~~ - a T H E D A 1 L Y B R IT 1 S H Ww 'H 1G THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1919, INURSES OCCUPY NEW HOME| pee EEE Last Week to G t Cheap Tea eek to Get Cheap I will sell the bs my stodk of p' and 70c. Teas for this week at ...-. .50¢ per lb. This in: face of two advances in wholesale prices. PAGE TWELVE INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. UE Local Notes and Ttems of Interest, re te et tinea rents es by Generd] I'HIRD RESIDENC ® OPENED BY THE GENERAL HOSPITAL. ; -------- . ok The Nurses' ARimnae Association Supplied the Beds and Bedding -- | ( 'hanges "in the Working Staff, The board of governors of the ingston General Hospital met on | esday afternoon. Tha report m the committee of managemient | mentior sd that arrangements had | Th Deen made for the supply of coal to | B omson 0 Ing' 0 swego, | be delivered Yas requised, that the Chri Kcr ABA the Yeon! Rranah : . { tol n. Bur: | 100% of the Bu ipire wing, Fenwick op- | ) : GEO. THOMPSON, PB the G.W.\ re rn 3 : ple of | erating room, ice house, laundry and ; 3 a oa : it 13 209 Princess Street nce of Or sount of atyndn gr t ald it th r | Doran were receiving necessary at- he bi . y have | tention before the winter, | A number of changes lave taken {place in the working staff. Miss | {Sobey, of Montreal, has been ap- , {pointed housekeeper, Miss Kines | y | Right supervisor, and Miss Cochrane | | operating room nurse. Mies Duff, a | graduate of McDonald College, will | 1 the position of dietition. ' home on George | Hen the Doran | s gulyably fitted up | £ pled: by twenty-sit]+ ° The Fis on the way to the Toronte Exhibition. 10 took possession last Sat- '~ mn wigiting | Palm Olive Soap 5 Three 'Cakes. For. 29 oy A es: [REV. T. B, CONLEY IS [THE WORLD'S TIDINGS - SARGENT'S DRUG STORE STRUCK WITH STICK Ie ale 2 BGW, The Nurses' DEAD IN THE CAPITAL IN COND NSED FORM Telephone 41 Cor. Princess and Montreal Sts. enerous- AND LOSES HIS EYE; Te tel spn ---- 4 t namel single beds, Retired Methodist Minister Tidings From All Over Told ---- -- son m------ A Distressing "Accident Hap-| vi : ity of spring aad | Was Stationed in Eastern in a Pointed and Pithy pened to '@harles Reid, This I9°Y plow District Many Years. Agent al Deseronto. : thanks passed to them at After a long ministry in the Meth odist church, thé death his residence, 2 NW nurses § BY COURTESY a5 C.AR yunced with regret that Fener eet! general meeting. in | gipawa, on Monday ed governo had Thomas B. Conley, B. er H. Macnee and | ty four years. » latter had Rev. Mr. Conley retired from ac ianagement | tive vork i rin 190 had always and had s § in the af- | where FURS-- Everything in Furs obtained of us will be found of the high- est quality, perfect in fit and right up to date. - Gourdier's 78 BROCK STREET. r Il end the records | mond, it. din an exceed- ¢ College, then : 3 ely rt of the hos- | bourg and there secured EDGERTON W. DAY, 1 1 being to capacity. of Bachelor in Arts in 18 a - Siti governors for the deen a probatione L000 Unenlisted Men 'Receiv- | President of the t sh Trust, Li m will be F. G. Lockett and John! n 'y for three years ed Army Pay. ited Edmonton. H :. wi lained a An 1'ress spat 3 W. 1 rd Conle at' Elginburg, vent to Portage his Static H arbor 1845, DENIES THE STATEMENT That 32 secretary in 190}-02 the Waterloo district names ' { last Late Mrs, Savage. 1 the fort beth Sav 46 . Col- y of his marr passed away at the Ho- | i; remble, Ri ¥ ny, declared on Thursday after a short | wife is survived by . hat he nd his part v i vote |" ign She is survived by one son, | H. Conléy, of the audi mle Tere Emr 11g % 3 1 * : | EE -- *k Savage Interment will take | department, Ottawa. re weil of th 5 | = at Camden. ---------- New Finish |i ficients i On Prints DAMON AND PYTHIAS PROF. T,ECLOVER | STOR] iscount Grey ang Sir William Tye- rejl Great Friends, ------ | New York, Sept. 4 An. unusual STOCK MARKETS. Distinguished Cambridge Pro-!story of friendship between two men -- in high office was told here to-da . - fessor Who Formerly Taught by Licut. Col. Thwaitcs, Dritise Quotations Furnished by Bongard, In Queen's University. sistant provost marshal, followin Ryerson & Co., 237 Bagot Street : _,_ | the announcement that Sir Willian ' . Glover of St. John's! Tyrrell would ac company Viscount = coliege, Cambridge, England, who is | Grey as his pri.ate secretary when Opening visiting H. A. Calvin at Garden Is- the latter arrives here at the end ot If you have tehison | 915 = land, is welcomed to Kingston bythe present month to serve as British i y | SE : many old friends, who remember. him ssador to. Washington, Sir Wil- | Marine . : essor of Latin in Queen' s uni- etary to Lord I'Sarine. 1 . y twenty years ago. Prof. Glo- | Grey ard Grey, at the | © at Prouse's Drug store and get this [ar v | : > ae " s one of the most outstanding | ou threak of the war then the new ~ | AN. .s ET classical and theological authorities | Amt bassador was British Secretary | The quality of this | : in Great Britain. He came to Ame- | for Foreign Affairs, . rica recently to deliver a course of | When Sir Edward Grey retired Sir lectures at a training school in New | Willinm was made Under Se retary | of Foreign Affairs and held that im- | portant office the was: | One of his two sons was killed at 3] the front, during the closing days of | in th orld" eel i the great conflict, and his father de- day to-day by se 2 | Strath A mew Ferrotype finish is now ob- tainable for amateur snaps. It bring , . Ps. 4 dings Prof. T. R. out the details of the picture in a New York Stocks. bright pleasing finish, holiday films or negatives leave them Is uniform day after day, has the flavor that pleases; sends the kiddies off to school satisfied, anad hurries them home again for more. Ferrotype finish, 4 nion 'Pactiic "UNCLE JOHNNY," { Am. Loe. .: g : York | Anaconda x 03: ed: . | Bethlehe TO START | Int Fith from ore to 1 ars | Rep z (U.S. Steel new tone will surprise you. {Aged 131 Years, Wants to for the greater part ot | His Life. % Ks i t. 4 --"Uncle Ona of his latest books entitl- "The Jesus of History" in the | texthook for YM.C A. study classes throughout the world. Prof. Glover | has been prevailed upon by Rev. Dr. | Wilson of Chalmers church to remain | over the week-end, and 'he is to Canadian Stocks. preac h in Chalmers on Sunday morn- s ! ' > n No pressing. Apply ! ie . iB ing. Insure 11 Centsal1-21b. Loaf. Phone 467 and our salesman "will call. termined to retire from public life. When Viscount Grey consented to go | J ito the United States as Ambassado-. | n > to e agent. * ad 891% a | Sir William: at once came forward! Rat repare for th v te! : Oo Ls iG L os A A cr ------------------------ JOHN Nora HWAY & SON = = _ -------------------- | and volunteered to gecept the com : private 01 Weffington St. West; Toronto "oo often when a man tries to Queen Victoria Statue. paratively humble position of ich others he hurts himself. London, - Sept." statue of | Sedretary aller havi led ong ot Queen Victoria, purchased by the |the most important' positions the |} British Columbia Government before | SMPire. oy iseount i pesig} t has | the war for placing in front of the | almost bo mp etely faite d ad it x . : act nfiuenced 8 Government buildings, at Victoria, 5 ich influence ir Wil- will be. shipped at once, and it is { liam to accept the minor position. i ; ce, a \ hoped that it will arrive in time for | 1 % r N\ the Prince of Wales to unveil Saran g ot: boring the St. law. his visit to the city. The statue hs I i : Sd street; b lev a garden: al H ick, as these lots and en ail been on 'exhibition at the Royal Ex- | change. THE CHOICE OF A PIANO Great care should be exercised in the lainm put PRINCE AT THE S00 - % -- | Feels Great Roverence For the Pion- eors of Canada. P METHODIST PROG RAMME OUT | Inter-Chuirch National Campaign } Oct. 5th to Feb. 14th, $4 . n t | ~ Teronto, Sept. 4--October 5th is! Fl 38 Weal I, Bo re and Raye mal ay are oa Immediate resumption of business | 0 be the inaugural day of the united | gre eted } and to the la Cin L the es Sard cas . 4 - { national campaign, when t} spi reached eS relations with Germany and Austria |' 1 alms and the inter-chu | the ma he tone, | was advocated by Elbert N. Gary, | U3! aims and the inter-c hy the. ra | Chairman of the United States Steel jefie will Te Drosested The days the: m Fg he Corporation in an address before the | owing ellie oe Sei bois ee who la [American Bae Association on Thurs- vey of the loeal church, com the Dominion. h sdb ment of general publicity, 'int {pETty spent some ti tion of a prayer campaign, enrolment | great locks, pulp m of intercessors, congregational meet- | tures here, | ings to consider the report of the spi- ar rams ritual survey, launching" of speciai| MEETING TO ADJUST WAGES evangelical efforts, a week of special services, en~olment of pledged work- ers, the dedication to personal ser- | vice, district meetings, and SRmpalen "training conferences. November 0t} | Will be national thanksgiving dor January 4in to February 1st, 1920, 8 will see the presentation of connex- | |of maintenance of lay ional enterprises, to be followed by a | Shop laborers met the rai canvass. board to-day to adj in accordance with tb down by Pre ent Wilsen ir . | NEW INTERNAL DESCR TON. | ing an adjus nt last week f Eight-Rooms i inc iO road shopmen. ' May Be Precipitated By Action * Supreme Council. choice of a piano numerous makers seem perplexing. look for several work ship, the 3 method of ing. On Telephone 703 J. 0. HUTTON 67 Clarence Street, Ringston ation, ar CA ne ps 1 Fre Lidoay P Piano other makes in {ts price class. If you have in mind ge of a piano do not LINDSAY before fixing your choice. Accordance wit ith Principle of . President Wilson, 1 to see, hear and try the Sold on the LINDSAY Easy-Payment Plan One Price Only--The Lowest for Cash LINDSAY'S Hot Air Furnace for rail- Electric Lights Gas for Cooking ot a pte . H. M. 8S. Renown at Halifax. (Canadian Press Despatch) (Canadian Pre 58 Despatch) Sepia, Sept. 4.--The Tagelische Halifax, N.8., Sept. 4 --H. M. 8, Ru au declares to-day that the | Renown arrived in harbor early this demand by the Entente that the Ger-| morning. She willl take on fuel of 1 man constitution be altered is hardly | before proceedin®ion her southern {calculated to induce the German peo- | trip. The battle criyser wiil call for ple to respect their new charter; and | St. Kitts, British Wt Indies, tomor- warns the supreme council of a dan- | row miorning as originally announced. @er of precipitating a new internal 3 En disruption. The Vosische Zeitung! $1.000 Fine Fol Selling Liquor. says a flat refusal is the only possible] 'Winnipeg, Sept ree Wil- answer to the demand of the Entente {son was fined $1.80 rd 1 . With while the Kreuz Zeitung remarks that] the alternative of the amateurs of Weimar must now by Magistrate M |put up with constant intervéntion by | Court yesterday, - Four Bedrooms Side Verandah Large lot, 132 ft deep 3 piece Bath Cetnent. Cellar Stone Foundation Newly decorated ~ The J. K. Carroll -Phéne 68. For Sale 4t $3,100 For 3 Days Only. Agency ithe Entente in Germany's .internal | affairs, Sunken Barges Are Raised. i St, Catharines, Sept. 4.--The tug {Alert, which sank in the Welland | Canal, near Thorold, some days ago, | bas been raised by wrecking crews. | Wreckers also raised the barge Ques }bee, sunk at Port Colborne during | ths elevator explosion. 56 BROCK ST. oa age makes a specialty of dis- ks ¥ i covering lost opportunities. lating the Manito? The maximum pe son, because of re four previous ConRcti act. -- Mexican federal soldlers fire an American army aeroplane 'Tuesday. The matter has been taken up with Washington authorities. Hon. Val egtine Winkler, Pro cial Minister of Agriculture, peg. isin a very serious co home suffering from infiue na. Toe ro i