PAGE FOUR ,, THE DAILY BRITISH WHIC MONDAY, AUGUST 25. 1010. ARROW 4 1 i COULD NOT STOP r ey TN ru or GRAND HE | mews | DD RES S || RENTS ARE |... | meh t + BY ANNE RITTENHOUSE tin, OR ALL Un She Tred "Fruta-es" HIGH! A iia dd Ahhh Ad ha ~--Made From Fruit Juices (Copyright, 1919, by the Mc|Clure Newspaper Syndicate) : STEAMSHIP 112 Cosuna Sr., Sv, Jouw, N.B, Curious Capes That Are Featured at|for her; for her figure, her tempera-. ; "1 fool I must toll you of the great | the Resorts Where: Foohicoabl ment, her environment, and her man- Thank goodness, we do not have to pay LINES benefit I have received from your Women Foregather, ner of life. She has never troubled rent! We built our store in 1904 when derful medici 'Fruit-a-tives' 3 i ber brain with the fnshions of any } : . yon = i f , Paris, Aug. 15--No Parisienne has other country than her own, as she costs were low. . 1bave beén a sufferer for many any idea of giving ue capes. Thelpoo™ ver thought of their art, archi- For information and rates apply years from Violent Headaches, and Afiericans insist that they have heen tecture or literature. Cr ATA Grn coul ent relief, Worn long enough and that our public. N that ishes to continue : : to J. P. Hanley, C.P. + GT. Rys- a ruil. I aatouS shough and that our, Public Were ae De fo continue We will give YOU the full benefit of on deaf ears. . y do tter how strenuous} thi to-d : Kingston, Ont. Stives' and I did so with great If we are showing a spirit of inde- will a. mt they are fants 18 to-day. success ; and now I an uSfsly free pendence that surprises Farias quite as| ' fashion in 0 ey. She opens : of Headach than your Im as many of their clothes sur- 0 " . . ripe Ay Brise ue, 4 least, it Las no effect on he Frene vomay 10 ows shat ev 18} We can afford it, and are doing it for ER Ww, e esigners or the Frene public. jousl: + . UES ALEXANDER HAW, {Tans or, he independence is| "ne; FEESIUS You with a curi usly puss our customers every day. Come in and see their n d their inspiration, ¥ Tyrone 50¢ At all dealers or pent on receipt of {6 SEFenEth and their inspiration.) mark iad mot penetrated her compre for yourself. ba Jeti in the pe hension. The trouble now is that the price, postpaid, by Fruiba-tives | Americans there must be an element! A merjean goes on' saying: it, where SAILINGS --RATES Limited, Osawa, |. Ot Snziary a the French houses w hich heghtofore Tie Amerienn subsided, We clothe man and boy: week day-an oe Toner vm x "|. And: what curious capes she has d : h a ers, orn in the : . Fast, luxurious, 6-day Steamship. The Americans will not accept Ord Tagine Ny aes Sunday; for WW ork or play; from head to Leas than 4 days st sea. Sulla this," has become a current phrase|weave trimmed: at All ii edges with oot. ' UR BEC- LIVERPOOL; among the dressmakers and the buy- huge hanks of slightly twisted wool . 4 p.m. October Dth ers from over the sea. And as the Just as it comes from the. shop, The ! Special train leaves Windsor st. August openings were mainly for the tops of it are as thick as arm, Station 9.45 a.m. direct to ship Americans the statement was .omin- and how fit is held in place is a mys- - ist, $170 2nd, $100, 8rd $63.75 us tery of the sewing room, It does re- War Tax $5 5 $3.00 main in place. e woman moves, Special suites Land rooms with What We Do to French Fashions, [5nd eats and walks with the eape , i Whatever we buy or do not buy the !SWung around her, and yet ,one has an Apply Local Agents F (impulse to hold out the hands, and . H.M. MacCallum, Genl. Agt., Toronto. DOMINION FISH C0., Therefore fhe divergence botmusn ts| tke the skeins aut. io" thels jength 271 Princess St. CANADIAN PACIFIC fashions of the two countries may be-|30d ask the woman to begin winding. Te TR te [come wider than tJ vow. ndeubk |, io ration E---- in every gown, catch and accept the Take another cape worn in the ev- ' irati a ening at a small theatre where the , Ey i i enjoys e acting 0! I'he Telgmann School of [mentals, which is exactly what the clothes without knowing what half of - - Music Paris designers are opposed to our doing. it is about. y er D 1Li d ba For instance, they resent the fact| The material is copper velvet, the ; welimg an mn, Piano, violin and other stringed that hundreds of ns are sold by trimming yellow and brown fur. One art. pils i one acre land, ingood RAR wy Ahaha shhh ch dh WA Tremont 3 Belmont Claridge For Merion WY Anrhrhaiarahahaierihah deh ahahd - 25¢ Ahad dk dada A 2 2 jeg hi side of the froyt is much longer than : A Ametied Douses eh tar Shei the other and is thrown around. the SERVE IT FOR CUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND SUPPERS village. - Price $600. igi shoulders In the an manner, Irony He Shginal. The Fact that oat the chest is a great placque done in || a Most modern machinery used in making our Ice Cream--- French 'houses themnter ay not |E0ld and dull jewels. Then ore arm- the ingredients are the best--nothing but pure cream used. Ww. H GODWIN Shem to matter, for they insist that|P0le drops to the hem of the skirt Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. tae : the gown is entirely wrong when it|Deneath and is edged with masses of " & SON is thus a'tered and should not be ad. Tur While the other armhole is con- ® vertised as their product. One feels|Ventional size. The point that falls Real Estate & Insurance the justice of that claim Yot one feels | Well over the shoulder is weighted i Tor ce ream al or : 80 Brock Bt. Phone 484 sure that the resentment would be with the largest: thsnel, -- that : far deeper if the gown were sold as|)®$ ever launch Tegn Rion cos- : a creation of the rT house that | ®omery. 204 P rmcess St. [2] P hone 648 imported it. So what is to be the out.| lnconvenient, of one sat upon it. Every Investor Realizes come? No ane has any reasonable solution, All of which is to sa that whi that his most satisfactory investments have been there is trouble a-plenty between he a = Ph i riety he Farce ine | | THE HOUSEHOLD Mavs mEsTAGRANT Do It Now » e sienne has no j~ * Bonds son to bother her head about it. What : : A WO! "8 A .. she prefers in this world is apparel Edited by Amme Rittenhouse, : For luncheon, a ' shopping of which we always have on hand a comprehensive that is made entirely and altogether ' "bite," or dinner, there is selection. We shall be pleased to furnish particulars Ti angel P A | no more delightful place for on request. " THE HOUSEWIFE'S EYE - 1 { & woman, alone or escorted, Z : There is a sort of faulty sight that | than the Grand. A visit will Wood, Gundy & Company $04 comes to housewives, that comes, in | BI demonstrate how wet "o ' Canadian fact, so often to that worthy section | x cater to the tastes and com- Pacific Rollway Building of the body politic that we might iL fort of our women patrons. Toronto New York : almost eall it "the housewife's eye." 5 2 Moderate prices and polite « Eng. X And it isn't anything that can be cor Service are not the least i $ bi lasses, Even a long 2 ) h noteworthy 'characteristics vacation not cure ity but thei ° : = lh | here, Tage lic eh ancl IS 55 'her peculiar faults of visi A . nee complete nt ; ; / 4 sort of job, -- ME eo teres When you ship Grain, Butter, J yn i \ on know the vietims of this mal. Cheese or Fruit, put through The |" : Soniest HEH ving. me 80 the V Merchants Bank a Draft on the buyer, ANC the sort of room that has grown wt This is the business way of securing {'% Raving. become. erselon without prompt and satisfactory settlement. 1) rian, armen Sig 1t saves time and possible loss. THE MERCHANTS BANK T= ousewife see, P Verona Branch, 5 : 3 NN NN NN NN NNN PPP PPPpp ~ s hy 8 2 g i iH i Hh fiir i oh $78 : f : 3 - H. A. TOFIELD, Manager. . , & J. W. MeCLYMONT, Manager. Safety Deposit Boxes to Rent at Kingston Branch. SEES ! ; Hr : i ot fg 5 ¢f f g gr iE £2 F i ® 14 F Hl F Hf All classes of high yield investments Corporation, Government and Municipal. Private wires--New York, Chicago, STOCKS--GRAIN--COTTON FECEERY Fw § if 5 i ih a3 : 7 | MT BMS Theme ISSN & Bugad Masge a