Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jul 1919, p. 7

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1919 Dividends paid on Ordinary Life Contracts, 20 years in force with the Dominion Life Assurance Compan Thesé men paid 20 premiums, had 51,000.00 protection, ?or 20 Years, without ost, and a small rate ASK us for rates at your own J. K. CARROLL Weather are thinking of buy- or camera, why 'We would be 17s Welltogton. A re wut flowers daily) Ransrnl designs bouquets ar Sa wedd to - town orders given special attention. PALMISTRY Madame Allee, famous Scotch 10 pan, All rendings § rest Gut SLT F. JOHNSON, Florist to order . 118 Broek St. Phone 229, DR. A. W. WINNETT DENTAL SURGEON Begs. to. announce that he has. resumed his practice, corner Johnson and Welling- 'ton Streets, Kingston. Tele- plone 363, DAILY BRITISH V pan Y ilus AUCH ripe TNT Of ioterest on their money. District Agent 56 Brock Street age. | | | | GW.V.A. (Incorporated) General Mesting--vondays st 7.30. Hand tice, Tuesdays, 8 p.m. Richa un Chapter, LODE, 2ad and 4th Thursdays. When You Want An Auctioneer Call. H. L. BEDFORD. (Returned soldier, late of C.M.R.) Jlice, G.W.V.A. Rooms. Phone 2191w STR AMERICA BPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Tuesday--8 a.m., to Ogdensburg, calling at Gananoque. Fare $1.00; children, 60 cents. Wednesday--2 p.m., short trip down river returning at 7 p.m. Fare 60 cents, special trip Hinckley's Fare 756 cents: Thursday--2 p.m, through Islands (Capt, scenic route, Boat leaves Swift's whart, foot Johnson street. Horse Races AND DOUBLE-HEADER Baseball! FAIR GRO UNDS Civic Holiday, July 28 216 trot and pace ..... 240 trot dnd pace .., 230 t ot BASEBALL Havana Red Sox vs. Ponies. Havana Red Sox vs. Athletibts. TLIME pitts of offices over Ma- Store, corner Bagot Sauna Haig: 'heen declar- Nationa) 'Holiday, our wi Pemain closed all KINGSTON GEN RIVI SOCAN RATNER Chun 21017 Obrvrolet Ee all new tires. pri oe Overland Roadster, Overland Touring Car. One 1915 For Touring Car. Sue 10 Ford Touring Car. GRAND & Charlie Chaplin In His Third Million Dollar Comedy " SUNNYSIDE Coolest Place in Kingston Tonight, Fri., Sat. i 16 JoLmLE RRoG iets TOM A MOORE in a 5-Reel Feature "Go West Young Man" HARRY CAREY In a 6<Reel Feature en ior ville Daily, 2,30Evg. at 7.30 10c & 15] 15¢ & 25¢ A First a Atraction GIRLS JANTED K FOR THE np. L Steam Laun PORTER. APPLY Randolph Hotel ENCRD COTTON BEAVERS, PEPER Dominion Rentile t Co., Cata- ragui street. GENERAL SERV AXTY NO WASH nor irowing. Apply tc Mrs. 1. Waddell, 75 Lower Union street. MIDDLE AGED WO. N AS kee pei' oh MAN Ano? gota wages € ri person. e Box 714, Whig Sitios: GENERAL SERVANT, SMALL FAM- ilyy no nay ding; must be bon Fe commen 00d wages. Apply to Box 160; HL Office; TO = MANAGER, al Three Reels of Laughter EMMY WEHLAN Na "THE AMATEUR ADVENTURESS" "THE TIGERS TRAIL" Episode Two SPECIAL MATINEES Saturday at 1 pm, ad 8 p.m. * Big Dance al Thin BROPHY'S POINT Friday Evening, July 18 STR. AMERICA leaves Swift's Wharf at 8 p.m. Good orchestra; covered pavillion. Fare, 50 cents, including Dance. | | CRY "TODAY VIVIAN MARTIN ed Ns "The Home Town Girl" JANE GREY de] Nr "THE GUILTY WIFE" THE BUGLE BAN of 8T. MARY'S will meet at the * School House To-night at 7.80 o'clock Important. J 2 BATHING CAPS A NURSE MAID AND MAID TO DO plain cooking, No ~washin or ironing or upstairs work. ofa. ences jequired. Apply Mrs. Haro Davis, 174 Btuart street. Phone 1140. D TEACHER WANTED FOR imeraton; a nt; 4 sal Burke, Om For day to A. QUALIFIED Junior Root gin Stare salary an ply H. S. Davison, in; Ont. TEACHER WANTED FOR 8, 8, NO. 8, Township of Kingston, holding Sect and class certificate. Salary $700 per year; doties to commence Sept. 2nd, 1919. Avply John Cataraqui, Ont. QUALIFIED No. 2%, ary Rite. Pubic. Schoor lence. Ap- ¥y A QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TRA ara for 8. 8. No. 14, PIODArE Frm to com- mence Sept. 2nd, 1918. Robert Whyte, R. R. No. villé, Ont. TEACHER POR 8. §. NO. 2, ABINGER.; "Duties to commence September 9rd, 1819, Saldry $425 per aonum. Ap~ ply, stating qualifications, to George BE. Hughes, Sec «Treas, Vefn- nachar. Ont, NORMAL TRAINED TEACHER FOR Roman Catholic Separate School Section, No, 1, Wolfe Island, Sal- ary $650.00. Duties to commence Sept. 2nd, 1819, Apply to John Me- Glynn, Wolfe Island, Ont, oyca- i WANTED TWO MILLWRIGHTS WITH own tools "for work 'in "Cobourg, commencing 'August 1st. letter, stating age. experience and ages expected. Box 716, Whig Os. EXPERIENCED COMPOSITOR; YOUNG man preferred: half op two-thirds Hademan sufficient; steady posi- tion. Apply MoCaskey Systems, Limited, 235 Carlaw Ave. Toronto, nt LIVE MAN WANTED--SPARE TIME or steadily----selling our guaranteed trees and plants, Outfit free. Lib- eral commission. Brown Brothers Company, Nurserymen, Limited Brown Nurseries, P.O. Ontario. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN LEARN Telegraphy; big salaries to with: have direct wires with outside points, which gives students practi cal training. Day and evening class- es. 'Apply Instructor. apird floor, Windsor Block, 206 Princess street. Coat, Pant and Vest Makers Wanted + Coat start at Vest start at . we Pant start at ,.... whens . Extras paid. Permanent Sostdon, to expert workers. ¢ Apply Mr, McNabb The Veterans Clothing . Co: cANDY-Ji16G AY laity Ca A TE WANTRDS ™ pic hy Apply Box 15 NTED 0. RENT, A or. roomed Phone IAW, ¢ FOR CASH, SMALL 8. STRONG box, by SMALL Sau a. hath A. '81 Princess stréet. WANTED-~A GOC Dn or Must be chad; Apply 'Box . s ey Oioe. WANTED 0 fa , $3.6 oh 500; any. Th y Box 11, SMALL MODERN HO HOUSE W, a we and he No, % Kings fig To SUSE oan wo agents. Hat or am fat 'Avgu YPEns PURE, Beck Shes to J. X Pe E Se um to Woe aly Apply by FOR 8 8, NO, 11, (U), OLDEN, A QUAL- ified teacher, With experience. Sal- ary $350 per Annum. Duties to commence September 2nd, 1919, Ap- Iv to Mrs. A. Foster, Secretary, clean, Ont, QUALIFIED TRACHER WANTED FOR No. 14, Clarendon and Miller; ary $330; duties to commerce September 3rd. Apply to Joseph grimanm, sec. ~treagurer, Plevha, nt. Qu ALIFIED FROTESTANT TEACHER fo No. 2, Burridge. Duties to Siencs September 1st. Apply, stating salary and qualifications; to ge W. Barr, sec.-treas., 8. 8 No. 2 urridge, Ont, 5 Geo certificate fi 0. 1, Leeds duties to commence Sept: 8rd, This is a small school 3 miles West on Gananoque; on. f road; rural mall. and telephone. AnD stating Kaley to L. Shter, sec. R. R. 3, Gananoque, Ont. TO-LET, LARGE GAHAGE AND A oop stable. Apply 39 Elm street. A CHILD'S aN Coat, on Barri at about 6.16 legrap BL AC K AND RE rier Pup, which train at chin have same Lake, O TAIL ow #9818 on. Middle Whig Offie Ontario streets, PF and Ontarfo, FOUND ARTIOLES TISED FR he British ment will free of Ay TEACHER HOLDING SECOND CLASS for 8. 8. N A FURNISHED BEDROOM; CENTRAL- Sy o0ated, Apply Bos 16J, Whig THEEE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms, Apply No. 19, Nelson street, - TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND AL- 50 one' furnished room. Apply 136 Union street. OFF ions Reinier 30% ing scrent BY ng str Ap- PI geet 8 Mroeh 4p AOE. a TART a y Box ka1" Whig id is), venron en fri STORAG Fonz ARR Eh 43 Nelson Seroet. 13013, Bf He rg hin, Soo 5 ee Eonderien li gh bE Allg) Iv nts. 406 sap hg: cAniGE ow RWAL or VES sarage, RNs Tost Johnson A one or two vonove Me- Estate, 36 Brock Street. Fons 338 or gL. Ta ore rk tien wick. Zia x poly Jo R pt FOUND . tween Union and Sin street pm, may have Jame by calling at "PR Telegraph. Kingston. upon munteating wich | ib TT AND LICENSE NO, Wesley Church. Owner may have same by applying to A. J. Sowan, R. R. No. 1, King- BLO CLASS "o BADGE, APPLY AT A BACKBOARD OFF HEAVY truck, conner of Clarence and have same by applyin Holland, corner oh ALY. FRER, rifling to reach ula owner and ny reac ner ma, hy & the facts 15 rinted in this ie Shut SWEATER street, be- Owner FOX TER- strayed on Owner Con ~ Roberts, Road, near ner may to R. refice TEER ERR WHITE cw, BABY condition. Rake street. THRDCAEY (CEN terprige, Ont. Wo CHOI UVARRE each. oe ny Aane Rodger, Princess street. DOUBLE SLATSD CO ton; cheap. MacGregor's, 0" Tussi] a --. A SMALL HOUSE AND LOT, for a quick buyer; north Victoria street. Apply 150 Clergy street. TERE Tops, . ve ete I years 8 ness. Judson's Auto wil A NEW BOAT, TWENTY r Lowa EL. a row boat or a family launch, pe ay be seen at 357 duhngon street, sity. Fi adver. EB GHAPHONOLA "HELE hE S&Y, LOST, Answers to Buddy. the Was seen following a nig. Anyone harboring this dog after this notice will be prosecuted. Butler, Venorder's Corners, BE a Er a Amn STRAYED OR STOLEN, A TAN COLLIE pup. UPHOLSTERING. name of F, CALL OR DROP Gavyine, street. DENTAL. CARD a ote ™ W. J 26 Bagot HE, KNAP PP, oftice 250 Bias 652, LDS, street. Phone DOS, DR. GORDON ©. street. Phone 1878. DEWAR, DENTIST, 200 Princess street, near ntreal Mo PRS, OP PARKS Carnovs ky's. PARKS, DEN. is8 wellington i over PERSONAL " {oles removed ¥. "Lake, and in Bagot street. PAPER HANGIN ag and paln: for Ba 4 a 30 years' Li Dr; PAPERHANGING convinced on , Jour paper H 2 Queen street. FINANCIAL N ecialist, ad WR Get. my gh the un Bit Stra ReShen Phone $36 ELE Re ECT ae mites hai ie soifion © of BER HT TE g order. TOURING CAR, IN GOOD RUN- Apply 30 Plum street, UMBIA GRAMAPHONE WITH 66 ords; splendid machine; oy cheap. Aly Box #17 Whig. to be ne Ann ? Jan pee : yo Fannin "pein Appl 0 Ce 33.500. A py poly rm RAIN A t Si Ve acres maple DUIGIngS; Ane ney . : whoo! : Awply Box Li Whig Office. CLE Welsh, 8 G ND out. close to ONT fr HA ye rr good make Automobile, ona ge for be new, ion W "Whig Offige, EAR LOTS Apply Box $2, A BRICK VENEER DWELLIN ars A Carner, north side of nh sion AdEust ist. Price he ply J. K. Carroll Janice $2400 Brock + DWELLING ON all SP Tementa, wa LAUNCH--25 FOOT CYPRES HULL a condition; four Cylinder Sterlin * Emgine; just overhauled; new A water. Kent lgnition; Auto Top, & ete. "Real bargain; Jor quick Apply Box "T. R." Kingston A FRAME T ROOMED Alfred street; Price $5200. handle. Ap he Agency, 58 Brock $3.50 COVER tubes from $1 W from $40.00 pi pro: given to all kinds of bi 8is0 bleycles ent, Geo. abies, § 033w. week or month. 373 King street. Phone 1 BELL USED A Aa nahout Truck; OATS bugs Runabout; $388. bu buys § Touring ster, Uctaughiin, "Gis Overlana, Studebaker, with starters. Also two Fords an two trucks. If you have & Foran sale see Palmer, 218 Univ Avenue. Phone 2160 W. HE EB _ WASHING MAS RESSU al Pi R sehine: baby's high eha ber chair; survel and wicker: 2 pinch bars wrench; el bedroom toilet Seti foldin Union street wi DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES Clothing business in a thrivi . lage near Xingatun, Including sti and: dwelling BISbeety, Stuck at fair valuation: Brick: y Lon sists of a Wo atoray be Salis. store: and a Both store hon y wong furnaces and eleciric ne a has a frontage of 18) Teer on | main sires No er Lisl this kind in. the village, biden lendid farming country. Also a frame store property in conducted a ETO ficur and feed PuSinesh. the building is Tented for Office. With ti "av 3 sell a solid hs 3 : en . NE is g ¥ J. X. Carroll Ageney, sireet. WE BATEMANS REAL EFrATH AGRNOL RICK VENEER ew LMproyementa. # 1078 rou ain RICK. HOUSE, 16 all 'mprovements; hard and stable, 4 WY s vows asr EEERIRe watiog, Som. wessve. FARM--150 ef EEL BLOCK Wi provements electric

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