TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1% 1010, PPT TY TOT TTY TY OTe TYE TY ETT TRY YY YY TTY Te Tvsvvyee] FOR SALE OPERA GRAN HOUSE TONIGHT & WED. MATINEE WEDNESDAY and y located or ® Pp ap Bath HE DUMBELLS Their Original Overseas Revue BIFF BING BANG Same Great Soldier Cast and Chorus as Presented HOO times in France. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Phone 68 and 874w. 56 Brock Street either In SABAALL S000 ADA dBA SSS - a EES fhe Cool Weather ©: ' A 1 Winte |; INFORMATION WANTED x Ww \ rive a i to $1.00 ta To EVENING MATINEE: Tuesday . Military Night 3 DAYS 16 Daily Mat. 8.15 25¢. 25¢. w QUEEN'S ATHLETIC GROUNDS RUGBY MATCH R. M. C. 1 vs. QUEENS 1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER called at HOT WATER BOTTLE COMMENCING THURS, OCT Evening 16th Game 25¢. 10 a.m! 2 30. 25 Neats "oC HOAG'S Drug Store, - FREE LECTURE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Reserved Seats . extra. "The Picture You'll Never Forget" MABEL NORMAND . Christian Sciemes Church JOHNSON STREE At 8.15 p.m. cordial YMCA, KINGSTON, ONT. Mn im mss Notice BEDFORD, THE AUCTIONEER is now booking farm and stock sales in Frontenne County, List sales early and | Secure choice of dates. 124 QUEEN ST, KINGSTON Phone 1721. A Running the Gamut of Every Human Emotion--Pathos, Comedy, Humor, Love, Adventure, Excitement. invitation to all The Greatest Picture Ever Produced a I C al Binning PRIC Evening, 25-35-30. HOT WATER BOTTLES srw [NOT] CE ! A. G. Williams | G. HUNTER OGILVIE WELLINGTON STREET yeRs tO ANBoUNcs that B FHONE 40 3 Matinee, 235 cents, any seat. Seats on sale Wednesday. 7 taken ofer the GENERAL INSURANCE AND BOND AGENCY CHARLES D. Suth office at ~in-- BILL HENRY | "VAUDEVILLE - KENDALL'S AUTO DOLL MISS MABEL DUGGAN nging Comedienne GEO. A. WRIGHT MACHINIST removed from King Street to 40 PRINCESS STREEP Repair work of all kinds. Phone, shop 1204; Res, 1205 Hax ately « rland, Mr. R opened an mnducted by and has as 281 KING STREET AI ss A i a Par Neem Pear] A. Nesbit, LT.CM. | 'ORGANIST Teacher of Singing and Plano Studio: 449 Johnston Street. i FOR SALE Fmme House; 7 rooms, Jargh lot and stable. quick buyer. Bateman Real Estate 1159 & LL ING IN STREET, with toilet; | to 1 i | AN AANA Fresh Cut Flowers, Ferns apaims, funeral des'gns, floral | | sprays, Wedding bouquets aw ade to crave] F.J. J. JOHNSON, Florist. 8 frock St. Phone 238, rr ------ nd G.W.V.A. {Incarporated) General Meeting--Mondays at Rand practice, Tuesdays, S Richardson Chapter, LODE, and 4th Thursdays 2 A ANN A ANNAN, Pil NOTICE: Anderson Bros. Limited Thanks to the considération of Mr. George Bawden, we are pleased to announce to the public that we have made arrangements to continue proprietorship of and interest in this Cheap a McNALLY Comedy Juggler THURS, FRE, SATURDAY LILLIAN GISH W. Griffith's Latest Production "TRUE HEART SUSIE" GANADS * Mail Contract SEALED TE NDE Postmaster ( Ottawa i Nevember, His Maje trant 1 week « Seeley' ® nay and Kingston from the ist A in D. 7.30, er rr co ressed to the received at Friday, the 2ixt for the conveyance of opposed . times 1 pam, 2nd ni. furth tons of p 2p and bl obtained at the Bay, Brewdr's of the Post About. WIFE" The picture that should be seen by Both sexes of all ages. Post Office stop, October our Chamberlain Metal Weather Strip For doors and windows. Makes House warmer. Stops Draughts. Saves Coal. Try some. J. R: C. Dobbs & Co, Tel. 810 41 Clarence 8g, Why should men of 40 and 50 seek business brides of 207 We beg [to thank the publie for past favors, and to ask for a continu- patronage. . Does veason or love choose most wives? their v ation of Dated men fair consideration? Don't Get Married *Tili You See "CHOOSING A WIEE" IN 7 PARTS. A LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN Topical. HAROLD LLOYD COMEDY Oth October, 1919, WILLIAM ANDERSON. B DWARD ANDERSON. A VANISHING CREAM Keeps the skin smooth and soft and | prevents chafing. An excellent | | Cream to make face powder stick. A] | We recommend Seeley's, which is ab. | | solutely pure. Continnous Performance 2.15 p.m. to 10.80 p.m. We desire to give unexcelled ser- (vice and ask you to prove this to! your own satisfaction. Your trade is | appreciated and you will find all our Come when you like--stay as long | stock fresh and of highest quality. | you like. "QUALITY" and. "SERVICE" WOULD YOU TAKE | Prouse's $1,000,000 FOR YOUR EYES? You wouldn't. Then seeing | |. that they are so important why don't you take care of them? It will be to yous advantage to come to eid let our opticien amine your eyes, . R. J. RODGER 132 PRINCESS STREET "The ReMable Drug Store" | Netlson' 8 Ice Cream Bricks Chocolates that are different. "KINGNUT" I Sweet as the nut from which it is made. i § up. L Cohen & Co. fo Several people have 278 Ontario Street. Phone 534 against 'disgrace while and F OR SALE PIPES, all sia. RADIATORS. "A-MILITARY TENTS. ~Large picces of CANVASS, ete, etc. Cut your Butter Bill in half, There is no good reason why ai man should not marry and settle | down if he has previously settled | bumped trying up to BE | dodge poverty. & * The Production Ev eryone is Talking : Do wife-seeking men accord wo- ny i BRITISH WHIG PAGE NINETEEN "= | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | i i Rt Ri H { Lemme) # CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES a word. Each con- n thersaft er, haif- | um charge for insertions, month, $2. s are for An; they are double First inserti secutive cent w 'ANTED. APPLY Ar TAPPLY HELP Main. isn w ASHE in. HOTEL A GIRL GRIMMS AS CLF nx. APPL x -- - oss WOMAN TO ASSIS « ARE Fon MAN TO 1 I . son IN. GOOD 212 King TEN SINGLY Day A i LIGHT even A MAID FOR HOUSEKEEP- Ig at 213 Div A MAD FOR GF NE RAL HOU oF w ORK v N . MAID FOR small fs Swder Aj HAL HOU. S WORN Ta EXPFERIENC ED INSIDE Wants ¢ WIRE MEN Halliday etii Tfipany 6 94 A MAID FoR GENERAL HOUSE. A ork 5 { Day, house N or phone AGED WO. sework; to Apply 243 YOUNG GIRL man sleep at Broc k st oR M 1IDDLE A MAID POR L1G ur HOt SH KE « at can € Apply FOR A MONTH OR 1g « ¥ Mu WANTED CARPEN pent EX} LADY; LIVE MaN = AN Ld PA TIME or st 1 ing our guaranteed "Qutfic free, Lib- Brothers Limited Ontario. nN TELE- "pants. I y references, usekeeper, TAKE CHARGE Quarry Must be able to dle men and give production : le to hh nee duty res - Company references to éldspar Com- | , unt, TO SPP IIIEL LE EPL E + LABORERS WANTED Apply on Pigot Healy Company, R. M Construcs College MALE HELP WANTED COMPLETE % ot R € for taking aying a d 'oppor vkkeeping mmerecial with un ties. noises usinéss practice ene writin tund- and Tewew badd ads abd dada ae le NONE | Y OF FELDS. | : » : | SESBLEEERDLIB DD DBR Pd Gy { COMMERCIAL | an | £004 | law, | FOUND BILLS, BETWEEN AGENTS wa ANTED, AND AGE NTS -- SAL ARY COMMIS. | Re 1 wo oN ri RSE, MAKING rles Mars! Dan ¥i £15 I AIRDALE ENGLISH TERRIER, i ho Whe MEN AND WOME iN ARE NOW TAK R wv Out h x 3 FOUND ARTICLE vw ANTED GENERAL. SECOND. HAND SAVE op And LOST. 4K. GOLD PEARL BROOCH, SU NDAY. -- WILL PAY $4.00 FOR FENIAN RAID SIDE, } for Saska A Wanted by Box 6 HOUS ollege pr September 1st WwW nis Ultige. SOUTH ferred. Apply DE TAC HED C CASE, BETWEEN Marke t Square LOST OR A GREY © WOLF BRICK Lolla tar PY veniences ph » § and receive eward - tt mtnceiin ------ LL BETWEEN STRAND THEATRE, COND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANO M 1 strec a Brock street, a for cash or in part payment of new iia bro i it 4 planoa and grafonolas,'C. W. Lind- turning t say, Limited, 131 Princess sireet. ---- - ---- PUPPY. BLACK BODY, CARS PARKED, WHY PARK YOUR B Y y x RS car on the street when : vou LT ha yard Rourke manag - - a. - - ---- SATURDAY EVENING, WANTED TO RENT A oy a once; six to t $10 ON SATUR DAY, OCT. 11, FOX HOUND ' GAR AGE AND A 800 Apply 3 Elm tree 1 NFU RNI A BOSTON PUP, WITH FOUR WHITE throom flat; ot fee ind hea E de Kindly re 159 Wellingto t Y t 2 . harboring will be i STORAGE FOR x t ER N TUR RE and dry | 143 Nels | First or all ed. ASS ROOMS A AND BOARD; mprovemetts; centrally looat- Apply 242 Brock street. STORAGE Fon TURSITURK, ClEAN and 'dry. -- rCaNN's R Este Prnoue WOULD THE PARTY IN Al YY WHO rock reet. " re Rats a TERETE An ofd-fash with | FU RNISHE ) for Ught room floor 9% Prin h house ed gqld brooe 861 I hig FOR FURNITURE, © LE Sate fern) evan dry, airy rooms; your own lock a Key. [Frost's City Storage, Q st reet. Phone 626; res . . | TWo uNFt RNISHED BU SIN £88 CHAN | as fi king, young Apply ROOMS, With on bath room fa. | TEXAS OIL poaunie WHLout! pan MILLIONS AND, MILLION 3 , Whi 1 en] 18H its this v an Cors | ,» Limited TALE HELY WANTED. GOOD Ww AGES FOR WORK, | We need you to make socks on the | easily learned Auto Knitter, nee unnecessary. Distance al. Postively no canvas Yarn supplied Particulars stamp. Dept, 24C oronto. "HOME POSITION WANTED. A You NG MAN WITH one: BUSI. ness experience, would like to in- y and secur® a position "ln a rellable business, Apply Box Yio, Whiz orl SITUATIONS NS VACAN T. SALESMAN WANTED tine, a volatile t form. which when used ini ine gives more mileage, great- | er power and minimises carbon. In usé by 25.000 motorists thruoghout | Canada. Retails at $1.25 per box of 100 tablets (one tablet to each gallon of gasoline) mission to responsible men. for full particulars Robertson & | X Limited. 20 St Nicholas | Montreal, Que. TO SELL GAS. Write | mma PERSONAL. { ee en en. | MAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARK and all growths and skin ra ishes removed permanently, wit. out scar; 30 10 years experience. Elmar 1 Eye, Throat and Skin Speciatist, Bagot street. ARCHITECT Powmn. SON AND DREVER. AR Merchants' Bank Cham rn rio of Brock and Wonmbera | streets. He Chalked Up One. As the last train was about to go| fone an old farmer rushed into an {already overcrowded compartment. It) {80 happened that an occupant--dan-| {dified young man---was one of his! | customers. By way of pleasanttry, ithe dude jnquired what he had got} {In a small box under his arm. i "Oh sald the farmer, "a box of | i chalk!™ "I see." the young man replied, with an air of wisdom on his eoun- tenance, and. looking round at his fellow-passengers+ "Chalk for milk, eh?" "Not exactly," drawled old jchap, Slowly; "but I've done.so much Dept | Auto Knitter { il of strength in| Liberal eom. | the! LEGAL. n. CUNNINGAM, and Solicitor ence Street, A. BARRISTE 3 Law office; 79 Clars | AMBROSE SHE A, | and Solicitor, of King and a Phane B ARRIS Tr B i ice AND GLOBE Available addition to rs have for Habily of at ik ast renewing DENTAY E. KNAPP, BA. LDS, Sftice 250 Princess St rept. busi D.O.8,, a Strange Phone 5 ne o------ ------------ = | DR. sonrnonN C. DEWAR, INV EST. 200 Princess street, vd i street Phi ne 1878. [brs, SPARKS AND SPARKS Dre i tists, ty Wellington str CArnovsky's. 1 none 348. i oben i Intestme > bond x ie Fr | : received and interest allowed MUSIO. inanagen 87 DENTIST, x 0AN near Montreal | FRONTE No AND me n | MISS BAJUS, 47 RIDEAU STREET. TVET TTYYYYTTw FOR A TE R SALE, NO, {QUE HEC I: 4; GOOD CON. | STUDR BAKE R, SIX | r Asse ENGE R CAR. be seen ALSO Apply GAS at TWO 0 Movie i roRD, R1 N ABOL T t i new HAR) Apply WICKER LAND cholee, oa \PHONOL A FARM, 150 ACRES; 7 MILES west "oF x W WE HAVE FoR sav = ALL KINDS or Sood second" hand furniture and ¥ person' having stoves 4d furniture to dispose of, we wil} F highest prices J Thompaon,! ss Street. Phone 1660w ONE HU 'NDRED ACRE FARM; IDE AL WAL fron miles west im hos FOR $2.50; HR Al bicycles p yrompt attention to all Kinds of bicycle repair A150 bLicyclies ww rent, av, month. Geo. Muller, 313+ P Mie tw or dp ebb $e deatenete dedeadedeide feild ini i 100 AC RE F ARM, oN JoRn ROAD; Vest yood hy ENERAL PURPOSE MARE; and kind in every way. runs it b UEEY set of single harness; r. Very Waggon, also a 250 Chatham Incubator and reap ta guick buyer, Ap- n street, city. GOOD, ot MeLAUGHLIN BUICK snap v Hid make oadster in after 4 il either for you. venue, Cor. BATEMAN'S REAL ESTATE AGENCY §2700---Cement block; '7 € eetric 100ms; i hts any gas b. and £3500---BRICK HOU SE 10 ROOMS; ALL, 1 nprovements; werdwood Sovors and stable. $6000 RESSED BRIC K HOUSE; ALL de ery ; electric Lgnt #; hardwood od Shraen + Tear satrance; be auties 1 locatio ea LOTS FOR SALE-~$10 DOWN AND five dollars per month 150 Wellington St. Phone SOW. SLL EPRI IPPR OPER Sb ddd Twenty-fi acres: fine good ise and bar: Pld dpb bid 02 P Pee oe ; ! Teacher of singing. October | MISS T, C. HARRIS, PUPIL OF MAS, i Harvey Chown; teacher of plano and theory. Puplis prepared for! i the Toronto Conservatory of Mus examinations. Studio 3% Mack street. Telephone 1352W { 14th. | | CARPENTERING. { HEN v WANT THE CARPENTER ~ Line es Selby, AnITAT 213 | a ivaras avenue. Phone 1898W, | UPHOLSTERING CARD TO Ww. J 216 Bagot] OAR OR DROP A avine, upholster. ---- i i i W. HAROLD FOR YOUR vr. holstering and general repairing | IN EX A) ORR NEY Leave orders at or drop a card to! 104 Clergy street. i AN AGN BAAN {chalking up for milk at your house; {that I've had to buy another box'"" | > § 17? WELLINGTON ST. Dog Mighta't Know. i ~~ Fresh cut flowers daily; funeral desizas' { A Chinaman was much worried byiL weddh ORR ardor ia viclous-looking dog which barked iat him in an angry manner. "Don't | | be afraid of him." sald a friend. | 'You know the old proverb: 'A bark- | {ing dog never bites.' i "Yes," sald the Chinaman, "you | Fach proverb, I know proverb, but} j does dog know proverb?" 1 ap me You may be pegefited by doing | much more thinking thar talking. i Some childrea grow. too slow phy-| sically and too fast mentally. : Is fo gremt Sumand 1" you have = sell let haan wad i wy wilt be on a. J. Turk, Phone 705 Beco.