WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1919. bbe heat of Sunburn is quick y taken out by an application of-- We have made pro- BEST'S BALM + The effect is simply marvel- ous--the heat and pain disap- pear at once and leave the skin cool and comfortable, Large Jars 25 cents. The Popular Drug Store Open Sundays At Best's .. The Popular Drug Store vision for the return of many men to civil- ian life and our stock of Tie Pins was never so exten- sive as at present. There are a great Aprol ! The Sweet Oil of . Persica. For table and culinary pur. You use only sbout if poses. as much AprOl as of lard or bute ter. For sale hy D. COUPER h many different de- signs and prices to suit any purse. a OOTER SMITH BROS. Limited Established 1840 King Street : Kingston a- ---------- - SARA TTEOC RY wOOD Sawed in Stove Lengths BOOTH & CO. Phone 133 Foot West Street ISIE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, Told in Twilight Reicha | * (Notice--Hereafter, the Whig, in |common with other papers all over |Canada, will make a charge of 50c. | tor inserting an engagement, mar- |= or reception announcement, * | A cable has been received from {Nursing-sister Emma Pense, saying that she is sailing shortly for Can- ada. This Kingston girl has won many honors overseas where she has been since the early days of the war, amohg them the much coveted Royal Red Cross. 4 . » * There have been a number of small bridge parties and picnics for Mrs. Clarence Mitchell, and her daughter, who are Mrs. A. W. Win- nett's guests. - * * Mrs. Anthur Clark, Albert street, entertained on Monday evening for {some of Miss Mary Clark's young friends. . * . There was a jolly picnic at Mrs. W. J. B. White's cottage at Dead Man's Bay, on the Peace Holiday. - » - Major and Mrs. Eric Greenwood are spending some weeks at Collins ay. Miss Bessie Walsh, iss Gwen Gauly and Miss Dorothy 'Mickle, who have been with Major and Mrs. F. A. Walsh at their cottage, at Rock Point, have gone down to Miss Gauley's home .at Vars, for a week or 30, Rev. Stead Burns, Thorburn, N.8., who has been with Miss Mair and the Misses Wilson, Union street, left on Tuesday for Belleville, to visit his aunt, Mrs. Ritchie. Mrs. Kearney Jones and Miss Mil- dred Jones, King street, are in Ro- chester, N.Y., visiting Dr. and Mrs. Leonard Jones. The Dean of Ontario spent a few days in Brockville this week. * » * . Dr. J, A, Lane and wife, Syra- cuse, N.Y., are visiting his brother, C. W. Lane, 35 Gore street. Miss McCallum, who has been vis- iting the Misses Hay, Campbelifora, has returned to her home in Kings- ton, Miss Lillian Hay accompanied her. Rev. Dr. Antliff sails on he Malita on Thursday for England, where he expects to spend three or four months with his kindred and friends. Miss Norma Elmer, who has been spending the past month with her sister, Mrs. Malcolm Gibson, and Dr. Gibson, Hamilton, has returned home. Mrs. Bruce Culcheth, with daugh- ters, Helen and Edith, and little son, Billy, Peterboro, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Culcheth, at Ports- mouth, Mr. and Mrs, George H. Willlam- son, Brock street, are spending the }| week at Iroquois, Ont. 1 . - - Mrs. Thomas Tandy, who spent tae | week-end with Mr. Tandy and Miss }| Lettice Tandy at their cottage on lil Wolfe Island, has returned to town f land is at The Residence, Earl street, Masters Howard and Peter Fai. spent the wéek-end with Anthony M. fi Rankin and Mrs. Rankin at Collins if | Bl }| Tadou 2 Thie ahkers of this fine Cooking Range tell us that to changed working conditions, the cost of Stoves will ne lower. We have a splendid line of new and used cooking stoves, and we suggest you make your selection now, and by making a small Tent we pn. old stove until you need it. Your ; you of the satisfaction she e "HAPPY THOUGHT COOKING STOVE. A tig ro aor is No. 94; has 18% \inch, oven, and 4 9-inch top cooking holes. v With food so high it is a shame to have food spoil d can. 'get a Refrigerator so reasonable. A nice He A inches high, with good sized food and ice compartments. WOW, fhe vans 4s rnenh ¢ aivhas view sa on + 2B 16.00 Ki Bay. Nearly all the cottages at Wolfe Island are occupied and there were several jolly week-end house parties at this popular summer resort. Miss Alice and "Miss Helen Hous ten, Ottawa, are the guests of the{De f Ottawa and Mrs. Roper at , Que., for several wedks, and will come to Kingston latex to visit friends here. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Barker, who have been spending some weeks in Kingston, returned to Toronto on Tuesday. Mrs. E. J. Bidwell, Bishop's Court, King street, spent the week-end in Ot- tawa, with her daughter, Mrs. Jack Meredith. Mrs. Herbert 'Robinson; Bagot Bl | street, left for Montreal on usugay to visit her niece, Mrs. Pet! Mrs. Glass, Frontsnac street, went up to Toronto on Tuesday to spend Miss Mary Copps, Barrie street, has returned from New York Hla week ngston. vs. McNicol, Toronto, is the guest Mrs, fot her mother, Mrs, W. J. the Northern States. bag 5" + > Mr. Roadiionss," eputy Master of Agriculture, Mr. y and Mr. Mc- Dermott, Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anthouy Rankin, Col- lins Bay, for the week-end. Mrs. Anthony Rankin, Collins Bay and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Davis, Sydenham street, will leave on Bat- urdey by motor for Bony Echo to spend the week-end. Miss Bessie nd Miss Florrie Stewart, Collingwood street, are spending a few days with Mrs. F. King on Wolfe Island. ~ . Mrs. Frederick Brownfield left to- day for Montreal to visit her daught- er, Mrs. Ralph Skelton. Mrs. Jack Mollett is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Maitland Hannaford, at Lake Orford, Que. . * » Stanlyy Mills, Ottawa, who has been spending several weeks with his Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mills, University avenue, returned home yesterday, Mrs. Mills and baby remaining here a little longer. Mrs, Hubert Stetham, Barrie street, hag gone to Muskoka, Miss Alleen Rogers, Barrie street, returned Irom Lachine to-day and will go out to Colling Bay to visit Ars, H. BE. Richardson. Mrs. Robertson and Miss Robert- son, Perth, are the guests of Prof. and Mrs. J. K. Roberison, Albert street. Mrs. K. N. Fenwick, the Chateau Lelvidere King street, has returned from Ottawa. . - Dr. and Mrs. McRae, New York are the guests of Mrs. R. K. Kilborn, King street. They will go down the Rideau this week for a few days. Miss Anna Minnes from Toronto and ds with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Miunes, Bagot street. Col. A. H. McGreer, M.C., and Mrs, McGreer; who are spending the summer at Napanee, were vigitors io town: this week. Col. McGreer was rector of St. Mark's, Barriefield, for a short time. . He was the organizer of the amusement tents run by the chaplain serice that proved so use- ful in keeping up the morale of the men at the front. Dr. J. A. Dobie hag returned to Ottawa. Mrs. Arthur Craig and Mrs. H. E. Richardson Ae entertaining at a musicale at theif cottage at Collins Bay. Miss Annie Walsh, matron of Co- bourg Military Hospital, is visiting her sister, Mie. John Sibbitt at "The Greens," Barriefield. #* J » . » _./Mr. Mitchell, "who has been visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. J. R. C. Dobbs, Al- bert street, has returned to Alexan- dria. Rev. 8. P. G, Wright, curate of Ail Saints' cathedral, Halifax, is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. J. dePencier Wright, Alfred street. Miss Mary' Rodger, who has been with 'Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Rodger, Earl street, has returned to Sydney, Nova Scotia. Canon Forneri, who was in town for a few days this week, has return- ed to Belleville. Alan Fair, who has been with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Fair, King street, left on Saturday for Cal- gary, Alta. Capt. Kirkconnell, Kapuskasing, is In town for a few days. Prof. Keith Higks is In Toronto. Prof. W. C. Baker, Mrs. Baker, Centre street, and their family are at Bob's Lake this week, . . Mrs. Wiliam Dwyer, of Hartford, Conn, is spending a vacation with her parents, Mr. vidson, Portsmouth. . Harold 8. Hooper, Brownsburg, Que., is a visitor in the city. Miss Marion Thompson, Ottawa, came up on Wednesday to be the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Arthur Tett, Union street. 7 Mr. and Mrs. N. P. VanWinkel, Ordnange street, left on Saturday to 'some time with Mrs, Walter ood, Toronto. James Henderson, Earl street, and his family went over to their cottage on Wolfe Island on Saturday to spend the Summer. i Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Boyd left yes- terday for Owen Bound to visit Mr. Boyd's grandfather, From there they will leave for their new home in Regina, stopping at Winnipeg on © way to visit friends. (Continued on page 8.) . Boys' Lower' on Tuesday for a motor trip through ¥ PROBS: --Thursday, mostly fair; thunder storms. PAGE THREE | 1 { | | | came: down | Steacy's oi Greatest Mid-Sum- mer Sale a The greatest and most sensational of all Mid-Summer Clearance Sales. An event eagerly looked forward to by hundreds of thrifty women, who realize its true significance as "the" Bargain Sale of the season. { ' v ' ' , ' . ' z wv ve . v voy All Summer stocks must be cleared regardless of cost, so we have forced the prices down to almost the give-away point. This is a sale with initiative--our policy demands of progressive merchandis- ing--so with a new season in sight, present stocks must go, no mat- ter what the loss. * We take this opportunity of inviting your participation in this, the greatest money-saving event we ever have had to offer. Sale Starts To-morrow Thursday selling. Continuing Friday and Saturday £ Be early<we guarantee every article to be exactly as ad" : : i . Al0 day bargain list jammed into three days of unprecedented