¥HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG VEINBOAY. St Bh pm CONSERVING MOSTURE| oer = om -- TH -- BOBLONG Driver Beas | A LIFETIME OF 6 Days a Week LAN IC Bre 'Many Valuable Crops Saved by | , despateh--one 'of the | > AGENCY sep i Mulching. most remarkable historical docu- | h ' ov ER AL LS { og ments ever published, says the Ha i FOR : I |". or, Toe te | ee rt i wor PN TORONTO--WINNIPEG nee rea Prévented by Cooling Cream ich Won this Mar for Bri proton Prevented by "F Tult-a-tives STEAMSHIP . And Points West - Contmottea Tanke FTP | ome mumbtest to the Mienest: | THO Wonderful Frult Medicine LINES "The life of the British Empire Leave Toronto (Union Sta) 9.15 pum. "generally," 'he says, "has proved 88 Musowxsovs Sr., Huw, Que. For | Men., Wed., Fri--C dian' Nati All the W, (Contributed by Ontario Depattment of sound under the severest testa, ns "In my opinion, no other medicine or Information and: rates apply Tues, Thurs, Set V. North oy T.& NO) ATER is one of the essen- or ro Sing meu whem i is an bas | 18 90 good as 'Fruitatives' for [to J. P. Hanley, C.P.&T.A., G.T. Ry. Cochrane, thence CN.R. tial requirements for the | furnished officers of the highest IndigaySion dnd Constipation. hake : : th of plants. [Its | standard from all ranks of society For years, e w 8 : tion are a solvent | and all quarters of the world." dreaded diseases, trying all kids of Through Standard and Tourist srl Mon, Wed, Fri, to Vancouver. "Promotion," he continues, "has d 1 y ing and Dining Care Tues, Thurs, Sat, ts Winnipeg. and carrier of plant-food, a food di- been entirely by merit, and the high Srestionts until I was tol was rectly or indirectly for the plants and | est appointments were open to the 4 Tickets and information from mearest OC. N. Rallways Agent. City It helps to maintain the plants in a | humblest, provided Me had the ne-| One day a friend told me fo 'try rE RUT toot East and Union Station, Terentes turgld condition, thus enabling them | essary qualifications of character, | 'Fruita-ives', To my surprise, I : : R..L. FAIRBAIRN, G.F.A., Toronto. to stand more erect and resist the | kill and knowledge. , found this medicine gave immediate ; : Many instances could be quotsd all force of the winds. Also the eva | of men who from civil or compara~| Toliefand in a short time I was 10 a.m. C ; . BS y . boration of the water from the sur- | tively humble occupations have risen | Fight Again', DONAT LALONDE Scandnavn .. 1 38 1 Can ad =| n 1, | EA on a BE i | (87) a 8 NEL TH r------------ face 1: the tem- | to Important commands, MMmnedosa .. z THOMAS COPLEY of the Seaven a A water | 'A schoolmaster, a lawyer, a taxi- 06. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 250. a ONDON &E : : y Jeratare of the pis | éab driver and an ex-sergeant-major At all dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Tunisian |. Aug. Tel ho 987 Serves the plants in no small way, | have commanded brigades. Limited, Ottaws. * War Tax .. ephone and so the farmer is always very | "One editor has Sominanded a divi. ' VANORY ROE Eatimaree piven on all aon: | anxious each spring that his soil ave | sion. and another hel fully QUE ER RE NE nine ia all kinds | OF rotne Extimates new og gr mgs sufficient water stored within it to | the position of senior staff officer to { ; : Passports required. : : oa | lar di . oo0k's Cottons Root Compound. Apply Loca Tr iil reccive i ati] ey | supply the growing plants i the { a "Tue undercook of mdse 8 reliabis regulating MI Maar a Fesonts. CANADI AN PACI FIC Queen street. | next three or four months, when the | eof ege, a clerk to the Metropol ad dafe Sold int o- ; : | rainfall may not be suflcient for thelr | Wares Boer ra' tie, Metropolitan sone ta serier | \ CANADIAN PACIFIC CONVENIENT DAYLIGHT TRAINS i architect's assistant and a police ins d Gy all druggists, orisent OCEAN SERVICES Fgh Sn seein at pr Between Toronto--Kingston--Ottawa requirements. -~ | % Be Careful What You . i tor | "Pector became efficient gemeral staff : | The amount of water required dd (Dally - officers. . . crops is rather surprising; in humid | "A mess sergeant, a railway ig. y y o Wash Your Hair With | regions they require from 200.10 600 | yi, a noel Bar: 2 SMIway re {TORONTO ONT. (Farmers Winter Ly, 30: THE RIDEAU) Ly. OND ST--ATHE YORK # pounds for every pound of dry mat. dener, an assistant secretary to a "Lowe WRItDY +... Lv. Smith's Falls Don't use prepared shampoos or |!er produced, and In vi climates | haberdasher's company, a quarter- Lv, Oshawa BN POTN a. vue vn as anything eise, that contains too much | the amounts are about dou master sergeant and many private alkall, for this is very injurious, as these. Of the ordinary farm erops | c0o/ °F have risen to command: bat- ° . x " .. { lovers, peas | i. dries the scalp and makes the halr | the legumes including e . talicns. i Detstie. y |and beans, use the Juopt water , then "Clerks have commanded bat- | eamer IoC e i e 3: Trenton. : £ The best thing to use is just plain | COMes potatoes meat} t en n order | (orien. : Ria 2: 21: 8.30 pam Hulsified cocoanut ofl, for it is pure, 081s, buckwheat, barley, wheat, rape, | "A schoolmaster, a collier, the son . Lv. Ki tom and entirely greaseless. It's very | Maize and millet. ke | Of 8 blacksmith, an iron moulder, an July 21st--27th Aron Ltn cheap and beats anything else all to| The 'water that the plants take | instructor in tailoring, an assistant | Monday, July Mst--Queen's Military Hospital, down the river. Lv. Ar. Smith's Falls'. Pisces. You can get this at any drug | {rom the soil exists in the form of gas engineer, a grocer's assistant, as 1.00 p.m. Ar. Ottawa ... ., .. store, and a few ounces will Inst the | thia Jima around ihe wy Sing. If | well as policemen, clerks and pri- Evenlax; July at--Young Men's Ciub, Queen St. Church, Moonl: - 'whole family for months. the sol grained an or" | vates have commanded companies Tatars i--Regular frip to Amherst Island ....5.00 pm. uipment, Smoker, Coach, Cafe, Parlor, and Observation RT Moisten the hair with wa-| Wise In good physical condition, | snd sted as adjutant TEAR Bul Berd oan Tuto hora 1 Equip Y Ofhs Later " ter and rub it in, about a teaspoon. | these films will occupy about ome- | "7 NCIS remarkable facts show that Thursday, July Z4th--Running out of Belleville. ful is 211 that is required It makes | MaIf of the air space of the soil, the no handicaps of birth or social en- Friday, July 25th--Regular trip to Amherst dntand Connie 5.0 an abandance of rich creamy lather, | Other half being available for air, vironment can in the end prevent a Sunaar gal 2 eh---Regular Hp to Alexandrie Bar sit an.m, Particulars and tickets from F, Conway, O.P.A., Olty Ticket elpanses thoroughly. and rinses out which rr amassary lothe Srowih man going forward and winning pro- Telephone 199 for information. Office, Corner Princess and Weliington streets, Phone 1197. ; The hair dries quickly and | °f the roots. easily. motion, provided he develops those ae } ovenly, and is soft, fresh looking, |°f f1ms has the power to rise up qualities which fit him to control | through $&e soil grains in a manner Wavy, and easy to handle Be- others, to carry out responsible du wnt ns it a, and takes out every Similar to that of the rise of ofl in | yo." 0 0? fill efclently positions cle of dust, dirt and dandrufr. | 1AmDWick or water through a lump | authority and command. of sugar. This rise takes place more | _ At the outset of the war, as Sir { Quickly and extends higher if the soil | i t & grains be fairly fine and in a mellow | poE108 Halk states. our new on, and friable condition, or in other | | sphere of life, from every profession, | words, be in good tilth. Water in sx | nh Bey and industry of the Brit- | cess of this film water should a ish Empire, and thrust suddenly into drained from the soil, otherwise the totally new situation full of un- soll remains cold and the air is ex- | known difficulties," were placed at | Sluded from the roots. | a disadvantage "compared with the | , { hodicall ined en 0 | Conserving the soil moisture con- methodically trained enemy This | h ible | disadvantage, however, was 'over. | Sina of Satung auch a the | Come." and "young officers, whatever | snow. down into the lower depths of | Bos To okiots. sducstion Hay have | the soll, and in the ry ae Place, Te | enthusiasm and speed, and "'accept- | Seniing nS Lar na tise EOE {ed their responsibilties unflinch- from eva ting. e first can be | °F: ------------ ses req br jail oughiag and In Shall We Humanize Women? as open aye receptive as possible, for An eloquent lady, one of the lead- the easy entrance of the water and | ¢'S of the feminist movement, asked the evaporation can be prevented to | Ib thrilling tones the other day whe | a large degree by keeping the sur- | ther we were not all interested in tho | face, after the crops are sown of | STeat cause of the humanization of Planted, well mulched. The soil | omen. "To which," says G. K. mulch, one to three inches deep, is | Chesterton in the New Witness of found to be very effective in keeping London, England, "the answer is that | the film water from reaching the sur- | W& are not; and it is possible that | face and there evaporating under the | We Preserve an equally detached at- sun and wind. The surface of the | titude toward the dogzitying of dogs, coil, and this applies chiefly to heavy the -elephantification of elephants, the soils, should not be allowed to be- | £114Ing of gold, the painting of lilies, come crusted. as a crust on the top | the transport of -ecals to Newcastle, ¢racks open and allows the water |2nd-of water to the sea. to escape, The best illustrations of Some of us have fancied that we mulching and its good effects are | WOuld trace, even in (he twilight found in every well-tilled garden, | time before the war, hints of some- but to a large degree the practice is | NINE strangely human in the female practicable on the farms by a judi- | 8PPearance; an almost human look clous use of the harrow and roller. {In the eyes, such as is so pathetic When the grain fields are rolled {m- | in the dog, or that almost automatic iediately after seeding, the harrow | Mimicry in the gestures which is so should be used; if power enough be | ®Btertaining in the monkey. To avaliable both may be passed over these the humaniszation of women pieeld at once, - Even after the | Will come with less of a shock than grain is up 3 or 4 inches, should a | it does to leaders of the woman's heavy rain pack down the soil, the | MOVement; especially the lady who roller may be used to good advan- | diEnified and glorified her sex by the fage in re-establishing a mulch, The |"eMmarkable phrase I have quoted. ace Hopman the corn and root But without going all lengths fields are cultivated throughout the | With that lady, I should be Season of growth, the more effective | {0Propose a compromise; in the form the mulch will be to conserve the soil | °F 8 Prayer for the humanisation of moisture.--R. R. Graham, B.S.i., |0m® women, It is O. A. College, Gueiph. ae tr -------------- The deatn occurred at Smith's Falls on Saturday, after a lingering illness of Bright's disease, of Ben. Jamin Shields long a well-known resi- dent of Kilmarnock and vicinity, who had lived in Smith's Falls for the past lew Joare errencé McGuire was given a sent- ; $ ence of six months' imprisonment at The Dogs* Bill Broekville in a charge of breaking Py en rang phan Coleridge. the regulations of the Ontario Tem: 4 k - erance Act. This was McGuire's sen. Vivisection Society tn England ond offence within a wegk. LIFT OFF CORNS! : Freezone is magic! Corns lift off with fingers without pain - i ak Bk Lv. Bowmanville Zgeszieie: haws .. , , y Lv. Whithy .., «sr 81 Ar, Toreate .. . .. . 5.30 wm PREBRERERED ! f CF] | a n 4 3 E i] ® ] | ] L] " ® im " L " 3 5 4 ® "8-0 Bu } i 4 fy TE LSS BEE = PN Ze tumbling NY tossing madcap ; Rapids of the Hy Lever St. Lawrence. iol Would you enjoy a new experience? Come, "Shoot" the Rapids of the St. Lawrence. It will exhilarate you--it will thrill you--it will charm you--as it has thrilled, exhilarated and charmed every tourist who ever took the trip we call "Niagars-to-the-Sea." Would you view the more placid, but equally beautiful scenery of the Upper St. Lawrence, where the river is divided into a thousand channels : by the Thousand Islands? They, tos, are on the route of this beautiful NIAGARA boat trip, : Lo oy TO THE SEA You have longed to see Quebec--that city so quaint and so interesting ' --it, too, is a feature of this remarkable tri Are you interested in Shrines and miracles? A few miles from Quebec is St. Anne de Beaupre, where for 250 years the townsfolk and the pilgrims bave bowed together before wayside altars--and in the great caurch of St. Anne itself--to do honor ta the Saint in whose name so many miraculous cures have been effected. La CEGECEE ECE Ne EE Ee Ea a] ------------------------ : Would you view the greatest of all Capes? They are Capes Trinity River Saguenay. _ This in the final feature of the Niagara-to-the-Sea trip. a thousand miles, that sustains the lively A STEAMSHIP LINES LIMITED CEN ECE EEE EE NEE EEE EEE ~]