PAGE EIGHT THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG. THURSDAY, JULY 81, 101s. In the Realm of Women---Some I nteresting Features DOMINION FSH C0, Canada ¥ Board License No. 0-3248 The Cash Store Specials For This Week: fons, tal Red Beets, On- and Vege- Fresh Lettuce, Cucumbers bles, etc. Fresh Fruits arriving daily-- Currants, Raspberries, Peaches, Bananas, Gooseberries and Pears. slice. 1 Watermelon, whole, or by the Choice fresh Butter 50 to 55¢ United Grocery Princess St. Phone 207 Next to Standard Bank Cod. wo Ne. i Be ; 341-3 Princess atret, Aprol! The Sweet Oil of For table and culinary } dinner-picnic if you eat our i} bread. and highly nutricious. tains just the proper food units for body-building and just the proper taste-qualities to encour . ag Pomes. mich Ap ter, Wor by Eg - Persica bout Rat ly abou rl You ae aE inte or buts 'D. COUPER Phone 76 UST thing of it--three pic- nics a day! Breakfast-ple- nie, luncheon-picnic and \ It is mighty palatable It con- I I e your appetite. - HOME MADE TN KY a RL Richest inFlavor Quality and purity, retained by careful packing, have long since established Prie mus in Canadian homes, Whether you want black or natural green tea, ask your grocer for Primus. Sold only in foil packages. Try the other PRIMUS PURE PRODUCTS goaranteed of the Righest quality. L. Chaput, Fils & Gle., Limités, MONTREAL. Kingston Mattress Company 558 Princess street. Phome 003w, nd IR A LMFATRCE HSER ERE ETRE mm mM Send us your hair or felt mattress to be renovated and recov- ered. theroughly terilized and de - nd ma inte mattresses at modera cost. Onil or phone. » PURE ICE CREAM SERVE IT FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND SUPPERS Most modérn machinery used in making our Ice Cream-- the ingredients are the best----nothing but pure cream used. Prompt delivery to all parts of the city. x Superior lee Cream Parlor BP vo i : Phone 648 \ {tect "I realize perfectly that you have a--well, a good deal of temperament, Dean," Geraldine said, in a troubled tone, "and 1 know that when you and Louis get together you' talk about writing and New York and success-- 1 suppose we all have those dreams! But you have so much, Dean, in hav- ing your home, and your wife and children, and your health--" She hesitated, a trifle daunted by his expression. Then she got up, and after exchanging a few meaningless remarks entirely for the benefit of the outside office force, she went away, But as Geraldine went out into the street agdin, she felt abso- lutely fazed with pain. She walked slowly for a square or two, and then, with a sudden look of resolution in her eyes, boarded a trol- ley-car, and went out to the newly- opened and attractive residence site that was known as Hyde Park Wood. Dean had always expressed an ad- miration for Hyde Park Wood, but any vague plan he had of living there, Geraldine had contended, to combat that it was too far from her mo- ther. To-day she walked slowly through it, looking at the pretty brick-and stucco houses, and the occasional charming Colonial model, with sud- denly awakened interest. All the lit- tle homes were inviting, with their newly planted gardens, their fresh white paint, and their setting of great elms and maples just feathering into a new green, Geraldine stopped be- fore a delightful modern farmhouse, ecream-white with demure green blinds, barely finished, odorous of clean white wood, and flooded with pure sunshine. She studied it carefully, and then picked her way daintily toward the coated and hatted man who was di- recting some bare-armed laborers on another house nearby. "Is this house for sale?" "Yes, ma'am!" "If I bring my husband here on Sunday, might we see it?" "Sure you can," the contractor said amiably. Dean had brought her to see these houses six months ago, and had ex- patiated eagerly upon the advantage to the children and themselves to be gained by joining this colony of re- fined and intelligent people. But Ger- dldine remembered that she had been for some unforgotten reason, notably unenthusiastic, man, i i TALKING IT OVER ~With Lorna Moon-- > ~ Being Married to a Genius "When 1 DO marry, IF I ever do," sdld the Pretty College Girl empha- tically, "I shall marry a man of genius, no ordinary humdrum man fap har" Well," sighed as "Well," 8 -- Mahogany Top, taking another bite at a goodie choco= ¥ late, "just so long 'as he has oodles and oodles of mon-~ ey it. will be all right for me." a "Twant a man i 3 with a Dana Gib- k {son chin," said Golden Braids, "and he can be as poor, as poor, but he must love me till it hurts; and * he must think that every other girl is as plain as the wrong side of a hedge fence, but he must think that I am wonderful, and beautiful and good." *Prosy thing," retorted the Pretty College Girl, "I want to live with a man who does the big things in life, '|a man whom the whole world ad- i mires; money is nothing, and a Dana Gibson ¢hin is nothing, red with having the devotion of a super man. Of course, the pretty college girl jand she is very likely to marry that {long-legged very ordinary, but : Boy, who is in his sopho- their nice ito duty at the isn't at all likely to meet a genius, |® The Luck of Geraldme Laird BY KATHLE EN NORRIS, Author of "The Story of Julia Page," "Heart of Rachel," "Josselyn's Wife," "Sisters," ete. They Bad some little capital, quite enough for this venture anyway. Ger- aldine imagined a conversation be- tween her husband and' herself in which Dean woul] suggest that they mortgage - the house, to begin with, and she would persuade him that the better way was to start'clear of debt, and add the furniture piece by piece, as they could afford it. She reached home pleasantly ex- cited and full of hope, amusing the little girls, as she brushed their thick mops and buttoned clean apréns for supper, with an account of the pretty houges in Hyde Park Wood, and the nice, little girls who were playing about in the neighborhood. Mrs. Fitz- [trick wandered fais a | oun While ey laughed and splashed an at- tered together. "The girls were wondering if you would do some imitations, some night at the Bazaar, Jerry," she presently observed. "They've got'a program to get up, entirely different, the five nights," her mother explained. "I suppose somebody remembered you, and got Aunt Lizzie to ask me." She did not push the point. "I'm sure I don't know who I could do," Geraldine, anxious not to seem disobliging, resumed presently. "There's always Maude Adams and Ethel Barrymore," her mother sug- gested. "Oh 'but Mother, every one must be sick of those--I've done them for years!" the younger woman protest: ed. "I do 'Peg o' My Heart' pretty well," she admitted dubiously. "Why don't you offer just to fill in if they need you, Jerry?" Murs. Fitz- patrick asked eagerly. But Geraldine's face suddenly dark- ened, as the heavy question of Dean and Dean's happiness arose again in her mind. "No," she said lifelessly. "I some- how don't feel as much like that sort of thing as I used to." Her bright mood of the afternoon was gone, she felt weary and dispii- ited as she went down-stairs. A fresh, unpleasant odor of boiling mutton soup was in the hall, the spring night was heavy and warm. With the strong, sweet scent of lilae, coming into the hall doorway, came also the stale heat of the street and the sound of children's voices noisy in the twi- lL light. (To be Contmued) "rm more year; which is a very fortunate thing for her. There isn't any such thing as *'the' devotion of a super man"; if a super man took time to be devoted toa woman he wouldn't be a super man.' I have a friend who is married to a genius; she is just a hazy grey curtain, a sort of neutral background against which his bril- liancy looms up. He is devoted, but is to himself; he is selfish, self- c red, and egotistic. If he were not, he would not be a genius, His wife is starved for companionsrip, he gives her none, but he demands her constant attentipn; she is a glor- ffled valet-secretary-nurse-housekeep- eh and shock absorber; a buffer between him and the things he doesn't want to face, She bears the brunt when the eritics rip him to bits, and she has to watch him preen himself when they throw him bou quets. "A genius ought to marry a squaw," she sald in exasperation one day; "a white woman is wasted upon him!" AT HUSY WELLINGTON. Brick Plant Was Started There with Suitable Ceremony. Wellington, July 28.--Emily Man- deville, Toronto, is home on a vaca: tion. Miss Mabel Boyle, who has been the guest of her brother, Rev. V. O. Boyle, and Mrs. Boyle, at their cottage, "Laughing Water," returned military hospital, Guelph, on Thursday. The brick plant, which we sincere- Iy hope may be a benefit to Welling- ton, was started with great ceremo- nies on Friday last. = Wellington, Buffalo and other places were repre- sented. Mrs. Abner Sager is the guest of Mrs. W. P, Niles. Mr. and The Quality Never Varies SEAL BRAN 1 COFFEE IF The same satisfying strength--the same delightful flavor is sealed in every can of Seal Brand flee In 3 pound, 1 pound, and 2 pound tins-- in the bean, ground, or fine ground for percolators. * Write for our booklet: "Perfect Coffee Perfectly Mades Its free. \ CHASE & SANBCAN ~ - MONTREAL sot Drink Charm Black Tea Sold in Packages Only GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited --- " Stands for Gertrude f With golden curls tight. Her mother just washed her 'With ** Infants-Delight." The light, foamy lather pene- trates the pores -- because. it's BORATED, | Send us three of these ads---all different--for a FREE trial size cake of INFANTS-DELIGHT, JOHN TAYLOR & CO. Limited, Deptid. TORONTO, J We have a supply of cut hard wood and Fresh Seasonable Fruits®of all kinds arriving dally. Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Ru« barb always on hand. LB UL So ge) @= Se 2 #