Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 4 Sep 1919, p. 10

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v chool Starts In the World of Sport G6 Caris and : Have you got that Bicycle you are go LONG LICHT COLF BAIL: dem ut_a small, heavy ball DISTRIGT DEPOT WON - o ar S an r.to give vour Bov Gi > veek ? - [ w wi zh ot 3 RAVE six er ow Emre Tm e.1| Baby Carriages SAVE $15.00 DIVES 18 rxmwED, © (bra ge Rr Ties The Dirict Depot won trom te] PAGE TEN oe : T H E D Al L Y B R ITIS H Ww HI G ; THURSDAY, SEPPEMBER 4, 1910. -- | ---- iB "wr Wiha 3 5 Reformers Insist That All Golf Balls | t ex the ra Leeday svenin Ts. Oe ot . i als i rd by the best games o seball played fi Should Be Made of the Floating | . He says /the military league this your and it hie & Sh Variety. | tr w onal amateur or|was witnessed by a large vrowd of this Sale | rice. : { The d feud bet 1 those who] national open cham is won tators. The result placed the - - arge. that. the ng-f t golf ball is| with a certain ball these duffers | District Depot ahead in the league. . : {ruining the game, aud ' those who | gtraightway imagine what: is The interest of the onlookers was| | maintain that this is 'the y thing| good for Waller Hagen and 8. David- | held until the very last inning as 2 that has made th 3 a Progress json Herron is good enough to reduce [the game was in doubt up to that! v or : "iil last decade, 3 1 carried On | their records from 139 to 125 strokes (point. In the first inning Haines and a ve ime an oney at Lrvor. The Royal and: Ancient] for the round. putts Included. Gowan scored and in the third Gow- " Club in Scotland; the court of last Some mo te reformers ave an and Spoor, who were followed by - : resort for conservative golf defini- urged tlie adoption not of one type [Downey and Weaver in the fourth. * er 1] forans, has the matter under consid-lof bail, but of several®fixed types, making a tie which Gallagher broke | {i j eration, and though no definite de- a floater, for instance; a , medium |in the sixth. cision has yet been handed down it ball, and a heavy ba 3 This seems The line up was: 13 whispered that the attempt to lim- to be "beating the devil around the G.W.V.A --Boyd, ss: Haines, nd define types of golf 'balls suit- bush," gnd 3 ht 'as well be !Hall, ¢; Downey,.2h; Weaver, 4 for... championship -play -woyld teft as they are as to adopt this eem: | Gowan, 3b; Lanedc n, .p; Aikens, { drag behind it a host of insuperable promise. r District Depat- --Spoor, 3h; Daley, i cultie 2 ear 1b: Co¥ne, | Buy now, while we have a few left at renuleione enforcement of any" When all is said and' done the fact | 2b; wig Frigbins t: Beswic) . * regulatio remains that -the 'present-day game |p: sen, 1f;- Graham, cf; Beswick,| . . . Inshe first place, the 1878, 431 and the present<dey. CoUres are to. ot: Priiard. of Large stock and low prices-- High ; are called wh sist that some| yvelopments of the small, heavy, long- Umpire--Dehaney | . : b mit be set on the distance which a flight ball. Any change in the ball Score by innings , <1ddi KC 1 1 Ch a] flight . y chan 0 al heora RRINgs. Ss, oO sa r10s., if b an carry, demand that allfwould mean a radical change in the G.W.V.A -- )020 --3 Chairs, Kiddie K ops nd 1 championship mat- layout of a goed course and in mod-| District Depot x . SE ern methods of instr on and play. | Ee ---- | es clatior it would be hard ky . laagors ofl GOLFERS BEWARE, NS R J R id 8 Ve ty. 4 -day to adapt their ¥kill to chang- e a ie today to sdapt thelr fill to' chang. TROUBLE LURKS IN : ° ° ter hazards, such as sould be 2s nought to the astonish- DIVORCE COURTS, small streams deed, | ment and rage the various links com- Preer-- | LEADING UNDERTAKER PHONE 577 one famous math on the mittees would muster when presented The "golf widow" has made her| England Scotland has with the bill for services rendered appearance in"the divorce courts of | een some doughty el ion wading by golf architects and contractors/for | Reno, Nev. Mrs Grace Tuthill Bishop | 3 deep into the. water with a refitting the modern links to the an-| asked Judge Moran for a divoree! vy mashie in his hand. Also a client ball.--New York Times. | from Burton T. Biskc ), wealthy New | ball would not so often be --_-- Yorker, in which the chief complaint | ~ gage w= «ean ar-f sof Fron . the small, CALLS REDS TO WIN J was that her husband neglected her pty Collis Browne's r-flying ball now used by the THE WORLD'S SERIES for his love of golf and the associ- * ® y of low-handicap golfers. | ates men on the links the other hand, conside the . ~ 1 Q aolare r neglent i | iy! A golf ball light enough | Billy Sunday Says the Oincin-] She declared her neglect by Bishop | an ' «Hh 2 and his surly disposition, together ; abou as much nati Club Should Beat with the devotion to golf, constituted pe DCE oan Ie Chicago. extreme cruelty. Judge Moran grant- in Labrador. Down the wind a ed her request. Never will you get such bargains as you Eoifer would Lie hitting tee shots over] pny gunday, the famous evange- | 5, and against the wind this in Taront ia Wan Fem -------- a 3 1 : list, who is in Toronto, is a cls McG ) START PRACTICE get now at the * would be sruggling to get] [i 10 baseball and | MCGILL TO START PRACTICE: 150 yards and keep on the course. |" 5 rn ha Cinwin. | THE ORIGINAL: AND ONLY GENUIN Par would receive rude treatment rh declared that he favored the Cincin- | concn Shaghn Calls. Men Out | ---- ONLY SENUINE. such a day, and Colonel Bogey| natt'¢ ab to Win We world's series | For Sept. 17th. . i Acts like a Charm in @ would. probably retire permanently | from Chicago. : wy Frank Shaughnessy, who 18 now . Nh from the game. More than this, it if "The Reds have a great pitching managing the Hamilton Baseball IARRHOEA ly ja whl known article of faith kmong | Staff and a fighting team all the way , will go to Montreal on Sept. \ aad is the players that every man cannot play.| through, while the White Dd avg to take charge of the McGill every ball, nor can all men play ohe | only one dependdble pitcher, Cicotte. | 1, ony gquad, Shaughnessy has noti- | Specific HOLERA aad ball. That accounts for the great big Furthermore, the Reds have the Na- | 5.4 Jimmy Lalande, seeretary of the n ; 'e ! - fety of golf balls manufactured by the | tional League pennant won.and Can | gi, gents' Union, that he would like y Everything goes all next week. We are same firms. .The strength of the hit- | take it easily while the Sox have to the first practice called for the after- | YSEN i ERY ] La v fins ter, the style of his sweep, and other| fight all the way to the wend to win | noon-of Sept. 17th in place of Mon- | . cleaning up. mannerisms affect the type of ballfout in their league +2 aoa. ad lday, Sept, 22nd. Checks and arrests those too oftea fatal disenses-- » whieh a golfer makes his best | 'Everyt g favors the Reds and | Shaughnessy is in favor of a meet- FEVER, CROUP, AGUE. Several seasons ago a lead-|look for them to win the world's {ing of the officials appointed by the The beat Remedy kaowa for COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. oot mrc on championsh * he said Effectoally cuts short all attacks of SPASMS, | ------------ ---- $ "a «he oaly palliative in NEURALGIA, RHEUMATISM, TOOTHACHE. ET Lem ' . - x b : ond : Tan Miss Sutton Turns Professional at their rulings will be uniform Ohloredyne is a ligwid taken in drops, graduated according to the malady. ly HR, Fioctace Suttot: & of the fam uring the coming season Shaugh- It invariably relieves pain of whatever hind ; creates a calm refreshing sleep : Z PE HR Florence Suttc + 8 1 i = . N Sele abd thE atlays irritation of the nervous system when all other remedies fail, leaves ous May, now Mrs. Thomas R. Bundy, | nessy is very enthusiastic over the no bad effects; and can be taken when no other medicine can be tolerated and famous in her own right as one | outlook for the season . . 9. u . > lot tne best women tennis players a. c---- INSIST ON HAVING CONVINCING SPOR TING GOODS CO. Com fe has produced, has deserted Death Claims Famous Runner. Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S 3 MEDICAL TESTIMONY the-ranks of the amateurs, according! Death recently claimed a famous CHLORODYNE. Wh WITH EACH to report from California. Miss Sut- | old English athlete in the person of BOTTLE. E a' 3.8 | ton has held the Pacific Coast singles | William Cummings, the professional he Hore Juste of WN Sold by ali Chemiste. as Princess Street | § | championship three times since 1907. | runner remembered as the opponent to many imitations. | Prices is Ragland: ! EAS | E pd N | At that time she defeated Hazel Hot- | of W. G. George, when the latter ran Y . Vik 29, 48. Phone 529 "Home of the Brunswick." | J chkiss. The next year her sister;/ the mild in 4.123%, which stood as ; HATS & CA PS {May Sutton again defeated her and {the professional record for thirty- a 2 Sole Manufacturers; , : | held the title until 1912, when Flor- | three years. Norman Taber, of Brown Bears on the stamp ; } J. 7. DAVENPORT, or DAD and kis LAD { ence recaptured it for the last time | University, 4 mateur, did the dis- L the same yof the ss RAE & | for the famous Sutton sisters. Last |tance in 4.12 five years ago, alone . faveator, Dr, J. LONDON, be year, with her sister, Mrsy Ethel Sut- {beating the figures. Cummings - was Colle Browse. " | ton Bruce, she won the California' 60 years of age and died in Glasgow, State women's doubles championship. |Scotland. The memorable race be- ¥ In 1917. Miss Sutton toured the coun- | tween Cummings and George was { try with Mark K. Brown, giving ex- run in the Fall of 1880 at Lillie | { hibition matches. She will be on the | Bridge, London. Cummings led until | instruction staff of the California {the homestretch, where he collapsed | | State Normal, and George won easing up. | TAA AA A AANA NENA rit, " po ES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED repair work of hagnetos of all kinds; including marine, stationary and motor cars, lighting, starting and generating Systems of all makes, and storage batteries. Inquire about the sew threaded bone fry battery before purchasing, VV . "WILLARD SERVICE STATION ~ . 19 Brock St. Phone 1340 Pine Mouldings *. DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, TRY -- "Allan's Lumber Yard : THE BETTER 'OLE. ~ Victoria Street - - . . Phone 1042 - 4 : At Griffin's, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Sept. 4th, - I---- DD) | Bth and 6th ; Ar A A. SA ns = AS AN "M. P." I. E., MIGHTY PUNK rr fee ry By Bud Fisher | ---- : : chi : 3 - = - eae : - \ | We have a supply of a . [ OFFICER, MUTT 1S DOING SOME City [ wear 'Do You MEAN © 4 OW, Bay! MAYBE Eps EXCAVATING NEAR MY GARAGE AND 7 | BY THROWING THAT DIRT A f AIN'T SOME cast To | || TES Blocking UR THe DRwE-WAY | on SIR. SIDNEY'S go . =| CASE You'd BETTER |} cut hard wood and TS MILTARY Powice 7. || BY. PILING UP TRE DIRT ON IT. | oveony? a DIG ANOTHER HoLE i { v nt of > > Joss wv EiETY T CAN'T GEY My CAR OUT oF IF You MUST Know, * BY use THERE! : \ " : i \ {PERCENT OF DIGNITY AND | WE GARAGE. - { {T's Because J X So A FIFTY Pep cour or Blues / SEI TE i | Here's No / STI TUE GOT Avene / 5 MUTT'S Ff | orem BiacE J g : ; a N------_ DoinG TRATY TLL G0 MENT MER AND MAKE | > Hila €UT IT oul: LEAVE IT TQ ME, A isu am' ~~ - Products Factory Makers of Hollow Damp. She! nt Meo in ntles, an 'also Grave Vaults, And all kinds of Ornamental Cement Work. . Factory, cor. f Charles and Patrick streets, Phone T20W. Mgr., H. P. NOKMAN EE ---- No man can have {oo mich good | breeding and no woman can have too § much affection i

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