wHIG on PAGE SEVEN Miss Montgomery's New Book | MERCHANE & COLT RAINBOW | fo Edited by M ! VALLEY | MANSFIELD F. HOUSE By L. M. Montgomery '3 Sorat Author of "Anne of Green Gables" Ab wus column, which appears every Monday, Wednesday and Satdr- RAINBOW VALLEY is full of splendid {3 | day, will appear news and short articles of special interest to merchants, " yy EIFRETAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1919. - : . THE D AILY BRITISH wisi Teese eres . Kid Laced Boot their salespeople and business men and women in general, All phases of i " wholesomieness, delectable humor and pure 1} | store management--buying, accounting, ~ romance. Miss e again staged in Prince Edward Island, will | pra ws ! be welcomed by her admirers all over the 14 | DISSATISFACTION ISNT appeared one Wednesday recently in advertising and retail salesman. \ : YY f-- i Bes ntgomery's new novel, ship---=will be dealt with, not theoretically, bug by descriptions of methods Leg High tops high heels plain toe a real | : smart looking Boot--sizes 21 to 7---reason- actually in use by successful merchants, v I'he third day after a patron of the on, POSSIBLE WITH THIS PLAN the local papers: ably priced at world. {§ | Yon Breton-Rothwell Optical Com-| © Woman's Union in St. Charles. . PRICE $ I .60. {d 'Pany in Los Angeles, Calif. has been| It was stated on good authority wearing a pair of glasses fitted by [this morning that a woman's ubion | } | i ! | i : : J ' } : 1 - 9 one of the store's experts he or she |is to be started in the Fox river val- s | receives a letter that reads like this: [ley. Rumor has it that the Norris 1 | ? ow a) 13] "We take this means of thanking | boys, Bert and 'Cal, are the prime i erne y S oe ore 3 .. |] |¥ou for your recent patronage and|movers in the proposition. They re- Z Sn . a fo | trust that your new glasses are en- | fused the Beacon reporter any in- tnt pa . a Fo sp Pe « : | § | tirely satisfactory. ; +A Hornmation 'on the sabject "this Thora: He cnn . - = x oo os | "TE 1 just possible that your mount | in. sss ---------- : - {Ing may need readjusting after a few the very next day another reading x sy {days' wear, and if so call on us at |notice, equally puzzling, 'appeared: Pany time, for which service; of course, En : ; LT w=] there will be no charge. : Statement to the Public. '}| "After realizing the benefits of Reports circulated in St. Charles '§ 4 YY Y { properly fitted glasses we hope you | yesterday that we were in trouble ; ou i . AK LY will recommend us to vour friends as'l with the authorities in regard to the i they may need glasses also. formation of a woman's union are ab- } sr e . | This letter is sent out regardless of | solutely faise.. Wa believe oUF plah dSes { the fact that the patron has been as- will 'be indorsed by Judge Landis and | sured several times during the trans- Judge Hoover and we will give the | action that' he or she is to come in-- by-laws {pot "come back"--should the glasses | tomorrow d inot start off Just right. for the | "The complaints we dread," said a (Signed) 3 BERT C. NORRIS, CAL. W. NORRIS. not hear--the ones that are told to a According to promise Friday there | { neighbor, or even a competitor. Glass- appeared 1 D RT SIE | * { I | ( arge display space in i wy . tT S {es, like anything else that requires a both of the ! papers the following | i . a SA -- pecs j careful fitting and adjusting, may black | i b=) of thé union to the publie | and let the people Judge {member of the staff, "are those we do copy, surrounded by a heavy . ° give a bi rouble after the first|borde Satisfaction eo ails ait A a Dor RISE. WOMEN! STRIKE- i FALL HATS We have a few of each of {can tell whether they are just right By-Laws Fox River Local No. 1, jor not. We cannot be on the und W. W. N. F. Always i these new lines left and to clear { When 'this little difficulty starts--sod Whereas, We, the wives of wage: Smartly styled mod- FANCY RATTAN, COOL AND INVITING have marked at special prices. ||we always have a letter there to Spesk {earners in 'the Fox river valley, have els for men. Every tor Living room, lawn, or porchs; upholstered in cre- {for us. In this way we have l worked hard for our husbands (from t ec t yle . a . } ar i t repr nis a st t tr ett rm C T ~ : y on {tomers talking for us rather Fourtee ixte hots op : Comes from wearing Vanity Cases . jie me re t 3, : BY fourteen to sixteen hours per day) 3 gainst us, and a big portion « , d have done the baking, swe 2 . . . ie STEWART'S. Glasses. | business comes through the 1 an Mune tun Saking, sweeping, approved by fashion it enables you to furnish mm artiptic way dy moderate Prices, £ > s comes ihousecleaning, taken care of hil If vou are not getting sat | mendation of friends and relatives a -- ne hie he 'biggest baby In soft hats, dark : . i % Phone. 147 for service, as a full staff of up- sterers and cabinet makers are at your service. A feature of the ease in which the of all, and requiring more card and : : + [firm's glasses are sent out is the lit-| otsanti h Hl RB RE ny . revs reens and isfaction try our service. |e Rumbered sticker, asking the find:| *"Whare alk the rest, and, Ds very pop- § h We examine your eyes ler of a pair glasses to return them work where they meet other men and : d Ee LL | ol : l e Store, . = .. lioke and gossip aad little events ular an esiaes gi and make your glasses. | g [rms mbes of 2 firm sa, happen that vary the monotony of those we have many - S 3 airs of g Ss. € 1 life, That 8 all we do, but we | records. show the address of the own- ie, and, do it properly. er, so, if he fails to call for t} Whereas, We have to stay at home | : | 3 fe tified. This 'service ' {and work and seldom have a chance | other b ca u ti f u 1 JAMES REID 100 PRINCESS ST. {2 notified, Nis servige 8 ar advertizing help and a a to leave the house tnd therfore want shades. q no ln we fs sa hoe omen coor cn f Shades: Phone 147 For Service | | the glasses' case. £.1¢ Fesohed Ear olor). . | : J STEW ART fon the glasses' case. otto That vey women § NCE SOE a . ° STORE LIBRARY HELPS J in ox Siver valley serve the fo RL RH Hi AHH . ) Ng a-------------------- SELL BABY CLOTHES lowing notic upon our husbands at ee New Hats for § -------- _ Even though Hazleton, Pa, has a| Me: . | 3 a g OPT. D. $150.00 Tiras building chi Bh Y Mrs De 'the win. children, d . 3 Froth ayers, the firm of Puterl) re of Me. "E tie frie and ome 1n and try § Stea er Brock I B ll t "Sight Spacaliet Oo Padeney . "ohet [Boro Sone Da tard he came ovine ite of air, iy ustand| someon. A m ville bulletin i 2 aternity cases | that from this date, 1 refuse to cook Opp. Post Oftice Eingtun C. S. Kirkpatrick [97% Jd sxpecunt miler iy Sages. or bake for him, the following article . SEPT. Sthe14th, "The douse of Better Glasses." | 36 Clarence St. Phone J6SW, ing, clothing, care and rearing of chii-| -- (enter in this space his favorite CAMPBELL BROS . - . i 3 - Monday, Sept. Sth--Spécial trip te Milford. A ] gh) il dren, together with their diseases and | 4ish) until he has furnished me s | Tuesday, Sept, Hthe--Regular trip to Am herst Isla 2 Lm, - A with the following article of furni- BOON excursion enncelien. sand, 5 p.m. After - . other matters of interest has been g u oo ---- -- opened in the Deisroth store and wo-| Ure from the quality store of ingston 3 Largest | Thurstan: Ser (it--Rtunning Sum Bien te npuase, s $ J - ' 5 ¥ ia " + 8 a Fs 8 . ~=EXeu lo rom FPlcton ¢ t A men may patronize it whether they|s: FE. Norris & Sons at either St.| Hat Dealers Friday, Sept. 12th--Regular (rig to Ambo: Inland, Guo. ~-- buy there or not. They are given ac-| Charles or West Chicago, III, Upon | Saturday, Sept. 13th--Specinl trip. Alexandria Bay, pom. cession cprds by the 'clerks and by | Presentation to me of a receipt, show- | Suny al Lit egulur Irie to Alexandria. Bay, at 2 pom. sning or eas take ome any book | I"& the purchase of above article, | IL NE 100 FOR INFORMATION. ® S, 2 : ro weeks, | countersigned by either the president | \ neg { Behe Toh nd i aa of this society, Bert C. Norris, or the | i - J men and 'they acquire the habit of | Vice-president, Carroll W. Norris, I! 1 a - patronizing the baby department at] Promise to resume the cooking of the | = EE Ce " - Deistoth's as the nesd for various ar-| above-named article of food and to! Your Picnic ticles develops. use extra care in making it palatable | Aut ; nox sme [Moose giee | Basket ||| Kingston-Cape Vincen erry u oO winner's FOR WINDOW DOLLS The royal emblem of this society | < 2 & i i s ~Ox Tongues, in glass, it BY 8. 8. MISSISQUUI--DAILY. The "shimmie" dance, intérdicted] shall be a kitchen cabinet. =Lunch Tongues, in ting, it Leave Kingston 6.30 am. and 1 pm by the police at pablie resorts and Won Joi "the W. Ww N. F ~yliced Smoked 'Beet, in tina. Hit Returning leaves Cape Vincent : 930 a.m, reaching Kingst 54) banned by the patronesses of private | omen Join He. Furniture. | § --Teetsteak and Duions, in tins § ||| at 11.40 a.m. Leave Cape Vincent 4.30 pun reaching ngs - ~ affairs, was put on in Hazleton, Pa. we Want 1 . ~orned Beef Hash, in tins, | 6.30 p.m. , A FoI stunt in a "baby [ The "union was the means of sell-" _Poiteq Meats, in tins. i Round trip tickets $1.25, with a 50c. rebate on return trip, hav. : window" display by Frank Mackie, Ember of ieces like kitche.. ----Canadian Boiled Dinner, in Ing a lovely Png for Bot Carkely Eood to return on date of decorator of the Peter Deisroth twin | § and washing machines, ac-| tins. i ; n from morning boat, ) 3 7 } giving nearly 4 hours in Watertow: and : s ith We have in stock the proper Oils that are recommended department stores," serving most ef- |cording to Bert Norris, the man who --Baked Beans, in tins. steamer leaving for Kingston: A returning to connect with . fectively as a crowd magnet and [conceived the idea of it and wrote the | --Grape Juice, in bottles. For Iuformation, phone 2195, Rockport Nav, Co. Ltd. McLaughlin Motor Car Co., creating widespread interest that re- |copy. : --Lemonade, in bottles. il Automoblley carried: small $3.00, Chevrolet Motor Car Co. = flected directly in the amount of busi-{ "While it was in 8 way a kind of | § __Orangeade, in bottles. li : . Ford Motor Car Co. ness done by the Deisroth stores. joke there was a mighty good sermon | § Montserrat Lime Juice, in Don't use any old kind. USH the kind that is recom- Mackie took a life-sized doll, dress- written into that copy," said Mr. Nor- | ry : mended by the maker of your car. ed the figure in miniature stylish |ris, "and'a lot of old 'hard shells' saw ~ dancing clothes, stood it up in the [the point and came during the next | Anything else you may want, front of a window and wired up an [few days and bought things that their| § just ask for it. . ACCESSORIES - electric vibrator Shder the golly's eit; Wives had Been Wanting for 2 ong | . When he switched on the curren ime, Some of them were ind of | . Our accessory department is well worth looking over and there was some "shimmie" movement | sheepish over their sudden decision | Henderson's we stock everything that is new and worth while. p and the crowds that gathered halted to' buy things for their wives to] . : ' traffic. lighten housekeeping duties, but most | Grocery The "baby window" material that |ef them took it good-naturedly, the! TIRES the dancer set forth as star perform- {way we intended it. and we-actually | er, caught the eyes of the people and {had some. fellows come in and buy | : I : g 'aoalked { Our stock of tires and vulcanizing department is the : that was the result that Mackie want. stuff ang then thank us for waking largest and best in Eastern Ontario. : | NN Ry DIRECTORY FOR RETURNED WE SELL' ON EASY TX APPLY } TERMS Aer oe : | Ladies' Suits, Dresses, Skirts, For employment information. | Men's Suits; Overalls, Underwear. For Land Settlement, gener! |i Jewelery, Suitcases, etc. matters, advise: i Rank and rock serecie = Iii N. Morris, 374 King St. PRE et ed For Vocational Courses, Indus- i 50-61 Brock street. Phdne 270 G trial Re-training: Merchants Wisk Widg., oo I "00k's Cotton Root Compound, cia A safe, id d in i a i. of data Ver rei j ce] | For medical treatment, surgical medicine, Bol Rr 2 i appliances: HT: "WOMEN'S UNIO ~ at : iH of strengt . Sn Death at Kepler. I : ; . Fil . - | Koa ea: No 3, per box, -- J = WAKES UP HUSBANDS 3 Kepler. Rept. 4. -- THe many KINGSTON EVENTS! Ili Salen Lion Hieek i 7 Sold by sil dra or 4 Bert and Cal. Norris, two young | friends of Renry Alexander Lindsay {4 Bb 1 For Pensions: " i in Fics 3 " : men who own a furniture store here | regret to hear of his death in King- | 25 YEARS AGO. fl Bibby Block, Princess Street |i : : Y and one at West Chicago, Ill, are|ston General Hospital on September | : ir-- cre known all over the Fox river valsy| ond. Deceased had been ailing only | " by reason of their novel methods of | ¥ short time previous to his removal | = "Where They Rebuild Old Tires" STvertaig. but this fact did not curb} to the hospital two weeks ago. He y Frank quing leh Jor Race at WELLINGTON STREET : : KINGSTON, ONT. one whit the interest which was stir} was horn forty-sixX years ago at Lake, 3 red up by the following notice which | Opinicon and was a son of the late, the Rides Canoias of fins down CRYSTAL BOTTLING WORKS A A A Antunes wees | Samuel and Maria Lindsay. Of late' #5 to be many ducks. 3 > AGENTS FOR he had resided on his farm at Kepler, | "* A. J. Macdonell is home from a In religion he was a Methodist. Hf | , 3 ; ; trip to Winnipeg. Clogged Nostrils Open || sudden death has cast a gloom over Good butter sold on the market to- this vicinity and has 'meant the loss day for 35¢ r pound: roll butter : St ® Lawren ce . of a kind, foving husband and neign- pe : ' Breathing Made Easy, bor. The funeral, which was in 23¢. to 25¢.; fresh eggs, 25c. 3 | charge of James Reid, Kingston, was Ing took plae : : : Catarrh Cured! largely attended, showing the high! yA ,PToY wedding took place on @ or er : esteem In which the late Mr. Lind- | care parents in Wolford, when!|} ' : manufacture ---- say was held by all who knew him. Lena Gertrude, daughter of Mr. asd i The service, conducted by Rev. Mr. ; * Also all kinds of soft drinks. We deliver to New Method Very Successful. |i Charlesworth, Rev. Mr. Staftard any | MIS Wesley Edmunds, became the all parts of the city. . Rev. Mr, Ralph, wis heid at his late' : Special attention given lawn socials and picnics. 1h is a new method of treatment,| residence nreday. - B¢ Captain F : tr es Baars I es a Lee Pus ieaham cemetery ing 0 be hanaticial brothars, Rohert and Joun, Sydes- \ : ! par! It purifies as by fire. | ham; 1 nverary; Rev. Sam- oo . : : iroing up the disease germs.) uel, Pembroke! Rev. Harvey, Shaw- | Thomas Fitzgerald, Jasper. was un , Box Cal chers Lea Lin Catarrhozone, is a non-poisoncus| ville, Que.; Rev. Edward, Montreal. |jioq in matrimony to Patrick Cleary Men's = Bla with ther : Ji} and healing agent; it therefore acts Beside his Sort uing widow, as ow Judge, son of Mrs. M. J. Judge, Tol- 1C4 g | : es ourn his loss two a ' gs--a serviceable Fall Shoe .... 34.95 [li a. Sum ut the a 1a o 1a . passages, and bronchial| children Lema and Willard; six bro- a , enim, Ji tubes, destroying ail microbe life,| thers and four sisters, Mrs. Wikiom, Com Pains {and at the same time heals-up all the| Nichols, Sydenham; Mrs James Free. d 4 } inflamed parts. man, and Mrs. Stanley Freeman, of ade In An Hour ; for Catarrh, 'Bronchitis, Yarker, and Mrs. Wiliam Dean, Ivan- § ¢ wn i of it, that : = we nT Cop rh: Bronehitis;} Yas ; hag marl of, 1 4 houses; all modern; well located; good in- ; oo atin ji er for the throat, Catarrhozone can . er . like magic. That's vi not be equaled. : n Mrs. Joel Barl, Prescoit, selehratad Ratzacto r works. It's Rady oi. 3 ey is a aranteed cure, and isiher eighty-seventh ay at theiright for corms, to roat m ; ew. J ; on endomtos Pimiment phy. {home of het daughter, Mrs. Westlake, destroy their pain, to keep callouass, Apis: tor who use Catarr in their lon Thursday. The aged lady is in| sore foot lumps and the like off the Telephone 703 ' 0. } practice. \ Ema Laviaue. Glen W Non panan foot. a haar 3 dable [fii : . ON i Ca ie outfit com #, con- e iter, | safer, or so pa nigss an t £ ee - ' . oH . lll sisting of a beantitatly poltaned hard | ended ois Han by: shooting himsel? | You eas absolutely rely on Putnam e 67 Clarence Street; Kingston ita . : : - i inhaler and sufficient Catarrh- {It js supposed that the young man Painless Corn Extractor, about 564 orone for two months' use, price'had Becomes despondent 'over contin- years in use, sold everywhere in 25} 31.00, smaller size 50c, at all dealers. ued ili<heaith. softies. x 4