of all nationalities i AR; f { RL | Legislature of Ontario at ifs-last ses- sPedeReetestsRsece {sion nassed an "Act respecting the | NH r------ ? + 4 A : . cherish very much the same | § * . 5 2 8 | establis.ment of community halls | Seen Superstitions. Their joys | ! i on! ¥ and athletic fisids ip rural districts." i Sm oe and fears are the same in i : 3 5 9 } { This aet was introduced by the Pro; : : A ; . | Yincial Minister of Agriculture an z aia all waters and have found similar | | 3 ; i i ' Seoti id | x i 'provides for giving financial assist- i i i S2Bresion from Neva Scotia te Chi-| (ll * a g A {ance to rural communities fo the » diffrent -- quite Ba. It has been pointed out that, ' " nH if -1 oH { DUrpose of erecting community. halls, different from any since the days of the Phoenicians, | 'Nl | : ge=sI\NVAl [or for providing such accommodation i ilors. in ancient | [PA : i: 1d { In cOnsolidated schools. } BV ; r SEvpony CR $1 trae, . other kind of sauce. the Steatest of Ballecs. ih Sacient | : 1 In onder ro soos. against the | b ERY WEEK BETWEEN MONTREAL AND KINGSTON; AL. ef x a pe, lot el belie in | | possibility of these halls being un- WAYS ON TIME, Hip YOUR FREIGHT BY THIS RB- | suitable for the purposes intended, |} Get a boitle to-day. omens and signs bas been more or { the act provides regulations, one of || _ LIABLE ROUTE Seti al - less incomprehensible {o the lands- | : Wh All Stores soll HP, a ee "| THe "ancient mariners held the | Dre rr 5 = ! other equipment; reading room, in- | ' | wildest superstitions, but their belief | ES AS TR EEEratrr . To 4 [cluding library and kitchenette. The i in the existence of enchanted spots, | 3 = : . { auditorium must have a level floor | em Ta ALL AAS {such as the siren island of Calypso | One hundred years ago today, Nevember 22,71819, George Eliot was dud be sultable for recitals, dramatic ESS ee NR Hu . | born, entertainments and the discussion It $ | or of those islands that Simbad lk- | Find Adam Bede, of public questions, it being intended I : . | ened to the Gardens of Paradise, was Answer to yesterday's puzzle: Upside down, nose at left Shoulden that such a building should be avail sto pe mcent erry hod ; A Good and Bad Luck -- Nothing H > 02 | | Bolted for some time the need of pro- This remed: is know Mother | / ) $ y nas ) charges, quick service, 5 palette colar ee SER ees ' TELEPHONE 2105 For INFORMATION. TR er much more picturesque and romantic able for all meetings and gatherings than the superstitions of the modern | | of a community nature in the broad- seaman, i est. sense of the meaning of these : STR. MIS s1sQuox The latter is filled with foreboding | take a keen interest in the proceed- OUCH! CORNS! { terms, and consistent with the regu- | ii EFFECTIVE NO VEMBER 17, ne, br the Sight of y hateh Soyer ioside ings, and, havihg suecesstully Janded . . ations Made under joe act. 5 § Ly. cungston ada aver tar ee : WR er e falling ove: I the shark on deck--an operation B- It 18 also provided that eac com- © oabe Vincent Swaine, ike Stands aghast at Yolving mo little excitement -- jt is LIFT CORNS OFF | munity hall shall have in connection | lI ar BPs Y incent a cn Saha e aceiden caring of a flag, a | killed and its tail cut off. This tro- | with it at least three acres of land | fil Special - : h ats © is certain that if sails be sewed or phy is then nailed either on the end | adjoining the building or in close | Ii Forde, $3.00; rounnodat oh fora Somobilen, Rates for : ended on the quarterdeck ill luck {of the bowsprit or the jibboom amd | proximity to it--this land to be ah: | Close connections: at Cape Vy ncent with N. Y. C. for all N. ¥. | Will ensue. Events are always view- | 18 considered an infallible charm, . for sports, pienies and outdoor gath- {i points, {ed by him in the light of what has | capable of bringing the craft the fair. erings. The Ontario, Department of Hl PHone 2185, Subject to change without notice, ~ | Bone before. Everything that is pe | ot of winds and weather. It is not / Agriculture undertakes to offer as- Hit i Souveniont ar Yezatiaue he eerie | incommon to observe sailing ships sistance in the erection of these halls |* ; | to some malign influence. : lying in port with this peculiar em. by offering prepared plans of build- | y JORONYO 5 | The sailor is & firm believer in the. blem of the sailor's superstition, but : ings, and will make a grant to the | 3 h Centra hopping | efficacy of odd numbers, as naval sa~- the custom is fast dying out, sinee, municipality desiring to erect a com- | Th ; » a Sug 3 Dis ric el | Lutes Hatily--minute-gune Sxcepted. | in the tuse of steamers, a shark cap- munity hall up to. 25. per cent. of the | € amount of REAL FOOD mn a ROO ie] | Women at sea, to Say me URE Of | ture at sea is 4 Yery rare occurrence. cost of the building, the grant not > : LUROBE Le Bathe. | preachers, he regards with distaver, | Another remarkable and weird . to exceed the sum of $2,000: The | QUART OF MILK 1s not appreciated by BAN. HW. THOMPSON, Face. [ 8nd certain officers will. bear a bad | Superstition is that pertaining to the cost of the building shall be exely- | mothers as it should be a lf | reputation for 'the weather they | albatress. These huge birds, measur- "|sive of the cost of the land for the | : | bring. Certain days, the seaman IS] ing from fourteen to eighteen feet hall and adjoining grounds. These |B \ Good Milk Sa Milk y Clean 1 A or en i ein j convinced, are umlucky. One old | tip to.tip of their wings, are to be halls are to be erected and super- EVERY MONTH | suroniciop Pits the number of days | seen enly in the stormy regions of vised by a board of management in all youn ] Bpon which it is undesirable to put | the capes of 'Good Hope and Horn each township or municipality, y g people. to sea at fifty-three, but the number | and the surr 1 udes. | whe suppli . MANY WOM EN 0 J nd th ounding latitudes. The The plans when not pplied by | Get PRICE. S MILK in bottles atc, | bas ie Sensiderabiy rediced Since | peculiar belief of old sailors credits , the department must be approved ip | ime. Among these days were | thege bi i pr 1 | : tat Take ZUTOO Tablets and are | birds with possessing the souls {Dy it before building commences, | 1s essential to bh the anniversaries of the destruction | o¢ ancient mariners, who, for their ' { Authority is given under the act for T qu . free of the Griping Pain and yis g Per quart Sick Headaches. Witch Read what Mrs, Wright says : : n be first voyage on a Friday and that he | are easily captured b contrivance ; FF wi i ot your sample be { y captu y a # fi tures as provided by. the Ontario . ] sectived maple of Zuton pain | acorered ana on Ihe fifth Say of | of the sailors' own invention. This, fight off 'with fingers Runicipal act. The provincial pind ' Price's Dai headache. At the end of Pine week have no weight > th the being baited, attaches itself to the lations state that every hall erected ry was free of pain | Sailor--the a main unlucky. | Book bill of the albatross when the under the act shall be available for 8 more throughout the | Everybody is familiar with the old | bird attempts to swallow the bait; any public gathering of an educa- a REY eal atthese times | POPerstitions of saflors that, to bring { and the creature is then hauled on tional, fraternal, religious or social | aml Ihave aremedy | & favorable breeze, they must Whistle | board. Few captains will permit nature, or for the discussion of any | of Sodom and Gomerrah and the sui- sins, must have been doomed to scour | municipalities throughout Ontaric to | cide of Judas. these stormy seas for all eternity. Doesn't hurt a bit to lift any cors | raise the necessary money for build- | PHONE 845. The fact that Columbus began his | During calm weather these birds ing these halld by the issue of deben- | affords lief. E | during the calm, | crews to kill these birds, sincé they Public question, and no organization | should the remotest times there | hold out the killing is certain to en- shall be denied use of the building | - Tablets and whan he | ams 16 have prevailed a belief that | tail. disaster to ship, : : for religious, fraternal or political Ask Your D ist Mrs. ALLEN WRIGHT, Fulford, Que. | 1ibation or sacrifice would ne! The killing of a pig at sea is al- x ; reasons. Subject to the regulations rugg : the storm spirits and induce them Ways an occasion of great moment, / of the board as to hours and disci For TAK E Z U TOO Lo permit the vessel to proceed hh | not only for the reason that fresh ; pline, the reading room and Hbrary | ----a molested on its course. Russian sail- meat is to be enjoyed--a great lux- are to be open to all. i ® i ors have been known to pour eat- Ury om a salling vessel after perhaps ¥ This act is desi i D M le ? Ca le In da 5 gned as a measure | STO! F ED | Meal and water over a rocky rc wr am of salt provisions---but alse J for making rural life more agiractive r. 1 8 r | montory in order to obtdin & wind | because what is termed a "pig than it has been hitherto, and to fill CATARRH favorable to their designs. breeze," or favorable wind, cmay be ! what has been along felt want among | For 1920 : French sailors believe that certain regarded as a certainty, Pigs when the residents of rural municipalities / finger ing corn, instantly that corn stops eT. so oo ; ER NIGHT |i: "ie ford etalon, aa; ing. hen ou J J igus put It Worked. endar published.' It gives the weather with it distinct advantages, ince | (0 be expected, are watehed with the | 0°80' pain one bit. Yes, magic! McMackerel "Was defending a map forecast for each day in the year, dlso time r------ . X t Why wait? = Your druggist sells a! in a murder Case, according to an ex- S : Qf 3 nia 3 1 Gladly Tell How--FREE If' the Dossesser remains ashore for. Rooment Interest. Should» pig evince Iny bottle Of Precsone os' ho change. The case looked: hoperers: of Sunrise and Sunset and phases of the y ' 3: 1 rt : 1 beyond. Ain ory pufliclent to rid your feet of | the prosecution was soon done. "Then Moon. 'An exceptionally complete and HEALS DAY AND NIGHT Stag yo of i extends a | wa 0€ aimlessly about the decks, very hard corn, soft corn, or corn | McMackerel rose. In a quiet conver I Ee I x is something abeo- i ee of their dhipmates are able to con | ko fling shi i ; i SUF FERING trol the winds by ¥irthe of 2 s ont ann aS shine aowed yary Drop a little. Freezone on an ach-| throughout Ontario. I= 18 FREE and the best large-figure Cals ow s ind ree months, his life is | then thiS 15 a sign that calm weather | the . toss, and callouses, | saiiancs rons McMackérel bexan to useful Calendar!" That's what evervhbody isa forfeit. {Letween ; Te ch a , : tataly® Foren Patt oo A Uiough® to exert con- | prosper an lh little or mo wind in {15t¥eeD Be mary Ch irritation. Free- talk to the Jury. He just described jo says. The edition is limited, It is therefore 9 ato a x Pr oupect. Should, however, the 'pig 1s the much talked of ether dis-| vivid col tt try cottage | Lr There ou Duteh (roaiion hago | DIO 8 Trek mood, with mick covery of a Cincinnaty sesio hun with honeysuckle souns oe | very important that you call early so that wind-bound, a vessel is passed hat ie wi hen it is a sure Sign of : at £_ | preparing supper, and the rosy young. you will be sure to get this splendid free other craft and a broom is throw in in the navigation of & safing ship. a : pulers waiting at the gate to' greet Calendar at the beginning of the vear. ihe latter's course the luek of the| = of the many superstitions and |! the speed ana noveity or tne Spore he voy mobile return home for | : rst vessel will change. It has been | legends having to do with and you take time to look about you. . ek- i i pointed out that ta ti rs been logon 8 having ts s with Shantom But -- Hike most other enjoyments. . | erel Stopped. He drew himself up to Just go to your druggist, tell him your name and broom which Van Tromp lashed fe | for or ns Saving Dutchman," or Just as y6u're beginning really to on. | his full height: Then stbine the | address, and that you want Dr. Miles 1920 Calen- his mast as a symbel of his Power | phantom ship of Vanderdecken, Hew [JOY it to the utmost your coasting | lable with his fat, he cried, in a dar. He will do the rest--FREE to sweep the sea. of the British .pos- | the legend orginated mo ome knows, | ends. Yolce janat thrilled every bosom: | : Bessed a very different significance but it has been ascertained that thera| Wheré is this extrordinary slide? | "Gentlemen, you must sens him back | In the eyes of his men. They prob Ths & seaman of repute who many | On the island of Madeira, which be. | home to them!" 'A red-faced Juror | Pe Bi be Dad capable of bron: as 4 oan Tom Halles thatty Tongs 'to Portugal, and lies i the choked and blurted out: "By George, | Form, 3 ing winds favorable to their admirals | east via the Cape of Good Hope, but | Atlantic ocean, off the coast of Mo | Sir, we'll da it!" MeMackerel with- | [ 4 design to get at les II's ships. rocco, ; out, another word, sat down, and ten | 2 Arata aris Fete thought Was never heard of agatn. ; ----e minutes later the jury brought in a : ; CATARRH]I | te portend a-storm; while if the moon 'Coasting Ansac Not a Trade Name. verdict of acquittal. The Rrisoner | 'ha : : lh ud TL | oven & aterm she would soon "et : GE the Lom "Ansa by mans. | ICBC 42 Do shook His counsels hand All classes of high yield investments -- 4 , spitting is | UD ouds." any an anxious 4 fe 3 ] L : a . Wariner found comfort in this belief, : {; | 5aved me as you have done, Mr. Me- | a : ghostly Neha at Se mvt: |p : | 35d all ta colonies, and few Ameri 1. MAckerel." ho sobbed. 1 ant net,| Corporation, Government and Municipal. Thich appear at the masthead or in cobbles tan concerns which had adopted the | 20 Wile or family, sir." : wires-- _ Chi the rigging immediately preceding exchange. In' other | WOrd have been requested by the Aus The Po He Wen Private New York, Chicago, storm, date back to the voyage of the words, 'it isn't the that / tralian commission fn the United he Powder anted. Toront Argonauts. If these marine will-o'. makes the "slide," but the pitch of | States to discontinue its use. As i Sir Arthur Currie is fond of telling Montreal, oronto. the-wisps remain stationary or ag- the PO Well known, the word is formed from | the following story: = cond, Dana tells us, they are good | ape. od | the initials of the Australian and New |- In the early days of the war, says n z omens, but if they descend them foul ous on Do stoned Zealand Army Corps. The wonderful | Sir Arthur, an old farmer, living way ST 0 CKS GRAI N 5 C OTT: ON Weather will surely follow. How they deeds of that ization it the w. back on the far Western prairies, was ame by the name of "St Kime Sy Ssccats oe ray by ci > BAe an cL feeling rather out of sorts, and sent Lights" is 'not known, although con- Possess. For some measure of the red fence to its native | his eighteen-year-old son, George, to : Josture las = that Bt. Elmo was. St. delight in the Sport is frequently ught of commer. | the Rearest settlement, ten miles dis- us, wi n early art is always inimized V distasteful -- | tant, for a se tx powder. 5 . shown as tarryiag 8 candle. Th po rn --- at Popular Mecha: oy. > Arrived oes, George promptiy : BONGARD, RYERSON & CO, Among the enlisted, e fought right through : ne our He oh ant 1s : the war, was {wice wounded, rose to ST Bagot Bt. Phone 178. uJ. Bongard, Manage our sh Ae : commissioned rank, and returned re- 4° . . i cently to the farm, his breast covered : . with medals and decorations, includ- | \ae | Ing the V.C. and the Freach Croix de "ff -- EEE Set el MATHIEY'S "EET BREE SPEER en REIT anges: | OF TAR & COD- SAAS HITE ee. hf mea Lf Ids, Grippe, Bronchitis, ET i a Se Day Tuwgiow ty | EERE SRLEL § Couple Go Cough, Asthma, Fie. if ii ts ier-- ly bE $