Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1919, p. 4

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PAGE i uu > Rey 'WHAT'S IN A NAME ? EER i 5 : 1.1 = gutomobile mr. cao. SEE Ladies Will Wear Wers = [SEs amma HERS 3 Attention ! |Enai ameessirdesmeredl Oxfords This Fall iKir Why worry about the many troubles that Bi uve party born again? ; my erboard wich him, 1 hear the | {iree hundred Atty millions. . And Winter develop in your car. Just bring it to DAVIS 1 gpa: Soush bas spread tom thé mutine Lough on the ¥halo--we Laon [br oon a i a DRY DOCK COMPANY and have their 'ories riff above the it's hard to keep a good man |r mon frenzied | convenience nion 0 I t {down. But never mind. The aie | finance of ic / p 0 Ime ke | which seems to nov 13 bag a mouth as big as a High Court | tewn where everybody got ht } A : : mechanics do the necessary work to ma Which seems to exist now, ¢ o's Doneh And now's the fie for | ons, ere evershady go B Prices of Fostwess sis ii i things right. WE CAN DO IE. ' < | enthusiasm displayed at iber disappearing." I hear faint murmurs that the fin- YiCes ( Ir are going much { Convention leads many s $ Yes, the rebels are very saucy. |ances of Canada are such a great | higher but by buyin now you save your- | Premije orden to ask why t Another grievante they urge is that | problem that they ought to be en-| Bn, " g y Id - OXY-ACETYLENE CARBON BURNER eee pee Why INO i. Ain} Stieante they urge is tal Psiod 15 38 CRpert mites oF self the increase. i a I nventic and grat the Cabinet. A brisk business man | three inst 2ad of to one am r Fin- | : Pour Cylinders Iran 32.50 share of rral Some of the . needed ye e Devers of Trade ance Minister but the Yo is sweet | Rl yuiers ............. i... . i 2 t § and Commerce, where Sir George | and low and does nt rise above the | y - . iE: . 4.50 |] neil to covy the Liveral example and | Foster has fallen 'into a trance so |reater clamor for a leader with N We are now showing a complete range Eight Cylinders Saar aah eer 5 . ch p new lead deep that you can stick pins in him | blackbone and 3 rejuvenated I iberal-{ . ( i y i, argue and' not wake him. Incidentally Sir | Conservative party that spur i of Ladies' Low-Heeled Oxfords, Perforated: Twelve Cylinders tas nessa nas ven . $6.00 right, if he' ine Perley Davie RO 'iether the fase ried and o : ] he 2 cog- |B. 7 Te Try y x f r KK; - i ~~ ; ofl take th . t- =f ehance to enfiter, Uj the 'WaF With his | gles of Unionism : ; | W mg fip in' Brown Calf and Black Kid or Other repairs such as-motor boats gasoline jC of 3 'hey sa) imbecilities, is back In -C wa and 1 Hear other baint murmurs that | Calf: to be worn with spats; for fall and BG guess | letting the High ) ssionershi thrift, having won the war, might . t < . a : . 3 tw ) ted to -eling fo name | RO bang at-a time when Canada'p well Ug given a chance to 1 win er wear. engines and machinery, ? ¥ |» BUts of discon- J est wire should be on ¢he job of t- } same thing for peace. In other " ting new business. so there is Mr no more borrowing--but ret OXY-ACETYLENE CUTTING AND : In the pr BE for len, is up | Doherty who has reached the slipper- | ment as they are about to have it in Zainst a reer nee « uman ns ed-ease stage and might very well r England and a ruthless looping off ! 4 WELDING ture which ( t politica tire to private life and help grand-| of the superfluous war establish- [ rties shal to olor or | mother teach us to such e 3 ments which still Sumber the pay | I and t piebald § Lit 1 Meanwhile Cabinet reco ruction | roll. Now that the afmy-is demobiliz- ® o yar bei € se lags and British Colifmbia, which b ed of what - TE p / as of use can three hundred : D D k ( el e RI y ti ths he | the smal representation in the | and fifty millic n more dollars be ex avis Iy 0C ompany ; tiv art) om NServs ; House of Commons next to' Prince gent to help the grafters and feed the "HOME OF GOOD SHOES" » v and Edw Island, enjoys two Cabinet |(Bponge . - . #4 its I'he same phil ministers, a horse doctor who opera- ite int East End of Wellington St, Kingston ; I 5 boil ut that th ( tes as Minister of Agriculture, and Salaries For Commerce Board. me rk no hardship on the Liberal | Mr. Burrell who as Secretary of | Ottawa, Sept. 4 Sir Robert ot the 'pres nionist | State, operates nothing at all except he term Liber nservative aling wax, and year: sfecia 4 te by | release and a snug b Jor {den sponsors a resolution, to be de | bated this session, to amend 3 A "| Board of Commerce Act passed at Macdonald to co ie | Hamentary library the last session so that ten thousand Ih 5 John J h 3 Work bes k | ; t Quality counts when you are | ROBINSON XX ! | os : i " . DIES SUcHeE : dollars can be paid annually to the buying food supplies more than | of port-! \ » | : | | 5 ALVES Aas Tt | Foil XS tda 1g to head off any | Chef commissioner of the Commerce any other article. Our stores WILTSHIRE | Ie: and 2 3 ibid Boy : Pn 10 Sead Off any i poard, and: eight thousand | Dwelling and barn, | their lot. It led that Sir | more by tions than are absolute- iy Et Jaousd dollars are ston ked with he hee! that | will acre land, in good GARAGE J Pliny Whitney wt { a Libe« | ly necessary. There are eight by-elec- | ADNUALY 10 eac e other com- can be bough Call and see or I vi age Pric $600 v + he how Wh missioners . e . , ral always found an excuse for-the | tions on the } rizon now, each ous Brammer ott Phone 380 | ; ! . sine a C iberal-Conse . an's h 1 ut they i 3 . i . WwW. line, ofl, tires and automobile business at the old Kelly shop, ey 3 ! na : Lo : LEMON 't | The Diane Sracery : M GODWIN done properly and promptly, The ns C the lightning, if any, can be bottled |} JU C $ . iz SO 1 Motorcycle and Sidecar. Light wagons of various kinds f - 4 > | and Meat Market & N _-- on 84 Queefystroet. Repairing bles he bans poned to the until next For Sale > \ ? yi it v ' 1 y { for sale. We can build that Liberals t 1ke th y I'rue tl} leferred by-elections will 490 to 492 Prine s Real . 2393 B St truck body for you quickly. { allegiance to the Policy | keep the new leader of the Liberal gi EimOess trent Estate & Insurance 2 agot . Horse shoeing. AR 'pin where théy are There are | Party and-thé new Minister of Firan : C."H. PICKERING, Prop. | 89 Brock St. Phone 494 - Phone No. 177 - Phone t217w: - ) 1 } : * . Bi only two Liberal 1 is ce out of their seats for this session {i he Cab sty \ } out this inconvenience is not t 3 w jin rs abinet who 1! s but 1 inconvenien Ee t worth I Male bleachine lotion i 1 the Governmer if skin is sunburned, > next eight w KS coalition by r 1e | Parl has been called to ratify 1d it has the same troublesome re- ( 5 he Peace Treaty, v tanned or freckled jon, la kplains i { and the new d Squeez Julce of two lemons matters More- | loan 1 hi 1s & uck lai into a botile containing three ounces EARLY CLOSING rick. that can be played he's me en it the of Orchard White, shake well, and Ere ups' who smight 1 {a a ly y X *0D- | you have a quarter pint of the best { :R { ERY / bargained off one by one | centratin : rant mat | freckle, sunburn and tan lotion, and For the benefit of our employees who become a de rous political | ters, cs 1 acted by by-elec- | complexion beautifier, at very, very our store will close y liti y-ele , Y, ) x at.§ o'c blow when they j , as 1 r | tions w t put a crimp in {small cost. High Grade GroceriesaFruits o'clock »d soldie nd the ted | their deliberations, It does not aid Your grocer has the lemons and and Vegetables, Cooked aud every evening except Saturday, hreaten to do in Ontario and ar thinking to get a chill down |any rae store or toilet counter will Uncooked Meats, ne' supply three ounces of Orchard The Liberal-Conservative shooter the Peace Treaty is re- | White for a few cents. Massage this | LEWIS ORR A. GLOVER ay that it not too late f ar L rare joke by a Parlias | swoetly fragrant lotion into the face, 820 Ki s Ph 3 License No. S-4838 tara Se rarnitiy or : : . : ier Borden to yield in i 1 vhich has not met largely to 1eck, arms and hands each day and ng St for Ba one 300 F letcher s Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. it} i 1 hand-out ef two thou- |see how freckles, sunburn, windbhurn Migense Xv 5.27008 ~~ Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine ired dollars per. Par-|and tan disappear and how clear, is even more essential for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared ole under the impression that (soft and white the skin becomes; for .grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of f than t an t i B ratified the treaty when Eng- | Yes! It is harmless. a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. i is another point om whicl { E g § § 3 What is CASTORIA? |iisihlit: pea Yive as leader of e Liberal- Soy | servative party--Rowell must go. In- h ET RL Vie Py RENE Ere | Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, | deed some say that the choice is this #253) IA D, , i AR ! i Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains | ¥ay--either Borden stays and Rowell SS mn Wr Defeat Cm s neither Opium, Morphife "nor other narcotic ' substance. Its I Liew Si hy ADT oy peri: age is its guarante¢. For more than thirty years it has {for letting him stick around. = Mr been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, {Rowell has been definitely kicked out Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising' {of the Liberal party and now that therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids ° | Macken: ' King jas _draged. the I the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. DT ty Mr. Rowerl's % ] cial-reform bowels we The Children's Comfort--The Mother's Friend. sed that Preniier Borden s ep him in an eviscerated condition in ; which he is of nc se to anybody. Mr. . GENUINE CASTORIA ALways [jn 97.20 ae fo anybody. Mr. ; ile ] ED yr OF TAR & COD - LIVER OIL Sz oe. a : Liberal party and he seems not to : : | have found one with the Conservi- Bears the Signature of {tives who ask why they should ac- quire a hump carrying him around. A 3 - Mr. Rowell is the one camel your v 5 A, J -- a we all jae old Tory Cannot swallow--the Ly Se a FC - ' Cou hs, Colds, Grippe, Bronchitis, .|one Jonah that must be thrown over- > "5 2 z EWA . h . | board before the Liberal-Conserva- 2 Pa : # | : hooping Cough, Ast ma, Ete. jUve party can joyfully answer thé helm. " ce fe AR - MATHIEU'S SYRUP is a soverei tonic combining . : » Lofton iwonder why the Tories VA PRR aaa, 28 & & | the curative properties of TAR and the strengthening RE In Use For Over 30 Years hate Leader Rowell, so. God knows LP I Ban | £= virtues of COD LIVER OIL. ee SRER 4 2 i. he has done his best to be a loyal, a> 5 2 x 7 C s, when neglected or badly treated give rise to THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY Empire-loy 1 . Jan orshipping if : / / ? ; y : sequences of suchagrave character that you should Conservative 'but he "séems to be oh ; He : tb Tafort Ite oy about as welcom®@as a Spits at a A : not risk using inferior preparations. \ | plenie. The fact is there and cannot One year ago today, September 4, 1918, the Dusseldorf Narchrictiten. | HM MATHIEU'S SYRUP fs the only genuine remedy whose tee Arian immn | D@ BAIDsaid 'and 'does much to prove said that "The German Army is now undergoing the severest trinkets "$utation kas caused to crop up many imitations of doubtful value, the old saying that yirtue is its own ; | ig ON SALE EVERYWHERE 4 3 . a : > i 3 % qd. M. B. Holmnies, Athens, warden of | of the Ontario Municipal Associa- | reward because nobody else cares to! WhiER 1 was er SXpose and Grenville; was - selected (tion, at the annual smecting held in freward it. It the Liberal<Conserva- Answer to yesterday's puzzle: Left side down forehead at chin the office of 'decond vice-resident | Toronto. : tives have their ,way Mr. Rowell's So : o L RA i : AAA | ANNA Ar wrt sittin? * CORNER JOHNSON AND REGENTSTS. = SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6th, AT 2 P.M. | UNDER de El THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY : 4 -

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