Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 6 Oct 1919, p. 7

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* MONDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1019. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG PAGE SEVEN NIGHOLAS TIMMERMAN DEAD 5 FORMER CONSTABLE AND GARB-| ; AGE INSPECTOR DIED SUNDAY. Served or ngston Police Force For | °© Over virty sars--Was Appoint- { Inspector Little Over cof NY Wha d as th ey thirik dMerently as t« at they want, and as th ey think d ¥F a8 lo AND THE CHANGE MEETS WITH GENERAL SATISFACTION. the best Kind, we carry a good variety of makes and styles. These Coats are all alike on one point ~--you get full value for y our money } ne Kir nn st ¢ O I and Watches on Saturday Night-- $15.00 TO £45.00, AND A LI. PRICES BETWEEN. Citizens Ahead of Time For Church cena Quality in Men's Shoes Kingston got back to standard time on Sunday. And t change was $ received with almost neral satis- Good honest quality always costs most--but it p ays to buy quality. Quality is what we give every * police force for | raction All kinds of cloc from WEL rved o # man. Shoes of good quality cost from $10.00 to $15.00, Of course, we have cheaper grades at ver ¥ years, and for 1 Years |¢he old grandfather OW! $6.00, $7.00 and $8.00. : Fa . : au tiie on the force He 1ctéd | the common alarm cl . with all y ot nspector. A little over | the! watches in. town "THE MEN'S STORE" : i * . overha g on Saturday n SS -------- back one ous "3 2 s Ch i . Abernethy 's : @ peace off nspector seventy yaars s 4 men had it : on night duty usual the change g situati : " - hough given wa ing. to bed d hr and gid not turn back the hands - Ee or e ( the Mock, and as a result t t to . { A. a A at St a a - an hour too early he church and foun locked. they could r WAT, ; os i but suddenly th Y . . ; 3 'Ss oo SILVER TEA SERVICES { : . ch in time, ar a good e / I 3 ; . % ou Sunday was a good ange, however, and is safe to say that everyone » fo \ i y 4 ) hne with the new time. n j v. 3 railways do not go bagi to 4 ¥ g! i ha 1¢ until Oct s and be late fd rain © ; 'rs ] YOUR DOMESTIC PROBLEM 1s IN THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S. SOLVED Many Returned Soldiers Are Regis THE CRITICAL | . | ant . iful three x : tering For Courses. \ . i I The modern. woman demands a Kitchen | : eer 'niversity is rapi set- if il i \ : i i bat $30.00 : ] ny own oy its 1 te i ti : MAN S HAT | STL, a 1s complete leitelven 40 Vash] QT ave-i ible is th onl { [ $ at . ? i jtiing d 2 i a stomed routine { \ . . OST eve roub the d iH ; : for the session. the firs five 3 : 1 i and fits in perfectly with labor in a step. gut o oy a E oy Nhe > that has been coupl up ¥ 4 { | | y saving modern Kitchen, ar ot or hy Fist 14 bet her from $12.00 up. - mr rr war Jueen's, which made si g I you find it hard to get : } | a Si pele n op me t « 1 b i r x0, when t} rity. ere name f self during the war. 1 suited in Hats this is the place consultec We wi 107 hiy F ad it tor r. Timx now return to its pre-war stat to come, where you have the i : S il 4 € Xamine ihe gel ate m ch m of { wa elected ¢ pect train her students in the arts « large stock of authoritative | i 1 ent Servant Four € it ANY prescrif 5 SES § Kn vOry in ) ity and in } peace Registration, which was tt styles to choose from. i "X 3ill " that will give vou nfort 1d , th r ler I i x closed "ri r "ih } Our moderate charze is reg € | ire J) er € is & tm te ea ar a rriday ' 0 ¢ 1it- Tw a 2 tH Three Shelf Tea Waggon, with removable fhe amoust o7 wo he : Kinnear sterre t fa } 3 to fail- tee on studies has proved t » be of in- --NEW DERBIES. . {| tray and rubbed tyred wheels and the due of tl mountings vor ; 3 y f lnable hel ros} pie --NEW. SOFT HATS. Fr : ' wn ; i 1 ! nti % x health, he wa iinabie help! to the freshmen and NEW VELOU ro" ' JEWELERS t his n h tejth » who left their courses to take shi A UR HATS, d slats Te the romvet of } ' are." The feature --NEW TWEED HATS. i re Te a oar Lg ~NEW CAPS, 1 -- Iie ¢ for unde : abl registrat is the large + - - = y El fot hia sears regiessasion do the lure 1} =H -SAPRL Jas R el garbage i was inaugurated L 1 un sity sent Pu ® interest 502 men from her walls, As usual, we excel in style and ing he un- | including graduates, undergradu , { " : ; ed to give the very | and staff' and a large percentage The Busy Store With the Large Stock He loved Kingston andy the Ave registered durin 1 service : du t "wp - Bomvhes eople, and as a result of his |! 2 s ar as is v ' Phone 147 for Service, Kingston was: made a cleaner, | tration very good. The possibility NI AN AA A i a -- ' x . sme city. (ef & s ir course has, no veenenavw Simpise, || The lato Mr. Timmerman was a | deterred scme trom: the Tacuy of § Kingston's Largest {| ZHI CLARENUE? STRE well-kno igure the street. He Medicine, but all other faculties are Sakell's Ice Cream Parlor OPPOSITE POST OFFICE SLL served the faithful? and weil | Well up in numbers. Hat Dealers KINGSTON ; CTT on the police force. For many years | A 8reat deal of work has been got AND CONFECTIONERY STORE HOT DRINKS PURE ICE CREAM HOME-MADE CANDY AND CHOICE CHOCOLATES hooss value, Ve J 1 5 1 aer vay since D ing both as 2 plainsclothes man, and der ay ; hee Sie z Se ath excellent service He was |2cademically, socially and otherwise v oll the iniars. of , | Time tables are now mapped out and f Fs op » an th embers of the lectures are A he oapped o : asd NOX A COLD TABLETS force, and the memb on the force ; { r . 1 h€ re regard to the social and sporting A safe and speedy cure for LaGrippe, d ; to-day others who had served Coughs, Colds, Headache, N " 4 : f § rork { 'sia ot § ¢ a s S, = « Neuralgia, t him in days gone by, expressed work of Queen Ss, @ meeting of the Flu, a mild laxative Breaks np a cold incere regret when they learned of Y.M.C.A. of Queen's was called for in a few hours. Get the genuine, at i his death. . He was a native og Of [last Friday night and: a large pro- | 8ll drug stores, 25¢ per box . : REI land Tat as a native of Hol- | gramme was mapped out for the com- | Sold at Best's Drug Store. We select our finishing lumber with a view to its softness, 'and. but came out to this country in |igg winter. The Y.W.C.A., which has on inp ls a 3 1873 Por some few vears 1 sided | 3 ' brightness and straight grain, and can recommend it for the Ed the Fe od Sat " Tears he resided {in the past done such valuable work SOUNDING THE 1 mitea es aing for a time x - > 3 as ale finest work Let us show you, employed in 8 : J t for the women students, has also | ry bioyed Im oe Afterwards | started in and @ picnic to welcome came to Kin } Dror to join- {the new and old students was held ! qppy > . ing » mol ree ras engaged 'at | n .: ort. SE ES J "ING - ; ' v 1 ing 3h Pe 1 fe ce, was engaged at Saturday afternoon. As to sport, one ERVICES ARE BEING HELD IN S um r a ti a ne : L a ¢ In yoy POSI- fonly "has to go om to the campus ONTARIO HALL ? an ion he fe left a record that (of an afternoon to see what is going : - Sak II Victoria Str t . = o Phone 1042 any man migt well be proud of. on, Between forty and fifty students BY G: {hambers and E. E. Sternall-- : ° 3 , 1 : : 1 on police force. he Was [turn out every night to get in some The Service Are To Continue Dur. NEXT TO OPERA HOUSE PLONE 640 : € mplo as a yard inspector, | practice in both rugby and soccer ing the Next Two Months, owledge of conditions | football. A large and varied pro- ; : IEE orl man rma of abled" and sho ESE seis were, con |S I HERR ZETA El the city training has been planned. with Sucted in Ontario Hall, city buildings = » late Mr. Timmer- Jamgs Bews, physical director, in OR Sunday afternoon and evening hy control. > Evangelists G. Chambers and E. E. Fo ---- 1 - So it can be seen that Queen's is Sternall The afternoon service was Mattr R ting ' All E keeping to. its old policy of 'all work. Most impressive. The music was ren- vr €SS.. enova / te OUR NEW Xce and no play makes Jack a dull boy." | dered by a party of ladies from Wa: : ; . bre : that r The university has always been fore- | 'ertown, N.Y. After the opening hy- Hair, Cotton and ~ Fibre ICE CREAM PARLOR i € ady most in the promotion of sport. mus the evangelist called upon the Mattresses renovated and re- y D8 use f congregation for testimonies and a | 1s | A pretty wedding was solemnized | large number responded. At the con- 4 othey niat the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M fj imsien G. Ehambers gave a"most .in- Made as good as new. th w famous | ~ 3 nahin Spiring address from. the text: a Wn r- | Campbell, Drummond township, on : solic te pas Mars Can when their second ei Whom do men say that I am?" He Your patronage solicited. « . . well expect r otion DE Iroc ton Tatts . : in | Showed - how Christ founded Hisl| BE 3 Everything mn Furs obtained to f ur pounds 3 hs k without Sieting | is Margerie Maj, es Id Jn church and have all power unto His M: KELUIHER C : n soh- | Faviets are Fucld 2 al tioription | re . 1 | Fepresentatives. "Where two-or three Try our delicious Tce Cream of us will be found of the high : I & ~ =y JTiERists u Bereus farmer Sf Harper, ang Soh Of | ere gathered together in My name, Frontenac Mattress 0. 'which cannot be surpassed in est quality perfect in fit and Fou 'ca ot Wolrect from, the Mar-| There should be music in every |there am I. The speaker showed 83 CHARLES STREET. quality, . . a Co. 364 Woodward Ave, Detroit, home--except the one next door. that Christ was ever present. His an : right up to date. : ' ~~ | church did not consist merely of y Our: } \ rt | stone and mortar, however adorned high ad pe asortment of | and . beautified, but {i consisted of on ARMEDY. i he ates are most | the people themselves whe in humi Pleasing to the taste. tity and reverence met together to " hd S worship Him. Man is by his nature 8 . ouy 1er S born of the devil, but is called to a N Nu; ) new birth in Christ, and the church Weaknesses : Ra. N covered i calls out to all men to acknowledge : ! Christ. 78 BROCK STREET. i \ » $ The services will be conducted " ! { : S ; continuously during the next two ; 3 months and all persons, no matter 288 PRINCESS STREET | what their affiliations, re invited to : PHONE 1128 'attend. Here the simple old-fashioned NE 2 gospel will de detiverca with ne | KINGSTON EVENTS freshness and warmth that will be 25 YEARS AGO. . intensely interesting. It is not a cam- paign for funds, but for converts, and the true meaning of religion 10] cigipesiine thieves are making big (VWs 4 the inner life of every man and wo-i, oo oa sve city. : man will be brought home in a most! aparket Clerk MeCammon confis- impressive manner. {cated two bags of Potatoes on the) i | market because they were under | weight, TALKING OF HOTELS. { ~ Major Drury was elécted 'president | of the Kingston Curling Club. W. B. ' A Fine One For Clayton, N.Y.--Ex- | Dilton was elected secretary-treas- i clusive One Also. jurer. James Stewart was appointed ! It a new hotel is built in Clayton, | superintendent of the ice . N.Y., it will probably be on the site of | tiie nt {tac phesent "alton Honse, a site | g » : . : X "ithat can be sacured for a very sea- | ot POLIT Men's Box Calf Bluchers with Leather Lin- i $ . sonable sum, and one that commands | . " } B : bes 1a fing view Of @te island region in | Ey Re ings--a serviceable Fall Shoe ..... $4.95 ! 8) - a the vicinity. Merchants in Clayton DODDS i { {daclure that i is the .wgifni entrance {way to the region, with rail facil- If Hart Island is bought, it will be { conducted as one of the most exclu- on . en : 3 | sive hotels of its kind in the entire 2 } 3 : "| | country, the rates runming from $25 | an a el ' y { : S i : i a day up, end with about sixty suites : i : avaliable for guests. The deal has y : now reached n i SHOE STORE , . . CAROLYN | HOMSON SEOtins te Be eS re { : i if 03 / RE | des. | i i YY : i : - 3 e ; almost any | In her dressing room. The Prima. Donna in "Maytime." ' day re re] ; a { the new musical play which comes 'with. the. entire. New i 111 Princess St. York cast and production to the Grand Opera House on Fri- Cor Anh 3.Allan pas Bien 2sBainied is lay Saturday, O 0 -1 : at | Olu r -ustoms for Winnipeg, | day and aturday, Oct. 10th and 11th, with a matinee on Sat in pince of George F. Bryant. deceas- | ; urday afternoon. ed. Mr. Allan was born in Perth. Sy * } 58-81 Brock sireet. Phone 279 4

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