Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Oct 1919, p. 16

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| PAGE SIXTEEN a THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1019, Tes TTI POLICE NABBED LIQUOR 2000000 SMITH BROUGHT FROM Coats f In Hn. a A A gt A A NINN -- MONTREAL FOR THIRSTY ONES. " ° The Farmers' Candidate In Lennox. er _-- ai in Or Odessa, Oct. 15 2 ir): | Magistrate Farrell Imposed a Fine AS the president of the Ode F's - of $3500 and Costs on Offender, ers' Co-operati J have - x : Pe n © 4 ere frequently be E im Who Said He Brought Liquor Her pression has gone abroad ti 0 to See Whyt He Could Realize oul association is pporting the United on It. . Farmers' candidate ; The police nipped in the bud the It was plainly stated by the chair-i plans of one James D. Smith, who man and others at the nomination ; was about to quench the thirst of a meeting which Mr. Brethen accepted sow Kingston tipplers. Smith arrived that no associations or clubs iu the|grom Montreal Thursday morning, county were behind the movement) with this baggage, which consisted Or in any manner interested in it. of a suit case and two hand bags. Mr. Brethen announced himself as When the said baggage was examin- the candidate of the United Farmers! oq by Constables Cotter. Dowhey of Ontario. and Lesslie Clark, thirty-five bottles So far as 1 am awaie, the Farm-io¢ whiskey were disclosed, and ers' Associations in the County of|gmith and his "Joy water' were tak- Lenngx were organized by the dis- en to the police station. The aec- trict fgricuitural representative and cused said that he brought the liquor received their charter from the-Pro-/t{s Kingston to see what he could The most comprehensive stock ; i 8 yingial Government. i .__| realize on it. of Overcoats in Kingston. Serasi Farm = Cooperative Magistrate Farrell imposed a fine Association, composed of over 2300/of $500 and 'costs, and the accused, members, probably the largest single! jt jg understood, has the money to association in the province, buys cover the fine. The option is six their feed and other commodities us- months in jail ed upon a farm, in car lots at whole- " For Fall and Winter HOT EA are appealing in color, material and line. is g atement, but 1 t This is a broad statement, bt : n ] : William Moore was up for being sale prices direct from the mills and| intoxicated in a public place. He is manufacturers, and ship their hogs,| 5 stranger in the city, and as he a ---------------------------------------- § a cattle and live stock in car lots every could not give a satisfactory ac- ry Le 3 a packing companies. count of how he managed to get the Young fellows who know styles b ® 3 The association is not affiliated] precious stuff, he was remanded a "are enthusiastiét over these new 3 ; with or 'has any connection with the! gay, 3 United Farmers and differs with - them on the Military Service Act and OFFICERS FOR PEACE LOAN oth r matters we think you will agree with us, EAA A models. ee . i e United Farmers' Findidate ap- REE 3 to the United Farmers of On- Knowing that the stock of good \ 5 % 3a tario in this county for their support The Overcoatings was very limited, we : So far as I know ere are none or at And Chairmen of the Various Com- mittees Selected. following is a list of officers 3 'L' with the executive and chairmen of bought heavily early in the sea- ; a : Bvt 2Y Ihe sousty but it committee for the Peace Loan: 3 : appeal to anyone Chairman ex-Mayor John M. Hughes; vice-chairman, C. R. Webs- ter: secretary, Dr. W. W. Sands Chairman of executive committee, ex-Mayor John M. Hughes; chair- Unusual values' at $40.00 and man finance committee, ex-Mayor aR John M. Hughes: chairman public- at $35.00, $42.50, up to $50.00. ity committee, Fire Chief J. Arm- - strong; chairman sales committee, eatrical Hugh C. Nickle; chairman names | committee, J. M. Farrell: chairman | employees committee, R. Easton --- | Burns; chairman special sub p- "Mickey" At the Grand To-night. tions, G. Y. Chown; associate organ- "Mickey" is the title of the big-| ZeTS, D.. Robertson, P. C. Mulhol- gest sensation of the seventh world. |!and. Wherever it has been presented it| . Lhe publicity committee is sub- has created an interest unprecedent- divided into different committees, of ed in the history of film productions. which the following are chairmen: Features. Major W. J. McManus; ® ® "Mickey" is a little mountain gi Ie 3 § a litt n girl, soekocade: 3 whose adventures, pictoriallu pres- outdoors, Capt. ( otkeade A autos, 3 ented, make a photodrama that Carroll: stores M E A Du ' breathes the very sunshine of lite. It| Ic. meetings, George Smith; factor- ies. 2 ay tehes. Rev. W is a remarkable production in many ies, A. Roney: churches, Rev. W. T. ol 2 3 yn: ildings. Ald. 8S ways, and not the least of these is G. Brown; public building La C 75-77-79 BROCK STREET. the rare dramatic ability displayed by | J. Corbett; Stren: cars Hugh e. w "» Mabel Normand. She brings tears Nickle; press, Noble Steacy. o , to the eyes at one moment, and has| - If Off Your Route It Pays to alk her Ladience roaring with laughter The union of the Congregational a € next. n addition, she per-| .nq Presbyterian congregations of We close at 5.30 p.m. Saturdays 9 p.m. farms stunts that would put in the| | anark was fittingly consummated on background many of the stars who| Tuesday by the induction into the ave wor fame pShrough their abil-| united charge of Rev. T. J. 8. Fergu- ity to Inject thrills into a film pro-| y ay |duction. There is a racing scene that | son, B.A. late of North Bay. Coats that are full, roomy and warm, are here in abundance --attractive styles, lovely materials and beautiful colors. Choose Your Coat from our stocks while the choice is at its best, in son giving us the choice of better materials at prices impossible 3 hanking you, I am, yours respect- later, : -A. L. DAVIS ----Bolivia Cloth. ~ Chameleon Cord. ----Wool Velour. ------Whitney Cloth. ----Peach Bloom and ------Best English Plushes Very Moderately Priced $25 to $50 {is said to have anything of a similar HANSON, CROZIER & EDGAR {character beaten a furlong, while the| fight between the hero and the vil-| ~=All-- lain is one of the most realistic bat-| * ties yet screened. "Mickey" will bel Kinds Kingston {seen at the Grand Opera House to-| {nieht, to-morrow and Saturday only.| 20 Market Street LE {--Advt, | --t DAILY MEMORANDUM. {1 Meeting--of-Gourt Frontenac, No. §9, "My Boldier Girl? i LO; § pm . wt . Rt ad | A funeful musical comedy of fun| _ See top of Page Three, right han {and fashion best describes the latest] SoXner for probabilitigs. . . ; - . < BRE { . musical comedy success 'My Soldier | BORN. HERRERO ARERR Girt" coming to the Grand Opera) ppgouson--tn Kingston. on Oct. 15. House for a return engagement of 1819, to Capt. and 'Mrs. J. A. Fergu- one night only, Tuesday, Oct. 21st, son, 18 Upper William Street, a { with its scenes laid in two novel acts. daughter. okeia rib ww | The first scene opens at Colonel] HITCHINS-At "Shoreham." Amherst ' : y Isl , on Thesday, October Tth, : == Stone s home in Miami, Florida, 1919, to the wife of G. A. Hitchins, ==: overlooking Biscayne Bay. There is a son. : S==|2 lawn fete in progress in honor of| McCONNELL---At Hotel Dieu. Kingston, 5 Boys and girls who the Coldnel met! on Oct. '15th, A. D. 1s --_-- a, PP PPP Pl 0 AP Pl Pl PP ll NN SN PP Pl A or A A, AAO ON ANP PAN NP FNP LP 0 SA NN pt | Jat FE EERE OER ARCE RR OO TT A a tt et at a a Nt tt NEP ih Dress Is almost a necessity in the eyes of many Hi 1819, to Capt. A, a Europe during the recent struggle. | and Mrs. McConnell, a son he second act opens cn the roof of| a New York theatre, presenting al a MARRIED. x - | gorgeous production of the Follies in| DAY JES JORDON At. 3 hn irehearsal. - Colorel Stone is the pro-| Rev. Professor WO. Jordon, father ducer. and the scene : as presented! of the bride, assisted by Rev. R. {shows the big company 'in all its! J. Wilson, DD. Hilda Jordon, to | merry-making. There are - many! Zephaniah Davies, of Toronto, eld- . est gon of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dav- march and dance ensembles partiei- ies, St. Brides, South Wales, pated in by the execllent cast and big! HORNE--HORNE--At St. Andrew's chorus who are responsible for the! Manse, Wolfe Island. on Wednes- success o is big spe ple v i day morning, Oct. 15th, by Rev. H } f th E Spectacle Adv. 4 VV. Workman; Angeline Horne, daughter of MA and Mrs. W. E. i . | Horne, to Mr. Edwin James Horne, At Griffin's. : | - both of Wolfe Island. { | Among the great producers of the! MOUNSEY--LEMMON---At the home of | i world, there are few, if any, whose| the bride on Qotober 13th, 1919, by the | {grasp of the technique of their art is| Rev. Taylor Dale, Agnes Evelyn | {more profound than that which dis-| Lemmon, 10 James V. Monsey, of tinguishes all of D. W. Griffith's pro-| STEVENS SWITZER -- At Sydenham | ductions., Mr. Griffith long ago dem- Street Methodist parsonage, on Oct. {onstrated his artistry and master of 15th, 1919, Mary Eliza Morley, i cinema technique, but in none of his gaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew i "My , to Stev- | pictures are these qualifications more ens. linen %0 James Shred Stev. {delightfully in evidence than in his G, Stevens, both of Kingston. {latest Artcraft picture "True Heart iSusje." That it will be acclaimed a DIED. | pastoral classic second only in beauty MILNE---In Kingston, on October 15th, {of thought and action to "A Romance 1813, Robert Milne, 133 Raglan : for Road. iof Happy Valley," assured. The! Funeral will take place from his late {same delightful cast, as seen in pre- residence, Friday morning ati 8.40 {vious Griffith productions, headed by o'clock to, St. Marys Cathedral | |Lilltan Gish and Robert Harron, ap- There a solemn requiem Mass will John Laidlaw & Son, Ltd. soul {is the story of a plain girl with a| Friends and Sequaintances are respect- Im, A ---------- ey AANA AAAS NN NT AN NA i mn, ara ie 2 want Stain young women. It is so altogether practical no Winter wardrobe seems complete with- out one. A SPECIAL VALUES IN HOSIERY 20 dozen Children's Cashmere Stockings-- with double knee; sizes 5 and 5} only; worth regular 65¢. a pair. » Blue Serge Dresses in many models--some braided--some embroidered -- many button trimmed. : Most Attractively Priced $20 to $50 wy Special for Friday, 29c. a pair. Men's Black Cashmere Socks--180 pairs only; size 10 in.; pure wool and worth 75c¢. 'a pair. Special for Friday, 45c¢. a pair. ET AER EO A ERE nr ------ STARR Women's Cashmere Finish Stockings -- splendid fall weight, in all sizes. Special Friday 35c., or 3 pairs for $1.00. fice, but the heart is hidden beneath DIL. In his Fon rs iam Ref ian ordinary exterior. It's another| Funeral from his late residehce, 337 x {great Griffith drama. Don't miss it Johnston street. Friday, October An exceptionally gooa programme of 17th, Service at the house at 2 o'- (vaudeville will also be shown which| __taier "UST 5 Funerks Pe 0": -- Ww : no --- - mpany, ---- in a special scenic act entitled "Th IN MEMORIAM Aurora of t." Lucille Karlin, In memoriam of Mrs. . ; ; : jurors of Ligh ollie Kat Bein glories Soriam. of 2 rs. Joan Bushell Misses' Tan Lace Boots with Leather ye Nealin Soles--a good school Shoe and 'easily polished Veaux, Dell and Joe, in brilliant bits] arated tn ove, born in love, sustat me 11 ® 28100, of variety. Such a combination of} ed in love and enjgys the revelations of |3 good vaudeville has not been seen in| Christ. Kingston in some time, and When Py her son. William john. shown along with the charming fea- ae MEMORIAM ture picture mentioned above, the In tovin IN programme becomes one you cannot memory of Francis Mabel : 5 : ' : ' Prosremme becomes o Howat Corliss. wie asecd 10 Children's And Misses : "We 1 meet to part no more, | The official prints of Canadien war | © Father rather and sister. |= ble photographs will be exhibited in the | - School Shoes G.W.Y.A. rooms on Friday, § pm. to 10 p.m., and on Saturday, 2 pm. to 10 p.m. These are not the large Children like our shoe style and parents know we have a deserved reputation for dependable School Shoes. New Fall stocks were selected for dependable qualities and are made over nature lasts. Women's Ribbed Cashmere Stockings--fine 1-1 ribb; splendid wear quality; regular $1 a pair. : : Special Friday for 75¢. a pair. Men's heavy wool Socks -- black; made : from unbreakable yarn. Sizes 10, 10} and reproductions, which it would be im- possible to show in small space, but are the originals from which the re- productions were made. They de- pict nearly every war scene in which the Canadians Souk 4 and are sald to most rea and impressing. This is not a movie, but real photo- graphs of the lite war. The pro- ceeds will be used for the benefit of the Kingston G.W.V.A. Admission, "Mrs. Johanna O'Connor, Belleville, | © WIERD : : a J A IE ' e S , died on Oct. 11th. She was sixty-two Re Th Embalmer : 1 years old and was born ia Murray | township. ai ' Special Friday for 60c. a pair. - Lo] HE 0 myn

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