Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1919, p. 5

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- » eR AY, SnrrRsmEn 4, 1019. or THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG r PAGE F IVE "The Kingdom of Go d."--Matt. 13:31-33, 44-50. re oe me For Preserving \ sense of humor, a sense of r-1 trues f them is the kingdom % . : a er end sense of; Patriotism ht} Sver-riling ant Real home-made preserves, and the woman whe puts them up--how they're both appreciated. ave all the world from the blig! B ; . sas leing is." working out Xabi Er marases Jof ms 5 The earth i -- : | Preserving is not difficult: to-day. The LILY WHITE way has removed the uncertainty. ism 'is unworkable, « indergoing a s of divi Youse- H ; . ea an over any Jodg ic E200 hueauie ve hag acewn Ne Most of your preserving troubles have come from using sugar alone. Even the beginner can tocracy turned bottomside Er | which we ignorantly esteemed -to be i count on success if she will use half LILY WHITE and half sugar. LILY WHITE blends arries the seeds of its own destruc- celess heirlooms), there is a deal = ' Ce " = - - . bh tion as truly as dees the aristocratic | of dust r d, and "vast quantities of |, 4 1PI the sugar with the fruit and makes preserves that will never crystallize. order which it seeks to supplant; be- ary possessions are being sent to A canse its motive power is not love, but | the trash heap. But when house- " dl ay LILY WHITE and CROWN BRAND are beth Dandy for Candy. solfi Despite all our stupidi- | cleani is over, this will be a won i | i 1 ties lunders, the mass of us are | derful world'in which fo live C 5 3 : . folks "with enough common sense "to | -- x 2 | : Your grocer sells Crown Brand and Lily White know that we cannot run the machin- | Getting The Big Idea. ; he = Corn Syrup in 2, 5, 10-.and 20 pounds tins. ery of life with hate or 8 motor. B One who tries to keep his visiow 4 ~-- ' . Everybody with a real head on his | clear study the times in which he 8 . i ' 5 yi ra shoulders is asking himself why and | moves .is troubled by the prevalence : y ' nx At 1 IK * THE: CANADA STARCH CO0,,? LIMITED, MONTREAL. what Bolshevism is, and since it ap-{of petty programrhés, and by ths fail- : 2 t 5 i . nd ' : " pears bad,-how the world may escape ure of so many persons to discern the | § 4 i "it. The old order of life seems to have | real bi $3 of the issua involved Ev- | been Liectod by a large proportion ery social paracea that has ever been | \ of. mankind as not "a success, from | evolved, no matter-how absurd or law- | 17 v : "; i wi tandpoink today. Something dif-|less, is now being brought forward | yn PT A TR) 4 3 ferent is desired. Myriads are seck- solemnly as a cure-all for the present : ing a new deal for mankind. Their| world disorder. cry is that of Tennyson: ' Whereas, the real truth lies - on ! the surface, as well as at the heart of "Ah, when shall all men's good | smplex phenomena---name each man's rule, and universally, t} 3 the kingdom of heaven peace idea an rit can possibly be ade- Lie like a shaft of light acfoss: the| quate for our new necessities The land, ailments of the world, which may And like a lane of beams athwart| seem new, need the old remedy of an the sea, applied gospel. The principles which Fhro' all- the circle of the golden | Jesus laid down as the basis of a pew vear ?" . | order of 1 are the only ones that nn i can possibly avail us in these days, If Reviewing The Nations, | the kingdom is not get up then none | In a peculiar sense, 1 am in the|of our new nations and forms of gov- | | of the A WOMAN'S RESTAURANT midst of this world ferment. I have|ernmant can last. | \ : 2 i For luncheon, a in been travelling through the very n-) A word of warning is in order here. | : relieved in o / tor Heh rs Shop ig tar of it, having come through 1 38 | Some Americans are still go habit- | La f ' oh no more delightful place for uarope to the turbulent regions of the ridden and so unaware of the vast sig-| IS ) i Each Cap- . . oa I Y IRS RA . a woman, im or Dao Near Bast, which the western world | nificance of rece nt events, that they| i iL Fa 8 SERVE IT FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND SUPPERS than the Grand. A visit will knows best as Bile ands is my think that the way to promote the A 1 i { Ice Cream--- h A : demonstrate how well we vork investiga hang 3 i- | kingdo his is i ne 36 | - a Most modern machinery used in making our Ic 2 Work Wy Mrestigale Coan , 1 Ti Com Tn this « lee Srense Tm nn mm | the ingredients are the best--nothing but pure cream used. & wl 3 hater to the Jastes ad win: 2. d be or d | the actinery for multiplying 10 A reliae ort of ou om a could confine myself Sar | Bortyhe number of Methodists, or DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS 555% | Prompt delivery to all parts of the city © : Moderate prices and polite smancipaticns ef he war-- | Baptists or Presbyterians or Episco- ' gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for | ; p ' BOY: Se ie Toit the new passion f li y and na-|paiians or Catholics, or whatever their | $0. 3old st all Drug Stores, or mailed to any : a 4 . : i dyess on receipt of price. Tus ScosELL,VaUe | noteworthy. characteristics tionslism amid the ancient submerg-|own religious communion may b Ee oatbsyt of ules. : ed and oppressed people, which, if { That is the inference to be gathered PHOSPHONOL FORM Restores | Su erior Ice Cream arlor | ' L : here. : ; given free expression is the surest of {from stray publications that have Vitasity: 1 N and Byain: Tocroun ana | N : Grand Cafe guarantees against Bolshevi the {found their way 2cross the seas. 11 Jisality; for Nerve 3 : matter' a Tonle--will bufld you up. $3 a box or | : s s > 3. - - » . g new breaking down of old isolations | read of some uninformed persons who | two for $5 at drug stores, or by mail on receipt | 204 Princess St. se Phone 648 _ ! i |. 222 Prtnceas. Siresty Twa Bours and antagonisms, so that Lovely believe that the Riisais of price. Tus BcosxLL Due CO., St. Catharines, | - - aian | 0 . Peter snd-community spirit have come; rte} problem, Tof éxample, is to be solved [TRUS at Mahood's Drug Store." | ( McLanghlin's Old Stand 2 am. ee. Prop. vital existence; the emancipativh of {by introducing a certain American | rc rc rancid] Ne woman, so swift and dramatic as to | religious denomination into that wan- | be incomprehensible; the emergence dering nation! | represented radically those muddy- | of a spirit of social responsibility in| Let us speak boldly. The coming of | minded" mortals who think that all | Ls the orient, as expressed by the native | the kingdom of God may mean the "wrongs will be righted when all laws | orphanages; and the awakening to the | sybmergence of all the churches which | are "abolished and, eygrybody does as| need of education for all pegple. 1¥3s!have Sopwed, us "in thé past, Protest- | he pleases. If my«mind still func- | a shining page that is to be written of | antism, Roman Catholicism, Greek Or- | tions normally, despite its countless | what wonders have been wrought by { thodoxy, Gregorianism, and all the | queer contacts, then one thing is clear, | the upheavals 6f recent years. ¢ r forms and expressions of Chris- namely, that our world is suffering | On the other hand, if I dared be a | tianity, are inadequate to represent | sorely, in general and in detail, from | pessimist I could write a heart-sick- | and express the fullness of the king- | an epidemic of lawlessness. The | ening tale of the persistence of the |dom of God. In that kingdom we may | kingdom of heaven comes with laws | old arrogance of imperialism *and { find much for which there was no pro- | which must be kept. A reign of right- self-aggrandizement on the part of | vision in the creed of any of the{eousness is essential to a programme nations whom the war should have! churches. Already God has aroused | of peace, Dreamers who conceive of taught better: of the unchastened | the whole world out of its insularity | a League of Nations, which winks at spirits of peoples who have suffered | into a new spaciousnéss and tolerance | the injustices of its members are | most in the past five years; of the | of thought. Mankind is getting the | building upon sand. All the justice! ruthlessness of business allied to poli- | big idea that and truth that are inherent in the tics; of the oppression of weak peo- "Our God is'marching on." kingdom of God must hold sway, when IY | y 4 A < . ~ Write for Booklet of Recipes. ples; of heartless and deadly profit- -- his kinedomy@omes. Not less law, but eering; of amazing disregard by| Characteristics of the Kingdom. |more and Zier is the order of the ry 1) Christian nations of sacred pledges; of | When a person nowadays = grows day that sees dawning. ' ivr TED CORN FLAKE CO, the persistence, in short, of the state | out of his former small ideas--and A third characteristic of this hea- = 'dey of mind that made possible the world! what a growing time for mankindsthe venly kingdom which is humanity's LONDON.ONT. calamity. past five years have been!--and be- hope--this beautiful order of life mm {gins to get the great conception of a | which Jesus set forth in so many Birth Pangs or Death Throes. < bigger, better and more beneficient | significant parables--is that it is a Jeremiahs are plentiful in the Near | order of human life, he finds that the commonwealth. Because it East nowadays; and frequently 1 have | kingdom' characteristics outlined by God's glory it is for man's welfare. listened to men; mostly British offi-| Jesus still apply. t All citizens of the kingdom are pat- cers, expounding a rather. popular The first mark of the kingdom of | riots of good will. Whatever hurts theory that civilizatioff is about'to re- | héaven is the rule of the King. That |the weak enlists the hatred of these vert to barbarism; and that, as one |is not an easy truth for our rather helpers of humanity. Anything that : ro THT man expresseu it, "In ten years the |lawless times to grasp. There cannot | serves the 'common good commands : FTTH world will be back where if was three [be the kingdom without the King. | their support. They are "all for one If hundred years ago." God. must be: accepted on his throne and one for all." There is no social- : This raised the basic question, Are | first of all. The new life has to be ism like thag of the kingdom of hea- the pains which' society is now suffer- | ordered in obedience ami reverence ven; for it alone provides the new ing, birth-pangs or death-throes? Isito him. All that God expressed of spirit of love-without which all other, what's good in process of dying, or | his mind and character by Jesus must | social schemes collapse. In this cor +is something still better now being | be received as a pre-requisite of the | monwealth which is the goal of the born? Is the twilight hour in which kingdom which Ras been so long in ages, the eitizens must possess the we dwell the forerunner of sunrise, or coming to its present hour. Foolish | mind of Christ, which is love trans- is it the aftermath of sunset and the | folk who want a new world without |cendamt. The supreme hope of a trou- : \ | For the past twelve years the portal of the world's darkest night? |God will have to undergo a course in | bled earth is the coming of this king- Faith and facts unite to convince | the kindergarten of experience to [dom which fulfils the angel prophecy ii 3 the careful, unpanicky observer that | teach them that before all else and |of the reign of peace and good will. Genuine above all else, our day needs bow : : \ ; i is for "The best is yet to be, down in humble reverence Before the ag " 9 ' » The last of life, for which. the first |living God, in whose hand is huen KEELERVILLE BUDGET. a 3 was made." hope. -- SS : . > On a ship, crossing the submarine | Everybody Around There Coming to ; TOASTED mine to} ni wonderful is|zone during the- war, I talked with "Bob" Bushell's Fair. 4 coming to pass hich may be called | an "emancipated woman" whose Keelerville, Sept. 2.--Alfred Har- by many beadtiful names, but the |creed was merely lawlessness. She | ris is operating a wood sawing ma- iL; : ; TTT ree LD De chine to-day at Edward Slesth's. : 3 » - i RS SSR TTT r - Grain cutting 1s about -all done, but i : . i TT or the frequent showers are delaying : : . * 3 i ; } : ; the getting of it in. Quite a number . The Big Package ERE . h from here attended the harvest din- \ . . > A Food -- | |r on) Zo [ViADE only ir London, Ontario, have climbed } Lake, spent Sunday at Fh) Boal's. \ F- continually higher and higher in the estima- . 4 Mrs. David Sleeth has returned home : e 3 Ob Har Treains hug returned home tion of the. Canadian public. .- They are on top, 4 O a | he mother at William Patterson's, Mil and 'will continue to be on top because their . - t burn. Miss Mamie Sleeth spent a < d li htful 1 , b : led 1 7 says V5! cig {ow Jaye of last wesk in the sity, Mr. . . dely slavour can. not be equa . 3 e, 0 operton, is visiting s . wb . : | a Mis rion! 8 visiting bls The package has been imitated but the high : and Mrs. James Boal and family| - bd : : uality of the GENUINE QRIGINAL cnisp, tasty & z | spent Sunday at George Kirkpat- | | ] - ak h H x Ah Some corm flakes ' j rick's, Battersea. Mrs. Thomas Ab- €s has never been ed. f i bott and daughter Viola, of Battersea Be sure the words, "Made in Canada," and "London, : | are visiting friends here to-day. S. Ont." . . . : ' . M. Anglin, of Belleville, and Miss t. are printed in red ink on the face of the red, white Nellie Anglin, of Battersea, at J. E. : ) C . > ; Anglin"s. Miss Bertha Sleeth left to-day _ to resume her studies at the Collegiate Institute, Kingston. Miss Mildred Anglin went yesterday to teach school near Napanee. Pauline Anglin has been engaged to teach at Carry- ing Plage. Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Farlang¢ and Clifford, and Mrs. Wil- liam on, sr., of Battersea, were at a 7 : : ' sia el ® William Dixon on Sunday. } Mr. and A m a $e n Li Mrs. Lifrde Sands, of Milburn, at ( i ; y Jamel Mcllroy's. I On | : oy Inve , at Samuel Yateman's. Wi y : 1 liam ¥ateman went to Putterses on - HEAD OFFICE AND PLANT business Saturday. Evetybedy is talking of "Bush- ell's" Wg fair at Kingston, and all : will be sure to go. Erwin Caird has fo "ws - cy ia hired with William Campbell, to run Theres big, satisfying a threshing outfit at Seeley's Bay. . "i. Quite a number of tourists are fish- nourishment in them, tug at Horse Shoe Lake. Robert Dix- on put a new I shingle roof on his |' accompanied by incom~ || barn last wel parably delicious flavor. i = 1 Sint Sani Rl BRE TA a £ A humorist 4 the 'joke that isa't private is no' ughing matter, ! All work and plagiarism is apt i to make a dull sermon. ---- Sh

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